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[10 Apr 2005|08:59am]
So I sit here, exceptionally hung over, listening to the Weakerthans as I get ready to go to work. I had a blast last night and I hope everyone else did too. Eric, Matt and Amber and myself hung out playing Guess Who, Don't Break the Ice, DO Break the Ice and Katamari. We ended up making a few phone calls of the drunk nature, which I guess Eric doesn't really dig. Sorry, man. I don't know why I have the urge to call people when I've been drinking but I'm just drawn to talk to people. In any case, it was a good night. I've spent the morning cleaning up the house, as my parents will be back soon. It was kind of a funny site to come down too..

the mess )
17 transmissions communicate

What a gyp.. [09 Apr 2005|12:51am]
[ music | Lit did a cover of "Pictures of You"!? ]

I just came back from seeing Sin city tonight, and while visually amazing and overall a great film, I was dissapointed to not see Michael J. Fox featured, nor any resemblance to the beloved ABC sitcom. This is why TV shows shouldn't be made into movies, they ruin everything!


My parents are out of town this weekend, and the house is once again quite empty. Too many responsibilities to have a house to yourself. Tonight is the first time I've slowed down all week. The riv is actually proving to be alot more work than I thought it would, and I think I'll be just as busy as usual this quarter. Less time on the bus though, which is always nice. Work was fun/painful, but next week everything should be looking up. For now I will sleep in an attempt to rid the last of this cold from me. Goodnight!

3 transmissions communicate

You deserve treats in your eyes [05 Apr 2005|08:12am]
[ music | My mom frantically drumming to Franz Ferdinand in our living room ]

Since I slept straight through my first class anyway..I'll tell you that Dane Cook was amazing, and I was so stoked to go. We pre-funked in the car, which I kept the whole show. OK, I don't think drinking shittily mixed drinks in the car is my idea of a good time, but it made the stand-up SO much more hilarious. Good times with Matt and Amber as always. I'm glad I went.

The Riv classes are pretty rad if you ask me.Perhaps this is too early, but I think I just need to get the swing of it. Hmm.. I wonder if I work tonight.

Ok, I'm off.


3 transmissions communicate

I know these songs...I ADDED these songs! [04 Apr 2005|10:20am]
[ music | Kay-gerg ]

So I'm on campus once again at the GRCC. I'm typing this from the lobby computer at KGRG. Man, NO one is up here. I can tell this place has changed alot. They have some new shit, and a couple of kids in the booth seem to be enjoying themselves, but I'm thinking the vibe is just not the same. I thought I'd have a more nostalgic experience coming back to the GR double C, but KGRG in particular has not been too exciting yet. In any case, I have one remedial class and one that I think will be a real college class, which I'm stoked about. I have a break from 10 to 12 and will then have Religion and teaching class, which I think I will enjoy.

From the Riv,


PS. To Brian and all it may apply to. Eric fucking Perkins is in my argumentation class. Yikes.

8 transmissions communicate

Dane Cook at UW tomorrow, bitches! [04 Apr 2005|12:59am]

Yeah, also Matt and I rocked the Yankees tonight. I'm amped for baseball to start tomorrow. Also, school starts for me in 7 hours and I'm still drunk. Good thing I'm at the GRCC and it doesn't matter.

I think the pope position is stupid


I don't think it's funny when an old man dies

That's all.

Matt and I did a Jager bomb in honor of Mitch tonight. We'll miss him. I hope Dane mentions something or does a tribute or something. That would be rad.

Ok, that's it, really. Peace.


3 transmissions communicate

[03 Apr 2005|12:17am]
[ music | The electronic Bright Eyes record is really fucking good. I need to get the other one. ]

Wow, so I'm back from Pullman safely, and I'm so glad I went! It was great to spend so much time with Lis. I must spring ahead straight to bed, but I will mention that I had a great weekend, I watched The Devil's Advocate w/ Matt and Amber tonight, and feasted on gin (my new A of choice) and tater tots. Who's jealous? Oh yes.

