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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "pig destroyer".
78 matches:
______radtastic - radtastic
___superb - The cool kids.
__dystopia - HUMAN=GARBAGE
__oldschool_hxc - __oldschool_hxc
_brokenglasses_ - Light Emo Kids On Fire
_fagxcore_ - Being A Fag Doesn't Make You A Pussy!
_hawtlikewoah - _hawtlikewoah
_thegrindscene - _thegrindscene
anycore - Grindcore, hardcore, emocore, ANY CORE
azhardcore - Arizona hXc
bayareascene - Bay Area Scene
bigpicture - The Big Picture
boilinginvomit - ///mutilating baby Jesus
brawl - Fuck
chaotik_musik - Chaotik Musik
damn_sxe_kids - look at those damn ugly sXe kids...
diy_scene - diy_scene
elitistfucks - the music
frankenstoner - Frankenstoner
fuck_your_trend - Bitch, You Ain't Got Class
fuckmeimscene - you're just jealous because we're better than you
fuckyourfashion - fuckyourfashion
girlsgonegrind - girlsgonegrind
glamishx - love me, robotx.
godsofmetal - godsofmetal
grind_core - grind_core
grindfuckers - chaos & grind
grindviolence - grindcore, powerviolence and anything in between
heyyoufuckyou - heyyoufuckyou
illbreakyou - we really love chloe
imxeffingxhot - PROVE YOU'RE PRETTY.
insanocore - metal, screamo, grind-core, nintendo-core and hxc
j_randall_cult - Randall SexDeathDrugCul(n)t, PO Box 487 Waco, TX
kidswithavision - Arrogant not ignorant/Are you a kid with a vision?
limpwrist_mafia - limpwrist_mafia
md_hardcore - md/dc/va
metal_fiends - Me†al
metal_inc - \m/ METAL \m/
metal_is_metal - Non-Elitist Metal
metalbethyname - are you metal?
metalfucks - metalfucks
mixyourmind - Mix Your mind
neon_skeleton - Seek and Destroy
noisy_redheads - noisy_redheads
obscenescene - Obscene Scene CommUNITY.
pen_knife - pen_knife
pigdestroyerlj - Pig Destroyer LJ : : : Pig Destroyer Community
pintrade - pintrade
pocket_bandanas - g-unizzle
quantis - welcome to terror my love
relapse_records - Relapse Records
roboticempire - Robotic Empire
scene_two - viva la revolucion
schardcore - Hardcore Message Board
sexxxy_core - sexxxy_core
slit_your_guts - The Death Metal Community
smegmaholics - smegmaholics
sons_of_azrael - sons_of_azrael
tech_metal - tech metal
texas_ison_fire - texas_ison_fire
the_nightbreed - Midian
theangryindie - Get Angry About Art!
thelegacyvirus - TLV community
tightpants - boys in tight pants
tradepunktapes - punk rock tape traders
veil_unearthed - Shrouded in Sorrow
vinylfuckers - ¤are you down with oop¤
we_the_scene - we eat vegans!
x407hardcore - how we tho them bowels
xtrememetaluk - Extreme Metal UK
xxx_sxe_xxx - xxx_sxe_xxx
Interested users
The following users are interested in pig destroyer. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
0emogeek0 - Shorts
1887 - I'm the Disco Fucker of the New Generation
2inchpenis - copyright nintendo entertainment america 1984
37stabwounds - Nicholas
66angel66 - I wasn't born with enough middle fingers..
_silverrayne - SilverRayne
_sugarstatic - §åm
_transistor_ - Smile that kind of Icy Blue Smile
acrylicstar - MissSueInTheFL
adesperatething - adesperatething
ae5 - ae5
alexisdumb - captain sandpaper
allinmyhead666 - Fear Pain Hatred Power... This is the Art of Ruin.
allister - Heatherr
alsocool - No Ones Hoe
ammunition - jobberwocky
amodestproposal - Scorpion Boy
an_evil_monkey - Kyle
anatomyschild - I'm A Fufufucking Vavavampire
angel_die_twist - ...In the distance...naked, screaming, free...
angelic_chaos - ArkAngel
angiepants - angiE
anilineinpearls - red diamond queen eats the heart of the scene
ankoumase - norsk arysk kriger
anotheryear15 - Kevin
apathetichate - Laura
apathy_hides - easy e is fucking dead and i think its funny
artificialevil - Harry Homicide
ashlynn - LMAO
assbitch - Sam
asscake - death threats from feminists
barspin - xkillyourselfinthefacex
bass_player - Double the fuck Dragon, pussy!
