The Wayback Machine -
09:53pm 01/07/2004
  Welcome to my journal. Sorry to say it's friends only, but if you would like to be added, please leave a comment, and I'll add you. Course we should have some things in common though. I won't add you if I don't think we'd have much in common, don't take offense though, ok? Now since a lot of my journal has sexual content, I'll ask that you be 18 also. Now if sexual content may offend you, then my journal most likely, is not for you. If you're cool with it though, then by all means...feel free to add me...


(46 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

Sunday Can't Get Here Fast Enough...heh   
02:59pm 10/06/2003

I'm going to have so much fun...the matches are all going to be great to see.

(21 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

Since Everyone Else has Done One...   
12:54pm 12/01/2003

Your Livejournal Analasys

Your Livejournal's Age

According to the information you provided, your Livejournal was created on 2000-12-19, meaning that your journal has been around for 752 days. What does this mean?

You are something of a dinosaur on Livejournal, having been around for over 2 years. You might even have one of those early adopter accounts. You probably joined Livejournal long before most of your friends, long before it was as popular as it was today. As a result, you are something of an icon in the community, and more than likely well known. Don't let it get to your head, or are you already bashing those poor newbies?

Your Livejournal Friends

Now let's talk about your friends list. You indicated that you have 73 LJ friends.
You have something of a large friends list, and let's be honest, you probably don't really read them all, do you? Okay, so your journal has been around, it's to be expected that you have a fairly large friends list. Some of these people might have been names you added at some point in the past, but you can't really remember why. A good portion of these journals are probably from people you only know in passing, and you don't really consider them friends as much as friendly folks.

You also have been listed as a friend by 71 users.
You have quite a few people watching your list, and have become pretty popular. You are well established in the time you've had your journal, and now it looks like you've established yourself pretty well. Probably got around in a few of them Livejournal groups, probably have a lot of addbacks from your own friends list. How many of these people really know you, however?

Finally in this category, you have a friends to friends-of ratio of 1.0281690140845.
This is an average ratio, meaning you have nearly (or maybe exactly) the same number of friends as people who have listed you as a friend. There's a good chance you add back everyone who has added you, and only add people who haven't added you if they are a good friend and chances are they'll be adding you back anyway.

Your Posting Habits

You have indicated that to date, you have made 865 entries into your Livejournal. This gives us an average post rate of 1.1502659574468 posts per day.
By updating your journal at least once a day, and from time to time even twice, you view your journal as something of a news outlet for your life. You almost never miss an opportunity to keep your journal appraised of what's been going on in your life. You probably also post the occasional silly webquiz or something like that to flesh things out. In short, you make good use of your Livejournal

Your Commenting Habits

According to your information, you have posted 4253 comments and have recieved 3234 of them over the lifetime of your journal. Let's see what this information can mean.

First of all, this indicates that you have been getting an average of 3.7387283236994 comments for every Livejournal entry that you make.
With an average of at least 2 comments per post or greater, you enjoy a healthy dialogue with your friends and get a lot of response to what you have to say. You might also be posting those silly web quizzes, or making entries that are so interesting or so unusual that people can't help but to comment. Either that, or you just have a buttload of friends.

A more fair measure of how many comments you get might be your average number of comments per post per friend, which is 0.051215456489033. This may seem low to you, especially if you have lots of friends.

The final statistic is the ratio of your comments to comments you get. Your ratio is 1.3150896722325. The higher the ratio, the more talkative you are compared to your friends, comment-wise.

That's it for now! Perhaps there was something insightful in this analasys, and perhaps you learned absolutely nothing. Feel free to post your results on your own Livejournal, and invite your friends to take the Livejournal Analasys today!


(7 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

11:57pm 24/12/2002
  Well got some new icons, and added a new pic to my profile. i'm freezing my ass off right now. well what little ass i have...heh. Happy holidays to everyone! hope everyone is having a great X-mas like i am. :)  

(Show Me Apathy)

10:03pm 09/12/2002
  Thank you for the sweet and wonderful X-mas card [info]fairyluver! :) i just love to get things other than bills in the mail...hehe.  

