Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "ebm".
432 matches:
242 - -+.:F:R:O:N:T:2:4:2:.+-
300westheimer - Numbers Night Club
504rivet - New Orleans Rivetheads
7thprojects - 7thprojects
___uv_ragdolls - |±† Ultrª Viølet Rªgdolliës †±|
__switchblade__ - Switchblade Girls
_blackout_ - Blackout
_fucktards_ - Hey! Fuck you! Idiot...
_la_resistance - _la_resistance
_lsd_ - Loop Sound Distortion
_machina_ - [Industrial] [Nation]
_militia_ - _militia_
_outofline_ - Out of Line
_plastic_stars_ - . . . : : : P.l.a.s.t.i.c. .s.t.a.r.s : : : . . .
_sacrosanct_ - _sacrosanct_
_socialdisease_ - [Mind Altering Substance]
aberdeen_goths - aberdeen_goths
access_sale - access
adreno_chrome - C L U B A D R E N O C H R O M E
afi_clerisy - AFI Clerisy
ak_darkside - Anchorage Alaska's Darkside
albanygoths - Albany And Upstate NY Gothic Community
all_mamas - Live Journal Mommies
alt_diet - Dieting For Freaky People
alt_models - Alt Models **Read Rules before posting**
alt_norwich - alt_norwich
alt_teesside - alt_teesside
altbears - Alt.Homos
alternagoth_va - Alternative and Goth Musicians of Virginia
alunderground - Alabama Underground
amatis - Amatis club, Glasgow
andonefans - And One Fans
andraculoid_com - andraculoid_com
angeldustrial - angeldustrial
anorkia - ANORKIA Fans
anti_emo_punk - Anti-Emo-punk
atl_industrial - Atlanta Industrial Scene
au_cybergoths - Australian Cyber Goth
au_electro - .au electro
audioninjas - Advanced Audio Production Community
austin_electro - austin_electro
austin_freaks - Austin Freaks
azunderground - Arizona Underground
babygoff - The Babygoth Community
beautiesuicide - Beauties Suicide
bfeedingsupport - Breastfeeding Support - Help and advice
binarystars2004 - Binary Stars Productions - Charlotte, NC
binaryzero - Binaryzero communications
black_light - blacklight
blackring - Black Ring
blaqk_audio - we are your passion
blast_magazine - Blast! Magazine
bobafetish - Boba Fetish
boob_not_zees - Blameless
brightongoths - Brighton & South East Goths
browlessbitches - Browless_Bitches
bunkergate_7 - :wumpscut: fan site
cafemucha - Cafe Mucha
careofmachine - ambient.industrial.noiz
carmillas - carmillas
carpe_people - carpe_people
ceremony_ma - ceremony_ma
cesium_137 - cesium_137
chainsonvelvet - Chains On Velvet
chiaroscuro_dc - chiarOscuro
claire_voyant - claire_voyant
clevescene - The Cleveland Gothic / Industrial Scene
clssytrshymoth - clssytrshymoth
club_anything - club_anything
club_illuminati - club_illuminati
club_octaine - Octaine : Music for open ears
clubbed2death - S.C & N.C Goth-Industrial/fetish Club scene
clubhellrazor - Hellrazor
clubvortex - Vortex Nightclub
codexabsolutium - Codex Absolutium
cogoths - the Colorado goth/industrial community
coloradogoths - coloradogoths
columbia_goth - columbia_goth
comatoserose - Comatose Rose Magazine
concertina_li - concertina_li
contemptny - CONTEMPT!
corruptbeauty - Corrupt Beauty
coversongs - we <3 cover songs
ct_goths - Connecticut Alternative
ct_netgoth - ct_netgoth
ctrlmusic - CTRL electro-death-pop?
cubase - Cubase Users
cue_club - CUE
cugoth - Champaign-Urbana Doom Community
curses_boston - Curses at Toast Lounge
cyb3rarmy - cyb3raRmy
cyber_slims - Slims Cyber Site
cybercrux - Cyber Crux
cyberpolis - Cyberpolis
cybers - cyberg***
cyberstomp_inc - Cyberstomp
cymrugothic - cymrugothic
dark_atlanta - Dark Atlanta
dark_djs - DJs on the dark side!
