Greg Lanning's journal

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Sunday, March 14th, 2004
1:58 pm
somedays i find living with roommates to be a pain in my butt...

not much chance of finding a place for just me and Dipper that i can afford tho

and it is better then living with my rents

current mood: complacent
current music: tool

(6 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Saturday, March 13th, 2004
12:15 am - YAWN
WOW.. its been a year!

well i guess im aloud to fall off the world from time to time...

current mood: content

(play your music in the sun)

Tuesday, May 6th, 2003
8:29 pm
i got dipper today!!! (my pup)


current mood: bouncy

(7 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Monday, May 5th, 2003
12:05 am
Jess's dog Harry got a tick :-(
and the ppl at the 24 hour vet didn't tell me not to pull it out if it had been there for a few days.. grrr..
so the head didn't come out.. as i later found out on the net.. it wont if its been ther that long >:-/
they also told me to pull and turn.. and iv found a ALOT of pages out here that say DO NOT TURN as you pull...

current mood: pissed off

(2 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Thursday, April 24th, 2003
3:11 pm
i so had/have a fever
my dreams last night were so crazy and vivid...
and when i woke up i really didn't know ware i was or what time it was, or why i was awake...

so i called in sick. and went back to bed.. i feal better now.. but im trying not to do to much today.. i can't afford to miss much work

current mood: groggy
current music: none

(2 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Friday, April 18th, 2003
12:36 pm
well the kegger is over... we all did quite well... i think i passed out a few times... i was really shocked that when left alown ppl put on tool, korn, slayer... and that good stuff...

now its time for a drive out to china beach.. just for fun =)

current mood: cheerful
current music: zepplin

(play your music in the sun)

Wednesday, April 16th, 2003
5:48 am
im heading off to work brigt any early today with Jessica..
things are really backe up so we are trying to get Pam back up to speed... i hope it dosn't take long, i want to spend some of my day off.. off =)

current mood: sleepy

(play your music in the sun)

Sunday, April 13th, 2003
11:17 am
there dons't seem to be alot of ppl around today...

i was hoping to get out and do something today.. but with all this rain it dosn't look very hopefull

maybe ill go find myself a puppy :-p

current mood: anxious
current music: 96.1 fm

(2 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003
11:06 pm
i just had the best night at Kelly's
Pam and i headed over there for a few beers and dinner.. had a real blast.. there was a even a wip cream war for a bit there...

current mood: amused
current music: Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

(play your music in the sun)

Wednesday, March 26th, 2003
10:10 pm
i have a PC again
i dont have to use a MAC anymore!! OMG
i get to use Semagic!!! aaaahhhhh!!!!!

current mood: crazy

(play your music in the sun)

Sunday, February 23rd, 2003
3:39 pm
oh wow! i had so forgoten about _this life_
any one wanna vote for me, lol!

current mood: crazy
current music: chevelle - dos

(play your music in the sun)

Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
11:31 am
iv almost lost my voice completly.. its getting really bad..
work is hard because the custmers can't hear me..
hopfully it will be better tomorrow, iv got today off so im trying not to talk to anyone, tho that does make for a boring day

current mood: sick
current music: pink floyd - school out for summer (cover)

(play your music in the sun)

Tuesday, February 11th, 2003
6:50 pm
by the by..
iv been eating alot of k/d these days
does anyone have a good way of making it so its not the same old thing everyday?? =)

current mood: full
current music: pink flyod - house of the rising sun

(play your music in the sun)

6:46 pm - love
im going through a strange time.. iv for many many years wanted to have a long term g/f.. and so i finaly got it.. and once that ended i really didnt want a g/f at all for a long time.. i guess its starting to come back around now tho... because im starting to be aware of some custamers ( that have of cource been in many times befor) that i would love to ask out... but now that raises the question.. is that aloud.. i would think not..

anywho.. other wize im board.. and pore.. i can't get any LJ clients to work with OS8.6 anymore.. i guess it might be time to get a cpu upgrade and start running OSx or something =)

current mood: calm
current music: pink floyd - hey you

(play your music in the sun)

Saturday, February 1st, 2003
1:05 am
its been a long 3 days...
iv been moving all the boxes and copiers into the new building.. i guess either cause im young and new to the company, or because Mike knows i work hard and fast, but for some reason i was more or less the only Co-worker that was moving stuff.... tho everyone did move some stuff... not for three days.
any who.. it fealt really got to work taht hard anyway.. its was a good change of pase.. tho im REALLY sore now.. and i worked through my day off this week...

the new place looks fantastic.. im so stocked to see how it all turns out when we are all done in april =)

current mood: accomplished

(play your music in the sun)

Sunday, January 26th, 2003
11:40 pm
im really drunk. cause i need a girl. and its depressibng...

this is more of a note to myself then anything....