beheaded - beheaded
belovedd - Jesse k.
biezulbub - Biezulbub
bigdickman69 - .t i m.
blankchecks - Dio.
blashyrkh - Dan
bleedingknives - plastic ankles melt faster.
blindedbyfear - posed to death
bloodfiredeath - mr wiggins
bloody_halo - † [Shades Of Negativity] †
bloodybliss - bloodybliss
bobbark927 - Brian
bon_scott_freak - superhero girl
bonparavista - Anna-Karin
book_of_enoch - Thank God For Robots
bostonredsoxfan - XhateXedgeX
broken_s0und - mea
burcenator - bruce
byebyejekki - bitchez and hoez
c0mbatphil - c0mbatphil
cadillacjack - Jack
caloriccowboy - norman townsend
canadasonfire - nothin but a slab of tenderloin
candycunt - terrorist toast.
charles_borgan - u<Andrew
charnal - HNIC
chemicalmind - ich Liebe Dich
chemicaltrick - comic book whore
cherishlife - blast beats and death growls
chokingvictim00 - Fuck Rock Ryan
chokingxvictim - Josh
coathangerabort - dead fucking baby
colorofdeath - Sex
confide_in_no1 - I pull my hand away, I tear the mask away.
coollikekoolaid - August was my month
cosmeticplague - fuck you and a half
cryofthecity - Doug E. Fresh
cuntageous - 10001010111100010101001000101001
cure_ - hi
darksatellites - your funeral, my trial
daytoendalldays - DayToEndAllDays
dclxvi_ltd - The Paul McCartney Death Hoax
de6jec6tion6 - jesus h christ of latterday saints
deadlyinfection - he, he is the bear
death_to_aurora - past another lasses
deathchurch - Kathy of Orris
dehumanation - Dehumanation
deliriusrose - Mari
desireisdead - .shayna.
destroyerkl - do you see me when we pass?
destructivegist - yukky
devilsmark - strangled with a halo
devonvice - Devon Vice
dietyoflull - Eddie
disgorge - Captian Indecision
disposal81 - ★kyle disposal★
downwithflames - i really wish i was witty
drpilgrim - Aat-Ankh-Es-En-Amenti
drugs_are_bad - ☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻☻
drunkenmunky - My name is ...MILK... and I am... an alcoholic...
drykilllobster - Textbook Traitor
duckdeath - jason is tuff as nails
eddie_gamete - Andy
ekimneems - The Dread Pirate Roberts
el_nihilismo - Mike Is Murder
electricdigits - g ekim
elvislisp - elvis lisp.
endlesszero - Ryan Hansen
equilibriax - brian
ethertwilight - Jason
everandday - Will
evilroadie - angry roadie
exhumetoimpale - Jade
fagg0trainb0w - evacuate...
fagparade - frown
farfromruin - turin turumbar, master of doom
fartbag - andy, the walking oxymoron
fearthemangina - brian: nards of doom
feiticeiro - Dan
fetid - fetid
flesh_on_flesh - Jessica
flesh_parade - tom
fleur_de_lis - purity
foetuscide - angela
fragmad - Will Ellwood
frozenflame83 - Captin Kool like that
fucklife - Bekka is the raddest girl I know
fumt - Lifguard Crickets on the moon saving babies
fusco - Krazy Katie
futureisfalling - the starving artist
ghostboy - Nick
givenxflight - D u s t i n B
gorgasm - BRIAN IS A GHOST....
grandaporia - two franks short of a clit
greencruble777 - greencrumble777
grind - Cory
grindatrocity - Tom
haemoglobin_2 - Rock Bottom?
haggis_666 - Chris Haigh :: Ghost of a Bullet
hannabal - The one that killed hope.
