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new stuff

so i'm updating... which seems to be rare lately because i've recently become obsessed with myspace.com... check mine out (myspace)... i'm completely obsessed... so anyway, stuff's happened since my last entry... i got a new lap top... i'm in love with it... i'm on it now writing from my heated waterbed... so don't lie... you're jealous... haha, yeah, so i move into school in a week (sunday the 19th) and i cant wait... classes start the 27th... it's mad late compared to all other schools... ALL my friends have gone back already, but i had some time to visit peeps... i love it...  but for now i'm gonna roll my ass back over to myspace to obsess some more... heh, peace

~*Current Mood*~: content
~*Current Music*~: I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business

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new cell fone!!
i got a new cell fone yesterday and i LOVE it!!! its a motorola v300... but it sux cause i like lost all my old numbers when my old fone died in the pool... and now i have a new number... so its mad confusing for people... but if u wanna reach me now... my #s 267.475.7137

so later today i have my 2nd job interview at the Iron Hill Brewery... so we'll see how that goes... i'm excited, i would love to work there... but then i work tonight at 4, and tomorrow at 4 and sunday at 3... grrrrrrrrr... too much work :( but i need the money really bad

~*Current Mood*~: excited
~*Current Music*~: hellogoodbye

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Iron Hill Brewery
so yesterday i applied for a job serving at the Iron Hill Brewery... its a new one right by me... and today they called me and asked me a few questions and to come in for an interview tomorrow at 2... so i'm excited... and hopefully when i move downtown, maybe i'll be able to work at the one in the city... that would be nice... well we'll see what happens... i have work at the William Penn Inn today, i think they're gonna fire me... but that would be nice cause i'm getting a new job anyway... oh well

~*Current Mood*~: exhausted
~*Current Music*~: Adelphi - "Attention"

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oo, man

so lots to tell... i'll start off with last week... i went down to ocean city with Greg Teufal... soooo much fun... we went to the lasalle hosuse where i spent the night... i saw so many people i hadn't see since graduation, it was cool... i def. smoked from a bong for my first time... and i also went into a beer distributer and bought beer for my first time too... i've never tried it cause i never thought my id would work...

so friday was Warped Tour... which was great!!! i saw so many bands... i talked to everyone but jeff from the early november... everywhere we went there it smelled like weed... suprise suprise... but it was great, i also got to meet Story of the Year and Taking back sunday... did anyone know Adam from story of the year is gay... he came out apparently! so thats kinda cool, i was really excited cause i found out right before i met them...

moving on-- so today i finally joined myspace like everyone else in the world... check it out: me the BATTER

and for now... i'm out... laterz world

~*Current Mood*~: nerdy
~*Current Music*~: Jenoah - "Openly"

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so today was mad long... i had to drive all the way out to Bay Shore, Long Island, New York... and it took up like my whole day... i had to go out and pick up my sis... but we still had a fun car ride home... and we ended the night by finally seeing Napolian Dynomite which was freakin great!! we've wanted to see that forever... so yeah, i just got home like less than an hour ago and i'm goin to sleep cause i'm beat... but p.s. everybody should read [info]talklate 's LJ cause it's entry about our other night is great!!! i love Chris...

p.s. "I'm just kidding!!"

~*Current Mood*~: loved
~*Current Music*~: The Postal Service - "The District Sleeps Alone"

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I just took a bunch of pix of my new frog Buddy... check him out... he's mad cute... i found him, so i'm not %100 sure what he is, but after looking up pix online, i think he's an African Bull Pixie Frog... which means instead of his small 2inches now... he may grow to be 9 to 10... he's gonna be huge!!! well here he is!!


~*Current Mood*~: excited
~*Current Music*~: Guster - "Deamons"

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GASP!! whats this!? an entry!! wow... haha, so yeah, i thought maybe i'd pick up on my livejournal... SO much has been happening, but i'll get talk about it all over time... i'm not gonna cram it all into one huge entry now... but anywho... i definatly was supposed to drive up to New York today to see my sis and other family, but i really really didnt feel like the drive when i woke up... so here i am... i wanna go see The Village today, it looks great... but we'll see... u cant always judge from a trailer... p.s. is it bad that its 4:47 and i'm still wearing only the towel i used after my shower... alright, never mind, i just went and got changed... but anywho... i need to get out of this house, i'm so bored here... AHH! guess what! i got a pet froggy! his name's Buddy, and i found him in Long Island on Jones Beach... he's mad cute, i made him a huge terrerium and stuff... but apparently he gets to be like 9 to 10 inches cause he's an African Bull Pixie Frog... but right now he's like 2 inches and SOOOOOOOOOO cute! he's so much fun to play with... and he's hops EVERYWHERE!... ha, alright, i'm gonna roll... peace

