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[27 Aug 2002|08:47pm]
i miss lauren right now :(
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those were the days my friend [27 Aug 2002|08:32pm]

its so weird going to lesher in the mornings and stuff and not like going to school there.

lindsey is being a poohead on a rod.

Johanna made me so happy today, she made my day!!!

ok anyways.

things i like about poudre:
biology with mr malone
caitlin and laura are really cool people
late start
locker is by everyone :)
my teachers are mostly cool
i met some nice people
its easier to ditch blake sometimes
PE is really easy
open campus!!!!
and a bajillion other things

things i don't like:
Waaaaaaay too big
"sr rey" the fuckhead
spanish in general
my locker is a bazillion miles away from everything except math and bio and geo/history
small lockers-actually they're not too bad
the bus back to lesher in the afternoon!!! doesn't come til 340!!!!
we don't get out til 3:05


more later, too lazy to write. The only things i write anymore are hate lists and notes :)

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thank the good lord its over! [21 Aug 2002|05:25pm]
oh my god, high school is so...different! one second i want to go burrow and run back to lesher, and the next i am just loving it. Poudre is really big. and scary. its very intimidating!

ok, so i got to jessie's and i almost started crying out of nervousness, i seriously wasn't feeling ready at all. when we arrived at poudre i thought i was gonna pee my pants, seriously! so many people, and all of them older than me! aaahhhh!!! ok so we found our locker and smashed our stuff into our little HALF LOCKER!!!! and then went to bio with mr malone, which was fun.
i got to history, spanish and math alright, but then i had to go across the building to PE, and i got lost. And then after that was lunch, which was fun even though it was just me and morgan at our table, with jenna paisley. the guys were at a close-by table, though...but still. Joey went out to lunch, so we missed her :(
i had to find my locker again and i seriously couldn't for the life of me, and so i wandered for like 10 minutes looking for it, then found a senior to help me, and then we found it, but seriously, i think it moved!! it was NOT in the same place, it was weird! ANYWAYS so then i had to go back to the other side of the world to the annexes, and so i did, and i thought i was late, so i walk into mrs hunts class and all these SENIORS turn to stare at me, and then i realized that 6th hour wasn't over yet. SO i sat outside and then went in. i don't think i'm gonna like english very much. i don't know why.
AFTER THAT i got lost trying to find my french room, cause it isn't labeled room 104, its confusing. But i really like that class, it's my favorite i think so far.

oh yeah and in between i accidentally bumped into some girl, and i turned around and smiled and she like glared at me and wanted to start something, and i was just like 'sorry' and ran away. she followed me but nothing really happened. oy.

anyways, its over.
i'm gonna get lost tomorrow too, but i'll get over it.

anyways. the end.
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quotes [20 Aug 2002|05:45pm]
"and for the million hours that we were, well i'll smile and remember it all, then i'll turn and go, while your story's completed mine is a long way from done."

"promise me that you'll never forget about me, cause if i thought you would, i'd never leave."

"this is the time to remember, cause it will not last forever. these are the days to remember, cause we won't although we'll want to."

"we laughed until we had to cry, we hugged right down to our last goodbye, we were the best we'll ever be, just for a moment, you and me."

'yesterday it seemed like time would last forever. today we realize our childhood has come to an end. we wish that it could have lasted longer, but time goes on...and so do we."

watching you walk out of my life doesn't make me bitter or cynical about love, but instead it makes me wonder-if i so much wanted to be with the wrong one, how wonderful will it be when the right one comes along?

i've learned there are people who love you dearly but don't know how to show it.

why worry what people think? the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind.
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high school is scary [20 Aug 2002|03:39pm]
[ mood | freakin terrified ]
[ music | the scary high school song ]

i am going to die tomorrow, i am so scared.

poudre is freakin big. Bigger than it looks, and it looked big to me.

i went on a tour and everything, and still, i have no idea where my classes are.

Seriously, you people staying at lesher are really lucky.


oh yeah and i said poo to a senior-i'm gonna be such a loser.

