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Our Lady Peace

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a bit off topic but.... [26 Mar 2004|09:27pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Can anyone make icons? And if so could you please make me one out of the picture behind the cut? I will, of course, credit you and it would mean a lot. =0)

picture )

2|are you locked in your room?

OLP clock [24 Mar 2004|07:24pm]

13|are you locked in your room?

[25 Mar 2004|12:12am]

[ mood | high ]
[ music | Radiohead - Creep ]

Hallo everybody!
where i can find the complete biography of band?
i from Ru and at the first time heard OLP too recently. People advised me that music like something similar in Placebo's sound. Do you agree with it?

7|are you locked in your room?

[20 Mar 2004|08:31am]

I'm new. :)
but I heard, that Our Lady peace new album is coming in june. has anyone heard anything about that? Oh wow, then that would mean possibley tour!!!woo! thanks <3
8|are you locked in your room?

[19 Mar 2004|12:49pm]

i was gonna put this on ebay but i figured i'd see if any of you want it first
olp shirt )
5|are you locked in your room?

[18 Mar 2004|12:06am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | smashing pumpkins ]

hi everyone, newbie here.

i just wanted to introduce myself, and say hi. im from london, and was wondering if anyone knew when olp are bringing out some new stuff. catch you later, feel free to check out my lj or add me :)

16|are you locked in your room?

My loves... [14 Mar 2004|07:41pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | White Stripes - We're going to be friends ]

YAY.yay,yay Yay *jumps about excitedly, giggling*
I have, well Kam, has got hold of a OLP promo CD!! one thats not normally on sale to the public but only to record places, YEH! i'm so happy. Another spiritual machine album!! YAY. haha, i can go on collecting now...

I really don't know why it made me sooo happy, it's just the same tracks but without so much silly decor. But i love them both none the less. YAY!

3|are you locked in your room?

[13 Mar 2004|08:43pm]

[ music | SVU ]

Just a few icons i made. Figured i'd post em here.
Icons )

2|are you locked in your room?

is it just me? [13 Mar 2004|05:46pm]

[ music | tomorrow never knows- OLP ]

is it just me, or does Our Lady Peace sound a lot like a cross between U2 musically and Kurt Cobain, who gets a mention in the song "innocent..." , vocally on the song "tomorrow never knows?" i'm not sure if i like "TNK," does anyone know where or what time period it is from? Are there any other OLP b sides or covers i should know of? i like all of OLPs albums for different reasons, but for some reason, i'm afraid to hear the new one... (shrugs)

8|are you locked in your room?

Background. [10 Mar 2004|09:10pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Lying Awake/Our Lady Peace ]

So, here it is. I never update my livejournal except once every 2 weeks but yet I change the layout every week. This past week, I actually had an OLP background but I didn't enjoy it too much so I decided to mix it up and if any of you are Angel (the series) watchers/lovers then you will like this. I have a background (not a layout because I'm poor and have a free acount) of Illyria and Fred with OLP lyrics from Happiness... . If you'd like to use it (which you wouldn't) it is here or you could always go to my journal. I also think it may be one of my best backgrounds yet, yes it brings a tear to my eye.

1|are you locked in your room?

[10 Mar 2004|04:34pm]

this is stef. ([info]total_failure) but i got a new lj and joined again.
anyone know when olp is coming to newfoundland again?

oh, and i'd like to say the layout owns.
2|are you locked in your room?

[08 Mar 2004|11:16pm]

the 2004 Juno nominees cd is out (or will be soon)
it comes with a 2003 dvd of last year's awards.
does anyone know if these are performances only?
guessing/*hoping* olp will be on it with "not afraid"....

ps: i'm really impressed with the new community layout.
who's the genius behind it?

[edit: that's right! ANGEL KICKS ASS...too bad it's leaving us :(]
13|are you locked in your room?

Clumsy - Part II [08 Mar 2004|10:36pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | "Driven Under" by Seether ]

OK, here goes Clumsy, part II. Last night it made me cry for no apparent reason.