headinpalms - HeadInPalms
heartsnspades - Kristi
heavynumberone - your mothers father
hemlock_society - too bad your beautiful
hemophiliafrank - hemophiliafrank
hersickheart - gaston leroux
hiddensorrow - jerk
hidingmyfailure - hidingmyfailure
hmmmmmm - Trailer Park Jesus
hoofbyte - Ian
hospital - Sam
hung - Chicapow
hushyourhead - you cant rape a .38
hxcobd - Josh Marsh
hydrorhymekidd - Mike
iambeyondu - Justin
iamedgein - micheal fucking preas
iamnietzche - john mayer
idiedtrying - you can see it in my eyes
idisembowelyou - serial killer
ihopeyouhateme - ihopeyouhateme
ileftthehorizon - k to the im
imakemesick - Dead
immortaldead - immortaldead
inpieces - the josh rock machine
iownyourass - Andy
iviartyr - isolation
j3r - Jer
jackblank - Dominic
jame0 - Stigmata Martyr
jasonromance - Jason
jazzassassin - travis
jeanxmachine - &!__copper&stars
jenne - pants
jesusripper - Sean
jim_bravado - james michael
keeptheseteeth - arthur leon woodham the 4th
keffers122 - My Great Devastator
kefka999 - Kris
kennedy1021 - brad
kerosenekill - Corrinne Oedekerk
killbobo - murder inc.
killdwithemo - bethany
killmequickly81 - Jared
killyrself - Sam
kingdorkus - Mortimer Flockhard
krisperry - Kris
largactyl - tu madre
lastrights - Spencer
leadtrepanation - Rivfader aka Chadtroll
left_you_behind - I AM theEARTHqUAKe
let_it_rot - let your blood run through my veins
letsfightitout - Herald! Frankenstein
levthiun - Joseph Cassidy
liecycle - Recurring Nightmare #105
lifeontrial - LIFE ON TRIAL
likeweeds - like weeds we will grow
llehsiefil - llehsiefil
lordcysi - Keeper of Balance
lordt6 - TJ
loveislife - be/loved
lucidinterval - M.C.
lyrch - DAV
maddymeow - not a suicide girl
maniacmcgee - Matt
marsupialcore - Orbital Piss Laser
martyr_horror - murderous warmth.
martyshaft - Martin Ebert
mattschraf - Choking on Air
mdfmk - Exit
mekratrig - Johnny Poopoo Pants
mentaldecay - MentalDecay
mephistopholese - Captain Howdy
mermaid_fury - the bear that looked more like a mouse
metalmejennylee - Jenny
mildmonkey - dead baby ninja
missy_ - ^
modality - excursions in S4
moment_of_loss - matt
mrpuberty - sinosauropteryx eats your face
mrrockstar - Mike
murdercore - please drive faster
murderizer - C. Joseph Hrabak
murray_ostril - Corey
myskywillbeblue - Daermon N'a'shezbaernon
myspinemyspine - Logan
nailbunnybackma - a-r-c-a-r-s-e-n-a-l
never_again - ..:underage against the machine:..
newmessiah - NerdXcore to the max
nightskytheory - self-destructive piece of shit
nokiller - we are electrocution..
nothing_left - turn around bitch i gotta use for you
nouseforasoul - Robert
nutsonyochin - Nate
o_pencil_sharp - blah blah blah
obliter8screamo - Tyler
obstacle_corpse - DreadfulAlarmist
oddawastate - .xRyanx.
oddityfreak - Nerdy
oi_toy - .Stress Builds Character.
ootoiletoo - Carolyn
opivykid - Dance Dance Resolution?
ozzyeatbats - Justin
paperxbullets - girl's got a face like murder
paywithyourlife - XVINCENTX
pen3tration - committed
pencil_skirt - GOSSIP FOLKS!
penciledinice - Alyx
pigdog - Kunt Vomit
poisonthebarn - Chase Cranium
portishead13076 - for the sick
posed_todeath - Clair De Lune
prettysuicide - Skyler
prettyweird - ren
prophetofchrist - Jong LeBong
psycho_mantis - Mr. Pink
puddlezofpunk - dial: revenge
pyroshorty - Aaron
r_0b - rob
rachelisacowboy -
rapetheday - dead and dripping
reamin - bm leland
reejtard - reej
retouched - /small flowers/crack concrete/
reznorismydaddy - Adam
ruin_me_ - jenn.
rustedroute - X
sadnessislife - i heart fucking!
sandb0xmagician - Studly Studmiester III
sarcasticreply - yeah, that's right, don't fucking touch me.
saydan - danni
sc0ttish - [ skot ]
scene_points - scene point distributor
schizoperson - enahs trawets
schwhitehouse - Steve
scrapeyourknees - Liz .xo.
