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James Rice's LiveJournal:
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Saturday, February 15th, 2003 | 6:02 pm |
I'm back for real (until next time) I just want to be back on LJ for a while. I've been learning a lot from God lately, and I wanted to share my life with more people. That's kind of why I ended up being a teacher in the first place, and I'm starting to see a small part of how that might turn out.
I know I may have offended some of you all out there before, and/or just tripped some of you out, but please know that through it all, I truly do love you, and I thank God that I still have a way to talk to you guys. That is, if y'all remember me ;-)
So, like I say whenever I don't have anything to say in class: "Does anybody have any questions?" I take EVERY question seriously, and will answer it to the best of my ability. | Saturday, January 25th, 2003 | 1:43 pm |
Still cleaning... I just found the OSX version of my LJ client (the last one was on classic Mac mode). I haven't looked straight at my computer desktop in a LONG while. I only use my computer for email and web browsing these days. But that's ok...
I forgot my LJ password, and the email they used to send that sort of thing to no longer exists. If I ever want to post to LJ, it has to be through one of these client thingies, or I have to get a new name...
OH well..... | 1:32 pm |
If any of you remember me... Hi. I'm cleaning my desktop. I ran across my old LJ stand-alone journal entry application. I'm cleaning my physical and virtual desktops so I can do some grading. I've become a teacher since the last time I posted. It feels like years.... Anyway, yeah, I had a job in the chemical industry doing analytical work determining the amount of pesticides on agricultural products (oranges), I got laid off, and God put me in a great job teaching chemistry and physics to Chinese-American high school kids at a place called Chinese Christian School. This is my first year teaching anywhere, so needless to say, I go to school and do my own homework, and I go to bible studies and church. That's about all there is to my life right now... Glad to be back, if only briefly. Hi, y'all! Current Mood: pleasedCurrent Music: The Masked Marvel - George Winston Playing the Music of "Peanuts" by Vince Guaraldi | Tuesday, July 16th, 2002 | 10:32 pm |
HI I jsut watned to peruse old thoughts, see what I used to be like. Yes, I was a coward, and I didn't trust God, even when I proclaimed Him to the world. So it goes.
But I still love Him, and He always loved me. | Thursday, September 20th, 2001 | 12:59 am |
Tired Good night. I'm tired, and I have things to do tomorrow. | Wednesday, September 19th, 2001 | 6:47 pm |
I'm back in the downstairs office again. It's the only computer that I have access to that also has MS Word. I'm writing a cover letter for a job. I might get to be a High School chem lab assistant. $13 an hour! Work with kids!!!!!
Ok, maybe I sound too excited, but it would be kinda cool, I think. Well, I'll find out.
I also have an interview next friday, and possibly an interview next Wednesday, so things seem to be looking up a bit on the job front. Oh, and there's a biotech career fair coming up soon, so I may be able to REALLY get my resume out there. | Saturday, September 8th, 2001 | 3:44 am |
Posting from new OS X client For my first post in a while this one's kinda lame, but it's all I got at this hour. I installed a now OS on my mac (Unix-based, Woohoo!). It runs ok, but kinda slow. No crashes though. Best of all, even if oh, say, IE crashes, it doesn't take everything else with it. True protected memory spaces! I'm sure this means a lot to everybody. Yes, the big EVERYBODY who reads so many of my posts (usually not I think, but anyway)... I'm tired. I've been going to some classes. I'm taking ancient Greek and computer science. I'm learning two arcane languages...this is where you laugh. Yes, I want to delve into computers on a deeper level. I also want to delve into God's word on a deeper level, and getting to the original "source code", the New Testament in Greek, is one way of really delving. I suppose it's not actually necessary, seeing as how if God really wants to reveal His word to me he will do it in any way he sees fit, but it seems to me for now that this is the way He is choosing. So far, I've been doing pretty well in the class, but we've barely done anything yet. However, I've already learned that there are declensions (noun-endings) that apparently modify nouns much the same way verb-endings modify verbs. If you have ever had to conjugate verbs in a foreign language, you have some idea of how painful this sounds. If you have taken Latin, stop calling me a wuss. Anyway, I've also been looking for a job. I hit the campus career fair the last couple of days, and it looks like there is possible employment out there for me. I'm just really bad so far at going out and getting it. I'm sure I could have been emplyed for months by now....*mutter*mutter*groan*complain*sel f-loathe*yada*yada*yada*
Ok, I've been bitter enough for a man who's rent and food are under control and who has a means of support for the time-being.