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ummmmmm..... [19 Aug 2002|01:11am]
did anyone else notice jo's lj is deleted? care to fill me in??!?

jeez :)


ok i'm done.

boston was fun, cousins were very very very catholic, well some of them...wedding was ok, reception was better. my cousins baby is adorable, almost two...i want her socks.

Jessie got our locker for us and apparently, we're right next to Jo&Aria; and Lizzy&becca;, so i am happy as a pumpkin.

oh and next saturday aidan turns one!! teehee.

i am so busy between now and school i don't think i'm gonna have time to breathe.

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stressful week ahead [14 Aug 2002|11:13pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | those were the days ]

oy vay, i am so stressed right now...
i am leaving tomorrow morning for my damn cousins wedding, which i am obligated to go to, despite my non-interest...I have absolutely no time left to do anything, because this is my schedule:

THURS: leave for yet another trip at 5 in the morning. Yes you heard me, 5.
Friday: be in boston.
Saturday: wedding
Sunday: come home at about 1am colorado time
Monday: I have the day to do stuff until about 3, at which point i have to go down to manitou springs or somewhere to see some family friends visiting from vermont (they are staying at my house the exact days i'll be gone, then checking out colleges down there...so we're all gonna see them when we get back.) Spend the night down there.
Tues: wake up and get the Vermonters to the airport by 9...then come back to fort collins in time to go to the 8-12 student check in at poudre. Hopefully school shop, finish essays and such.
Wed: FIRST DAY OF HIGHSCHOOL! aaaaaaaaaah i am soooo not ready.

i got my schedule today.

it is:
1st: Biology
2nd: World Geography
3rd: Spanish
4th: Math
5th: (first semester) PE/health (Second semester) art and design
6th: lunch
7th: english
8th: french

not too bad.
gotta get ahold of jessie to see when we are going in on tuesday.
oy oy oy. So much to do, so little time.
I hate how busy august is.
I hate hate hate it.

lets copy aria and make a hate list.

I HATE certain blevins people
I HATE judgemental people
I HATE being pitied
I HATE scary movies
I HATE thinking about stuff i messed up
I HATE my room
I HATE being lazy
I HATE my goddamn period (sorry, but its true)
I HATE people who think they are cool and they aren't
I HATE when summer is over when it feels like it just started
I HATE not being prepared
I HATE fighting with my mom
I HATE my hair
I HATE my teeth
I HATE my appearance in general
I HATE being unorganized (wow, bet you guys didn't know that)
I HATE when people are poos
I HATE when hot guys like my friends(!)
I HATE not being in france right now
I HATE guys who are assholes
I HATE guys who are always drooling all over lauren who are like juniors and even SENIORS(not mentioning any names there)
I HATE school
I HATE how lazy i am
I HATE when I'm the only one online
I HATE it when i am the only person AWAKE
I HATE feeling grimy
I HATE techno

ok so now for my love list to bring some positive energy into this entry:
I LOVE my poop book from becca!!!
I LOVE jackson lol
I LOVE salad
I LOVE french
I LOVE aidan :)
I LOVE taking pictures
I LOVE my mom, even though she's having a midlife crisis
I LOVE my dress that i bought for the wedding
I LOVE croissants
I LOVE strawberry tarts :)
I LOVE that painting at Versailles of Napoleon crowning Josephine (Josefin?)
I LOVE the jeans i'm wearing
I LOVE chapstick
I LOVE aim
I LOVE the Nathan-Lauren drama, though not at the moment...
I LOVE moving and packing
I LOVE reading ljs
I LOVE kittens
I LOVE makeup and blowdryers (I'm easily pleased)
I LOVE making lists

ok this is too long for me so tata

Ok, so some of you who are in my english class/spanish class know the singing sub...well he was on my same flight both ways! so he recognized me and we started talking, and his wife is going to tutor me in french! because i am obviously gonna need more than French 1 will teach me in the first semester.

maybe i'll switch PE and Art so that i can take art first semester and do an independent study of PE when i leave. HA! then i could get out of it! OOH crafty.

ok the end for reals

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c'est pas grave [13 Aug 2002|06:36pm]

and i'm baaaack!

but not for long.

ok so Paris was incredible. fabulous. wonderful. i love it.