(4 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

11:51pm 26/11/2002
mood: cold
music: Slayer-God Send Death
First let me say a kinda late Happy Birthday to[info]spryghte!! i really need to get the birthday reminder thing back on my journal,so i can remember b-days...heh. it has been a very dark day around here. it's not only rainy and just blah weather, but it's colder than a witch's tit out there too. not a hot sexy looking witch either, mind you...hehe :p my dad and i picked up what my family wil be calling Thanksgiving dinner. ham, with Rice-n-Roni, corn, and some biscuts. now that's good eating compared to eating out every single night, that we normally do. course me and my dad have to cook it, but that's ok. then it will be veg out on the couch, drink a couple beers, and watch some football...oh yeah, redneck heaven...hehe :p i'm hopping to get Men in Black 2 tomorrow night also. i don't want to be in the stores come friday, cause they will be mad houses...heh. all those X-mas deals and all the nuts trying to save a few bucks, no thanks. course once i get my check sat. i'll go and pay my last couple of bills, then use what's left to get another game or some movies. all depends how much i have after the bills. let's see there's no much else going on really. my fantasy football team that i thought was gonna make the playoffs, probably isn't now. i've lost the last 3 games, which pretty much knocks me out of the hunt. my players haven't been doing well like they started out. glad it's free and not for money...heh. that would really bite. oh well...

(2 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

09:50pm 23/11/2002
mood: aggravated
Today was a bullshit day pretty much. i went to get my paycheck from the car wash, but they didn't have it. it seems they get paid next sat. and when the maganer told me it was the 23rd, he was looking at the wrong month. what a fucko, i swear that place sucks ass. you know you're in trouble when people can't even read a calendar for christ's sakes. so i have to wiat till next week to get paid. why did i ever go and work there anyway? it was nothing but a fucking waste anyway. oh well...on to brighter news. i picked up Grand Theft Auto: Vice City friday night. OMG! what an awesome game! the whole flashback to the 80's is top notch. especailly the music, which i have always liked. well not all the 80's music, but most of it i like. it's still pretty hard though like GTA3 was at first, but i'll get it. the whole game is just like living out the movie Scarface almost...hehe. so i've been spending my free time playing that mostly. Tyler is still around, but he is getting to jumpy. his claws are too damn sharp for him to be jumping up on me. he is just so excited to see people, that he gets all happy i guess...heh. oh to chat some and catch up on some journals.

(Show Me Apathy)

Haha...Too Funny   
11:04am 21/11/2002
What's your sexual appeal?

brought to you by Quizilla

(Show Me Apathy)

09:28am 20/11/2002
mood: hungry
music: Disturbed-Shout2000
Well here is the other update that i was gonna write about yesterday, but i got busy with other things. i got my cat Allen fixed monday, so he would stop all that spraying crap. he wasn't very happy to say the least...heh. yesterday he was feeling a lot better though. the othe rnight when we got him back home, he was walking around like he was i know it's cause of the drugs they gave him to sleep, but it was still kinda funny to see him walk. today he is just about back to normal, he's still alittle giddy i guess you could call it, but he's better. also since about sat. we have had some stray dog in our backyard. my dad tried to get hime out, but the next day he was i guess he jumped the fence, or someone thought he was our dog, and let him back in thru the gate. he's a pretty dog, but he's kinda big. i have no idea what breed he is, but he's nice. i don't know if we'll keep him or not though,cause he is too big for me and my dad. i already named Tyler though...heh. i want to get a dog anyway, but a smaller dog that would be easier to walk and such. haven't tried to walk Tyler yet,cause we don't have a leash or anything, but i have a feeling he'll be walking me...heh. i give him water, but for food we don't have none to give him. in the mornings though he disappears, so my guess is he goes to another house, and those people feed him. he always returns in the afternoon, and goes to sleep under our tree by the fence. i dont know what we're going to do about him. he is a nice dog, and very good looking, if only he was about half his size,things would be fine...heh. us small people can't have big ole doggies jumping on us after all. well other than that, nothing much going on. i'm going to look in the paper later today and see if i can find a job somewhere. thanks to everyone for your comments yesterday. :) now it's off to eat some Lucky Charms...i love that ceral...hehe :p

(Show Me Apathy)

Speak of the Devil...   
09:15am 19/11/2002
  I just got this email from her...i didn't even know she was online. so she must have me on block...another childish young girl anyway here's the email:

"i'm so sorry...i meant to email you and tell you that i was moving. i'm having trouble at home. i can't stay there anymore...i'm sorry if i hurt you. i guess you know that i can't be with you...i'm sorry"

Short and sweet, and right to the point. i don't buy any of that crap though. she probably isn't even in Dallas. oh well least i know what is going on, and i can move on. i'm actually getting quite a good laugh out of this...maybe it's just from stress or something, but i'm laughing my ass off. oh well...i still got my fuck buddies, so it's all good.

