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The Life of Bryan aka Neoquark

Feb. 14th, 2005


Both the same to me right now, lol. I was sick on my bday and still sick and coughing today. Oh what fun, la la la. Anyone else sick?

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Feb. 13th, 2005

03:03 pm - Sick on the birthday

Well, i gues si got the flu or something. I had to cancel all my plans today. Not going to dinner with the famliy like they wanted. some friends invited me to a party for Valentines, but not going to that either. I know how i feel when peopel get me sick, so I do not want to be responsible for gettign someone else ill.

Thank you to everyone who has called or emailed to tell me happy birthday. Hugs to you all.

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Feb. 5th, 2005

07:31 am - check this out, it rawks, its a neet french animation and music its a beautiful animation to a couple of french girls song. They have pretty voices. and it has a dark gothic faery tale feel to it.

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06:42 am - boobies (title changed by request of friend, its was originally "WHAT?!!"!)

What do you want? lol. I can't sleep and it's all your fault? Who? Yours, yes you the one reading this. who the heck did you think i was talking about. I can't sleep because you wanted something interesting to read. So i am up late putting in movie after movie, drinking red bulls and eat secondary rate pizza made from some bakery in corporate grocery store.

I don't know who the heck you think you are, but you must be special because i obviously sat down and decided to write some stuff for you to read. So I will tell you about my day yesterday.

I woke up, yes that means that i actually slept at one point, probably because you were not looking for something online to read. Now if you will stop interrupting me with your questions i can finish tell you about my day.

Anyways, I woke up. I checked my email and had a few responses to a post i put about one of my recent bodypaintings. yes that means i paint on people. Sheesh, why do you ask so many questions?

Anyways, that was cool and i smiled because I felt like my work was appreciated. Then i got up and talked to my friend, which one, well one of them I actually have a few, well more than a few they just live all over the damn place. you woudl think I met them all online or that I stapled greeting crads to rats saying be my friend or pen pal or some crap and those that i could not reach with the greeting card rats, well I obviously got some smelly pigeons to glue some letters too. No not ABC crap but actual notes saying why I think someone is cool and why we would be good friends and all that stuff. Of course some of these people have contacted me, by really creative things like sending slugs to say hello by leaving the word hello in a trail of slime, oh having birds poop on my car telling me about their interests and where they come from. then there are those various people online, like yourself perhaps. but see what you are doing, you are leading me away from my day yesterday. You can be such a bother, you know. But it's okay I still care abotu you for some odd reason. I must be crazy.

Okay so i woke up and got emails oh and yeah i found out from my friend it was friday. so i decided I could sit around and waste time and then go to the bank. So I went to the bank and stared at stuff, then remembered i actually had something to to there. So I spoke with this lady and i did what I had to do. then I went to another bank and filled out some squiggly loan papers so I can have extra money to go to school and pay for my junk food and candy bars. Then, what did i do? I left the bank, you moron. Of course after that I head to Sam's club to look around and then i decided I wanted to buy stuff for my computer and get some groceries. Well I spent far too long doing all that. I get to the register and my card won't go through so they tried my member credit card, that did not work either, so I tried getting ahold of the bank where the customer service is supposed to be opend until 8pm and its only 6 but all i get is wierd messages. then i try the atm and it says funds withdrawal reached for the day and someone peed in your radiator. I was like "WHAT?" well i tried again with my other card and it said cannot access at this time then did the same thing with my other card so I talked with one of the ladies that worked there and no this was not a brothel.Anyways, we called customer service and I got my credit renewed and got the stuff i needed. But wait...

I forgot to tell you something. While I was at the bank I ran into a friend i have not seen in nearly 12 years. That make me frickin old, but in any case i was all flushed and blushing because it was my friend An'e pronounce ANNIE. We used to pester each other in school and played soccer all the time. I found out she had just gotten married and was not working in the bank, so I gave her my congradulations and caught up on some old times. I was very happy to see someone I care about happy and doing well. and stop being so self-conscious, this does not mean that I care abotu you any less. this is about my day anyways not yours, i am just writing this so you have something to read.

Well what i forgot while I wa sbuying groceries is that I had already bought myself some food from Taco Bell, so I got home with a free pizza they gave me for renewing my credit, crag legs, cheesecake and the mexican food i had in my car. Needless to say I have much of some of that left because i was not about to eat it all. I just hope it does not go to waste. I PUT THAT CHEESECAKE TO GOOD USE, lol. Yes i had cheesecake. the kind with chocolate chips on top and other stuff with a nice tasty oreo crust of sorts. So my day was pretty good. i got a couple movies to watch and stayed up talking to more friends and getting some homework done for my classes.

There now you have something to read, are you happy? okay good, I dunno care if your answer is yes or no. My job for the time being is done and this is the entry and you have obviously read some part of it if you have gotten to this ending.

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Feb. 3rd, 2005

12:02 am - ...

