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Below is information about the "The Fuck It All Revolution" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:fiar (304182) fiar
Name:The Fuck It All Revolution
About:This is a community for all of those people out there who, every once in a while, just want to say Fuck It to the world.

This is the Fuck It All Revolution.

A place for you to whine, bitch, moan, complain, rant about the idiots in this world as well as all the annoying shit that seems to come up in a person's life these days.

Read these guidelines before posting or joining, dammit:

Fuck It All Revolution

Welcome to the Fuck It All Revolution.

It has come to our attention that, perhaps, a set of guidelines for this community would come in handy.

First off, this community is not a place for you to detail us with a play-by-play of your pathetic life. We just don't care. Leave that to your own journal.

Secondly, it's great that you want to join this community but no one could really care a rat's ass about the fact that you've joined. This is not a community in which you should post a public greeting. That's just a waste of an entry and adds to another worthless post on the other community members' friends pages.

Also, we know that even the people who claim that they hate Spam end up participating in it at some point. This is not the community for that. We don't care what your intentions are -- we don't need to read about how great so-and-so's journal is, how great some other community is or some wonderful project you're working on that you'd like to get people involved in. Yet again, keep it to your own journal. Perhaps, if you post an interesting enough rant, someone from this community will end up reading your journal and learn about it that way.

You should be willing to defend your posts and comments left in this community. Friends only entries have no place here. Yet again, leave such things on your own journal.

The moderatrix ([info]inaurolillium) will let a fair number of bloody offensive things slip, but this she is the moderatrix, and she will not hesitate to delete posts or ban users if she finds it necessary and/or amusing to do so. She doesn't give a damn what you think about her for doing this. She says, "It's my party and I'll be petty if I want to." Don't piss her off. THere is no appeal.

One last thing to remember -- in this community you are writing for an audience.

Entries should be amusing, stimulating and/or provacative -- not boring. If you don't know how to effectively present yourself in this medium, don't bother posting.

