CliffordPickover's Journal
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in CliffordPickover's LiveJournal:

    Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
    3:17 pm
    We have assimilated this abandoned community. Resistance is futile.

    Current Mood: blank

    (Expand Our Consciousness)

    Monday, April 7th, 2003
    4:21 am

    (1 Neoreality |Expand Our Consciousness)

    Tuesday, December 17th, 2002
    10:22 am
    Seeking Submissions for Cliff's New Site: Reality Carnival
    I. How Can I become an Associate Editor for RealityCarnival.Com? )

    (Expand Our Consciousness)

    Monday, December 2nd, 2002
    11:23 am
    Reality Carnival
    Dr. Pickover has purchased a new domain name and begun a new information sharing website:

    Fans of Pickover strongly encouraged to contribute. - jer

    (Expand Our Consciousness)

    Friday, November 15th, 2002
    9:07 am
    Link to Short Pickover Essay about the Edges of the Known

    (Expand Our Consciousness)

    Saturday, October 26th, 2002
    6:03 pm
    Interviews with Clifford Pickover
    Here is a short interview about the Neoreality Series:

    Here is an audio interview with Clifford Pickover and some other science popularizers. It was not easy for me to download immediately, but it's worth the time:

    Here is a fascinating interview with the great novelist, Quinn Tyler Jackson, who is also an occasional participant on the cliffordpickover yahoogroup:

    This interview is focused on some of Clifford Pickover's accomplishments:

    Welcome, new members! - Jer

    (Expand Our Consciousness)

    Thursday, October 24th, 2002
    1:41 am
    Photo of Clifford Pickover from His College Days

    Cliff posted this picture of himself to his yahoogroup recently. - Jer

    (Expand Our Consciousness)

    Wednesday, October 16th, 2002
    4:59 pm
    Clifford Pickover and My Review of Liquid Earth
    I first encountered Clifford Pickover through his extraordinary account of unusually prolific scientific, literary and philosophical geniuses with odd habits:

    Strange Brains and Genius:

    Since then, I've been able to interact with him a little bit through his yahoogroup:

    Lately, Clifford Pickover has been trying to promote his brand new science fiction / fantasy "neoreality" series:

    I wrote the following review of Liquid Earth, from this series, for Amazon:

    This book has some of the most hilarious scenes I've ever encountered in a book, and it's worth reading even just for its fight / escape scenes and its extraordinary climax. It will appeal to a vast audience, from lovers of science fiction and fantasy to futurists and serious philosophers, not to mention aficionados of fine literature and even Biblical scholars. As well as entertaining us, the author gives us serious pause to reflect on our station in life and history. In a move that would make Salvador Dali proud, Clifford Pickover lends flavor to a larger movement which he characterizes as his "Neoreality Series", introducing a scale for measuring unlikely events, referred to as "The Hawking Reality Scale" with deciReal units to "measure the intensity of reality fragmentation". With a tip of the hat to the older movement in Italian cinema, Pickover's use of the word Neoreality may very well come to be the catchword for our own age in cinema too, describing equally well such films as "eXistenZ," "Fight Club," "Being John Malkovich," and "The Matrix". Take this fantastic journey with charming girl prodigy Mink, her adorable robot kitten Carrington and the joketelling poet android Mr. Plex as they traverse through forests, jungles, ancient ruins and a small New England town, seeking refuge from extraordinary villainous creatures such as "Cheetah Killers" and Gharials in their quest to discover reality-shattering chronoplasmids. Written by the great science popularizer, math puzzler and world expert on fractals, Clifford Pickover's colorful book will appeal to older and and younger readers alike. It will make old people feel young and young people feel old! If you have enjoyed C.S. Lewis, L. Frank Von Baum and Daniel Pinkwater, you will also enjoy Liquid Earth; equally so if you have enjoyed Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke and William Gibson.

    (Expand Our Consciousness)
