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Meanwhile...Back on the satilite... [entries|friends|calendar]

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just a reminder... [06 Feb 2005|11:40am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Opera Singer-Cake ]

please don't pack a catapault in your 'hand luggage' if you're flying british airways. and remember to leave your magnetron at home.

I think that it's a sign

[05 Feb 2005|11:09pm]
i must be the uncool kid at the party. i still have only 6 gmail invites.

i is a sad, sad panda
2 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

eeeEEEeeeEEE!!! [03 Feb 2005|09:27am]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | jerry springer ]

so i spent this morning getting all prettied up. did my hair (my new hair, which i'll tell you about when i have more time^.^) did make up, and am wearing a pretty shirt.

well, i want to look nice for my...(ready for this?)....PASSPORT PHOTO!!

my mommy and i are going to London for spring break!!!!!!

thanks british airways for your super cheap fares. wo0t!

3 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

puppy...sleeping on feeling...toes dying... [02 Feb 2005|12:38pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Buffy ]

i feel like shit. actually, i feel like shit that feels like shit.

tossed my breakfast, ate a cookie, working on eating a banana. almost passed out too.
my whole body hurts and i'm back to death-coughing.


though i do see my neurologist-guy today aaaaaaand i get my hairs cut today too. so that brightens my day just a smidge. like, one half click on the brighten dial.

hm, other than that, nothing really to report. i think it's nap time.

I think that it's a sign

i'll take back my pinata/it's wasted on you [31 Jan 2005|11:04pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Im An Asshole-Dennis Leary ]

boy am i sure sore tonight. my back's been acting up, and it's weird because it's just two or three stops that hurt like hell. but it's all good, i see my neurologist on wednesday.

am proud of myself, however. saturday and today i've gone to the pool and even though i can't do much yardage, it feels so wonderful to be back in the water. though i'm kind of off-kilter, the pool at the health club we're members of is a salinated pool. yes, it's salt water. instead of chlorine, they use salinazation to keep it clean. it's weird and throws of my strokes and turns. since it makes one much more bouyant than regular water. i kinda miss the smell of chlorine in my hairs though. the salt water is kinder tyo my suits though, lol.

i rocked socks on my piano quiz today. i totally kicked ass. it went very well.

uhm, don't have much to say at the moment. i'll think of something^.^

I think that it's a sign

not mine... [30 Jan 2005|05:20pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | Im An Asshole-Dennis Leary ]


10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.

9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.

8. Beer has never caused a major war.

7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.

6. When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.

5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer.

4. You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer.

3. There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.

2. You can prove you have a Beer.

1. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.

i saw this and almost cracked a rib laughing to so hard. it was just wonderful. it's from a t-shirt that was in turn made as a rebuttal to a t-shirt; "top ten reasons why jesus is better than beer."

hmm, i think i like 'why beer is better' especially number 2. flame on!

2 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

hmm... [29 Jan 2005|10:48pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Troy ]

I am worth $2,087,820.00 on

4 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

[29 Jan 2005|08:41pm]
Culinary trends that never quite caught on.
- - - -





Ukrainian Fusion


Way-Way-Northern, Like Practically in Salzburg, Italian


The Chet Atkins Diet



2 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

eeevil hair day [28 Jan 2005|09:37am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Chesterfield King-Jawbreaker-Bivouac ]

i think i have mousollini (i can't spell) hair today. it refused to do anything, it jsut sits on my head and says "ciao." i'm just glad it doesn't have a vespa. okay, bad eddie izzard refrence.

been feeling pretty shitty the past couple days. just pukey and ooky and burnt out. but at least i just have one clsas today, it's at 10:00. maybe i'll get my paper back. that would be nice.

yes, i'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday because i'm sick and i don't give a fly fart. actually, i'm kind of pondering just changing back into my pjamas and going to class like that. that would be great fun. yes, i think that that it what i chall do.

*i love you, bittorrent*

5 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

not mine, but... [27 Jan 2005|06:07pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | 'da news.. ]

I've come to the realization that Jesus is like a fireman who will risk it all and run into a burning building to rescue a couple of children....

As long as the children in question will sign a waiver saying he's the best fireman in the world. Otherwise he'll just let the little snots burn.

I think that it's a sign

a little humor... [26 Jan 2005|04:20pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | playing dogs...they snort like piggies. PIG DOGS! ]

Discarded Titles for George Orwell's 1984.


- - - -

O, Brother, Where Art Thou? Oh Right, Everywhere


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Faceless Omnipotent Oppressors

What the Fuck Are You Staring At?

Guys, Seriously, Can I Just Get a Little Me-Time Here?

Hate: The Musical!