(18 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

08:53am 19/11/2002
mood: Confused, and played
music: King of my World-Jericho's Theme(Saliva)
Well it appears i spoke too soon on my life turning around for the better. i'll start with the job crap first. i quit there yesterday cause i was tired of not getting any hours or work. sat. was a good day i got to work, but sunday, i stood around from 9 to almost 12 before they finally put me on the clock. then at 2 they told me to go home cause they were really dead. yesterday i go in at 9 and here we go again. it was 11 and i still never got on the clock. so i said i can't take this anymore, and quit. told them i'll be there on sat to get my check, and i walked off. i realize they can't put people on the clcok when ther eis no buissness, but jesus. oh well, forget that job anyway...everyone there was a racist pretty much. they should just have a sign that saids "if you're not mexican, don't bother applying, cause we're going to fuck you over and treat you like shit." and i know most of those fuckers aren't even legal. oh to the other problem.

I haven't talked to Stacie all weekend, but i checked her profile last night, and i'm really confused what the fuck is up now. it says she is in Dallas now, and i'm no longer listed as her b/f. instead she has this on there "you wouldn't believe would i want." whatever that is suppose to mean. i sent her an email the other night, but it was deleted,and she didn't read it. i thought that maybe her mom did that, but after seeing her profile, i'm not so sure now. mind you i'm not upset, cause i honestly didn't think we were going out anyway really. we only saw each other that one time,after all. i just feel like a fool and like i got played. i wrote her another email,asking her to ecpalin what the fuck is going on, but she hasn't read it yet. it this one gets deleted then i'll know what is up. she doesn't nothing to do with me i guess. why, i have no fucking idea. oh how i love the games young girls play, don't you? now i know whay i don't usually date anyone younger than me. oh well fuck finding love, i wasn't even expecting to find her in reality, it just happened. i'm not worried about that righ tnow, my goals are to find another job, pay my bills off,then move out. getting a g/f can wait, plus i doubt that it's going to happen anyway. the way things have been going lately, i may be single forever. then again that may not be a bad thing, it sure beats getting played like a idiot. once(or if) she ever writes me back, then i'll know what is going on prehaps. oh well...i'll update more lately, i have more to write about. shocking huh? heh

(10 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

05:46pm 16/11/2002
mood: drained
music: Next Big Thing-Brock Lesnar's Theme
Well i survied my first sat. at the car wash. god damn were we busy. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would get, but still pretty busy. it's all good to me though, cause more hours equals more money. friday i didn't hardly work any hours cause it was cloudly, so not many cars were coming in. i have to work tomorrow, but hopefully i'll have monday off, cause i really need to find another job. this isn't working too well. nothing else is really going on. i picked up the new WWE Anthology last night. it is great. i also got Summer Slam on DVD too. that's another bad ass DVD. that match between Triple H and Shawn Michaels was one of the best in my opioion...i loved it. i got to talk to Stacie breifly last night, before passing out to sleep. i'm been going to bed around 9-10 at night lately. then i wake up around 5-6 just to have some free time to myself again. i miss talking with her though, and i really wish she'd get ungrounded. having a g/f you can't see is pretty fucked up, and damn annoying. things will be next weekend though, if she gets off i mean. if not then, i don't know what to do. oh well...i'm off to catch up on things and then go eat a big meal at Denny's.

(3 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

Working at the Car Wash...hehe   
04:32am 14/11/2002
mood: awake
music: Nickelback-Never Again
Well since i'm up now, i might as well update while i can,cause later today i'll have a harder time getting on here i'm sure...heh. two days of work have gone past, and damn am i wore out. tuseday wasn't bad at all, i worked 6 hours, from 8 to 2. there are some very cool people working in the back with me too. when there's no cars we all just sit around and bullshit...and we'll still on the clock much better than that damn Classy Chassis place where you were always clocked out pretty much. get this also...i make 5.75 an hour. now that was a complete shocker for me, i'm use to just 5.25 an hour...heh. we get paid every 2 weeks though, which i don't really like but the checks will be very big then. i'll get my first one the 23rd, just in time to put a big payment on one of my cards. yesterday was a bad day though. around 11 or so the machice broke that washs the cars, so we had about an hour and a half break off the clock. we had to turn people away too, which i'm sure they didn't like much. after it was fixed though, we got slammed all the way till 6 when we close. they hired a new girl for the back too...she's very nice, and quite cute too. it's hard to believe she's only 19, married, and has twins...yikes. her husband works at the other car wash in Deer Park too as a detailer. back has been hurting like hell from work though. tonight i came home and popped 3 Advils, and went right to bed after i ate, thus why i'm up now. al that bending down to vaccum the cars is really playing hell on my back. it's already screwed up, so this isn't helping a whole lot. i have today off which is awesome, so i can go and get the new Smackdown game later...hehe. i can't wait to get that. i'm also planning on getting GTA Vice City when i get paid, that is another bad ass looking game. Stacie is grounded again till the 23rd, so that sucks. she just can't go anywhere, she can still be online and the phone though. we haven't gotten to talk much though since i'm working. i really miss her, and she misses me a lot too...hehe. well damn i didn't mean for this update to be this this is all just work babble anyway pretty much. ok well i'm off...