The first night, we went out to eat at this chinese restaurant that had a fishtank for a floor :)
ummm then we slept, and jetlag is a killer when you lose you're night's sleep.
next day we went to this little town outside Paris to this country house of our friends, which was my dream house, played cards, ate, and we were so tired we slept til 4 pm the next day. which made us late to return to paris, but it was all ok. um i don't remember what happened that night...
We stayed in paris the rest of the time, visiting the chateau de Versailles, the Louvre museum where i saw the mona lisa with my very own eyes :), Invalides, where we saw napoleon's tomb and a hell of a lot of cannons and boring military stuff. we also shopped at the Champs Elysses, which is this huge street, kinda like 5th avenue, but better ;). we saw the arc d'triomphe, took a boat down the Seine (a big ol river right in the middle of Paris), went to notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, MonMatre, the top of the tour montparnasse, the gardens of luxembourg (which aren't in luxembourg), opera garnier-one of the most beautiful buildings i've ever seen...-the obelisque, which is overrated...Bastille, the MOULIN ROUGE lol and of course the HUMONGO eiffel tower aka the tour eiffel, look at that french influence, to hell with spanish... :)

i fought with my mom like the whole vacation, but there were some calm moments. Despite my mom's pooiness i had a really great time, and i am actually kind of looking forward to January and moving there.
when we got home, it was just like...'ok, so this sucks...there's nothing here.' Except for, of course, you fine people. :D

i wish you all could see paris, its so gorgeous. Its this huge city but its hard to tell, no tall buildings except for the tour montparnasse...(yes, the parisians built one skyscraper and then stopped...) and its just so...something. its impossible to describe.

i have lost all love for spanish and have gained a TON for french, its such a pretty language, and although i can't speak a whole lot, i can understand most convos. and thats a good thing, right? well lucky me, i'm taking both so woohoo for me.

bought my dress for jill's wedding today, i love it! Aria picked it out, and its red and I LOVE IT and i think i might wear it to homecoming :)


oh my

burst of hyper there.

OH YEAH i'm in love again with a kid named jackson lol
met him today at the mall
he's sexaaaaay


oh yeah, and people in france say "c'est pas grave" (say pah grahhve) like 18 times a sentence, and it means its no problem, basically, so i figured i'd make it my subject :)

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followup :) [31 Jul 2002|11:59pm]
hello everyone, i'm feeling better now, avoiding thinking about all that shit...except for i am fighting with my mother like its going out of style, we are out of control, she is the biggest bitch in the world and so am i...oy vay.

moving on.

this is also my last entry for a while unless i can find a computadora en el france. which may be a possibility. i'm leaving tomorrow morning at about 10 30 in the morning, so i hope you guys have fun partying your bootays off without me :( and i will miss you all alot, because i have to deal with my bitch mom and weird brother for 2 weeks...how will i survive...
oh well, at least theres good shopping.

well i gotta start packing...but oh yeah one other thing, lauren and i walked to barnes and noble today and i bought the odyssey on tape, and after all that, i think i'm just gonna read it, because i don't think the tape is the same version. did i mention the tape is 12 and a half hours long, too? i mean how slow can they read?!? oy. but its nice to know if i can't handle the reading i have the option of the tapes, too...

alright well thats all you get, i gotta go pack which you will notice i avoid alot...i like these things:... hehe

alright well i will update around the 12th:)
au revoir :)
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the day the world ended [29 Jul 2002|08:35pm]
[ mood | can't stop crying ]
[ music | my mind's on other things, sorry ]

well my life sucks, hows yours

i have just been informed that my mom is quitting the Rio and moving to france in september and my dad is going to move into our house while she's gone so he can take care of us because he and my stepmom who finally decided she loved me are splitting up. of course, lucky me, i get to see my mom for 10 days on my birthday, my brother's bday and christmas. THEN in January my mom wants me to move to france too for the rest of the school year. at the end of the year we are going to "evaluate" and decide where we want to live, which means mom decides she wants to live in france and we either go motherless or live in a different country.

ironic fact: just today, me and jessie were talking about how much we like our lives and how we don't ever want to move and how we're glad we are stabilizing.

Alll gone.

now beat that for a crappy day.

