Lester's LiveJournal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Lester's LiveJournal:

    Saturday, September 16th, 2000
    4:53 pm
    Stupid Bastards
    Man, I've been cruising the LJ'ers, and people are just stupid. It's all the same shit: Some chick posts something. Some guy tries to respond and make himself look cool.

    It's all about fucking. Don't you people know that? Love isn't real. Love is lowering your standards every day until you're tired of being alone. Then, you lower them enough to be a match with whoever you want to/are fucking. Voila. Love.

    The truly strong don't need love. They can make themselves happy. They fuck when they want to fuck. They spend time with people when they want to. But they embrace being alone.

    Weak fools.
    4:27 pm
    Welcome To My Cubicle
    My name is Lester. I work for a giant corporation. I hate my job. I hate my wife. I hate what I've become. I gave up, and gave in. I sold out. I traded my walk-on part in the war for the lead role in a cage.

    I am in a cage. Penned in by a mindless job, an unfaithful wife, and a lifestyle I can't afford to give up.

    I feel the inspiration to change, but its buried deep. I'm hoping that this Internet journal will let me burn my shell off....
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