dark_images - Dark Images
darkambient - dark ambient
darkdharma - darkdharma
darkedmonton - DarkEdmonton
darkfleamarket - Dark Flea Market
darkmachine - The Dark Machine
darkottawa - Dark Ottawa
darkwave - darkwave
darkwaveonline - DarKWave Online
daytongoth - daytongoth
ddc - Darker Day Collective
ddr_perth - DDR Perth
deadfaktory - The Dead Faktory
death_to_ebm - Bringing About the Downfall of Bleepy Shite
dekoy_group - DEKOY GROUP
diemaschine - Die Maschine
dietvampires - Because dieting can be goth with enough angst
digital_vain - Vanity at its Darkest
distorted_gizz - [<D.I.S.T.O.R.T.E.D. G.I.Z.Z. Z.E.I.T.>]
ditavon_teese - the dita von teese fan community JOIN!!!
dj_exchange - Electric Kisses
dpechedgoth - Mistress D
draculas_ball - Dracula's Ball
dust_head - dust_head
e_b_b - EBB
e_xplosive - // Caution : Explosive
ebmusic - Electric Body Music
electrofight - [:Ready for the last dance to the core:]
electrosyphisto - Electric Sophistication
elegant_nouveau - elegant_nouveau
emoindustrial - your beats make me cry
en_annen_verden - echo !mage
endless_words - A lyrics community with a purpose
endorphinanalog - >endorphin.analog< purely analog synths.
erie_goth - erie_goth
erkaicrag - Erk Aicrag First LJ Community
eve_of_destiny - eve of destiny
evil_friends - Evil Friends Netwerk
eville_goth - Evansville Goth
exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
fath0m - rock out with yer fathom out.
fetish_imagery - Fetish Photography
fetishglamgirls - Fetish Glam Girls
fetishgoths - Fetish Goths
finalscratch - Final Scratch
finchleynotgoth - finchleynotgoth
flux_atl - Flux_Atlanta
forallemptiness - for all the emptiness
freak_morena - Freak Morena - Alternative Women of Color
fresno_goth - LJ group!
frivolity - Frivolous Debate
fuckedupminds - ABSTRACT THINKERS
futurepop - FUTUREPOP
g0therthanth0u - Gother Than Thou - Tailors Goth Elite
gainesvillegoth - Gainesville, FL's goth/industrial/ebm/synthpop com
galaxyofglamour - ¨º¨ G å L å † i ¢ A¨º¨
gay_raverz_aus - Lil_Lost_Raver
german_goths - Die deutsche Gothic Community
gi_indianapolis - goth/industrial indiana
goff_creativity - goff_creativity
gok - For The Love of Gok
goteki_setsujou - ごてき せっすじょう
goth_ads - Goth Advertising
goth_asheville - Gothic Asheville Community
goth_drama - Goth Drama
goth_eyeliner - Goth Eyeliner
goth_musicians - Gothic Musicians
gothcruise - The Gothic Love Boat
gothdolls - Goth Dolls
gothic_beauty - Dark Art Community
gothic_lansing - gothic_lansing
gothic_reviews - Reviews of all things Goth related
gothic_ru - Gothic Community
gothicbreasts - gothicbreasts
gothicmaine - Alt Maine
gothicpersonals - Gothic Personals
gothicwaterloo - Kitchener-Waterloo Goths
gothireland - Goth Ireland
gothphotography - Goth Photography
gothsnotgawfs - Goths, NOT GaWfs
gothupny - Goth/Industrial for Upstate NY
gping - Gothic Paparazzi Announcements
graveconcerns - GraveConcernsezine and RedjMusic(BMI)
greeneyedfreak - houston area 'phreaks'
grendel_base - grendel_base
grissecon_pearl - grissecon_pearl
gym_goths - The community for Goths who go to the gym
hamburg_schwarz - Schwarzes Hamburg
hang_the_dj_ - Hang The DJ
hants_people - Hampshire People
heartcarter - I heart carter
help - Synthpop/Electronic/Industrial ~ News/Concerts/MP3
houstonelectron - Houstonelectron
hyzon - mo[n]
i_a - Industrial Action
i_need_a_band - Classifieds for musicians
icon_of_coil - Icon of Coil
igun - Industrial Gothic Underground Night
imagefusion - Jade's Image Fusion
indn - indn
indusarea_kc - Industrial Area Community
indust_musician - Industrial Musicians
industrial - Industrial Music Community
industrial_cult - Industrial Cult Thirtyseven
industrial_djs - Gothic / Industrial DJ Community
industrial_mp3s - Industrial mp3's
industrial_mtl - Montreal's Rivethead/Industrial Community
industrial_pa - Pennsylvania Industrial
industrialelite - LiveJournal's Industrial Elite
industrialize - Cyborg Colony
industrialized - [industrial=-=icons]
industrialmusic - Industrial Music
industrialnatun - IndustrialnatioN Magazine
industrialnorth - industrialnorth
industrialqueer - Queer Industrial Community
industrialxidol - Manufactured Citizens Inc.