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mood: weirded out [29 Jul 2002|02:36pm]
ok i'm kind of freaking out right now

i feel really weird and no one can understand

this sucks. whats worse is there's no one to talk to about it. Johanna is gone so i can't get advice and comfort from her. and i really need it.

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yes it really is 8:40 and i am awake [29 Jul 2002|08:40am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | bare naked-jennifer love hewitt ]

hello all you wonderful people, i got home from new york last night YAY and now i have til thursday before i leave again! heehee! oh i am so proud i finished one of the stupid IB books on the plane, i planned it out so i can read one book per vacation because i have all that time on the damn plane doing nothing, so yeah. ok thats really boring, i'm sorry.

Moving on.
Ok so new york was tons of fun, i missed you all tons and tons though ;). our plane getting there got stuck in the dallas airport, and let me tell you that the dallas airport is pretty damn cowboyesque. ugh. we were supposed to get into NY at about 6 their time, and we got in at like 1:30 am. But we got there! and on the plane i made a friend, her name was barbara :D

when we got to my uncle bobby's house, it was like 3 cause he lives in the hamptons. we basically just talked and then went to bed. on Wednesday, we went sailing, which i loooooooved. we met bobby's new (and bland) girlfriend kate but she's nice at least. then we went out to dinner and that was fun...Thursday was better because we just went to the beach and i got a teeny weeny TAN LINE! HAHA! JULIA HAS A TAAAAAN! well not really but i'm proud of it. i love the beach. Oh yeah and there was a very sexy boy named jeremy there...ohh lala!! yeah i liked that. THEN we left the beach and jeremy :( and we went out to dinner and then we found a carnival and went to that for a while. there was another sexy boy named mike who was there, but his personality reminded me of john trautwein so ick. oh and in between we went shopping in southampton and i bought BABY SOCKS :D :D :D

THEN on friday we went to my grandma's house and they stuffed us full of yummy italian food. My grandma and i went shopping in port washington to this place called bluetique but nothing was good except this one pair of jeans which i bought and i love but i already like killed them...
Then after we went there we went to the CITY!!! we met my aunt for dinner, and we went to this like weird restaurant, and i had sangria for dinner :D which is like this wine with all this fruit in it,because the food was weird, oh man it was reaaally good... :D and i tried a cigarette and it sucked, not like i was ever gonna smoke before, but yeah. thennnn i can't really remember what we did and then we went to our hotel, the Paramount, which is like the coooooooolest hotel ever, its so cool looking, i took a picture of the lobby :)...ummmmm then i don't remember, we watched a movie and i think thats it.

saturday we spent the whole day shopping, it was fun, i love new york. we went out to dinner in chinatown and then we walked to the ex-world trade center site, and it gave me goosebumps. not the actual thing, cause it just looks like a big construction site, and it doesn't sink in what happened there. what was really sad was all the memorials that stretched for blocks and blocks :( i took some pictures so i hope they turn out. anyways. not much else happened on sabado. sunday we walked around some more, went to the NBA headquarters and their little store, which by the way is really cool :), took the WAY tourist-y "horse drawn carriage ride through central park" which actually kind of sucked.and then we had to go to the airport and then we left. we switched planes in chicago and on the plane from chicago to denver there was this really cute couple, i'm guessing they were like 16, and they were traveling by themselves, and they were being all giggly and flirty and making me want a boyfriend, and then they were like making out, and i was rolling my eyes at that point...and then the girl (who was really pretty, and the guy was hot, it was perfect...) takes out some skoal and proceeds to like start chewing tobacco, and so did the boyfriend, and they spit in this clear water bottle and it was sooooo nasty! and then they started making out again and i was just thinking "ACK!". anyways then we got home and we got back to good ol fort collins around 1 am. Thats my vacation story, nothing that great.

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there is tar in my hair right now [22 Jul 2002|11:47pm]
went go carting tonight, since its my last night here before new york, and i won't have a whole lot of nights left :(

anyways, it was really weird cause it was me courtney lindsey and lauren, and last summer the four of us hung out a lot, and this summer like we don't hang out all together, and it was kind of interesting to see how everyone had changed. it used to be lindsey and lauren and courtney and me. this time it was courtney and lauren. odd.

