ilikefivealive's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in ilikefivealive's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, November 4th, 2003
    6:24 pm
    My dog died today. I hate crying.

    Current Mood: crushed
    Current Music: Saves the Day - Sell My Old Clothes, I'm off to Heaven
    Sunday, August 25th, 2002
    1:54 am
    Despite popular belief I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth. I don't even remember the last time I wrote something on here though. The last couple months have been some of the best months of my life. In mid July my brother came over to boulder and spent a few days here and then we drove to California for a week. It was a lot of fun seeing some family and hanging out on the beach. Then I spent three weeks as a counselor for a YMCA camp up in the mountains. It was probably the most rewarding thing I've ever done. I'm still going out with Abby, who is absolutely wonderful. It is so nice being with her. And now school starts on Monday.. hip hip hooray! And that's about all I have to say. Several months of my life in several sentences...

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Taking Back Sunday - Bike Scene
    Saturday, June 15th, 2002
    1:11 am
    It's been a busy week of sitting in the garage, reading and drawing. I really don't want to start looking for a job. I read Ender's Game this week, which is an incredible book. I also finished a short story collection by J.D. Salinger, which was fairly trippy. Tonight I went to see The Get Up Kids with Sally and her roommate Tina. It was an awesome show. Hot Rod Circuit was supposed to play, but couldn't make it so The Anniversary played instead. And while I was somewhat disappointed at not seeing HRC, The Anniversary always rocks. Tomorrow I'm going to drive home and surprise my dad for father's day.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: The Get Up Kids - Anne Arbour
    Friday, June 7th, 2002
    12:43 pm
    So I guess I've ignored my live journal for long enough. I really couldn't describe all the things that have gone on in the last month so I'm just going to leave most of them out. Summer school is now over. I did really well. Now I just need to find a job. I hate looking for a job more than anything. A friend from Pennsylvania came and stayed for a few days while she looked for a house here, which was a lot of fun. I feel somewhat overwhelmed by all the stuff I could talk about, so basically I'm gonna stop here. Hopefully now that I don't have anything to do I can keep this updated.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Taking Back Sunday - Cut From The Team
    Friday, May 17th, 2002
    12:19 am
    went and saw the new star wars movie... highly excellent. The first 2 hours were somewhat lame and hokey, the last 20 minutes made it all worth while.
    Wednesday, May 1st, 2002
    7:10 pm

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: Sunny Day Real Estate - The Rising Tide
    Monday, April 8th, 2002
    12:12 pm
    I'm not dead

    Current Music: Turning Blue - All I Need
    Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
    4:16 pm
    Yesterday was a really good day. I mean school sucked, but school always sucks. After class we all played snow football for a couple hours. It was so much fun... It was so damn cold. Then we all went to Old Chicago for some pizza. Finally we went over to my friend Peter's house and hung out for the rest of the night. The problem is now I'm really sore. My whole body is in severe pain. And now I get to spend the rest of the weekend working on my lab.

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: Carpet Patrol - You Look Familiar
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    12:37 am
    It's pretty damn cool seeing people on national television that you've actually met and talked to, especially when they kick ass like Something Corporate does. In other cool news, I learned how to play Teenage Riot by the Ataris today.

    Current Music: Something Corporate - If You C Jordan
    12:16 am
    Hell yeah! Something Corporate is gonna be on Craig Kilborn in a few minutes!!
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    10:16 pm
    I usually do my homework with three of my friends. Today I was having a bad day and so was my friend Katie. We were both rather pissy and at each others throats all day. I got tired of dealing with it and finally left. These confrontations are becoming more and more frequent and I'm kinda worried since we're gonna be in the same senior projects group all next year.

    Yesterday I spent all sorts of money ordering more stickers and pins for my bass. I also got some more T-shirts that I don't need. I'm getting pretty depressed about school and my life. I'm tired of working my ass off just to do the same the next week and the next week. I really need a girlfriend I can be with and forget about school. This weekend I applied for a bunch of internships. I would like to work at this rocket company called Thiokol, but it's in northern Utah (not ideal). I would really like to end up in California.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Slapstick - Cheat to Win
    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    9:18 pm
    School is such a pain in the ass. I had a huge lab due today. I've spent the last two weeks working on it. It feels good to have it done. Now it's time to start on the next lab, and the homework, and some other homework, and study for the test, and get my resume together. It just never stops. I hate stress.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Agent 51 - San Diego's Burning
    Friday, February 15th, 2002
    6:55 pm
    I had a lot of fun last night working on my circuits lab, while everyone else in the house was out with a girl. Derek's girlfriend came over while he wasn't here and littered his room with flowers and candy. Have I mentioned I hate Valentine's Day?