As I drove the 5.5 hours each way, I realize we have a beautiful state. To all my Central buddies, I thought of you as I passed scenic Ellensburg and dined at your Taco Bell. Pullman is fun to visit. Many baseball hats though. It must be the WSU uniform. (The UW uniform is iPods and North Face jackets, by the way). In any case it was a good time to put some thought into those who live in rural areas. They're kind of like the homeless in the fact that you don't think about what it'd be like to live like that very often. That's not insulting ruries by comparing them to hobos, just drawing a corellation. I'm excited for May when Lisa is back on our side of the state.

Uh oh, phone is ringing.. goodnight!

3 transmissions communicate

The rolling hills of Eastern Washington wait for me.. [01 Apr 2005|08:35am]
[ music | Ben Gibbard - Carolina ]

So yes, I'm now in Pullman. The old Taurus and I made it just fine! I have a new level of respect for my car. Last night was good. Lis and I watched Survivor and ate at Denny's. I was thinking alot on the drive over here (as I had time to do so) just how cool our state is. Minus the hicks in the small towns you come across, it's some nice scenery. I drove through Ellensburg and went into Vantage. I even revisited a camp site I used to stay at for Creation with my youth group. In any case, it was a nice drive and I now wait for Lisa to come back from class.

One year tomorrow.

7 transmissions communicate

To the greatest comedian ever.. [01 Apr 2005|08:30am]
RIP Mitch Hedberg

When someone hands you a flyer, it's like they're saying "Here, you throw this away."
1 transmission communicate

[19 Mar 2005|09:48am]
[ music | Weakerthans ]

Last night I got to have beer and sandwiches with Ashley and some of my favorite Maple Valley kids. This was quite necessary as we all happened to have a final on friday afternoon. I love all my Maple Valley friends because they make my college experience just that much more authentic.

Next quarter, Ashley and I will have an interwoven routine in some way. Hell yes.

Afterwards I came over to Deb's to see Deb and Lisa. Unfortunately I was very tired, and by the time I got back to my house I was very lame and not feeling well. On the whole yesterday was good, and I did better on the philosophy final than I thought I would so...what? Yes.

PS. I got home to find my new copy of Cranium Ziggity! My first goal is to find a way to turn it into a drinking game.


Almost in person [06 Mar 2005|02:14am]

'Mike the Paparazzi' and 'A Grand Day Out' )


[02 Mar 2005|12:44pm]

Registered for the Riv today:

Com 101 (For the Radio Degree)
Com 245 (becomes a 300 level course at UW, which works towards my degree)
Phil 210 (Which is Relig 2xx at UW)
EDU 170 (To make sure teaching is a good idea)

I'm quite stoked. I should be back for UW come summer qtr.

I <3 Huckabees last night, as well as I <3 Matt, Amber and junk food.
Off to work, most likely a half shift. Good day.

Ps. I'm so ready for spring.

2 transmissions communicate

[01 Mar 2005|03:31pm]
March is looking so much better already! Just a few weeks until spring, which isn't much, but at least it isn't bitch-winter! Going to pick up the Taurus today. I'm not sure what to do about the $3000 bill, because my parents are going to pay for it, and I will, theoretically "pay them back". David had this happen to him, and he never had to pay them back, it was just something they used to guilt him all the time, which is definitely something I don't want. Maybe my 'rents and I need to have an honest discussion of just how much they expect to see back from this. I'd like to pay it all off eventually, but to do so now would require work to be a top priority, and I'm not sure if I really want/should be in that position. Lisa is so smart.

Anyhow, for the moment I'm leaning towards a double major of communication/religion. Religion for personal enrichment. Comm for diversity/employability. Yeah, it's all kinda BS, but it looks ok on a resume to employers, and there's still something worth knowing there. Everything will most likely change. Going to the Riv appears to be a lock, since there's nothing useful to me open this quarter in either major.