selfrighteousme - travis
semidrummer - this might be satire
sepultsoulbomb - a mere boy...
sevenfacedsin - //ALIAS:7
shes_dead - joseph michael sharpe
shi_seiki - Thrash You To The Floor
silverwing00 - Pinkie
six_nightmares - danse macabre
skanugget - posing as some rare occurence
skybluevoid - matthew
sleepycircus - Jack
slowly_drowning - pid destroyer
slunt - infanticide
slurhatesyou - MG
smellthatwhore - That Bitch You Love To Hate.
snotsareyummy - .m.e.l.i.s.s.a.
solansunfire - .//oh so horrible
solarfall_ -
soulsammich - Ole' JRussell
spinedamage - sgt. dear john
squishybutmetal - I'm so metal I piss oil.
staticx666 - SKINLESS SLAYER
steve818 - Steve S
stewfnrocker - rock til you drop
subdevotion - subdevotion
suicide_note - Shell of an empty man
sworn_enemy - Siphoning projectiles during selective amnesia
sworntotheblack - Mitchel
tarabear - the cause of all faceless drama
tator_tot - Blind Corruption's Ultimate Intelligence
tattoodan - Handful of ashes of the dead.
telequao - telequao
teufelstomb - Teufel
thanksryan - ×debonair×
the_mehlmanator - John
thebreakdown - 3R1C4 MET4L
thelizzys - thelizzys
thepieandi - Petey the Sexual Harassment Panda
therecordskips - sputtering florescence
thetravis - travis bradley hayden
title_track - The Employment Pages
todfilth - The Filth Grinder
tonez - idontknowyou
tony04 - against perfection
toolfanatic1 - Jim Fear
trulystrange87 - Raoul Duke
trust_has_fell - Dave
tvcasualty138 - To You, Contortionist
twookie - jordan
twstdillusion - *bite down...tell me how this concrete tastes*
typeogal78 - Shannon
userfriendly13 - Mr. Selfdestruct
uthoughtuknewme - Amber
v_amanda_lee - v_amanda_lee
veganyo - joel
viciouscycles - say my name like it's all you've got
vikingxfuneral - ovarian cancer monster
vile_error - Manifestations
vision_v_image - Ryan
vulgar3rdsecond - whats a little death among friends?
weiffenbach - rohan
wheneyescollide - Anti*Hero
whytry - constellations of a star gazing iris
withimmortality - Johnny D
withnarmslength - Your Face Is A Rape Scene
woodenhalf - Noel
xbillxdt - the king of worms
xcollapse - Jay
xcomaxabeox - -Deus-
xcrownofbloodx - John aka Mr. Porter or as some say, satan
xcrushedx - xJeffx
xdeadbabiesx - joeXjoe
xdivergentx - The Muther Fucker under your BED "BOOOOOGAA!"
xdunnyx - XdunnyX
xdysxtopxiax - sarah vomit
xfashiontipsx - x hello assholes x
xgracefellx - Brandon
xheartlessx - SMK
xhomewreckerx - lauren
xhorriganx - scott
xicryhighx - Keenan
xinhopeicryx - dance tonight! revolution tomorrow!
xinsideshadowsx - You Need Not A Heart To Live
xinxpiecesx - xinxpiecesx
xjustinx - Justin
xkingstonx - x edge x kingston x
xkissandkillx - joal
xmozx - bill
xnickhardcorex - Let's Kill Them All
xnoonex - Preston
xnothingxagainx - i know a guy who likes dynamite
xpeanutx - Bang the drum slowly
xpurecrazinessx - Scott
xreadytodiex - JAKE THE SNAKE
xridthecancerx - In Death, We Dance
xscrawnyveganx - Devin
xsilentdeathsx - Russ
xsuperxhxcxkidx - Cannibal Ferox
xsympathykissx - wet dream war machine
xthursdayx - Joe
xtomychagrinx - Ryan
xtrailertrampx - RetroVertigo
xtrendyx -
xxdiecompletexx - ...
xxhatebredxx - Arthur
xxjrtxx - Joseph Turco
xxmort_subitexx - brain sell
xxpunk4mexx - Jesse
xxxeuphoriaxxx - marc
xyoung_lustx - xyoung_lustx
youredeadtomexx - take a drive in the wrong-hand lane
youwontexhale - Peter John Noonan
zpuppetmaster - Zach Haza®d