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Pete Weber's Journal

20th April, 2005. 11:17 pm. Only In the Movies...

As I evolve as a person I struggle with the topic of Love vs. Compatibility. Ideally we want to "find" a person who is a perfect mix of both. In reality, I'm not so sure if it's possible. The romantic in me wants to believe that Love is that warm fuzzy feeling... blah blah blah... insert said person's name here... everything is so great... yada yada yada... you get the picture. But the practicl part of me knows better, Love runs out and if there's little or nothing that you have to go on after that then you have nothing.

Love should stay in the one place where it's pure, the movies. In the movies we are able to pretend that these things are true or just take a sample or adaptation of someone's life where Love exists.

If you're in Love, that's great... but life's not a movie. You life keeps going on after the happy ending, the credits have rolled, and the theater has cleared.

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20th April, 2005. 10:35 am.

There's a new Pope in town and he's German. I really don't know much about it all yet, all I know is that he has some big shoes to fill. I will tell you now, if he is a short lived Pope, like 5 years or less, then be scared.

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19th April, 2005. 11:33 pm.

I'm not the biggest country fan in the world, but you have to love Tim McGraw - Don't Take The Girl. The song is the cat's pajamas.

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16th April, 2005. 3:50 pm.

I hate this band with a passion, if this was ever to be the next wave of music I will be "old man"

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14th April, 2005. 10:49 pm. let me present the Anti-Crist>1;=6428

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12th April, 2005. 11:25 pm.

I am a nerd because I am excited about this:

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12th April, 2005. 2:28 pm.

I hate these quizes, but love them too.

Your dating personality profile:

Religious - Faith matters to you. It is the foundation that you build your life upon. You trust that God has a plan for you.
Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense. Style matters. You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about her appearance.
Outgoing - You can liven up any party. You've got a way with people and have little difficulty charming your dates.
Your date match profile:

Traditional - You need someone who is a bit old-fashioned. A person with traditional values and beliefs will perfectly compliment your lifestyle.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Outgoing - Shy and timid people are not who you are after. You need someone with a vibrant personality to breathe life into a relationship.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Religious
2. Stylish
3. Outgoing
4. Big-Hearted
5. Adventurous
6. Wealthy/Ambitious
7. Traditional
8. Sensual
9. Practical
10. Liberal
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Traditional
2. Practical
3. Outgoing
4. Athletic
5. Stylish
6. Religious
7. Sensual
8. Adventurous
9. Big-Hearted
10. Conservative

Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversions

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12th April, 2005. 2:09 pm.

Just found out I am getting a wireless signal from my class room. I am happy! Now I have something to do during planning periods... although I should be planning.

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11th April, 2005. 10:49 pm.

Wow, what a great idea!

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11th April, 2005. 6:14 pm.

I hate to say it, but Waterboys was one of the most entertaining movies I've seen.

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