last updated: 18 August 04
Interests:137: activism, addictions, alcohol, aleve, anarchy, anger, angst, answers, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, asprin, assholes, avoidance, barbie, big brother, bitching, books, borderline personality disorder, boy bands, boyfriends, brainwashing, censorship, commercial radio, complaining, conformity, conspiricy theories, conversations, current events, death, debates, depakote, depression, disappointment, dogma, doublethink, drama, drugs, education, enemies, exes, expectations, explosions, family, friends, fuck buddies, generation x, girlfriends, gossip, guilt trips, hatred, headaches, hidden meanings, history, hope, hopelessness, humanity, idiots, infatuation, intelligence, intolerance, ism's, jocks, judgement, learning, lies, life, lithium, love, lovers, lust, lying, manic depression, mass marketing, masturbation, meanings, melodrama, men, midol, misery, moaning, money, mood stabilizers, morons, music, nonconformity, nonviolence, nuclear explosions, obligations, paradigms, parents, paxil, pet peeves, poetry, politics, popular culture, preps, priorities, prose, prozac, psychiatrists, psychologists, questions, race, ranting, razors, reading, relationships, relatives, religion, revolution, sarcasm, satire, schizophrenia, school, schooling, self-image, sex, sex symbols, sexuality, siblings, society, stereotypes, stupidity, suicide, technology, telephones, television, tolerance, truth, violence, wellbutrin, whining, women, words, work, writing, yelling. [Modify yours]
Members:234: 90noitcejer09, _dolorous_doll_, _eisha, _null_, absconditus, anatstaciarauch, antigoat, antitheftmilk, arwen_of_lorien, aspirationsol, beachmuff, beersweatblood, bestbandever, bettsreally, bleedingamber, bondj1051, burn_the_sorrow, cagedwriter61, captain_swell, catvallance, censoredthought, chalk, cheetr, cheshirefive, cheshireycat, chibichu, chris_is_my_god, christmonger, cluesblues, cockmunch, coloroftheweek, contains_rage, counterspell, creativelylost, crosstheeyes, crucifie_ame, cryinblo0d, cthulhu_of_call, cyberfrog, dalanur, darkiewan, dead_like_fred, derridadaist, dertodesking, devoid, diagram, diddywa, didiwaffl, diluted_dream, dirtyfilthy, dizzyliz, dolceamour, dominatron, draconian_soul, dragonguyver, dramatrauma, dream_on20, drezdyn, drspazmd, dthblw, dumbnicname, dying_painfully, ebinesos, em0tional, enterunreality, essenapaj, etc1188, ex_shimmerin471, ex_starless192, fabio_bingo, faerieraindrops, fataltruth3, fields_420, fire_bird, fitzvicious, fixated, fluctuate_, flutenerd, fraek, fragilemouse, freaks, g0_p0go, gloryboxer, gwar, hannibal_rector, heartbroken69, hell_angel, hollowdepths, hopless_lost, hungrywolves, imabigdork182, inaurolillium, infinitexposure, ixis, jackscarlet, jamesduende, jenicore, jennattack, jeres_cadillac, jewish1princess, jrozzy67, juliet, k8isgreat, katiemariie, keltz, kevin55, killnmeazlz, kittychilled, kmanzi, koma4freedom, lacrimas, ladyillusions, lakehmm, lalathemonk, lamentationshow, laviemoderne, levgernle, libertys_whore, liveforlucifer, livesindreams, llia, lost_edge, lostwoman, lucky336, m4cgyv3r, machine_logic, madame_galaxy, magnet_girl, mana_kisara, masiveblurr, mattgillies, mattypoo, melpomeana, midnightglobe, mira_yamcha, mishakal, misscrocodile, missprissypants, moistangel, mostlikely2, motherbitches, mouthforwar, myownmartyr, mystikcode, n3wyorkslav3, naerdiel, niff_litt, nighttimekitty, no_truth_here, normajeanrocks, northirony, onedeadlybitch, onehandwashes, oral_defecation, oscar_francois, picomaro, pinkposyqueen, plaguedlove, poli_puppies, potatofishy, princess_skye, princess_vix, psychotictree, reo, revelationnight, riverofserenity, robynchick, s0heavenly, saltoftruth, sarafen, selfindulged, shadows76, shednoblood, shiifty, shit_for_dreams, short7472, shygunish, silvergods, singingthang, skycutter, smudgie, spamass, spimijanman, spindesigner, spinelesskarma, spreadofthelegs, star, stargroveviolet, strangegreenfog, sub_way_of_life, sugarcoatnothin, sulph, sweetkensington, swinekill, symetra, synamin_t, the_p0is0n_mind, then_i_die, this_night, thrink, tragic_comic, tublush, twistedteaze420, unamericanstain, unknownketchup, unplanned, vampchiq, vampiricdream, varient, vintagestar, vote_and_riot, vxreplica, wasfrank, whackjobwombat, wildgirl892004, wodnspyder, x__bangx, xbrainchildx, xcalblabelx, xcrazy, xhilaration45, xjupitercrasho, xnthestars, xo_amb_e, xretsim, xsanerlogan, xxblackwingsxx, xxcheenazxx, yellowkangaroos, young_n_free17, yourmother007, yrowndisaster, zobuh, zserbia_felis
Watched by:125: _dolorous_doll_, antigoat, antitheftmilk, aquariansong, aspirationsol, beachmuff, beersweatblood, bestbandever, bondj1051, cagedwriter61, captain_swell, chris_is_my_god, christmonger, contains_rage, counterspell, crucifie_ame, dalanur, darkiewan, diagram, diddywa, didiwaffl, dirtyfilthy, dragonguyver, drspazmd, dthblw, ebinesos, eeriedescent, em0tional, enterunreality, fabio_bingo, fataltruth3, fields_420, fitzvicious, flattering, foolinwithyou, fragilemouse, heartbroken69, hopless_lost, i_cunt_hear_you, inaurolillium, infinitexposure, ixis, jenicore, jewish1princess, jrozzy67, katiemariie, killnmeazlz, knile18, lacrimas, lakehmm, lalathemonk, laviemoderne, libertys_whore, liveforlucifer, livesindreams, llia, lost_edge, lucky336, machine_logic, madame_galaxy, magnet_girl, mana_kisara, masiveblurr, mattgillies, melpomeana, mira_yamcha, misoboy, misscrocodile, missprissypants, mostlikely2, myownmartyr, n3wyorkslav3, naerdiel, niff_litt, no_truth_here, normajeanrocks, northirony, onedeadlybitch, onehandwashes, oral_defecation, oscar_francois, persephone_7980, picomaro, poli_puppies, porgie20, princess_skye, revelationnight, robynchick, saltoftruth, schreiderstille, shadows76, shiifty, shit_for_dreams, short7472, silenceofsoul76, silvergods, singeraf800, skycutter, spimijanman, steph_tanner, sub_way_of_life, swinekill, symetra, tequilabarbie, the_p0is0n_mind, then_i_die, tinyrevolution, touch_of_crust, tragic_comic, tublush, twistedteaze420, unamericanstain, unplanned, vagiline, vampchiq, varient, wildgirl892004, x__bangx, xbrainchildx, xcalblabelx, xsanerlogan, xxblackwingsxx, young_n_free17, yrowndisaster, zserbia_felis
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Free Account

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