infest_uk - InFest chatter
ink_n_metal - Tattoos, piercings, and body mods
iogw - IOGW
isc - In Strict Confidence
isproductions - isproductions
iwearblack - I wear black
jaxgothhardcore - Hardcore Jacksonville Goth Industrial
jaxgothicindust - JaxGothicIndustrial
jfc - Mixtapes...goth,synthpop, EBM,80s, Industrial
jihadforallah - Holy War of Sullon Zek
jumpin_jesus - jumpin_jesus_on_a_pogostick
kentucky_goth - Kentucky Goth
kinetic_chicago - kinetic_chicago
klubempire_ljrs - klub EMPIRE livejournalists community
ks_mogoths - Kansas/Missouri Goths
la_cueva - cueva sin luz
la_mort_de_moi - Dark secrets from Dark people...
lets_make_music - lets_make_music
londonatnight - londonatnight
luna_royal_oak - Events at Luna, Royal Oak, MI
lyrikattak - Lÿrikâ//Åttak
mad_reverence - Madison, WI annual industrial music festival
madison_gothic - The Gothic Community of Madison, Wisconsin, Earth
masquerade_atl - Masquerade_Atl
mdascension - Baltimore's monthly Gothic night's
mdma_graphics - M·D·M·A icon//layout//graphic requests
mean_kitties - Are you a mean kitty??
melrose_place - Holland House
mephistoslounge - Mephisto's
metropolisrec - metropolisrec
midiangothic - Midian Gothic
midland_music - Musicians in the Midlands
migoth - Michigan Goths
mikesgothclub - mikesgothclub
misericordia -
missjinnyshow - missjinnyshow
mix_cd_traders - Mix CD Traders Community
mkbreastfeeding - LJ community
mondaysflat - Monday's Flat
montreal_djs - montreal_djs
montrealgoth - MontrealGoth
mp3industrial - #mp3INdustrial
mtl_clubs - mtl_clubs
musicforcats - Mr. Cat on the Radio!
mysixthshadow - ₪:My Sixth Shadow:₪
naughty_goth - naughty goth
ncgoth - The North Carolina Gothic-Industrial Community
ndlez_dzkors - Becky, Scott, and Ted
negativland - Contra Costa County
neo_chicago - Neo
network23 - Network 23
never_outgunned - The Prodigy - Never Outgunned
newenglandgoth - New England Gothic
nightmare_club - :::Nightmare:::
nihilists_club - Anti-mainstream
nilaihah_recs - Nilaihah Records
nj_goths - New Jersey Goths
njgoths - New Jersey Goths
nm_underground - NM_Underground
noladarkside - New Orleans Dark Side
northeastgoths - North East Goths
nosinfernalis - We, Infernal
nospromotions - Nos
novemberprocess - NOVEMBER PROCESS Fans LiveJournal Community
nw_nin_fanatics - Nine Inch Nails Fanatics of the Pacific Northwest
obscuremaine - Maine Obscurity
ohiogoths - The Community
orlando_gothic - Orlando Gothic
p_i_g_pen - P.I.G. Journal
penngoth - A Darker Shade of PA
perthgoths - perthgoths
pghgoth - Pittsburgh Goth
philly_concerts - Concerts In Philadelphia
philly_goth - Philadelphia Goth
phillygoth - xXx PHILLY GOTH xXx
phoenixlanes - Phoenix Lanes
pissheads_r_us - sunderland branch of pissheads r us
planetperth - Perthanoidz
playlists - Electronic Music Playlists
porkdisco - Pork Disco
post_that_shit - It's Gear Mo Muthafuckas
profusion_ws - Profusion Goth Club Night
projekt2501 - Projekt 2501
proscenium_edge - ...all the world is my stage...
