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interesting... [13 Jan 2002|08:17pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | dreamer -ozzy ]

According to the Which Sanrio Character Are You? quiz, I am:

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[12 Jan 2002|11:24pm]
                Cheshire Cat

the epitome of insane. Either you're very smart, or you're too damn stupid. The
world is your playground, and everything -- and everyone -- in it is a toy for you
to play with. People should be scared of you, but because you're so affable, they
aren't. Tough for them.

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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That was just a dreammmmmm that was me in the corner that was me in the spotlight [12 Jan 2002|10:12pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | penguines and polarbears -millencolin ]

I'm bored I went and saw gingers new house today it's pretty I love the land it's on but all of the rooms are smaller than any of them in our house it's kinda weird looking I'm going to build me a house out there I love the land and the sunsets are beautiful marcus wasn't working today :/ and John works at lubys *snickers* I didn't think a loser like him could get an actual job oh well just means I can't go there anymore (not like I really went in the first place) I might find something extra in my food :/ actaully John didn't look to bad today and I can't believe that I thought that but he didn't he's a total monea like ok he looks good from far away but then you get a good look at his face and you are like wtf I saw Orange County lastnight it was pretty good real funny and so on poor Jaclyn has to put up with people I remembered lastnight why I don't goto pg-13 movies anymore

What a sweet frustration

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I guess I'll never figure out what womankind is all about [09 Jan 2002|11:07pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | september -big blue monkey ]

I'm haveing surgery...I think in march I'm scared of the iv thingys heh but that's all I guess. I'm writting a email to bruce about everything. No matter what people say thinking is bad for you no doubt. Anyways 2 cowboys were hitting on me and ginger at the pizza place tonight I feel bad we sat there and laughed at the guys but oh well. Josh (swat) is mad at me 'cause I don't like him how do I always get myself into those kinda things? I dunno and then I'm tired. School sucks yup I'm not learning anything. I think I'm starting that senior thing a year early ya know where the seniors think they are going to die before they graduate well I'm KNOW I will.

Girls are fucking evil

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I've never said that I am perfect [26 Dec 2001|01:18am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | cold day -deadline ]

I'm tired had a long day too I've been sick and slept most of today got a lot of stuff for Christmas and it was pretty cool for the most part man I'm in a down mood

maybe I can be forgiven

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we are the fossils relics of our time [21 Dec 2001|07:33am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | siamese dream -smashing pumkins ]

I'm bored I don't have 1st and 2nd today *sigh* oh well I had 2nd and 3rd yesterday and drove around for awhile got bored came home and the got stuck going to the mall until 10 with ginger today is the last day of school for 1st semester! Christmas break (4days 'til Christmas) and we go back the 7th I goto dallas like the 29th or 30th and on the 2nd I have my appt :/

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*sigh* [17 Dec 2001|07:04am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | sweet dreams -manson ]

He's back...Bruce called me lastnight
and I'm moving to NJ! (I wish) but college is coming up so I never know. It'd be awesome to go there I missed him SO much and didn't know it. I talked to him all night saturday and most of lastnight we got on netmeeting he has the most beautiful smile :x


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I wonder who will be the first to go [10 Dec 2001|10:10pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | click click boom -saliva ]

I know Cory (the guy that was driving the car) he's fine...Brandon went to Central I think

Christopher Glen Simmons, 25, was declared dead at the scene. Brandon Lee Scrogum, 17, died at Shannon Medical Center at 5:40 p.m. Both were not wearing seatbelts.
The Article in the paper

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I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee [02 Dec 2001|10:05pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | your so vain -carly simon ]

I'm bored I haven't really gotten on here in awhile...I just realized I dunno how half the ppl that are on my LJ thing got on there but it's cool I think I like haveing almost friends! Things are hard things are really hard sometimes but God doesn't give you something if he doesn't think you can handle it right? so I guess I'll be fine stress never killed anyone I don't think anyways 23 days 'til Christmas :) and something like I dunno 18 days 'til we get out of school?! Mom's coming on the 28th I think yeah and so is Chris :/ It's going to be a LONG break but I'm not complaing sleep is a good thing

I thought about my deep thoughts...and when I told ginger she just laughed

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snoooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!! [28 Nov 2001|08:49am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | i only want to be with you -me first and the gimme gimmes ]

These aren't good pictures 'cause the camera is kinda not working but you get the idea school is cancled today :) woooohoooo it's so pretty outside and my hair is still frozen :)

Front yard
Front yard again *pretty*

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

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[28 Nov 2001|06:38am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | i want you to want me -sr71 ]

School starts at 10 :) I'm gonna take pictures once it lightens up outside....yeah ok once in a million years does it do this in west Texas!?

