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Teen Parents' Journal

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Tuesday, March 8th, 2005
Tuesday, March 8th, 2005
@ 12:05am

Well this was the weekend I moved into Wes's house. It was almost perfect. Except there was some confusion and Wes's step sister was going to be here this weekend so I didn't end up staying the night Saturday night. Instead I stayed at my moms house in my sister's room since everything was moved out of my room. My sister was in DC on a class trip so it worked out pretty well. Sunday morning Wes drove over to pick me up though. We went to breakfast (it was a surprise) with his family, including the twins, to my favorite breakfast place, Ellies.
After breakfast, since it was so nice out, Wes and I went for a run. He needs to be in shape for track and I just need to be in shape. Around dinner time I helped his mom make Italian Sausage and then we all ate. After dinner, Wes's mom asked me about name ideas for the baby. So I told her what I wanted. The names she liked off my list were:
Lauren Ivy Alexis (also a favorite of Wes) and Reagan with the middle name Loanne. (I find that when I say the name Reagan it comes out as Reginn in stead of Raygin, which kinda makes me like it more).
Robert Weston and Emerson Cole and Brooklyn.
She also suggested the name Kennedy as a girl. She said she had always wanted to name a girl Kennedy, but never had a girl. I wanted to name my daughter Kennedy too, and Im not sure why I didn't remember it when Wes and I went through names.
So yeah. Then last night was my first night spending the night there. It was so much fun. We didnt have school today so Wes and I stayed up watching Family Guy on DVD alllll night. It was sooo much fun. And we ate so many Girl Scout cookies.
This morning I slept in late because Wes had track practice at 9 and came home at 11. He woke me up around 12 and we ate brunch(?) with the twins before starting homework. Wasnt the most exciting of days, but I am so happy right now. And I cannot sleep. As it has been for the last few days. Woo hoo.

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Monday, March 7th, 2005
Monday, March 7th, 2005
@ 1:53pm

It's been a while since i've posted, but i think now is the perfect time since Jeremy just turned ONE! His birthday was on March 1st and we just had his party on Saturday.

He also had a doctors appointment on the 3rd and he weighs 23 lbs, 13 oz & he is 31 in long. so all looks good there. His iron is low though, but they said that's because we switched him from formula to whole milk. His doctor advised us to feed him alot more food but that's going to be hard because he's not a big eater. so, if any of you guys have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

hmm what else is new? He's been walking for a while now. Since he was like 9 months. He also says a few words now. Baba, Dada, & Mama of course. and he's not just saying them. he actually knows what they mean. & he also says Cracker (when he wants a cracker). It's so cute, when i come home from the grocery store, he'll look through the bags and take out the box of crackers (if there is one) and run around saying cracker.

i suppose that's it for now. except for the birthday pictures, of course. enjoy!

i hope these next 365 days go by slower than the last. )

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Monday, March 7th, 2005
@ 12:16am
- Pictures!

Pictures from Hannahs birthday!!/

X posted

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Friday, March 4th, 2005
Friday, March 4th, 2005
@ 1:29pm
- community promotion

I checked all the user infos to these communities. I do NOT believe that I broke any rules. If I did, I'm terribly sorry. Just delete this or you can let me know and I will be more than happy to take care of it.

I may have promoted this community here, before. This is my community for parents who have children eating solid foods. If your child is not on solids, this is also a good place for you to join. There are some very good members here who can give you great advice on when to start solids. Pictures are welcome, but please stick to the topic. So mostly picutres of your children eating. I don't mind if you stray off the topic once in a while, but it will not be allowed on a regular basis.

I just created this community today. It is a place where parents of all ages (and sexes, so that includes the dads) can be drama free. All topics can be discussed and pictures are welcome. Membership for this community is screened. I will have to approve you, before you join.

Thank you for checking them out!

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Friday, March 4th, 2005
@ 12:08am

I am 13 weeks today! After school I had a club meeting then Wes picked me up and we went to Jamba Juice, because lately I have been addicted. I LOVE that place. Anyway, after that we went to his house because.... this weekend is a four day weekend off school AND I am moving into his house! I already tried to write a long entry about the whole situation and it didnt save, because my computer is cool like that. So short story: I am moving into Wes's house this weekend (tomorrow night is the first night) into a room in the basement (also where his room is), which used to be like a game room. It isn't far from his room, so it is pretty convenient if i need him or something. Most days I will come home from school and help Wes's mom out with the twins, because she doesn't really like the day care they have been going to, and she will be paying me. Wes is doing track and after track work. Once the baby is born, there will be enough room in the room I am in right now for the baby to sleep in, for some time at least. When the baby is a little less than a year old, we will be moving to Ohio (if all works out as planned) to live in apartments near Wes's dad's house, and the baby would have it's own room. So we still have a few things to work out but it is very exciting for me. Tomorrow night is my first night staying in the room. Wes's mom and I painted it a few days ago and I am just bringing some of my furniture from my dad's house that isn't being used to go into my room (its a pretty large room). Also, I really like the idea of living with Wes's family because the baby will be able to interact with the twins, which I can't wait for. I have been loving the twins lately, but they got me a little bit sick. I feel like I have had a ton of colds since I got pregnant.
Thats about it for now. I will try to update at the end of this weekend to let you know how things have gone so far.