~*Current Mood*~: indifferent
~*Current Music*~: Kristin Barry - "Ordinary Life"

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i knew it
[info]gigglez056 and [info]dudewheresmylj are having sweet, creamy buttsex!
[info]comfortinglies keeps an Ab-Master 9000 under their bed. It's not for their abs.
[info]elvenjay has no TV licence!
[info]japieboi knows the truth about [info]crazykidben and [info]yummiebunnie.
[info]bunhead2001 had better clear their internet cache before [info]psychojoy comes home.
[info]dudewheresmylj and [info]thatordinaryboy are really the same person! Think about it, you've never seen them together!

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

~*Current Mood*~: groggy
~*Current Music*~: Taking Back Sunday - "There's no I in team"

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hm... well tonight for the 3rd week in a row i didnt go to woody's as i had planned.. Suz fell asleep so i just went to see Spiderman with friends... i had a decent night... i dont feel like going into it now though, i'm mad tired... so i'm just gonna head off... peace

~*Current Mood*~: crappy
~*Current Music*~: Dashboard Confessional - "Vindicated"

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ok... so about the rest of the night... all i have to say is 'No Comment'... but i'll be happy to talk about the concert!! the show was amazing... chris was absolutely gorgeous and played an incredible show!! i saw a bunch of people there... Charlie Biggs, Cait O., Sean Leimbach, Chris Wallen, and Dave A., it was kinda random, but cool... so yeah, after the concert we went to Chris B.'s house and chilled all night... nobody really went to sleep... except people passing out for bits at a time... but we woke up this morning and Dave drove Anthony home, I drove Justin home, and Chris went to work at the Eagle Diner, and Dave and I met up there and got something to eat... and now i have to be at work in like a half hour... ugh, its gonna suck... especially since i found out i had to work yesterday and i didnt know... ugh, they're gonna freakin fire me... i dont have a good rep. there right now... i've been fucking up... but we'll see... alright, i'm gonna go get ready for work... peace

~*Current Mood*~: drained
~*Current Music*~: Fall Out Boy - "love will tear us apart"

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what an awesome night... i freakin saw Dashboard who played an AMAZING show... and now i'm at a party with Chris, Justin, Anthony, and Dave... who are all totally messed up... especially Anthony and Dave... ha... i'll write more about tonight later when i'm home... peace

~*Current Mood*~: chipper
~*Current Music*~: Anthony raving about alcoholic beverages...

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where is ur boy tonight? i hope he is a gentleman...
wow, so last night, yeah... i had an interesting pool party, lol, lots of suits off... heh, but it was fun... we watched some Looney Toons movie after and ate pizza... it was fun

so tonight i have a dive meet to coach... Meg's commin over so we can get the sheets ready, and then we're watching her Dane Cook dvds... he's HILLARIOUS!! god, if u dont know him, totally check him out... so now i'm just chillin around my house... oo, Tomorrow is the Dashboard concert... i have 6th row!!! i'm bringing justin along... its gonna be amazing!!

~*Current Mood*~: complacent
~*Current Music*~: Fall Out Boy - "Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner"

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rents and sis are away for the week... heh... sweet

~*Current Mood*~: geeky
~*Current Music*~: The Morning After - "Goodbye"

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tonight was great... i went to 12th air with Zack, Harry, and Lauren Mintzer... i just met lauren... which was cool cause she's this boy Mike's sister... i went to school with mike for 4 years... he's such a nice kid... it was random meetin his sister... but anywho, we went, and i spent most of the time with James (a guy i work with) which was cool cause i never see him outside of work... i was up in the sky lounge like the whole time... i'm still kinda tipsy... hehe, i had a fun time though... so tomorrow morning my rents and sis leave for a week... :) cant wait... but i'm mad tired right now, so i'm gonna head to bed... g'night world!