provisionx - Provision
psyclon_nine - < + [ psyclon_nine ] + >
purgatory666 - Hell
qxts - QXTs
rageunderground - rageunderground
razed_in_ptbo - Razed in Peterborough
re_surrection - re_surrection
real_dust - In Dust Real Community
realdust - In Dust Reality
reason_users - Reason Users
renogoth - Reno Goth/Industrial/EBM/Powernoise
respectables - Respectable Street Cafe (RSC)
retail_whores - retail_whores
revolution_club - Revolution at Fusion in Dayton Ohio
rivet_g00nsquad - the R1V3TH34D G00N5QUAD
rivet_geeks - The Rivethead Geek Forum
rivet_grrl - Rivet Grrl International
rivet_heads - RIVET_HEADS
rivet_kikes - the Jewish Rivethead Army
rivetbeauty - A gathering of sublime machines
rivets - Rivethead Community
ru_chillout - ChillOut music
ru_synthpop - Russian Synthpop
sa_communion - The Children of the Night
sa_goths - South African Gothic
sacto_ebmgoth - Sacramento Industrial-Goth
sanantoniomusic - San Antonio Music
saskatoon_goth - Goths of Saskatoon
sbck - Suicide Bar Commando Korp
sbdarknet - SBdarkNET (thee darkside of santa barbara)
sca_radio - S.C.A.R.
scene_queens - scene_queens
scissorkiss - Scissorkiss
scorpio_forum - Scorpio_Forum
seattledj - Seattle DJ
seattleindust - Seattle Industrial
sevagoth - SEVA Goth
sexfiendscomic - Sex Fiend
sexy_goth_girls - Sexy Goth Girls
sf_industrial - san francisco industrial community
sf_musician - San Francisco Musician
sfcybergoth - SF cyber borg contingency
sfgoth - San Francisco Goth
sfrivethead - San Francisco Rivetheads
shadowscene - Baltimore/DC Area Goth Scene
shefgoth - Cheesus
showxwhores - Showxwhores
shropgoth - shropgoth
sidewayseight - sidewayseight
singlegoths - The Single Goth
siyoku_satsu - siyoku satsu usa
slaveindvstries - Slave Indvstries
slimes_uk - slimes_uk
southbaysfgoth - southbaysfgoth
spb_gothic_port - spb_gothic_port
spkn_darkwave - spkn_darkwave
spokanegoth - Spokane Goth & Industrial
spookycalgary - spookycalgary
spookygirls -
squppys_place - Squppy
stokegothic - stokegothic
stompinggrounds - The 1337er of the Pack
stompy_chefs - stompy chefs
stylishdeviants - Sub-cultures Unite!
submerge_inc - submerge_inc
suki_desu - suki desu
sxe_geeks - Straight Edge Geeks
sykosparkforums - Forum Peepz
synth_culture - Synthetic Culture
synth_musicians - synthesizer musicians
synthmaschines - SynthMaschines
synthpop_music - Synthpop Music
tankmovement - Tank Movement
team_doom - Team Doom
temple_u_goth - Temple University Goth
templenc - Temple
templeofmisery - Temple of Misery fans
tenngothic - Tennessee Gothic
the_building - the_building
the_burow - the burrow
the_clubkids - Club Kids
the_coven - The_Coven
the_dawning - *~The Dawning~*
the_evil_angels - TEA
the_goth_elite - ..elitist goths of LJ unite...