(Show Me Apathy)

Another Shocker...   
10:46pm 11/11/2002
mood: tired
music: Puddle of Mudd-Blurry
Well first let me say Happy Birthday to [info]takenbutterfly! i hope you had a good one hon :) now on to the shocking news. i got myself a job today finally...woohoo! yeah it's at another car wash, but hey it's a job either way. i start tomorrow morning at 8, and since they called and woke me up today, i'm so ready to go to sleep right now...hehe. it's like my life is finally making that turn for the better though. this is turning into one good month for me, so far at least. a new wonderful g/f in Stacie, and a new job to help me pay my debts, and get my own place by Feb. or so. prehaps good thing do come to those who wait after all. :) anyway...Smackdown doesn't come out till thrus, so i have to wait till then to get it. i drove all over hopping the next store would have it, but i was letdown each time. Stacie came and watched us bowl tonight, she just left in fact. she was very happy i found a job too, and tonight while we were cuddled up in each other's arms, she told me she loves me so much. can we say awwwwww...hehe. i felt so happy at that moment. :) i of course told her i love her, because i am falling for her, each time we talk and see each other. we are just so perfect for each other, not one of my former g/f's have i been this well with, as far as things in common and how we are together. it's such a great and joyful feeling :) we of course lost all 4 games again, but i didn't care, we'll so far in last place, that it doesn't matter much anyway. don't know if Stacie will bowl on our team yet or not, we'll have to wait and see on that one. well anyway...i'm off to bed after i get caught up on journals. wish me luck in my first day of work...hehe :p

(9 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

07:47pm 10/11/2002
mood: relaxed
music: Puddle of Mudd-Control
Well this weekend didn't go as well as planned. Stacie wasn't able to come over cause she had to help her mom all weekend. she told me her mom's a pain, and i'm beginning to agree with she has been doing clothes all weekend and other stuff like that, cause her mom like mine, does nothing around the house. don't that suck. so anyway she's going to try and come see me tomorrow night while i bowl, if she can get out. her mom is being overprotective i realize, but she doesn't need to be. i am harmless like all of you know...hehe :) Stacie really misses me though, and i miss her too. i just love to hear how her voice perks up when she is talking with me. like i really make her day and make her happy...hehe. things are all good in that area, just have to get her mom to lighten up alittle bit, and we'll be great. i think that once her mom meets me, sees how nice i am, and how well i'll treat her daughter, things will smooth over. anyway...tomorrow i'm going to get the new PS2 Smackdown game too. i didn't see it in any ads today though, but i'm sure Best Buy will have it. that gam eis going to be so much fun to play. watched football all day pretty much. what a messed up game in Pittsburgh though. since both teams tied, which hasn't happen in the NFL in a long time, how does that affect picks? i wonder if everyone will get that as a free game, or if no one gets credit for it. i think it should be a free pick, cause after all, neither team lost, or won for that matter. but i'm not in charge of the 2 team pick communities i'm in, so it's up to the owners on that one. anyway now i'll probably just hang around online a bit, then go for a drive.

