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well, yeah.... [Jan. 18th, 2005|08:38 am]

What sign of the Zodiac am I?

Leo 93 %
Aries 86 %
Aquarius 60 %
Pisces 60 %
Virgo 60 %
Gemini 60 %
Capricorn 53 %
Sagittarius 53 %
Cancer 46 %
Libra 46 %
Taurus 40 %
Scorpio 40 %

Take the Zodiac test here!
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a real update next... [Jan. 14th, 2005|12:02 pm]
but for now, a quiz.. ha! ha! )
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Ok, so I just had to sheep along... [Jan. 12th, 2005|10:29 pm]
Ahoy, tell me what kind o' pirate Me am or there'll be maroonin' on the next patch o' desolate hell we see! )
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snagged from [info]simacct [Jan. 10th, 2005|06:59 pm]
just quiz stuff; blah blah, blah )
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[Jan. 6th, 2005|06:54 pm]
[mood | lethargic]

EQ )

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[Jan. 5th, 2005|10:30 am]
[mood | drained]

I am nerdier than 85% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

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not ALL the drumsticks are gone! [Jan. 4th, 2005|07:33 pm]
You are a drumstick.

Absolutely insane. That is how most would describe you. You aren't afraid to take risks, and enjoy putting yourself in strange situations. Most people hang out with you because of your hilarious sense of humour. You light up any bad situation, and can help all of your friends with their problems, except for your own. Because of this, you enjoy being around people like you. Many shut you out for your very weird, random personality, but honestly, you shouldn't care.

Most compatible with: Guitar, and another drumstick.

Click here -- What Random Object Represents Your Inner Self?
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I'm not sure this is even possible... [Dec. 31st, 2004|09:51 pm]

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Procrastinate more.

Get your resolution here

Happy New Year!!!
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snagged from [info]rtsindo [Dec. 29th, 2004|10:59 pm]
Endless meme... :D )
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[Dec. 26th, 2004|10:07 am]
XmaS Party memeitude )
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[Dec. 25th, 2004|02:04 pm]
A little holiday silliness!

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snagged from awholebunchapeople [Dec. 24th, 2004|10:04 am]
If we were to meet under the mistletoe, would you kiss me?


copy and repost! see who wants to kiss you!
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pressies~ [Dec. 22nd, 2004|10:50 am]
presents meme! )
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how perfect! :D [Nov. 26th, 2004|09:27 pm]
liberty is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator
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I took the updated test, and now I'm..... [Nov. 18th, 2004|12:46 pm]
Cupid - Free Online Dating and Match
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well, duh.... [Nov. 15th, 2004|11:34 pm]
[mood | lethargic]

not surprised at all...

You are 100% Leo

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some quizzitude to pass the time... [Nov. 6th, 2004|12:06 pm]
[mood | blah]

Oh, I suppose I should motivate to do SOMETHING today, but.... )

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yay for feet! [Nov. 3rd, 2004|02:51 pm]
[mood | silly]

It seems that I no longer have an aversion to socks with toes. I bought a pair last night on a whim from the clearance Halloween stuff at Walgreens. I put them on today, fully expecting a toe revolt, but was pleasantly suprised by the fact that my toes were all fine being warm and cozy in their own individual pockets.

This opens up whole new realms of obnoxious strange sock happiness to me.

Hey, maybe by next summer they'll accept thong sandals. hrm hrm hrm.

Hooray!! :D

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grr. [Nov. 2nd, 2004|10:50 pm]
[mood | annoyed]

Apparently LJ is kinda swamped. Or my connection sucks. Or both. I seem to be able to update my own LJ just fine, but I keep timing out whenever I try to post a comment. grr. And I tried to install YahooMessenger on my laptop with absolutely no success. My 'puter doesn't want me to chat, I guess, because it's already consecutively rejected Trillian and ICQ. ok, fine then.

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[Nov. 2nd, 2004|09:50 pm]

You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party.

Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel opressed by both.

You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter.

You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!

Well, not everything, but damn close.....
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