And today, as I was crying for something compeltely un-related, I just couldn't help but wish that maybe I could sleep, and maybe I just need a friend as clumsy as I've been. (In case anyone cares, I had one of my worst days at college EVER.)

So I slipped Spiritual Machines in my CD player, and being the most depressing but also the most hopefull OLP album, I think it's the only thing that kept me from jumping on the metro rails.

Thank you OLP.

6|are you locked in your room?

Icons. : ) [08 Mar 2004|09:39pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Placebo - Every me, Every YOu ]

are you locked in your room?

By Album.... [08 Mar 2004|01:18am]

[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | our lady peace // denied ]

I was just replying to another post, someone made about Clumsy making them cry, and it triggered me to analyze OLP by album. In terms of saddening or depressiveness. Although I'd say overall by album OLP is most depressing with Spiritual Machines (but also hopeful at the same time), followed by Clumsy, Naveed, and then Gravity.

7|are you locked in your room?

Clumsy [07 Mar 2004|10:55pm]

[ mood | clumsy ]

OK, so tonight I was lying on my bed, reading my Teen People like a normal person, and listening to Clumsy (the album).

So everything goes just fine until I reach track 07, "Clumsy", and then I get into a hysterical crying fit. For no real apparent reason.

Tell me, does "Clumsy" have that effect on other people, or is it just because I need medication?

21|are you locked in your room?

[04 Mar 2004|08:43am]

Is Raine Maida Christian?

On the cover of Gravity, he's wearing a cross necklace quite prominently, but in several songs, he seems to be almost anti-Christian.

"I've read the Bible, I've read their lies..."

"I don't want to hear who walked on water..."

Anybody have any guesses or insight? ^.~
22|are you locked in your room?

the obligatory "hi, i just joined" post. [04 Mar 2004|06:55am]

[ music | muse - stockholm syndrome ]

hello, i found this community thru a friend of a friend. i made a comment on the previous entry (my 14 songs) b/c i just had to, so i figured i'd make an intro post too.

my name is linda. i'm 23, from texas (a little north of dallas).

i've seen our lady peace 4 times: april '98 (headlining--clumsy-ish time), november '99 (happiness-ish time, opening for creed...ugh!), january '00 (the "scaled" tour - happiness-ish time, but an acoustic show!), & july '02 (headlining - gravity tour). i'd like to have seen them more, but well, let's face it, i live in texas & not canada. i believe they completely skipped us on the spiritual machines tour...arg.

anyway, i did meet all the guys (well, when mike was in the band) on the "scaled" date. they all came out & talked after the show. out of everyone, i have to say jeremy was my favorite. my sister was too young to goto the show at the time, so she gave me a notebook of hers to sign...& jeremy not only signed it, but read the notebook for a good 5 minutes & added silly comments to things she had written!

my favorite cds are the first 3--probably clumsy is my favorite. i did enjoy spiritual machines, but i didn't really get into it as much as the first 3. i was very disappointed w/ gravity (UGH, SOT got tons of play & innocent barely got acknowledged--good old southern radio), but eh, what can you say? OLP's still an excellent band.

i used to be in the old clumsycongress, if anyone knows what that is. i was mostly a lurker. i posted around the time of the scaled tour, b/c i remember giving copies of the pics that i took at the show to another girl on the board.

anyway, that's about it. i'll probably be lurking mostly here too, to get info about the new cd. hopefully i'll enjoy it more than gravity. nice to meet everyone! =)

9|are you locked in your room?

[02 Mar 2004|08:11pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | olp "all my friends" ]

If you could create your own customized Our Lady Peace Live Cd, what 14 of your favorite olp songs would be on it?

23|are you locked in your room?

[02 Mar 2004|08:23am]

[ mood | whyamialwayscomplaining ]
[ music | soundgarden ]

Yet AGAIN Spiritual Machines helps me in class.

"Who was the first print to speech reading machine built for?"


"Errr. Yes..."

HAHAHHA... suckas.

5|are you locked in your room?

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