First off: Happy New Years! I really hope 2005 brings some new&nice; surprises for everyone. I have made no resolutions, I never remember to keep them anyway. New Years Eve meant a party. Or rather a small gathering with a few people I haven't really properly spoken to for months. I like walking into a room where everyone is genuinely glad you're there. Or maybe I was drunk. I don't really know. It was a fun evening. But Sam cried over her family. Dave was comforting her. I worry that Sam has been misinformed over something. I was tired by the end of it. But it was a good way of celebrating the start of 2005. New Years Day was spent being sort of hungover. Got drunk again in the evening. Far too much Jack Daniels. This meant today was spent hungover. Went to see Shirley&Pizza; Hut cured my hangover perfectly. Found Tom waiting for a train when I got off at my station. Spent 40 minutes idly talking about a few bits&pieces.; I find Tom so easy going, sane in an insane world. Definitely not one prone to neurosis, but definitely one where a lot of neurosis is put on him. I've got into this bad habit at the moment of waking up at around 6-7am in the morning&just; worrying or thinking about things. I'm tired, exhausted, but my mind runs through things. I'm not used to insomnia. I don't like it. Tomorrow I'm just tempted to stay in bed and read things. I should code my SPSS assignment, but who knows whether I'll get around to that? On my way home, I counted 23 Christmas wreaths. I don't know why I counted them, it just seemed like a way of passing the time. Due to the tsunamis, 1 in 90,000 people is dead out of all the people in the whole world. Considering that there are a few billion in the world, it is quite a lot. Human life is a fragile thing. On a more selfish note, I realise now that I probably can't go to Thailand in the next few years - who knows how long it'll take to recover from such a catasprophe? I've always wanted to go to Thailand. Ever since I read The Beach. Oh, such a cliche I know. For whatever reason, I really want a chicken fajita 6 inch subway.
Current Mood: headachey Current Music: Living With Eating Disorders - Lullaby
I'm so glad I went last night. I really just needed to go out, get drunk with a group I never usually go out with. It started off with me, Aaron, Laura, Alistair and Ash. We went onto Arena afterwards, but first we sat in Aaron's room&just; chatted about Faithless, The Prodigy, our favourite Foo Fighters song, (mine is Monkey Wrench or Stacked Actors, though Ash did point out Everlong - now thats such a good song.) and watched the Aphex Twin 'Come To Daddy' video. (Ash had never had the pleasure of seeing it.) Arena was pretty cool when it was playing a decent run of songs. Couldn't really complain. I was happily tipsy for most of the evening&they; played 'Muscle Museum' and 'The People' so I was quite happy. I can't wait for Lifesize next week though. Last year that was always so much fun. Always an excellent run of songs. Which brings me onto the point of: I'm going to see Muse at Earl's Court in December! They released some more tickets this morning, so me&Aaron; now have standing tickets to see Muse. It'll be the third time I've seen them since last November. Once in Manchester, once at V and now at Earl's Court. I'm hungover&everything; is really slowed down at the moment. It's taken me ages to type this out. I think a sleep will sort me out. (Or at least I hope it will.)
Current Mood: spaced out Current Music: Jeff Buckley - Grace