the_mercury - The Mercury
the_nightshift - [NI NETGOTH LJ COMMUNITY]
the_prodigy - The Prodigy Experience
theclique - A community for Goth/Deathrock etc. DJs
thekindred_club - The Kindred
theweeklyalbum - The Weekly Album
thieveslikeus - thieves like us
those_tea_grrls - Tea Grrls n Bois
torontogoth - Toronto-Goth
tracer_uk - Tracer Bulletin
transmission_va - transmission_va
traxxlounge - traxxlounge
uk_altmodels - UK alternative models and photographers
ukrivetheads - British Rivetheads
unipussy - Can I have some cheese?
unscene_tv - UnScene
unusual_sounds - unusual_sounds
urebm - the originators of ebm
valiant_video - Manhunt
vama_marg - vama_marg
vampirefreaks -
vancouvergothic - Vancouver Gothic
vanity_sanity - the vain bitches
vapourmedia - Vapour Media
vgnmusicians - vegetarian and vegan musicians
vonfake - Von Fake Inc.
wallofsound - covenant livejournal community
washingtonbound - BOUND
wessexgoth - wessexgoth
whipstitch - Freak Sewing Circle
whorage - Whats your whorage??
wisgoth - Wisconsin Goth
wnrn_download - WNRN-FM: "Download"
wnyelectronic - WNY Electronic Revolution
working_cows - Mothers who express breastmilk for their children
wpg_industrial - wpg_industrial
wygoths - Wyoming Goths
x_scar_x - S c A R: Sub-cultural Arkansas
xaurraxsing - bounty.hunter.fatale
xp8ing - [ xp8ing : the official XP8 Livejournal ]
xsentrick_ikons - xsentrick_ikons
yehudi_muzar - Yehudi Muzar
yelworc_fanbase - yelworC
youloserecords - YOU LOSE RECORDS
your_song - your_song
zombiebar - zombiebar
Interested users
The following users are interested in ebm. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
438 matches:
5arah - Bisclavret
9mm_psychology - the philosophy of a right hand twist
_spankz_ - Spanky
acrindespair - _flash photography and screams_
adoor - just like honey
adoralyna - Teh Adora OMG!!!!11111
aeireon - Charles Sadler
agent_86 - agent86
agentaeon - Agent+Aeon
aleks - Aleks
allthatisdead - ĀPŕäŷėŕŮŋđėřPŗěśşµřēớfVĩőłěńŧẨňģish
almutasim - Almutasim
alonewolf - Lone Wolf
amnionflawed - Specimen 9987-8324098
andricongirl - Sunday Velvet
annabelevil - AnnabelEvil
anticonscience - anti
apollynon - Apollynon
apophasis - Apophasis
apostle - Aspiring Arsonist
arachne - arachne
arcanus - arcanus
archenteron - Archenteron Crisis
arcsine - The Veritable TechNinja
arien - Guiding the Sun
arlinimartini - Play It Again In Metric
arsaidh - Arsaidh
ashram - Hotsuma
asphixia - Daniel
asphxiate - played like a pitbull in a basement
assmonkey - AsSMOnkEy
atalanta - atalanta
atrofik - atrofik
auroraskye - the serious moonlight
awais - アワイス
ayanami - boku wa...
azaria_blaze - Azaria
bathory_aria - PlasticLawnDaemon
beatmeuplord - mike patton's slut(ryan)
bete_noire - Madame O_ in conversation with an erstwhile cousin
biomechanic - Amy
bite0fgod - Battah
blinddove - Marissa
blizack - Paul
bluevenus - BlueVenus
bnny - BNNY
bobstackleshop - Corporateslave
boyonastring - the hanged man
brap - Dave Strand
brianevol - Brian Evol
brianolsdal - brian olsdal
bunglehead - malpractice
burningself - Jordan
cacoethes - cacoethes
caseman984 - Caseman
casusb - Casus-B
catch - Sadie
caterpillargrl - Caterpillar Girl
cavingman - Brendan
cc531515 - Christina
chaizzilla - plesiosaur de champlain
chaoschick - Vic
chaoticglitter - !