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Thursday, March 3rd, 2005
Thursday, March 3rd, 2005
@ 9:53am

Ya know, it's pretty sad that I can't post these pictures anywhere without getting attacked. People are lame. So before anyone else can get all cranky and uptight, I'm going to explain a couple of pictures and such.

My daughter is extremely independent. She does NOT like it when you try to feed her. She wants to sit all by herself and feed herself. She thinks she's all grown up already and she is only 8 months old. So if she prefers to feed herself a bottle, that is fine with me. It makes her happy. I am NOT a bad parent, because I allow my daughter to feed herself. It's not like I shove a bottle in her mouth, leave her in her carseat (or whatever), and ignore her. I sit there and watch her and talk to her. I keep an eye on her to make sure that she is okay.

My daughter cries for and about everything. Which is what babies do, because they cannot talk. And if she is not getting her way, she cries louder and harder. So when I walked away from her for a moment to get her stuff together for day care, she flipped out. So I walked back over to her and took her picture, because she absolutely loves the camera. She smiles and looks damn cute. I think she likes the flash that it makes. Am I bad mother, because of that? No. And if you think so, keep it to yourself.

Before I you check out the pictures, I have a question... I made this blanket, actually two. I was wondering if any of you moms would consider buying one. Different prints would be available. They are really easy to make. Would you be willing to pay $25-$35 for this blanket? It's 3x5 (that's feet) and made of fleece.

pictures of ryleigh )

current mood: cranky

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Tuesday, March 1st, 2005
Tuesday, March 1st, 2005
@ 9:53pm

Ok, I just tried to comment to someone's post on here, and I tried like 10 freaking times. I am SO sick of the READ ONLY deal it's not funny. All in favor of sending a mass complaint say AYE! lol

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Tuesday, March 1st, 2005
@ 8:36pm

I just got Paige to bed. She was being a ROYAL brat today. Earlier Ryan had to bring over her medicine, and she SCREAMED when he left the room, and then when he left the house, she tried to follow him, bawling the whole time. In a way it was cute, but in a way it's starting to get old because now she expects EVERYONE to hold her ALL the time, and throws a fit when you leave the room, even though there are other people there. She honestly only acts like this when Derek has had her, so yeah, it's about time I talk to him again. Even my babysitter has said something, and you know it's bad when SHE says something, because she spoils Paige rotten over there, which I don't mind because Paige REALLY isn't that bad. Just now though, I was holding her and she was fine. I decided to set her down with her toys, and she threw a FIT, screaming, kicking, throwing her body around, burying her face in the carpet, the works. I sat there and just let her fight it out, and then she was fine and played with her toys like nothing ever happened. *sigh* What a brat lol.

March 1, 2005 : Paige )

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Monday, February 28th, 2005
Monday, February 28th, 2005
@ 8:23pm

I know I haven't updated in this community in a long time, so here goes.

My update plus pictures! )

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Monday, February 28th, 2005
@ 11:44am

Hi I have been a member of this community for a while and I haven't introduced myself so anyways.. my name is Samantha and I'm 16 i'm currently 17w2d pregnant. I don't know what Im having yet I'll find out March 18th. My baby is due August 6th I would like to get to know more people so feel free to add me and I will add you too.
Lilypie Baby Ticker

current mood: happy

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Friday, February 25th, 2005
Friday, February 25th, 2005
@ 10:01am
- Newbie

Hi! I just joined this community so I thought I would post a little info about myself. My name is Shannon! Im 18 years old but will be 19 on April 11th. Im currently 19 weeks pregnant! I am engaged to the love of my life Matthew and we plan on getting married this summer! Our child is due to grace us with its presence on July 18th of 2005!