Off to Auburn, hopefully to buy new shoes too. I hope I get to do some sunshine driving tonight. That's all.
3 transmissions communicate

[27 Feb 2005|04:51pm]
I'm just going to vent all my school thoughts of the moment:

The one thing I'm pretty sure of is that I don't want to do the Communications program at UW. I think Comm is a fine major, but I shouldn't spend so much money to go to a prestigious school just to do one of their mediocre programs.

The alternative would be the Jackson School (International Studies) which I know is a great program. The area of interest I would most likely study in the Jackson School would be Comparative Religion, which is what I planned on doing in the first place.

So I might go back to religion. Ashley's in it now, and after going through the Sociology program and Poli Sci, it seems to offer alot more than these "generic" departments, and my credits/interest from philosophy already give me a head start on this degree.

I can't do anything towards this degree at UW this upcoming quarter.

I think the best thing, at this point, might be to go back to Green River next quarter. Because:

1. I could get the Radio Pre-Professional
2. I might be able to get a jump on my foreign language
3. I can take the first course necessary for Project Teach*
4. I can get one of the religion classes taken care of, if I decide to go back to that major.

* Project Teach is my other alternative to UW. It's a BA from Central that you get on GRCC campus. It seems like an OK program, though I'll always have the stigma of not finishing at a big school, and in some ways, "giving up" on a real, traditional degree from a respected university. The perks, of course would be I'd be done 1-2 years faster and right in the program I want to be in. It's still definitely a consideration.

So this is where I'm at now, and it could all change tomorrow, so don't hold me to anything. I just need to talk to both schools,  my family and my friends to figure out what I should do. For the moment, this seems like a promising idea.

Plus I'd be back at the Riv! No smelly bus rides or difficult classes!

Ok, that's not really a factor, just a perk.
5 transmissions communicate

[27 Feb 2005|03:23pm]
So last night was rather amazing. Matt and I headed up to Bellingham to play cards. It was so great to play again and see my friends. The only sad part was Brian couldn't join us, but I guess that's what short notice does. Matt and I almost killed a bottle of Smirnoff and everyone came out damn near even.

We had to leave early, as I had to work today (which turned out to be about 1.5 hours). On the way home, Matt and I, on a whim, decided to visit the Tulallup casino, where we both won about 5 bucks on video poker! Who thought controlled gambling could be so much fun?

So now I'm home, and still need a shower. All I have to do tonight is a draft for philosophy and watch The Simpsons. I hope everyone else had a good weekend.
4 transmissions communicate

For the record. [25 Feb 2005|06:30am]
A few things I haven't posted on but really should be noted:

-I have a great new promotion at work. I no longer call people.
-My car's transmission has finally bought the farm. $2700.
-I'm not convinced that I should finish my degree at UW.

There are many more details that should be filled in. Sorry for being vague.

-Life is still good. Just hard at times.
11 transmissions communicate

A weekend begins.. [14 Jan 2005|01:25pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Gibbard ]

So I spent the last 2 hours playing my gameboy in MGH, and I'm completely satisfied with that. Today is my day off, and I'm just sitting around on campus. I don't like how tiring socializing can be. I think I'm just bad at keeping up with/on people.

So I'm going to Gibbard tonight! Big thanks to Rachel (and to some extent Brian (and to a far lesser extent Best Buy) ). Nothing like an evening with my mancrush.

I'm not really reading this quarter much, though I'm not convinced I have to. I have been working alot more, which has been nice in some ways. My job is boring, but I work with some pretty cool people, and it makes me feel productive, so no complaints I guess.

I've also come to the realization that I'm difficult to contact. I have a cell phone with unreliable service and a low amount of minutes. I don't really have regular internet access, as I still have not fixed my computer, and I'm never home. There's drawbacks to this, but I also like the autonomy it provides in some ways.

