What Jhonen Project Are You?
You're cooking, what do you make?:
I go to the corner store. Weeeeee Food...... Whatever is in my house, just as long as I don't have to leave the house. Whatever I can make sure comes out perfect. I don't cook. I might burn myself. Whatever I can find.
What's your weapon of choice?:
Knifes, hooks, etc... Weapons are bad. My fists. My Robot Bee. My neighbor. Anything and Everything.
In your family how old are you?:
Oldest. All by myself. Middle Oldest. Youngest. Middle Youngest. I don't even know, I have a really big family.
Your Best friend would be described as :
In my head. I'm a loner. Looney. Stupid. Inanimate Object. Everyone.
What's your hair like?:
Spikey, sometimes shaved. Pink. Usually it's in pig tails. Gelled and black. Messy like I just woke up. It changes everyday.
What's your wardrobe like?:
Shorts, boots, and T-shirts. I'm Naked. Artsy/Goth. Techno/Cyber. Whatever my parents buy me. Everything.
What are you hoping to get?
JtHM. Filler Bunny. I Feel Sick. Invader Zim. Squee. Bad Art Collection.
Will you be upset if you don't get what you want?
I'll kill you. weeeeeeeeee.......wha? I really don't care, just stay away from me. I already know I am going to get what I want. meep. I'd be okay with all of them.