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Below is information about the "No thanks, I've already got a penguin" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:lospenguinos (385851)  
Name:No thanks, I've already got a penguin
About:"Give a man a match and he'll be warm for an hour... Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."

"Hope is NOT a thing with feathers, the thing with feathers is my nephew, and I have to take him to a specialist in Zurich." - Woody Allen

"If you're so evil, why don't you... EAT THIS KITTEN!" "mew!" "No way, Mister... that's just WRONG!" - The Tick
Interests:20: babies on spikes, burning, clowns are scary, comedy, coolsig, ducks, eddie izzard, fire, flames, fun, laughter, life, molly, octopus, penguins, pyrotechnics, quotes, random, the tick, weird. [Modify yours]
Members:31: ashredescending, blueloo123, cowchick, deathinpink, derpinguin44, drakenfyre, faffers, hurleygirl1286, iheartnerds52, jemimapenguin, jerrysugarav, johnluke, lets_get_spun, mondayx2, oinky_oinkerz, paranoimia, penguin_one, rebeljen, satellitekid, sexypenguin, shadowsionnach, skwishmi, sniper_penguin, spikeydrew, starsnmoons, sweety_sexy, tool_chick, twostep04, vanderark88, wolfpups, xoxolovexoxo
Watched by:19: ashredescending, blueloo123, cowchick, derpinguin44, drakenfyre, faffers, galaxeriaz, hurleygirl1286, jemimapenguin, jerrysugarav, johnluke, mondayx2, oinky_oinkerz, penguin_one, satellitekid, skwishmi, sniper_penguin, spikeydrew, tool_chick
Account type:Free Account

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