(4 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Sunday, January 19th, 2003
2:05 pm
its more then lickly just me.. but i think my room mate might like me...
she is forever trying to get me to go do things with her.. now it might just be like she likes my company.. but i find that hard to beleave... bucause we barly get along really..
she's a veg head.. and as most of you know im a big meat eater...
their are other resons that i dont really dig her.. but thats a big one

so its confusing me a bit...

i just thought i would share that =)

other wize im board today.. Chads at work.. and i dont really have to cash to find much to do,, i did get some paint.. but i need to pick up some drup clothes from my old man befor i can start on the bath room.. so it will prolly be a project for next wednesday...

current mood: creative
current music: tea-girls-tracks - 006

(play your music in the sun)

Friday, January 17th, 2003
7:59 am
01. Cried: nope
02. Bought something: yes
03. Gotten sick: no
04. Sang: ya
05. Eaten: well ya
06. Been kissed: no
07. Felt stupid: nope
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no
09. Met someone new: no
10. Moved on: no
11. Talk to an ex: no
12. Missed an ex: yup
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yup
14. Had a serious talk: yes
15. Missed someone: yup
16. Hugged someone: nope
17. Fought with your parents: no
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: yah

current mood: mellow

(play your music in the sun)

Sunday, January 12th, 2003
10:36 pm - paranoid!!
is it just me or are there subliminal frames in clone high ( on tele-toon )
i could sware to god i saw like 5 frames that were just white text on a black screen... but it was to fast and i coudn't read em...

i need to record an episode and play it back slowly....

current mood: paranoid

(1 record gone round | play your music in the sun)

1:09 am
today im happy =)
work was great... i find waring a tie really keeps the custamers from getting to bitchy...

Chad and I hung around all night, playing PS1 and bugging the crap out of Jessica..
she came home all bitchy and got on our backs about the house being a big mess.. little does she know we were about to clean, but had to wait 2 hours after she bugged as about it... just out of principle...
can't have it looking like we do what she says or anything...

all i really want right now... is a few more ppl on my ICQ list when i get home...
all my freinds that are on there now are very busy these days.. with no real time to just chat :-/

current mood: chipper
current music: 99.9 fm

(play your music in the sun)

Wednesday, January 1st, 2003
5:40 pm
happy new year everyone =)

im bored.....

current mood: bored

(1 record gone round | play your music in the sun)

Sunday, December 29th, 2002
11:47 am
would you eat purple ketchup?

theres some purple ketchup in our fridge... it tastes like it should and had the same consistancy of red ketchup..
but its purple..
this doesn't bug me. but Chad can't even look at the stuff... im not sure why...

so.. would you eat it?

current mood: curious
current music: 91.3 fm

(3 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

11:44 am
carma got me..

for the longest time i would try to get out of doing the dishes when i was living with my rents...
and most of the time i would get away with it..
well now that iv got room mates.. guess who ends up doing the dishes 75% of the time...
oh well.. i guess i diserve what i get...

current mood: busy

(play your music in the sun)

Thursday, December 26th, 2002
8:00 pm - yah for stuff
i had a most amazing x-mass
Jessica got me a mini flask, so i can drink at work (whaha)
and my sis made me a custom happy noddle boy shirt

i finaly got my rouder.. so im truly online again =)
and they somehow got me a dremel.. wich iv been looking at getting for about 2 years, but i never got around to...

my aunt gave me 100 bucks.. so i went and got a new check fro my desk.. the one i have at my rents house was too big for this room...
so iv been sitting on a few crates... this is much more cumffy.. also i found i bit of cash so i got a little 4 cup coffee maker ( i really need more coffee you know )
and a half size ironing board... so i can ware my nicer shirts top work again =)

the mates (room) and i had chirstmass after midnight and then i went out to my rents super early in the morning...

all was good.. much food was eatn.. i felt sick.. its was great

how was yours?

current mood: happy
current music: 104.9 fm

(play your music in the sun)

Monday, December 23rd, 2002
12:28 am
well its been about a month, but im back online now..
iv missed you all... and iv got some catching up to do =)

current mood: busy

(2 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

Thursday, November 21st, 2002
10:36 pm - sorry about the quizzes

What Office Space character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

(play your music in the sun)

10:30 pm
Why Will You Go To Hell?

brought to you by Quizilla

(play your music in the sun)

8:18 pm
im moving out =)
i talked to Jessica on tuesday night, and i guess she talked to the landlord cause the room is mine =)

ill try to take lots of pix this time, cause i have almost none from my place in vancouver...

current mood: excited

(play your music in the sun)

Friday, November 15th, 2002
7:34 pm
i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise i got a raise ..... i caaaaaaaaaannnn mooooooooooooOOOOOOOooooove out!!! whahahahaha...

current mood: excited

(1 record gone round | play your music in the sun)

Wednesday, November 13th, 2002
11:44 pm
im thinking im ready to move out again.. im not worryed about loosing my job at all...
and i seam to make enough these days, and my 6th month review is days away.. at witch point ill get a raise...
the numbers all look good on paper.. if i can get Chad's landlord to rent that room at $300 im sure i could live without a few things (eating out for lunch everyday)
but still keep my car...

hummm... interesting

current mood: energetic

(2 records gone round | play your music in the sun)

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