    Today I got to be in charge of the freshman projects class. It was a lot of fun. I get to be the "cool" TA since the other guy is fucking weird. I feel all smart and powerful cause I get to teach them all sorts of stuff.

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: Thursday - Paris In Flames
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    1:41 am
    I'm so sick of it all. I can't stand girls. I will never find a girlfriend. Things are going well with Carmen, but I'm not gonna fool myself into thinking this is going to turn into a good relationship. In fact I'm doing everything I can to keep it from happening. It would just be nice to find a girl I WANT to go out with that by some miracle likes me too. This is always the most depressing time of the year. I really want an internship in California for the summer.

    Current Mood: angry
    Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
    9:40 pm
    I'm in such a bad mood today. There really isn't much reason for it. One thing I'm disappointed about is that the trip to California we had planned over spring break probably isn't going to happen. I've just been pissed off at everything all day.

    On Sunday I got to help Carmen with her calculus, which was fun and all. Then I got pulled over for (barely) running a red light, but I got off with a warning. I'm gonna go rewrite my resume so I can get an internship out of this state for the summer.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Current Music: Starting Line - Three's A Charm
    Sunday, January 27th, 2002
    1:57 am
    It's been a busy week. Yesterday some of my friends from school and I went out and had a beer cause it was such a shitty week. Then I went to a punk show with Michelle. It was a really good time. Her little brother is only 14 and he's the lead singer and guitarist for this incredible local band. Then we watched Mall Rats.... such a good movie. Anyway, it was fun, but she needs to stop insisting that she's boring, cause she's not.

    Today I slept in and watched the Avalanche beat the LA Kings. Then I went to dinner at the Black Eye Pea. We also went and saw Black Hawk Down. It's a very powerful movie. Tomorrow I'm gonna go take pictures with Carmen and then do some homework... yay!

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Something Corporate - Walking By
    Monday, January 21st, 2002
    12:40 am
    I'm so tired. It's been a busy weekend. Saturday I went out with Carmen and taught her how to use her camera. I had a lot of fun, but I don't really feel like talking about it. Things are more fucked up and complicated. After hanging out with Carmen I decided to watch SLC Punk with the commentary on. I'm such a dork, in fact the director made some remark about how much of a loser a person would have to be to actually listen to all the commentary. Well I thought it was pretty interesting... I love that movie. Anyway, then I went down to Colorado Springs with my friend Derek. We hung out at his friend's place and wrote some songs and just played around with our guitars for most of the night. Then this morning we went out to breakfast with Derek's family and drove back so I could do homework... yipee! Tomorrow I'm gonna go buy some new pants.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Saves The Day - Sell My Old Clothes I'm Off To Heaven
    Saturday, January 19th, 2002
    1:04 am
    No more Best Buy! Tonight was my last night... woo hoo! I also bought a 500 dollar stereo system. I had to use my discount one last time. I'm definitely gonna miss a lot of people there. But I figure I can go back from time to time. Tomorrow I get to teach Carmen to use her new camera. We'll see how that works out.

    Current Mood: pleased
    Current Music: Finger Eleven - Awake and Dreaming
    Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
    11:45 pm
    Going back to school sucks. I don't think my classes are going to suck too bad. My humanities class is gonna suck though. Mostly cause this guy named Barry. I fucking hate this kid and I just met him today. He has something to say about everything and he disagrees with people just to disagree. I spent half an hour arguing with him about Plato's "The Republic". He's just a pain in the ass. I'm also pissed cause he is a suck up and the teacher thinks he is so great. It sounds like I'm in middle school or something... maybe it won't be that bad.

    So I hung out with Carmen for quite a while today. I helped her pick out a camera. I had a really good time.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Mock Orange - All You Have
    Monday, January 14th, 2002
    11:16 pm
    All my classes start tomorrow. I'm not very excited. Today I had my first day of being a teacher's assistant. It seems likes it's gonna be pretty cool and I'll make some good money. You know what else was really exciting... I got a new parking pass today... woo hoo.

    So I went and saw Vanilla Sky again with this girl I met at a new years party. The movie wasn't any better the second time, but she's a really cool girl. The problem is she goes to a different school an hour away so it's not getting excited. Nothing ever works out right.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Built To Spill - Alarmed
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