Anyhoo, i have to wake up at dark thirty tomorrow, i haven't started packing and i don't intend to until i'm forced.

oh i got an email from andrea today, i was happy :)

lala oh what else.
oh i went on go carts which was TERRIFYING because of my last encounter with them, oy vay i will never be comfortable in one of those things again, SCARY MAN! and i let lindsey drive in a double, and we got the same one that me and liz crashed with (#33 i think), and i was like seriously freaking out :) all ended well though.

i will miss you guys when i'm in new york, i'll send you all postcards if i have your addresses.

weird, every night some people come by my house and honk their horn in this little tune its weird. i wonder who they are doing it to, because my street is full of old grannies and they are like teenage boyyyyyyyys. i can't tell if they are hot though. oh well.

tra la. tra la la. traaaaaaa!

goodnight all, especially to sherlock.

(don't ask)
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the names mcgee [20 Jul 2002|09:35am]
last night was jessie's sister's bday, and so i went over there for dinner so i could finally see her again (yay!). then we came back to my padre's and she spent the night and we did dumb stuff.
this morning we woke up, went on a picnic in redfeather lakes, and walked around one of said lakes. Dowdy, or something. It was fun actually, and i ate healthy almost all day, i was so proud!

I have 7 days of summer left.
cause here's my travel schedule for the rest of the summer:

23-29: New York
1-12: France
15-18? (thurs-sun): Rhode Island/Massachussetts for my cousins wedding.

so i have tomorrow, july 30, 31, august 13 & 14, and then the 19 20 and then SCHOOL!! AAAAAAH. I am so scared.

I am planning on doing most if not all of my reading on the planes, so if i don't do that i'm basically screwed...oh well. I'm thinking the 12-hour plane ride in august will be a good time to tackle the odyssey...ugh...i tried to start that one first, get it out of the way...and now i can't even force myself to read it, its cruelty really! but jo's list of characters will help alot, especially with the essay part! thanks jo.

alright well i am gonna go water my chiminese, but don't forget:

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jessie comes home tomorrow! [18 Jul 2002|09:11pm]
yay yay yay jessie is home tomorrow and so is johanna!!! yay yay yay yay yay yay yay.

and on sunday, my mommy turns 40 and lauren comes home.

i am in an optimistic mood right now.

nathan wants to go frisbee golfing with lauren on monday. He is over amanda. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!

sunshine lollipops and rainbows is stuck in my head. i miss andrea :(
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"women are finicky. if i go too fast i'm a pervert, but if i wait too long i'm gay." [18 Jul 2002|05:19pm]
hehehehehe thats from cosmo if you didn't know.

today has been out of control. Becca and i had a lot of adventures, which started last night at the scrapbooking thing. Lizzy and Aria left around 930-10, and right as aria was leaving alex and patrick came over and we hung out with them for a while. It was fun :)

theeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn becca spent the night and we had all kinds of interesting talks about interesting things. Oh deary me. We called some random people and harassed them too. And we were frantically looking around for non alcoholic beer and we COULDN"T FIND ANY!!! it was a grand tragedy. i was very upset. Anyhoo, after we got to sleep we woke up :) and we wanted popsicles but we were too lazy. we called every store in fort collins and asked if they delivered ,but NOOOOOOOOOO. so finally we got our lazy asses up, went to albertsons, bought strawberry shortcake popsicles, croissants, skittles, fritos and milk duds. Then we ate the whole box of popsicles in front of the liquor store next to albertsons. Theeennnnnn we wanted more so we returned the rest of the groceries and got store credit cause i couldn't find the receipt. Then we bought more of the things, a cosmo, baby nail clippers (for BABIES) and gum. cosmo is a very ho-ish magazine, we learned. ANYWAYS. so then we ate the popsicles and read some sick stuff in cosmo, then becca had to leave :( and i am very bored. So thats today for ya.
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its been awhile [15 Jul 2002|04:24pm]
so aria's bday party was this weekend, which was a lot of fun even though i had some difficulty getting there, oy vay. I came straight from a 3v3 soccer tournament in thornton which was tons of fun but i got so sunburned, the worst farmers tan, too! oy. Anyways, so aria's was fun. we talked til like 3 which i loooooooove doing, i felt very loved when i was talking about my little dramas :D which was nice. It was, as aria said, the perfect size of a sleepover too. Becca did NOT appreciate a walk to remember though, which i was upset about. Nah, no one really appreciated it cept for aria i think. It was weird watching it without lauren though! that is like our obsession, worse than my ex obsession with jake or laurens with josh hartnett. Seriously, obsession to the max.