cheekydevil - pandemonium
cheesefries - marilyn
chemical - chemical
cimmerayn - Cimmerayn
cinzazul - Werther de Goethe in Blue
clearstatik - clearstatik
coded - Coded
cold - André
concretegarden - mmBot
corsetqueen - Brigid
corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
countbrass - Count Brass
crispygoth - ChrisB
crueltysands - CrueltySands
cryoboy - Brett the Insecticon
cryptkdm - REDLightRoXy
crystaljaded - Crystal
curemadgirl - Xiomara
cy_darken - cy_darken
cybergirl - erisX
cybergoth - in fair verona
danis - daNi
darkangel - Der Kailmeister
darklight - Erika
darkscar - DarkScar
darkstarr - + * + Dark Starr + * +
darkwavepa - darkwavepa
darla - [:-:d.a.r.l.a:-:]
daryl_74 - Daryl Christensen
dcontaminant - special agent: scene decontamination
deathsvengeance - Chrissy
decker - Decker
delara - Delara
delirium - sp00ky DeluXe
demian - demian
demonangel - Blackangel
demonfafa - Eiskalte Amerika
demonweeping - Demon Weeping
deravyn - Deravyn
desdementia - Desirae
diabolicangel - `- bLuTKinD -´
diciple - Николай Смирнов
dieterkleib - Dieter KleiB
digital_decay - Digital Decay
digitalcunt - Passion with a Gun
dismaloutlook - a banal lifeform
disrepair - 69276D20746F74616C6C79206C6F7374203A28
dj_scorpius - Scorpius
djcinder - DJCinder
djkitty - Rosa
dmntrixsleeps - Athena
dovetail66 - Nothing
draconis - Draco
dream_king - Ziv Kowarsky
dreamless - dayvid
drlovegroove - Vinnie
dropsofblood - Dyanna
duien - em
dvoid - DvoId
dylanja - dylanja
e023 - Ernesto Francisco Mendoza Porras
e6 - e6-
ectype - sylvia
eeek - eeek the funky town soldier
eisplanet - eisplanet
electricdog - thee electric dög
elekroclean - a mad scientist
elektr0death - Bea-Logical Weapon
elexa - Synthetik Elexa
elylion - Kristi
emilytbm - Jenn
entity - tran.
ericjevitts - Eric Jacob Evitts
erockxxx - Erock
etan - His Royal Highness, the Emporer of Penguins
evade - Joanna
evileye - DJ Twitch
evilkellychan - the evil super vixen
evilnewt - _N3wT-
evropa - Evropa
fall3n - fall3n
fallingdarkness - ~[ K o $ ]~
fate69 - fate
featherd_kisses - R
feedabah - feedabah
fenrir24 - Bret
feyd_ehway - final girl
fireeyes - fireEyes - the worry factory
flatlineloki - Justin K. // FlatLine/Loki
flaw - Disillusioned
fluffymormegil - Martin Read
fooldramaqueen - Jenny
forge - Egrof
friar - friar
friek - ° n e × u s °
geckolio - Hentai Kitty
geekgirrl - Total System Failure
ghoul - Gremlin
girlmitzi - Your Favourite Slave
girlvinyl - Cotton Candy Explosion!
glamfiles - Diavolina
glitterboislave - -=[::dave::]=-
gloomcookie - Gloomcookie
gonzoperson - Dave
gothglamboi - erik
gothicnomad - DJ Azrael
gottestod - gottestod
hatefulsandwich - Not dead, Just sleeping
hawx - Hawx
hazard - Hazard
hellval - Toxygene
hemlock - Hemlock
holycow24 - Raizel
hyasynthblue - hyasynthblue
icey - Icey
ikiller - insania
ikillmyfriends - Nekromantic
ilahni - Education not Empire
illude - b.e.x
inebrigoth - Asphyxia
iniveki - ::..glitterhoe..::
insolent - aesthesis.
itarilyni - TQ
jaderose - Jessica
jadeyfish - Laura
jasin - Jasin
jeffsubmind - jeff[rey] ?????
jenovasynthesis - (God's Gift) Magg0t
jon4009 - Jon Grant
jurhael - Electric Butterfly: PSYCHO FANGIRL!! RAWR!