The Lord is really testing me to have faith that He'll pull things together, even though I want everything to be resolved now. He's also teaching the responsibility I'll need to actually get things done to glorify Him.
He's also doing much the same for my friend Austin. The poor guy got kicked out of the college of engineering a while back, and spent a long time trying to get back in there before he realized he wanted to change his major. Of course, while trying to get back into engineering, he did really badly in a bunch of classes, so even his attempts at readmission look pathetic. Now, what seems to be his very final chance at getting readmitted to UC Berkeley at all rides on the final appeal letter he sent to the Dean of Students.
The Dean has been sitting on his letter for more than a week. I've been trying to comfort Austin and keep him from fretting, but he is very upset, and particularly distressed at how badly this will make his mom feel, since she has been the one supporting his education the whole time. He wants to have something to show for it all, and yet right now he has nothing but a failed engineering career and a budding career in cognitive science which is being held back by a *severe* lack of enrollment.
So, he's been stressed. I just would like anybody out there who cares to keep Austin in their thoughts and to even pray for him.
Thanks. | Thursday, September 6th, 2001 | 3:42 pm |
I just got a letter back from my dad in response to the one I sent him about a month ago. I'm just bowled over because it's been so long, but his phrasing and all the things he says feel so familiar. It just makes me realize how much I've really missed him and how bad that's made me feel whenever I did think of him.
On a more immediate note, there's an on-campus career fair going on, bo I'd better get my resume printed out and get my butt down there. See ya on the flip-side folks. | Wednesday, August 15th, 2001 | 12:28 am |
Uuummmm, Yeah So, my first job interview turned out to be a dead end. Ok.
My second one seems to be a wati 3 more weeks kind of deal, and that's at their best reckoning, although it might be resolved before then. I don't know.
Ok, I'll admit I'm a might jittery about this whole job thing because I have to pay my rent in a couple of weeks and I don't have the cash. I could always ask my mom, but I really hate that because I graduated, and I *should* be earning my own way, especially with a degree in chemistry for crying out loud.
I mean, really, after four years of it, I started to not like it as much, not nearly, and only stuck with it because I had come too far to turn back and because I figured it would be a relatively secure source of income, even if the income is not high.
Right now, my income is nil, so anything would be a blessing, and I will take it. I would just feel bad trying to impose on my mother, but I don't know any other way off the top of my head. Oh well, maybe something unexpected will happen. Who knows?
In other topics, I'm starting to learn some basics of computer programming. I finally caved in and realized that all anybody wants these days is a low-level-type computer programmer with enough brains to translate some process into code for the net. This may be what I do no matter where I work. I don't really like that idea becasue that means that I really wasted my time in college: I not only didn't learn anything to get a degree, but nobody cares about the degree that I didn't really earn. So, I suffered for 4 years and will have almost nothing to show. Harrumph!
Ok, I'm just being crabby, and there's really no excuse for it. I guess I'm just feeling a bit useless, and kinda cooped up. I don't have a job, so I really don't have anywhere to go during the day.. This is particularly felt if there is any money to be spent becasuse I will more often than not choose not to spend it, at least not on myself.
Ok, that's not really true, but I haven't kept track too well of all my spending in the last few days, so I feel very uncomfortable with the whole subject of money right now. It really does give me a perspective on people with no money, though, because with only a few weeks of unemployment, I could be kicked out and living in my car.
Alright, so I could sell my stuff first. I would use this as the last option, because the onlyt hings I own that have any value I use (guitar, computer, ok that's it). I also don't have much in the way fo stuff to sell, but if this goes on, I may go out and play guitar on the street for spare change. Heck, people might even give me some.
Current Music: Scott Joplin - Easy Winners | Wednesday, July 25th, 2001 | 9:28 am |
I'm going to my job interview in a few minutes. I'm a little nervous, but my new suit looks pretty good and so does my new haircut. I just hope I don't dribble food on myself. | Wednesday, July 18th, 2001 | 10:11 pm |
Good news I got a letter from my dad. This is the first correspondence from him that I have actually been looking forward to in, oh, ever.