Lilypie Baby Ticker

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Sunday, February 20th, 2005
Sunday, February 20th, 2005
@ 9:32pm

I guess I should introduce myself since I've been a member for awhile, but haven't posted. I am a 20-year old mom with a 5-year old daughter and I am also (almost) 14 weeks pregnant with my second. I gave up custody of my daughter when she was still an infant, so her father is raising her and I get to see her every now and then. But I'm still her mom and that's what really matters. I am really excited about the new baby, even though it was extremely unexpected, but I have a lot of support from my friends. I am looking to meet other young moms and moms-to-be. My journal is friends only, but I could use a few new friends ;)

And in case you're wondering, I am not comfortable posting my real name or pictures of my child unless it is friends only. I've been following this community for awhile, so I am well aware of the risk one takes by posting personal information, and I choose not to expose myself to that.

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Saturday, February 19th, 2005
Saturday, February 19th, 2005
@ 5:51pm
- My tummy

This is my 18 week belly picture...taken today

Read more... )

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Thursday, February 17th, 2005
Thursday, February 17th, 2005
@ 9:47pm

I think the Princess's name is going to be "Anne". Someone was trying to tell me that Anne was boring and bland and that there were many other nicer names than Anne that mean grace, but I like Anne. She feels like an Anne to me. It's kind of weird, because I never ever thought I'd be able to name this baby. I'm forcing myself to treat this pregnancy as if I got pregnant the normal way and as if this were all normal, even though it's not and I feel very strange. These communities, this journal, is better than any trip to the therapist. I think I hide alot of things and bottle them up. I just want to be *normal* again. Mmph.

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Monday, February 14th, 2005
Monday, February 14th, 2005
@ 9:36pm
- X-posted, my story...

I figured instead of telling everyone who asks, I'd just post this once everywhere.

Read more... )

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Monday, February 14th, 2005
@ 6:51pm
- Hi, I'm new!

1. How old are you? 19
2. How old is/are your child/children? (for the pregnant, use the number of months/weeks left to go)18 weeks pregnant
3. Boy/Girl? Girl
4. Did you always want children, and were your children planned? I wanted children, later, and certainly not in the way that the baby came to be.
5. Do you ever wish your experiences of parenthood were different? Why? I just wish I'd gotten off to a good start with this pregnancy
6. What do you think your children will be like as adults/older children? I'm not sure yet--right now I hope that my baby will be like me--calm and loving unconditonally
7. Name three things you wish for your children. Unconditonal love and acceptance, a happy, peaceful life
8. Which attributes have your children taken from each parent/family member? No idea yet.
9. Did your experience differ from what you expected? How so? Not sure yet
10. Do you want more children? Someday, when I'm much older!

A little more on name is Emily, I'm from Georgia, I was raped and got pregnant but my partner and I have decided that we want to keep the baby. Imagine if for some reason we couldn't have children later! Any other questions you have for me, feel free to ask--I'm very open!


current mood: content
current music: Elliott Smith- Fond Farewell

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Sunday, February 13th, 2005
Sunday, February 13th, 2005
@ 9:23pm
- Braxton Hicks (xposted)

Is 21 weeks too early to start expeiriencing Braxton Hicks contractions?
Earlier today, it felt like someone was stabbing me right below my belly-button and it lasted for a minute, then would go away, and come back a few minutes later.
Everyone seems to think it's Braxton Hicks contractions, but I didn't think that started until the third trimester.

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Thursday, February 10th, 2005
Thursday, February 10th, 2005
@ 5:26pm

Paige has been pretty sick the past two days, she is better today though. She was vomiting and couldn't keep anything down, so I gave her some chicken broth, which she kept down. Yesterday everything seemed to go right through her, and she finally kept some formula down. Now she seems perfectly fine, but yesterday she got a little swollen. Does anyone know what this could be from..?

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Monday, February 7th, 2005
Monday, February 7th, 2005
@ 11:41pm

title or description

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Saturday, February 5th, 2005
Saturday, February 5th, 2005
@ 12:58pm
- Some Advice?

hello everyone. my name's Amanda and I'm 17 years old in 3 days :) I'm not pregnant, but I want to be. :\ and thats why I'm here. I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to be posting this, if it's not, please point me in the right direction.

I've been with my boyfriend, Jon, for a year and 2 months. I love him with all my heart and I've been wanting a baby lately. Maybe the fact that a lot of my girlfriends at school are pregnant has influenced me, but really, I've been wanting one for months now. My question is, how have all of you made out? for those of you who already have a baby and such. the only thing thats holding me back right now is the expenses I'll have. I know its extremely expensive to have a baby and it's even harder to do when you're still in school [I'm a junior and my boyfriend is a senior in high school] I've talked to my boyfriend about it, and he said he doesn't really WANT one, but if it happened, he would be supportive. have you guys made out okay? would I be able to afford it with my boyfriend working full time [soon] and me working part-time with a couple jobs? how did you guys do it?

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