Oh, new developments in my life include: a NEW babysitting client which gives me even LESS time to do stuff...urgh...But on the bright side i got some new babyclothes, hung out with jeana beana (we took a limo home from dinner, that was fun) and thats about it. I had a brief second french lesson today which was fun. I seriously am starting to worry about my laziness towards reading...i'm not going to be prepared for school to start at the rate i'm going. I should at least start the other books. Seriously i am the worst procrastinator in the WORLD! ugggggghhhhhh. Anyways.

Oh and i am gonna do more scrapbooking maybe on tuesday!! YAY! :)

that was really fun last time.

i'm so excited for my trips, especially new york because i know what to expect. yay yay yay.

seriously, i have decided i would die without johanna, she is like the best therapist there is.

Jessie comes back in 4 days!!!!!!!!! how many hours is that???????

Lauren is in chicago, and lindsey's in steamboat. Ali and moose are in iowa. and everyone will be back and partying just in time for me to leave, but oh well. i am actually looking forward to the plane rides where i can get some reading and general stuff done! oy. and i want to go see the wtc site in new york. Anyways enough for one entry.

au revoir.
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a weeeeeird dream [10 Jul 2002|07:25am]
ok so it was me, my mom&brother;(ugh), lauren and her family, nathan, liz and me. which is weird.

So we are all on mars on this reallllllly compact town. we leave this hotel my family was in, its like the veit bignon or something and we go out into this really packed square and meet up with lauren and nathan. All of a sudden, liz is there too. So we hang out there and lauren and nathan are being normal ;) by not doing anything. my family leaves and so does laurens so its just us. Then this weird man tries to sell me and my brother a bike...there was a lot of poofing out of no where. Natalie shows up and she is pretending to be on stilts. I tell her she is out of control and everyone laughs at me. Johanna starts hanging out with natalie and when i try to talk to her she says "talk to the hand". Aria was like a reporter, she went around with a baby notebook and wrote stuff down. but she didn't talk to me either.

Then we left the square and took showers. And all of us were in the shower (with our clothes on!!!) but none of us got wet, and then lauren told nathan that she had heard eyes change colors in the shower, and she asked if she could check, and then she kissed him. And then they start like taking turns pecking each other which is dumb so me and liz just tell them to go at it already :D So they do, on the edge of a bathtub. me and liz are just sitting there, and then we go check to make sure laurens parents aren't coming. They aren't.

ok so then that part is done.

Then they keep making out like EVERYWHERE and i find out josh got arrested for being a "man-izer" (i got that from realworld) and i went to his room and he had some old halloween candy in a pumpkin head (like in realworld...see the theme?). And his room was my brothers room. It was weeeird. And then my mom just started driving around "Mars" and we realized we forgot Chris and he is probably back buying that bike.

So thats my dream. haha.
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stolen from everyone :) [09 Jul 2002|09:53pm]

Full name: Julia Kristin Govan Leja the first :)
Age: 14 and like 9 months! YAY
Birthday: 10.12
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Sibling(s) names: Chris but lets move on :)
Pets names: Amelia and Ellie (ugh, i hate that lardball)
Describe your appearance: 5'4"-ish, BROWN hair :'( and frickin sunburned with baaaaaad posture

Most annoying person you know: KYLE P SULLIVAN, but i don't really know him. Or bobby.
Most annoying celebrity: the dumb people who think they are cool and they aren't :)
Most annoying TV character: um...i don't know
Most annoying movie character
Most annoying song: atc around the world.
Most annoying radio DJ: a third vote for ol' rick here.
Most annoying sound: wet shoes on dry floors squeaking! AAAH
Most annoying things people do: freak out about nothing, ditch me for other people whenever they feel like it, be narrowminded, and be poos. :)

Hottest person you know: i'm sorry but jake
Hottest actor/actress: SHANE WEST!!!!
Hottest singers: (male): ummmmmm i don't know
(female): BRITNEEEEEY!!! lol
Hottest band/group: Blink
First person you ever thought was hot: dusty :)
Hottest person you've kissed: this guy named like aaron or something.
Hottest person you've gone out with: i am too picky, i don't think anyones hot including my limited exboyfriend supply.
Someone who's hot but you don't like: ummmmmmmmmmmmmm jake. i honestly don't like him anymore.