karren - Sidhe
kates_awakening - Angela
kattymoo - Katherine
kefta - Kyle Massey
keman - Demon
kikitheferret - Stefanie
killme - Mandy
kingfool - KingFOOL
kingofsnake - King of Snake
kitty_goth - Kitty
klarfax - klarfax
krazycat - KrazyCat
krhn - krhn
kristenstein - Kris, Krissy, and Kristina
kurosan - [sick.girl]
kyronfive - kyronfive
laitha - shutterbug
ldyarora - Aurora
lemoninterupt - ;A Blue Formica Halo
lesmoirae - PYR0K1N3T1K 3R0T1C15M
lidox - Tajomaru
likeavirgin - mis.manufactured by mattel
lilfaerywingz - Cat, Caffy, Catty, Catherine, Cathy
liquidmercurial - Mercurial
liquidvanity - -==[[-L.i.q.u.i.dV.a.n.i.t.y-]]==-
litovka - Di
littledeath - Little Death
livid - kYm livid™
lodidodi - xxxtina
logik - Amphetamine Logik
lokii - Forgive me Father, for I am Sin...
lorax999 - GrendelPrime999
lordsilversky - Vanyel Silversky Baenre
lost1 - Limey Scurvy Boy
lucidia - Lucidia Aristotle
lucky13 - she is equipped with revenge;;
luridhue - meshell
luxxdesade - Dorks Unite
lynette - Lynette
lytbryt - LytBryt
madgav - Martin Fay
maffyew - Maffyew
majesty - Rusalki
malach - Malach
malochite - <Daniel>
malphas - malphas
mannlich - Mannlich
mcdumpsterxi - mcdumpsterxi
meta_x - Designer Voodoo
methedrine - mirepond
michaelodwyer - Michael O'Dwyer
mikallost - mikal lost
milkymalk - Milkymalk
mindcage - :Z:
miruku - miruku
miss_rowen - vicodin sprinkles
missing - Trake Adams
mister_normal - [Currently Unknown]
mizartiay - Mizartiay
mk_ultra - stranger
mod - Mod
moonfl0wer - inconstant anguissette
morbidart - Morbid Art
morbidstar - Vamp
morbius - Morbius
mrzodiac - Bob
muftak - Muftak
mupstasia - Mupstasia
murderous - NITZER
mylemon - bloody as hell
naivete - marianne
namey - Bald Eagle
nepenthe01 - Nepenthe
nic - Nic
nichtkreativ - troubled
nighthawk21 - Mavka Phoenix
nihil442 - Embers in the Wind
nim - naomi
nn - NecroNoir
nof - Mark
nsidious - Kelly Wilkins
nunboi - NUNboi
nymphette - paraethesia
nymphie - Girla Obscura
nyxchyld - beautiful mistake
onyxmoon - Rachael
oracleasylum - O, the Magik Cricket
otheronetruegod - The Other One True God
palegothgoddess - Virtual Tease
paraphasia - SON OF A!
pathseeker - Pathseeker
peridot - Total All Out Water
petmysinewave - Mess
philosophrclown - to shocking even for channel four
phoenix_r - Cerebral Dystrophy
phoenixxfire - Ellen Claire
phuckingphreak - Tessa
phuknut - vain
pinkfluff - Laura H.
plasmatwin - Kellin
pntheramnementh - Panthera Mnementh
poggs - Peter Hicks
pounce - If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball
prettyandroid - Nixie
prey - [a mess of wires and neurotransmitters]
protocol_five - Fred Heller
psych0tron - pSYchoTRoN
psycotia - lauren.
