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[01 Feb 2005|11:19am]
Another example of why governments should stay out of peoples lives

Funny though.

Good morning folks :)

I am a picture of tired health this morning. Much work has been done and much gyming is yet to be done.

Now I should get back to it... bigger post later...
2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

60 Years [27 Jan 2005|12:08am]
There has been a lot in the news about it being 60 years since the horror of the holocaust.

It annoys me how this is seen as a purely Jewish tragity, and I think it is very important that while 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis we remember that 12-13 million people died in total... including gays, blacks, the mentally ill and handycaped, romany people, political prisoners... infact anyone the Nazis didn't like... and that was a fuck of a lot of people.

It is also important to remember that genocide approaching the same scale has occured and is still occuring in recent times... albeit lacking the engineering precision that made the Nazis imfamous.
5 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[26 Jan 2005|03:09pm]
Its getting cold in here [so cold]
So put on all your clothes.
I am getting so cold,
And I will put my clothes on.

Fuck me its cold.

And they hadn't bothered to grit the top deck of the multistory... which made parking this morning *exciting*
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[25 Jan 2005|01:17pm]
I have been to the gym.

I am full of health.

Tomorrow I shall be full of pain.
1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs [25 Jan 2005|10:27am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Got an email back from, an ISP in Brussels, replying to a recent complaint to their abuse address about one or a number of their users trying to break into my ssh server.

Their response was essentially "Naaa sucks boo to you"

Or rather, they were saying they were not responsible for what their customers do and suggested that I install a firewall and antivirus software. They also said that "port scans" were harmless on a properly configured machine.

The fact that I wasn't complaining about a port scan didn't seem to phase them. I was complaining about someone trying to brute force and use known exploits against my ssh server.

They appear to be a very amature company, either that or they're a bullet proof host. Either way they're encouraging abuse and either don't have an AUP or don't hold their customers to it. I note they also appear in pretty much every RBL on the Internet.

Their whois reply is particularly cheeky:

remarks:      -------------------------------------------
remarks:      Network problems to:
remarks:      Peering requests to:
remarks:      Abuse notifications to:
remarks:      - I did *not* hack your computer
remarks:      - I did *not* send you SPAM or virus
remarks:      - I will *not* read your abuse complaints
remarks:      -------------------------------------------

Anyway, in the light of all this I have put their subnet on every blacklist I have control over. I would suggest that you guys do the same.
2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Firewalls, Netbios and cowskin pillows [24 Jan 2005|09:47am]

Anther monday. Like the monday before, and undoubtable the monday after. Except today I can't actually focus properly on the screen thanks to gunk in my eyes. I am also cold, thanks to my colleage opening the window despite the fact that it is cock shrinkingly cold outside. The water from my windscreen washer froze instantly to my windscreen on the way to work, which made seeing into the already blinding sunlight even harder.

Helen is feeling poorly at the moment and is currently sleeping in my bed. If i get time after the health and safety tour of the gym I might see if i can go home and say hello.

The weekend was fun. Saturday we wandered into town to do various unexciting things. Me to go to the bank, helen to go to the fabric shop. The fabric shop is one of those secret shops that you would never know was there unless you knew it was there. It doesnt have a shop front, just a door. Slightly recessed from the street.

I bought some stuff and Helen made me an absolutely lovely cowskin pillow (pictures to follow). Feel guilty about the amount of time she put in, but it is absolutely fantastic and original. Even has a label :D

Anyway, by way of a thankyou (and because I was hungry) I bought curry from the Moonlight.

Sunday was spent bumbing around and going to Matlan / Wilkos with Helen and Iain.

I was on a mission to buy the least pikey sports clothes from Matlan's Chavware section. Eventually found some shorts with no brand names and only a very subtle stripe. So I bought two of them, some sports socks and a couple of t-shirts. Then we went to the Wetherspoons for lunch.

The rest of the evening was spent lounging about, going to Niki's for dinner and playing around with the ringtones on my phone.

And finally...

As you know, IT security best practice is to use a firewall and block incoming connections. You should also firewall unnecessary outgoing connections.... I do this at work, but until now I hadnt bothered at home. Anyway. This weekend i modified my firewall to block outgoing Netbios stuff 'cos I definitely don't need that, and I figured I'll add some other blocks later when I have time.

My god, I had no idea just how chatty windows is!

So yeah. Firewall off netbios.

But you knew that already.

Now I go work. And be efficient.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[20 Jan 2005|01:26pm]
I have joined the gym.

Now all i have to do is actually go.

And buy gym clothes.
10 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

PHP Woes [19 Jan 2005|02:21pm]
I installed a new module for PHP. It installed itself to the appropriate ini files.

After a restart of apache the extension was available and working via mod-php, however under CGI it isn't. Whats going on?
4 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[19 Jan 2005|09:32am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

We are all told that we are meant to be tollerant of religions and peoples beliefs.

Yet many religious people are completely intollerant of science and the discoveries it has made (eg. evolution, contraception, the age of the universe etc)... but this intolerance is some how ok and we are encouraged to teach it to our kids.

Whats up with that?

1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Doing my accounts [17 Jan 2005|10:38pm]
I have got to cut my monthly outgoings.

... And according to my projections I won't finish paying off my student loan until Febuary 2009. When i will be 3 months away from being 30.

... how depressing is that?
6 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[17 Jan 2005|09:49pm]
Sorted :) You need to use $...

... and does anyone know what the APR is on a pre-98 student loan is?
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Excel Question [17 Jan 2005|09:15pm]
Y'know when you do a formula in excel and you fill it down or across it changes the cell numbering... eg



Is it possible to anchor one element, so that when you change it takes its value from one cell only.. eg


If so, how!?!
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[13 Jan 2005|05:28pm]
... Aha.... its called (perhaps unsurprisingly) a Suction Lifter.