~*Current Mood*~: exhausted
~*Current Music*~: Fall Out Boy - "Grenade Jumper"

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god hates me...
so yeah... tonight was terrible... like... REALLY bad... my sis, bridget and i were driving down to Lancaster to see Fall Out Boy... and we were running really late as it was, and then there was flooding, so we had to find a different way to go... and we finally get there... and we're turning onto the road infront of the chamelion club and this car rear-ends us... and someone called the cops and stuff... and since Kate and Bridget were under 18 they HAD to go to the hospital... some rule about minors... it sucked, so i went with them, and they put me in a neck brace and gave me x-rays and a CAT scan... and we TOTALLY missed the concert... and my cars messed up... and my neck hurts... but we still got to see and hang out with Fall Out Boy for a little bit before we went home cause they were at the pizza place around the corner... they were SO nice... and Pete remembered my name... he saw me and was like "hey dan!" and started talkin to me... which was awesome... so i TOTALLY doubt its possible... but i want to go see them tomorrow night at the Starland Ballroom in NJ... i doubt my rents will let us go after that though... poop! :( tonight sucked except for like 10 minutes at the end... but then i still had to drive the 1.5 hours home... blah... oh well... life sux, i'll get over it

~*Current Mood*~: crappy
~*Current Music*~: dead silence...

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Fall Out Boy pix!!!!!

I finally got them!!!

Me and Fall Out Boy at Bridget's Uncle's resturant--->


more pix!! )

~*Current Mood*~: ecstatic
~*Current Music*~: Fall Out Boy - "The Pros and Cons of Breathing"

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~*Current Mood*~: aggravated
~*Current Music*~: Fall Out Boy - "Homesick at Space Camp"

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omg, so yeah... tonight work sucked... but i was goin downtown to pick up my sis and her friend from the TLA in philly cause they went to the Fall Out Boy show with Anberlin... and i really wanted to go, but i didnt have tix... but anywho, i got down at 11:30 when they were gettin out... and we went to my sis's friend's uncle's resturant 2 blocks up the street... and the girl (bridget) said she'd invited Fall Out Boy to come... well i was like 'no way they're comming... i wish'... and yeah, we ate and stuff... and it was just us there, cause the uncle opened it for us... he was totally hillarious... he's awesome... so yeah... 12:30ish came along and we decided to leave... and we were walkin up to the TLA and Fall Out Boy was outside... and they were like "hey! we were just commin up to ur uncle's" and i couldnt believe it... so we got to chill for like 2 hours with the band and some other people... and Anberlin was in the street... but they didn't come :(, but its all gravey... they were sooooooooooooooo nice... and i got pix that i'll definalely post later... it was an amazing night even though i didn't get to see them play... though we got in a bit of trouble cause i didnt get the girls home till after 3am... oops! heh, but it was totally worth it...

~*Current Mood*~: bouncy
~*Current Music*~: Fall Out Boy - "Chicago is So Two Years Ago"

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so i really need to start updating more... i like never talk in here... but yeah, i dunno... my rents are away for the weekend... like they will be for pretty much every weekend for the rest of the summer... they go down to the Chessapeake Bay in Maryland cause we have a boat there... i go sometimes... but i work so much that i cant go all the time... so yeah... oo, i start traing to be a server at the William Penn Inn next week... i'm kinda nervous that i'm gonna fuck up, cause i hafta memorize so much food and alcohol and stuff... argh, oh well... i'll get it, god, i woke up at like 1:45 today... i tried to get up at 10:30 but totally passed out again... i hate wasting the day like that... especially now that i hafta work in 2 hours... blah... and now i have no idea what i'm doing tonight... shane wants to come over with friends, but i kinda wanna go downtown... but i wanna have him over, i dunno... i can go downtown any weekend... hell, i can go downtown during the week now too since i'm done school... so i'll have shane over... but if he ends up not commin... then i'm goin to 12th air... cause i don't have work sunday mornin like i usually do... i'm workin sunday afternoon though cause some kid offered me $50 bucks to switch shifts with him, and i couldnt say no... he didn't pay me yet, so i hope he does... alright, well i'm gonna peace out... later

~*Current Mood*~: crappy
~*Current Music*~: The Early November- "Everythings Too Cold But You're So Hot"

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so who woke up at 10:30 this morning to my sister being like "Danny...? what time were you supposed to be at work??"... heh... suprise suprise...oops, oh well. I got my friend Cathy to call out for me. So god knows what i'll do today. i wanna go see shreck 2 or somethin... but we'll see

~*Current Mood*~: groggy
~*Current Music*~: The Living End - "Who's Gonna Save Us?"

Name: methebetter2
Website: Danny's Page