quitt - en:coded
r0b0kittywbl00d - Robot Monkeys = Dami and Feima
radiantdecay - Shaun
raggdoll - ixfeelxsick
rasp_utin - Rasp.utin
ravenfyre - ravenfyre
rayna666 - Im not me
razorbladesmile - Suffering in Silence
razorslave - Rev Dj RaZorslave
reesey - Manfred Humperdink
reethax0r - somnivm
reify - reify
replicantgirl - 'Bot
replication - petey
rev_fester - Reverend Fester
riccer - riccer
rien - ryan michael painter
rivetgirl242 - rivetgirl
rivetgrrrl - ana phalaxis
rizen - Ted "Rizen" Reed
road - Pressure Makes Whine
rockhag - Miss Behaviour
rockstargrrrlie - Michelle
rubious - rubious
rustynails - DJ RuStYnAiLz
sadisticchild - High Risk College Student
saecha - Jack's wasted life
samadhi - Matt
sarahemm - SarahEmm
sare - ★sare★
satanicide - <SaTaNiCiDe>
saturnina - jenn
scaled1 - Bat-Winged Boy
scar4711 - Mr. Scar
scarletboi - Scarletboi
scarletscorpio - Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas
schall_mord - MachineSky
schon - Schön
screamsfromvoid - _________________________________________Evangelia
sebastianne - ...~Aradia~...
seijikat - princess jennifer
sepheri - Cat
serialkiller - charlie
seven_hz - Johnny McBusPass
shada - shada
shademalek - Shade Malek
shadow - shadow
sherah - the portal of freedom. oh yeah.
shodan - SHODAN
silencedwords - Yay! I’m gonna be sick!
sir_edrick - Christian
siriusrising - unit23
six_v2 - six v2.0
skinlayers - Skinlayers
skinnyvogtvnv - Aleksey
skoicat - Ashley
slave2gravity - Erika
sleeplessknight - Sleepless Knight
sleepybastard - You gave me a life now, show me how to Live.
sloppy - Sloppy
smashingpandora - Operational Unit Pam
smurplekitty - Smurple Kitty
snap_dragon - Allison
solkana - s0k
soulmythic - [][]-- Porcelain --[][]
spaceghost - Dream Out Loud
sparkle666 - This is my united states of whateva!!
sparklydevil - Bullet Bra Bombshell
spider_doll - Suproxia
spidermonster - Nick
spooky_chan - Chandra
spreckenstein - spreckenstein
spunkforrobots - tha spizzzunk
stilldancer - stilldancer
stirb - anders antila
storyofmylife - Y Control
storyseeker - Kyle
strangelet - [the subconscious machine]
sturm - [n]
styphon - Spencer
sunichan - the kitty ninja
sutek - Sutek
sweetbabboo - Lolita
sycophant - 静かな嵐の生産... [Zu meinem Sieg]
sylph4980 - Sylphie
synabetic - Steveill the Weevill
synboi - synboi
synthetikdoll - Subculture Nurse
synthetikpain - melissa
synthfag - thom
t0yb0x - the kinky neko...
taryn_vee - Taryn-Vee Burnett
techdoll - Ragdoll
teknobitch - no longer updated
templar46_2 - Templar
tenkou - Something wicked this way comes ...
terrabot - terra
the_gyrl_crying - *~*Sedativ *~* *~*the toxins kiss us to sleep*~*
tiani - Absentia
torontogothgeek - torontogothgeek
toxic_candy - .:alissa:.
toxicglitter - my teeth chatter rhythms
tragos - Kent
trioxin - Even Lucifer was an Angel... Once.
trollopfop - Tenshi Androgynous
trulynobody - Gregory
tylank - the man to blame for "Broken People"
ubermensch - Robert Bisno
ultra_violence - Ultra_Violence
umbriel - dee
unseelie - Richard's Web Persona
vaer - screw head
vailedmistress - VailedMistress
valkiries - Reese
virtualdefect - Heather
viruz - Ian
visualhybrid - nothing's ghost
vix3n - vix- what is beneath my second skin...
voknine - Dan Voknine
vomitgirl - 001011100010111000101110
vrykolaka - TheCureForSin
wearerobot - Jeffrey Allen Joseph
weirdchick - Alisha
wickedwishes - *Arakitty*
wintermute6669 - Wintermute
wintersoul - & only in you do I understand me
witchyfallon - Fallon
wwonka666 - SiXX
xdeadheavenx - Maggie
xtemplarx - xTemplarx
xxritalinxx - thee ritalin anti christ
youlittlewonder - Eva:Echo
zabieru - Thorin Orcboot
zachypoo - what time is love?, really?
zer0sleep - The Specialist
zornrot - Zoran