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under your clothes [26 Nov 2001|09:35pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | i wanna fall in love with you- jars of clay ]

yeah I'm giving up on guys ya know? Justin may like me but sure as hell don't seem like it >:( I'm annoyed with Noe and Josh is alright I've got bad luck with guys like one min there all great and then the next it's total crap Ginger is stuck with Eddie haha so I guess things could be worse gawd he pisses me off to lead me on and all do0d I'm done

*gotta appt. with the back institute*

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A persons a person no matter how small [25 Nov 2001|10:50pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | i want you to want me -smashing pumpkins ]

gee I wish I could do something worth while...I want him so bad ugh whoa that's all my entries have been about lately is HIM k I'll stop that just one last thing He doesn't want me I don't think yeah grandma said to goto bed and I'm to tired to fight


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I'm at your feet [24 Nov 2001|11:48pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Suerte -shakira ]

I dunno
no different that usual but still mom's leaving in the morning :/ ok I wonder if justin really likes me or if he's just messing ya know a guy that can't say no?
[01:31] just wouldnt hook up with ya cuz of like the whole kari thing and like how i just broke up with her and all that so uh =\ u know what im sayin?
what do I think? ugh oh well got the Shakira cd it's ok and then theres Kris do0d he's something else Justin Kris n Russ all something I can't have what's my problem? Got my hair cut it's to short but I'll live it's just hair Christmas is coming ohhhh <3

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Got staples? no... Ok got gwapes? [23 Nov 2001|01:51am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | caramel -city high ]

anyway I got sick today heh pain killer again...told her I so told her they would make me sick but noooooooooo I don't feel good *sings a song with that in it* yup bored too mom's here so is Joe and so is preston rotfl *kicks peer* I was in a good convo oh well he's not there now so guess it wasn't that great of a convo

as tirednesS consums me...


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I'm sorry I....had a bad day [21 Nov 2001|07:31pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Schism -tool ]

yup that song about explains it all oh well I got a bone scan today something else is wrong with my back I dunno yet tho after thanksgiving I will tho anyways mom is supposed to be here around 10 it's 7:30 and my room ain't clean they gave me a shot in my arm and I thought I was going to die before it but when they did it...taking the bandaid hurt worse than the shot itself oh well I slept at the hospital all day came home about 3 fell asleep again and slept 'til about 6:30 heh my bones look funny you could like see my toes and fingers I was sitting there laughing and I told the nurse that my bones look cute ('cause they do) she laughed and was like uh that's the first time I've ever heard that

poor justin :/

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sexy, independent, never scared to let it go, always positive [19 Nov 2001|06:55am]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | anywhere -112 ]

yup I told 'em I like him :x an he said he liked me to *wonders* but he has a gf so it figures ya know? I'll live anyways it's way to ealry but oh well only 2 days of school this week :) It's raining too :) I guess today is gonna be a good day _maybe_ I don't wanna go ugh school is so lame only 2yrs left of public education (counting this year) but then theres college :(

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every hero walks alone..thinking of more things to confess [18 Nov 2001|04:32pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | moment in the sun -clem snide ]

I like someone ugh and he has a gf ugh and yeah k
isn't it supposed to be winter or late late fall right now? it's like 75 outside how messed up is that?

oh well

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Cherry blondes and New kittens wraped in sunlight [08 Nov 2001|01:09pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | My music -Texas is the Reason ]

I'm staying home from school AGAIN ugh man I'm not doing good. I took my new painkillers lastnight and now I can't keep anything down (I'm sure you wanted to know that) and I just feel so sick. I think I don't care about school anymore blah or anything else for that matter. I want to lay down but my kitten keeps waking me up the lil whore.

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I'm in deeper than I can handle [07 Nov 2001|09:59pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Some where over the Rainbow -Tori Amos ]

That's meant in a good way tho my back has been getting worse and worse so I've had a lot of time to myself. Thinking into all that I've done that others have done and why. I'm more confused than ever about people and somewhat about God tho. I've been writing a lot more because I've been able to think and have time to write what I feel. I've been having strange dreams tho (I'm a BIG believer in dreams) In them I feel confused lost kind of unwanted or in the way like I have no idea where to go but people don't have time to help me I also feel misunderstood greatly I guess it's like Emerson said To be great is to be misunderstood (I hope I said that right). Stress is pulling me down...grades band friends it's all happening at once. I'm not depressed at all I've just lost grasp of what little reality I had in the frist place. It's ok tho nothing that I can't regain once I get myself straight again. I like being lost and confused it gives me a sense of I guess peace...false or not I like it it's kind of comforting in a strange way.

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