Now... Where do I buy one...
1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[13 Jan 2005|05:19pm]
Y'know those heavy duty tools with locking suckers that they use for pulling metal floor tiles off a raised floor...

... does anyone know what the hell they're called and where I might be able to get one?
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[11 Jan 2005|08:47pm]

I am nerdier than 84% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Back to the grindstone...
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Another Kill [11 Jan 2005|04:00pm]
The customer's machine's IP has been blocked by our network until the
customer can resolve the issue with the device.

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[11 Jan 2005|02:38pm]
Something for you Alison...
2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

w00t [10 Jan 2005|01:06pm]
According to the NSI website, it would appear that i've won another £50 premium bond.

Thats a nice start to a monday morning.

... although this month i've also got to buy a new tax disk for my car which is not going to hurt.
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Thankyou George W Bush! [09 Jan 2005|01:56am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

No seriously.

Thank you for fucking up your country's enonomy to the point where $1 is worth 53p.

...I have just made a large order from Think Geek.

2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Penny Jar [07 Jan 2005|02:29pm]
I have just counted the money in my penny jar and it came to £73.

7 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Jerry springer the opera [07 Jan 2005|12:16pm]
[ mood | amused ]

.... anything that pisses of religious zealots has got to be a good thing.

3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[06 Jan 2005|09:14pm]
Americans wonder why the people of the rest of the world hate them, and it surprises me.

Especially when they start making congressional prayer speeches the jist of which is that the victims of the asian tsunami deserved to die and did so because they didn't believe in Jesus.

I honestly don't think that they're operating in the same fucking universe as the rest of us.

Arent church and state supposed to be kept separate under the constitution? I thought so...

Also, something that seems to have escaped them is that that area (and especially sri lanka) has a very high christian population... but i guess they're not white and american, so their lives are just statistics.
3 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Penny jar [06 Jan 2005|02:51pm]
Random question: What's the least annoying way to cash in your penny jar?

Do i shove them all in a bag and give it to them and let them sort it out, sort it into coin types or what?
17 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[06 Jan 2005|09:35am]
Mmm... Trisha.

More Pikey's per square meter than anywhere else.
6 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Another confirmed kill [04 Jan 2005|05:34pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]

Dear Mr. Marcus,
The IP address, that you have mentioned in your e-mail 
was hacked and used for attacking some servers . We found the machine 
which uses this ip address and disabled it from network.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Borusan Telekom 

wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[01 Jan 2005|12:35pm]
Generated: Sat,  1 Jan 2005 00:01:34 +0000
Overview: 333 out of 491 emails marked as spam
Signal to noise: 3.9 db

Happy new year folks.

I have a bad head.
wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[31 Dec 2004|12:12am]
I am currently sitting in the lovely house of [info]pinkoi in wolves.

Stressed because I am having to be "just the friend" infront of the parents... god I feel like I'm 16 again. I'm too old for this and its nuts... still, its better than the alternative i suppose and I don't have to do it for long.

Tomorrow we are going to wander around the black country museum which I'm really quite looking forward to, and I'm looking forward to having a look at some industrial archeology.

Anyway, got here and was presented with a gift of a cute draggy holding a sword... which was totally unexpected and unnecessary but was fantastic all the same. It goes very well with the clock that helen got me as well, but means that claims of not being a goth are on very shakey ground. :D

... also slightly concerned that I didn't feed helen's goldfish yesterday or today and i won't be back home until saturday... i really hope they will be alright. I may actually go home tomorrow to feed them 'cos i couldn't stand it if they were floating when i get back.

Anywho... best go...

Happy new year folkies :)
1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[31 Dec 2004|12:05am]
The more i hear about the tsunami horrors, the more I am sickened by that fuckwit Bush's dispicable cruel and selfish attitude and remarks.

Y'know... I kinda hope the born agains are right, that there is a heaven and hell and there will be a final day of judgement... because people like that are in for a nasty shock.
1 PuLsE|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

Charity [29 Dec 2004|08:40pm]
Charity is not a good thing. It is a symptom of a diseased society.

Charities exist to raise money for worthy causes... but if the world wasnt such a sick and evil place those causes either wouldn't exist or wouldn't need to raise money.

Money is not like law of physics which is immutable... it is an abstract concept. An invention of man and is a bloody stupid idea. The fact that people die on a daily basis because they don't have enough of this abstract stuff called money is absolute insanity, and sickens me.

I hope for a day where all people who work for charities are unemployed.
2 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

[28 Dec 2004|12:06am]
I'm sitting here late night, coding and listening to heavy metal in a darken room. Its all very cliche and matrixy.

Go to sleep neo... you have to go to the sales tomorrow and buy your mum a birthday present

Anyway... I have been spending time veging infront of the telly and not moving. This is a good thing since this was the first day in a number of months where I haven't had to get up and do something.

The past few days have seen more intensive family exposure than my poor mind can deal with.

So, apart from a quick trip out to the shops to get dinner and to feed Helen's goldfish, I have done very little today. Shall be more productive tomorrow hopefully... providing i dont wake up horribly late like i did today.

The only thing of real interest in my life that happened today was me almost having a head to head car crash because some twat in a mondeo decided to turn across a T junction without looking. Thankfully my reactions saved a rather nasty crash that would have probably totalled both cars :/ Still the guy looked more frightened than both of us and actually took both hands off the wheel while breaking mouthing "Sorry!" at me.

The girl in the passenger seat he was obviously trying to impress screamed and swore violently at him as he drove off.

Fun fun. Now bed.
4 PuLsEs|wArp tHe EleCtroNs

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