Drinks the most: haha. eh hem.
Gets the most "action": HAHA! um nathan
Is the worst driver: LIZ!!!!!!!
Do you wish you could be for a day: lindsey or maybe lauren
Is the smartest: Jo, Jess or nate
Is the most athletic: i have a lot of athletic friends.
Would be the first to get married: Jo, because she falls in love alot :) but i might beat her because i want BABIES!
Has horrible luck with the opposite sex: ha. ME! or alex poor baby.

Funniest people I know: i know a lot of funny people.
Funniest movie: SHALLOW HAL! i hate that movie but the tail part made it all worthwhile! or not another teen movie.
Funniest TV show: osbournes
Funniest song: too many
Funniest celebrity: ummmmm
Funniest photo you have:Tons, cause i'm the picture queen, right aria?!? ;)
Funniest thing that ever happened to you: i got stuck on a hook in alamosa.
Funniest sound: peoples laughs.

Best music genres: eh
Worst music genre: dumb grimy bands that think they are cool, or techno
Best CD ever made: this one i burned that i listen to DAY AND NIGHT, or the walk to remember soundtrack.
Worst CD ever made: i don't know. but i probably bought it.
Something you listen to that no one else seems to like: Britney Spears!!! :D but i don't really listen to it.
Something you hate that everyone else seems to listen to: those grimy bands mentioned earlier.
Most overplayed song: anything techno
Song that should be played more: ANYTHING BY AVRIL LAVIGNE :)

Scariest dream you ever had: that one i had that jo had too.
Weirdest dream you ever had: i have had Lots!Funniest dream you ever had: none that i can recall.
Dream you wish would come true: oh man! i have a couple!
Have you ever had "the falling dream": nope not really.
Have you ever had "the naked dream": ha yeah
Have you ever had a perverted dream: next! ;)
Have you ever had a recurring dream: yeah

Best boyfriend you ever had: i don't have good boyfriends.
Worst boyfriend you ever had: ha.
Who do you wish was your boyfriend: Cole!
Have you ever cheated: i wish i had someone to cheat on! :)
Has anyone ever cheated on you: not that i know of but who cares
Has anyone ever dumped you for someone else: prolly
One good thing about being single: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Abortion: for it
Death penalty: For it
"Reality" TV shows: Real world!
Boy bands: ugh.
Britney Spears: shes not bad
Napster:limewire is better
Eminem: he's funny
Movie nudity: of course! ;)

Get something pierced other than your ears: yep
Get a tattoo: with some persuading :)
Dye your hair an unnatural color: yeah if i wanted to
Stay home from school if you didn't feel good even if you looked OK and didn't think you were gonna puke: ha yeah all the time, my mommy is awesome :)
Eat whatever you want, whenever you want: well duh, what do you think my lifes about?
Be in charge of the house for a weekend:probably not i'd freak myself out.
Go out and get drunk, as long as you didn't drive: ha i wish.
Use swear words in the house: depends on her mood, my dad doesn't say anything but my mom sometimes does...but generally its ok
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un, deux, trois... [09 Jul 2002|09:40pm]
hello all.

so now i'm leaving even earlier for vacationl. At first we were gonna go to spain for like a week before france but then we decided it is too damn hot there this time of year, as hot as here on a cool day...aaaaaah. but now we are going to nyc yay yay yay from the 23-29. And then i'll be back for two days and then leave again.

I only have like 3 weeks of summer left.

When will i EVER get my reading done?!?!??!


ok thats all.

oh yeah and my neck hurts real bad today. :D
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