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cold |
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Birdies! |
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so i'm sitting on the back porch watching the dogs. it's more chilly today than yesterday, so i'm bundled up. i love wireless 'intarnets.'
today has been okay so far, i just have my lesson and choir left to go today. then i can dive right into my killer ammounts of skool work. my paper is due tomorrow, i have an italian quiz tomorrow, i have a music theory worksheet due tomorrow...ack! i will be so happy when today is over, lol^.^
not feeling so hot today, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 is bad, 10 is fan-freaking-tastic), i'm about a 3. i'm not sure why, i felt good this morning, but i've kind of done a nosedive.
my fingers feel like icecicles, lol^.^ the dogs are having fun though^.^ better go for now,
Ciao mi amici!