(Show Me Apathy)

A New Dawning Has Arrived...   
03:46am 09/11/2002
mood: excited
music: Pantera-Cowboys From Hell
Woohoo!!!! tonight is the best night i have had in almost 3yrs. after being single and lonely for sooooo long, i finally have myself a g/f :) i can't believe it's real and happening, but i finally met a girl, who's likes me for me. she lives in my area also, which is the biggest plus. her name is Stacie, and she is 19, and oh so very beautiful. we met tonight in person for the first time after talking on the phone for 3 nights, and everything went perfect. she's coming over later today to have dinner with my dad and me, and to watch movies at my house. i can't begin to describe how happy i am, and how happy she makes me. of course she is a BBW, cause we all know i love them...hehe. it's so cool all the stuff we share in common also, and how good we both seem to be with each other so far. she's going to join our bowling team too. she said she isn't too good, but i told her that doesn't matter. and in all fairness it doesn't, cause she'll have a very high handicap, which will helps us out a lot. things seem to be taking a turn for the better in my life finally. now if i can just get myself a job, we'll be all set...hehe. i haven't stop smiling since i got home, and off the phone with her...heh. it's so good to have this feeling again, one that i have missed for so long. ok i'm through for now...hehe.

Happy Birthday to [info]hope1109!!!! i hope you have a great day hon. i know things may be tough right now, but you know i'm always here for you. :) ok it's off to bed after i get caught up on my friend's journals.

(41 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

Serial Killer Quiz...   
11:18pm 07/11/2002
  Read more... )  

(4 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

04:16am 06/11/2002
mood: aggravated
music: Creed-Signs
I just watched one great movie, that i didn't realize was so good till now. i went and got Spider-Man tonight, and i must say i'm surpised. this is so far at least, the best film from comic they have made. the images were awesome looking. now i understand all the hype this movie got,and how everyone who saw it, loved it. just goes to show me, don't judge a movie till you see it for yourself. anyway...since i'm back to the dreaded free servers, this is the only time i seem to be able to get on here. not like i have anything to really write about, but i do miss getting to see all my friend's posts. bowling on monday night was once again suck ass. i bowled great myself, but we still lost 3 games. course when there's only 3 of us on a team, what do you expect. it's bullshit, that we're the only team without a fourth member. my dad has asked people from his job, but not one of them can, and i don't know anyone to ask, so we're fucked. i even toyed around with the idea of asking my ex Jennifer to bowl with us. that isn't in good judgment though. she has finally gotten out of my life, and it needs to stay that way. sides, she sucks it wouldn't be a very good trade if she bowled a 200 all the time, then prehaps...but no, that still wouldn't be good for me. the past couple of nights i have been talking with this nice gal from Abliene named Misty. she's pretty sweet, but i don't think much will happen with it. seeing as she lives about 400 miles away, and she has 2 kids, and we all know i don't want a ready made family. i'm not really put much into it, i'm through with all that. i figure when you don't look for love,it will find you. if it doesn't, oh well...i really could care less about finding it at this point in my life.never heard from tha one job, so later today we're going back out and looking for something. god i hate looking for work, even when you try, nothing seems to happen. maybe that's just with me though, i swear i have the worse luck finding a job. oh well...time to go amuse myself.

(3 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)

05:32pm 04/11/2002
  Happy Birthday Wendy!!! :) i hope you are having a wonderful day hon. my account finally ran it's course, so i'm back to these crappy slow ass servers again, so i won't be able to do much here, exacpt late at night,when no one is on hardly. i'll have to get another 2 months, here in bit again, but i have to check my bill first. when i get it i mean. i lost my background image,and my Scarface pic too...those are only perks that paid members have i guess. well it's time to go eat, then off to bowl...i better do well tonight too, i'm sick of being in last place.  

(Show Me Apathy)

Personal Movie List...   
10:19pm 31/10/2002
mood: scared
music: Papa Roach- Black Clouds
I'm pretty broed right now, so i'm going to make up my own list of my personal scaryest movies i have seen. now by scary, i don't just mean, make you jump and scream type ones, i also mean movies that freak you out and make you think. the gore level also plays a role in my choices. anyway let's get to the list...feel free to make your own list in the comments section too, i'd love to see some of your scaryest movies too.

1. The Exorcist
2. Nightmare on Elm Street
3. Hellraiser
4. 13 Ghosts
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
6. House on Haunted Hill
7. Seven
8. Halloween
9. Scream
10. IT
11. The Shining
12. Candyman
13. The Stand
14. Carrie
15. Child's Play
16. Jeeper's Creepers
17. Wishmaster
18. I Know What You Did Last Summer
19. Valentine
20. Phantasm
21. C.H.U.D.
22. Hell Night
23. Christine
24. Friday the 13th Part favortie of the series
25. Prom Night

(9 Witty Remarks | Show Me Apathy)