Here is another one. Hope you like it.

remember check the website if you want to see other stuff

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Feb. 2nd, 2005

01:59 pm - this survey thing, my friend had it so thought I woudl put it on here since it asks about lj anyways

01. who are you, what's our relationship:
02. how and where did we meet:
03. what's my middle name:
04. how long have you known me:
05. tell me one good thing about myself:
06. when you first saw me what was your impression:
07. my age:
08. birthday:
09. my favorite band at the moment:
10. color of eyes:
11. do i have any siblings:
12. have you ever had a crush on me:
13. what's one of my favorite things to do:
14. do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you:
15. describe me in 3 words:
16. name 5 things i love:
17. do you think i'm good looking:
18. how would you describe me to someone:
19. would you ever date me:
20. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did:
21: what do you like most about me:
22: if we could spend a day together what would we do:
23: have we ever gotten in a fight:
24: do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years:
25. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
26. What do you think my weakness is?
27. Do you think I'll get married?
28. What makes me happy?
29. What makes me sad?
30. What reminds you of me?
31. If you could give me anything what would it be?
32. When's the last time you saw me?
33. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
34. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
35. Are you going to put this on your Livejournal and see what I say about you?
36. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why?
37. What song (if any) reminds you of me?
38. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
39. Would you make a move on me?
40. Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a week?

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Feb. 1st, 2005

11:49 pm - Whats new? well here is something

This is a example of something i have been up to recently.I
hope you all like it.

Sorry I have not posted anything in a while.

I have a few others i need to post as well.

In anycase what has everyone been up to?

I look forward to hearing what people think.

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Jan. 16th, 2005

01:56 pm - yay GOOD NEWS

my website is up go check it out. more added from time to time. that is just something to have up for now.

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Dec. 31st, 2004

05:59 pm - Happy New Year Everyone

Well, many people have had a crazy year with ups and downs. I hope everyone has a good new years and that this upcoming year brings a multitude of wonderful things to all of you. I know many people deserve it, especially after having gone through some of the traumatizing events of this past year.

We all have gained and lost friends and this year will be no exception but we can look to things in the postive and start with fresh goals and aspirations. Keep your head up and you will make it. Just be sure to duck every once and a while when something bad comes your way.

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Dec. 25th, 2004

09:31 am - merry christmas, yule, hanuka and such

Hope everyone is having a good Holiday and does not let anyone or anything bring em down.We are almost to a new year and new starts so we can all make something good of what is to come.

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Dec. 16th, 2004

07:11 am - website stuff

so let's see on the 20th i shoudl have the first of three new websites up.

but i got one of my store websites up as well now here is the link, go check it out. Get the catalog, i am selling swords, nicknacks and all sorts of cool stuff.


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Dec. 13th, 2004

11:10 am - in a few days


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Nov. 30th, 2004

10:37 pm - you must all watch this now, do it, go watch it kat i'm a kitty cat


my friend kelly gave me the link, go see it, cut a paste it, i am not making it a link so hah.

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Nov. 29th, 2004

07:25 am - grr..

okay Mnem, you are in trouble, giving me all sorts of creative ideas and crap and now I can't sleep. It's 7:30 am and I am awake, lol. I should be asleep. Hugs. It's all good I will get you back somehow.

So anyone else up? Trying to figure out what all i want to put on my websites and how i want to organize them. So much stuff to do but I know I need to get them up because they have been just sitting there.

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Nov. 27th, 2004

05:59 am - interesting news

I found out that I am pregnant today with a baby inspiration. when i find out who the mother is I will let you all know. I have my suspicions but I refuse to name names, bwahahaha. So in forth by the time it matures and is born I will have much new art to share, hehe. Hugs everyone.

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Nov. 23rd, 2004

06:45 am - to all those that have passed before us and to all those we have now

I have been thinking about a conversation I had with my friend Demond a few days ago and just in general about those that we have cared about in our lives as friends or more. The people that are no longer here, that have died from whatever cause. I hope they are in a better place now. I know some of them died lost maybe somehow they we abel to find their own way before the end came.

It reminds me how precious life is and even if we don't realize it even the smallest of interactions can be significant enough to change a persons life. To those that gave us smiles in times of need. For those that had no idea how much we really cared about them. and to those that are with us. They should know just how much they mean. Hugs to all my friends and family.

Current Mood: [mood icon] contemplative
Current Music: Slowdive - Dagger
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Nov. 22nd, 2004

06:35 pm - bwahahaha lots of drawings soon soon

well I have been working in my secret art lab on some new pieces that are so far turning out pretty cool. so this is just info to feed curiousity for now, hehehe.

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01:14 pm - lol

Wow I was up way to late last night. At least I was able to get some sleep. It's always fun when you get your mind going at odd hours.

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06:27 am - oh my grrrrrrr......!!!!!!

Read more... )

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Nov. 17th, 2004

11:35 pm - winter thoughts

I am thinking of hibernating for the winter. Anyone want to join me? lol. I wonder how many buffets one should go to before hibernating.

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