I've been running into Zach on campus/buses frequently. This I like. I'm amazed how I can see the same weird, random people on campus over and over again, and yet seldom run into my friends or someone I'd want to talk to. Speaking of running into people, I often catch the same bus Matt's dad does. Crazy.

Wednesday Amber and Matt came over and we watched Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Wednesday (and friday) are the days I get off early, and homework permitting, I'd like to hang out with friends on Wednesdays. I understand schedule issues, but it's just a thought.

I'm tying this from Mary Gates Hall, and there's a mentally disabled guy talking loudly on a cell phone. He is in here often, and I've heard him talking quite a bit on the phone. If I had a disability, and could not tell when I was doing something rude/inappropriate, I think I'd want someone to tell me. I feel for the guy, because he probably gets a bunch of dirty looks and doesn't know why. Far be it from me to tell him, but I'm just saying I wouldn't see anything wrong with it.

Pointless. Ok, what else.

I'm hanging out with Kim on sunday after work. It should be cool, and there's no work/school on monday, so I think I'm just gonna continue enjoying my weekend. I wouldn't mind some board games/fermented beverages on saturday if anyone is interested. Off to get my haircut/wander the Ave.


1 transmission communicate

It's true what they say.. [31 Dec 2004|01:22am]
You can't make new old friends

I love my mother [07 Dec 2004|09:44pm]
My kindergarten-teaching mother makes some great comments when she doesn't know I'm listening:

"DARE (referring to the drug free program), what a piece of shit that was."

So true.

PS. Efren Ramirez, the boy who played Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite, was also in Pauly Shore's "Jury Duty" and Shaquille O'neal's "Kazaam".
12 transmissions communicate

Here's the kicker of the whole shebang [02 Dec 2004|03:30pm]
So I got quite drunk last night in honor of Matt's big two-two (not to be confused with his svelt tutu). I completely blew off a paper I was supposed to right, and managed to crank it out this morning. Academia at it's finest! It wasn't my finest work, but it will due, and I've been destroying that class, so I'm not too worried about it.

Speaking of destroying classes, I'm ready for these things to be done already! I was hoping to tout a record of never willfully skipping a single day this quarter but I broke that yesterday...and today. Oh well. It's not like I missed things that matter. It's all about priorities. My only academic goal these days is to make sure my GPA is about a 3.0. Realistically, I'm not going to need anything better than that. A 3.25 for this quarter would be nice, and I think I'll get at least that. We'll see.

This weekend is trying to shape itself. Who would like to play poker on Saturday? Anyone? Brian and Matt and I are trying to figure these things out. Also, I'd like to take a tour of the bars of South King County sometime soon, just to say I've been there. Such jems like the In Between Tavern, Sidetrack, Moonraker, maybe even the Playmore (no chance). It should be fun.

I don't know why I want Dodgeball to come out on DVD so badly, but I just do.

Off to work and my weekend begins! Actually it sorta started yesterday. Hey Mercedes 'n' shit. Ooh yeah.

4 transmissions communicate

[24 Nov 2004|03:26pm]
I've decide it's better to be self-righteous than self-centered.

But never be both.

I have to work in 2 hours, but after that (around 9pm) I'm free. I got a text message from an unknown phone number mentioning a Maple Valley crew gathering, which actually made me feel good. Due to lack of funds, I probably won't follow up on this, but still, it's nice.

I had to accost my bus driver today, as I was late. As of now, I'm not convinced there's a feasable, legal way to enter the Renton Park and Ride coming from 167. I had to knock on the door while he was at a stop light and hope for the best. Luckily he took pity upon me, and I showed up to the 2 scheduled classes I had today.

Also, I don't want to take Political Science next quarter. I don't see how you can keep your schedule full and useful when you're in your junior/senior years. Crazy times. I want to take 12 credits next quarter, but it's a waste of money. Blech.

So tonight my plans are still undecided, but I kinda want to do some partying, as most/all of us have no obligations tomorrow. Call me if interested. Mike out.
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