Two Guys, a Girl, and a Chilling Dystopian Landscape

I think that it's a sign

prease do this for me! i will mow your lawn and walk your dog and give you a manicure and.. [25 Jan 2005|11:18pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

it's legit, i've actually talked to people who have gotten \their free iPod. no shitting you.

you sign up and complete an offer. i need 5 people to each do one offer. the offer thinggies are pretty lame, but it's easy.

okay, i'm going to bed now.

onegai, per favore, per piacere, s'il vous plait?

*i go to bed now, ::yawn::

1 radical riff I think that it's a sign

state-y goodness! [25 Jan 2005|04:50pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Aoi Hitomi-Sakamoto Maaya ]

wow, i it looks like i've been more state than i thought. but missouri and georgia i visited when i was a baby. whee!

create your own personalized map of the USA
or check out ourYuma travel guide

i am cranky. i am stressed. whine. bitch. moan.

okay, i'm done with that, now it's time to get to my paper. wo0t. i'm only 2 paragraphs in and it's already three pages, the assignment it for only four. what can i say, i got the info to back up my claims, bwa!

I think that it's a sign

hey hovering sombrero/gently waving in the breeze above the meadow... [25 Jan 2005|12:25pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Birdies! ]

so i'm sitting on the back porch watching the dogs. it's more chilly today than yesterday, so i'm bundled up. i love wireless 'intarnets.'

today has been okay so far, i just have my lesson and choir left to go today. then i can dive right into my killer ammounts of skool work. my paper is due tomorrow, i have an italian quiz tomorrow, i have a music theory worksheet due tomorrow...ack! i will be so happy when today is over, lol^.^

not feeling so hot today, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 is bad, 10 is fan-freaking-tastic), i'm about a 3. i'm not sure why, i felt good this morning, but i've kind of done a nosedive.

my fingers feel like icecicles, lol^.^ the dogs are having fun though^.^ better go for now,

Ciao mi amici!

I think that it's a sign

a little birthday shout out...! [24 Jan 2005|05:41pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | the news... ]



this whole thing is getting fucking scary.

'If you cut off my reproductive choice, may I cut off yours?"

why is it that some of the most pro-life people are for the war in Iraq? uhm..irony much?


7 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

dog toys...of doom!! [23 Jan 2005|09:55pm]
[ mood | OUCHY! ]

i tripped on one of Sumi's toys and hurt my back this morning. i'm in molto ow. well, and the other day i walked into Adam's apartment door. i still have a little goose egg sore spot on my forehead. i talked to my doctor about my recent bouts of clumsiness. it's most likely my body's not adjusted to the slower workings of my brain. i'm ADHD, and have been on strattera for a little while now. but my body is used to compensating for my zoomy brain. well, my brain isn't zoomy anymore, so my body's out of sync. doesn't help that i've been wearing my glasses for the past couple days. i'm so used to contacts that i've forgotten the differences in perception.

::yawn:: i is tired, but i've got my paper to work on.

I think that it's a sign

PUPPY PICTURES!! (of doom...of course.) [20 Jan 2005|04:50pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

the dogs and i played outside for a little while this afternoon. it's so lovely outside, i could sit outside in my tank top and sweatpants and was pretty comfy. so here are some pictures from this afternoon, please enjoy!

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aww...aren't they cute!

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What's over there, Sumi Jo?

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Huh? What'd you say?

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We are not amused...

ta daa!! (oh yeah, thanks, ImageShack)

I think that it's a sign

icky!! [20 Jan 2005|10:33am]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Divorce Court ]

i had the worst dream last night, even weirder than the flying monkey dream i had the other night.

i dreamt that i dumped Adam for....Sean-the-asshole!! it was awful. he was all lovey dovey and i was too! ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ewew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

then i woke up in a cold sweat and went back to sleep and had a much more pleasant dream, in which i dumped Sean at the altar and ran off to the Carribean with Adam^.^

time to finish my homework and get ready for class. wo0t. or something to that effect.

I think that it's a sign

Puppy MADNESS!! [19 Jan 2005|12:11pm]
[ mood | BLARGH! ]
[ music | BLARGH! ]

right now, it's 'dogs gone wild!' at the house. Sumi is literally bouncing off the walls. well, not the walls persay, the chair, the couch, the floor, Angel, the rocking chair, the carboard box...

too hyper by far.

i've discovered the joy of bittorrent for myself. oh such joy abounds!

time to eat before i head out to my last class. wo0t! almost done, happy happy joy joy.


I think that it's a sign

crazy puppy of D00M! [18 Jan 2005|08:11pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Animal Planet-Animal Precinct ]

Who Do You Think I Am?

Da Rules:
1) Choose 12 Attributes from the list below that describe me well.
2) Choose 12 Attributes from the list below that are NOTHING like me.
3) Post the results in a comment.

Da Guidelines:

1) Feel free to chose an attribute not on the list.
2) Use of prefixes, suffixes, and adverbs on the attributes is ok. Such as making "Good" into "Ungood" or "Very Good".
3) Change any rule you want.

2 radical riffs I think that it's a sign

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