Below is information about the "Christianity - Servants of God" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | calvary (36059) |
Name: | Christianity - Servants of God |
About: | This is a community commited to the principals and commandments of the Bible.
We believe that there are certain non-negotiable 'bedrock' tenets of our faith, such as the diety of Jesus Christ, and His literal death, resurrection, and future coming. We believe in the three-part person of God, known as the Trinity (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) but that God is one God. We believe that salvation is obtained by God's generous grace in giving us the faith to believe in Him and His Son's sacrifice on the cross at Calvary to pay for our sins. We believe that the Bible is a collection of sixty-six books penned by forty different men over thousands of years, by God's dictation through the Holy Spirit. Most other things beyond these are secondary beliefs, and are irrelevant to salvation.
We are not a denominational community, nor are we opposed to denominations as such, only over-emphasis of irrelevant doctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body of Christ. Our desire is to know Jesus Christ, and be conformed to His example by the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Thanks to Chuck Missler and Calvary Chapel for inpiration in writing this statement of faith)
Community Moderator: secludedgrrrl
Rules: 1. No trolling (will get banned if you do) 2. No unrelated advertising/posts (post will be deleted) 3. Don't spam this community with ads for other communities(post will be deleted) 4. No cussing or swearing 5. Be polite to others 6. Respect the members of this community
Links: Bible Gateway Blue Letter Bible Calvary Chapel Christian Parenting Fulfilled Prophecy Truth Ablaze
Memories: | 45 entries |
Interests: | 115: angels, apostles, baptism, bible, bible studies, bible study, blessings, books of moses, caring, charity, christ, christian, christianity, christians, christmas, church, churches, communion, companionship, compassion, confession, consideration, counsel, creation, creationism, crucifixion, easter, eternity, evangelical, faith, fast days, fasting, fear of god, feast days, fellowship, forgiveness, god, goodness, gospel, gospels, happiness, healing, heaven, holy, holy orders, holy spirit, honesty, honor, honour, hope, humility, inspiration, intelligence, jerusalem, jesus, jesus christ, joy, judgment day, kindness, knowledge, last supper, life, light, literature, living, long-suffering, lord, love, marriage, martyrs, miracles, missionary work, missions, modesty, music, new testament, old testament, palm sunday, patience, peace, praise, prayer, praying, pro-life, prophesy, prophets, proverbs, purity, religion, religions, resurrection, salvation, scripture, servant, singing, spirit, spirituality, temperance, the church, the creator, the cross, the crucifixion, the end times, the holy spirit, the incarnation, the last days, the last supper, the lord, the rapture, the resurrection, trinity, understanding, virtues, wisdom, worship. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 275: _disillusioned, _live_by_faith, _shambles, aarondarling, abriel, aerach_aigeanta, alleewaits, amalek, amberrenee, aminia, amydi1316, analyzinglife82, angel_saradeath, angelpunkrocker, angels_touch, angrymoonchair, annabean37, annecw, answer_why, armyofsaints, asofyouxandmex, avalonrox6, avegen, awyenofrivendel, babylonica, barcode2012, beatles1964t, beepboop, benji, bkdib926, blackwoodgirl27, blondewyn, blue_eyes_04, bob1000, brandj, brigger, brittsib26, brittspirit, buddahflie, buffalohills, by_his_blood, caite_k, calidreamer23, called, canyonchristie, carizma, carriesjournal, ccjess84, champa, chippedinsanity, chipper3388, cloakofwinter, college4christ, crazypunk1723, cre8ed4worship, crowned_one, culture_failure, cybersaber, dantherm, davanti, davidcougle, dead_to_sin, djubiquitous, dneighbo, dolphinswater, dontsayuknowme, dukesewell, dvisions, eawee, edithgeraldine, elle_121, emu1978, epyon, etsuko, euphoriccitizen, faithbookqueen, fakenature, fallin2kt, fantome_saint, fathfulonly2him, firebread, fiveironfrenzy0, foriamconvinced, frama, futuretreasure, gal_51, gayle, gaylesmith, gdj, geewhiz50, gidgette83, girlghoul, gladtobehere, glome, godishereforyou, godsraregem, greenhornet, gregsjounal, grtgogetter, hinzvc19, his_bloodistrue, hustlah, hyperlatina, i_am_funny, iceboxplum, imjustlilme, imoffglass22, in_via, inmercyrejoice, iteration_x, jaded__star, jayni, jenforchrist, jesus_n_me, jesusismylight, jesustomb, jmars, jmnikkos, jonnyboombastic, josiahrules, jule, kamber82, karaisma4all, keepinitburning, keithb, kicker, kimmy_rose, kimsterhottie, kings_daughter, kissmegothicly, kissmyindie, kris_concepcion, ladylisa, libby6443, lil_thao, lindsayc821, lirpa_nwaf, littlemel, living4jesus, lizmarie5686, ljangel, llcissell, lneighbo, lonelyprincess, lost_it_again, lost_n_theether, loveshotwound, lucescere, mag_annaidh, mageofshadows, mama4lilc, mandaxnicolex, markcarey, markmyheart, matthewbrantley, medievalrose, meg_07, melatiah, michelle_janine, midnightbliss, mikierash, miss4297, mtrubk, myeverthing, mysweetestdream, nathugimus, necca16, neo_ninja, nerdemaggie, nevermore04, nireh, no_well, o0dreamweaver0o, ojadedbutterfly, one_step_hyper, onecubed, orangiegirl, oxide66, passionpromo, pathagorean, patricia16, patriot, pearl3486, penguin_bum, phatfhorn, plissk3n, poeticrebecca, pouramour, prissypie, produce_results, pudgymom, purelily, pursuer, pyro_ike, quotetheraven, randikins07, raven55, realm_of_libby, rebathan, redchicka_13, redhead6522, reed, rubberface13, saerykitten, sail0ruranus, sanon, sarahjewel, sariavo, sccye, seatbelter, secludedgrrrl, secondmoon, semperfidelis11, senoritalupita, sexinthepark, shama_malak, shayah, simpleton1001, simplycomplex22, simplyme1, sippytrip, smackinotters, smileslots, snofox, soccerthug, softheartedgal, songforasavior, spaz21, spitfire_mk1, standardcookie, stephi, superforeigner, superstar33, surround_around, susieq, sweetz_11, swerve2miss, sytzo4life, t0uch, tabraun, taftman, tearful_woe, tennesseechick, tgordon, the_red_ink, thedavisfamily, thefatherschild, thetruefishbait, tidesong, tigerbotedge, tinamarie, traurigkeit, uawildcatgrl, unawareangel, up_at_nike_town, vicious_joy, vickivalencourt, watashiwame, watersteph13, weridojf, wildeagle, wingnprayer, winningtherace, worrierqueen, xbabicakezo, xoso_alonexo, xstars_in_eyesx, xtravagance, yahwehschild, yaoi_bunny, yellowspirit, yildunkitalpha, zelpah, zhaunil, zume |
Account type: | Free Account |