It's so weird, but it sounds like he has some idea of what it was like to live with him, and he said that he didn't just want to interrogate me, which is almost always what he would have done in the past. I've heard that he's been in therapy, trying to straighten himself out. Although i'm not much of a proponent of therapy, I have found that a lot of it does work if you actually want to change. It seems this is so, and I am mightily encouraged. I'm writing back to him soon.
Current Mood: encouraged | 5:10 pm |
Job hunt I have a resume. I'm starting to write cover letters. I got some help from my friend Riham, and I think I'm getting out of my rut. Thank you, God.
Current Music: Debussy - 2nd Arabesque | Monday, July 16th, 2001 | 10:18 pm |
Reply I don't seem to be getting much in the way of replies these days. Oh well, either people are just reading and accepting what I say, or they don't care, or they are all sleep deprived and would rather rest than spend all night on their computers.
So, in response, I will say what Apu, from the Simpsons would say:
"Silly person, you cannot hurt a Twinkie!"
Ok, so I'm comparing myself to a Twinkie, but eh.
Anyway, if you wanna yak in my general direction, go ahead, I like it when people bother me (yes, I'm serious).
I'll be like the guy on SNL:
Talk amongst yourselves, here's a topic.
Do you have any kind of spiritual belief? Feel free to share.
Current Music: More Debussy - Jardins sur la Pluie (anybody speak French?) | 8:37 am |
Hi hi | Sunday, July 15th, 2001 | 10:48 pm |
A survey, Please read I'm involved in a relatively informal sruvey. Could you help me by sharing your opinion on three important questions?
1) If you were God, and wanted to communicate to man, how would you do it?
2) Furthermore, how would you convince man that this was really your commmunication?
3) If someone would prove to you that the Bible was really true, would you be willing to conform your life to its moral teachings?
Thank you so much fo your help. If you would like a copy of the survey results, I can email them to you. Just tell me if you want results in your responses to this post (if they are survey responses).
Thank you!!! | 10:43 pm |
FYI In case you haven't noticed, I like Debussy a lot. I try to play a lot of his stuff for piano, and sometimes I can. Usually not. I'm gonna try my hand at jazz piano soon, with some improv, assuming my funds don't dry up completely leaving me unable to pay rent, phone, credit, and food bills. Ok, so maybe I need a job.
Unemployment leaves me a lot of time, but idle hands ARE the devil's playground...
I meant it when I asked if anybody out there knows what government jobs are like (HINT ZOID). | 10:29 pm |
I called dad I got somebody's answering machine, no mention of my Dad in the outgoing message. Ok, so I just said "This is for Jeff, from James, I've been meaning to call for a long time, sorry to hear about your house [I heard that he got evicted from his house, my childhood home :-( ] and I hope you drop me a line. My address in Berikeley is ... so drop me a line sometime, please keep in touch". I didn't want ot give my phone # becaseu he has been weird in the past, including calling at weird hours. I wouldn't mind, but it would be rude to my roommate, and anyway, you don't have to get yelled at over the phone. However, I'm less afraid now of my Dad than I used to be. I'm sure 6 years, 6 inches, and 40 pounds (give or take) will make you feel less intimidated, or maybe it's the 400 miles. OH well. Read my next post, it's less ambiguous.
Current Mood: light Current Music: Debussy - Mouvement | 2:31 am |
I've made a decision I'm going to call my dad. For those of you who know, this is rather serious. I haven't talked to him in 6 years now, and I'm not even sure the phone number I have for him is actually his or just an answering machine, but this has gone on for way too long and I need to talk to him, and let him know that I still love him. I've been a coward for not doing before, and if anybody finds that I haven't done it after tomorrow, you can call me a coward to my face.
I hope you all are as cheerful as I am!
When you've been doing something wrong long enough, you start to get numb to the whole thing, and then, when you try to make it right, it stings and hurts more than it ever would have before. It's like making your leg fall asleep then walking around on pins and needles, except in your heart. Ow.
Pray for me. Please. | Friday, July 13th, 2001 | 8:15 am |
Up Early I got up at 8 today to pretend like I'm on something of a normal work schedule. Maybe I WILL be able to function like a normal human being.
Current Music: Debussy - Ballade Slave | 8:15 am |
Up Early I got up at 8 today to pretend like I'm on something of a normal work schedule. Maybe I WILL be able to function like a normal human being.
Current Music: Debussy - Ballade Slave |
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