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Winter Break To-do list [16 Dec 2004|01:52am]
For all college students:
This sounds about like my plans and exactly what ends up happening when I go home.
1. Get Dad to let me do easy work around the house so I don’t have to pick up crappy shifts at old job.

2. Bang hot girl from high school that I talked to on IM a few times over the semester.

3. Wear school hoodie and/or sweat pants as much as possible.

4. Convince Mom and Dad to let me take car back to school with me; use excuse that “I’m always late for Bio because it’s on other side of campus and the bus never comes on time.”

5. Avoid shoveling snow and/or raking yard by complaining of back pain; get Vicadin prescription to sell once back at school.

6. Eat as much non-diarrhea-causing food as possible.

7. Promise myself I will work out; sit on couch.

8. Complain about how boring town is after first three days.

9. Make unreasonable New Years plans with high school friend; end up at basement party thrown by said high school friend’s little brother.

10. Take advantage of Mom and Dad’s superior “Movies On Demand” digital cable package.

11. Craft believable lies about how cool my semester was to impress attentive high school friends. NOTE: make sure to offer to “totally call my roommate” in case high school friend doubts sincerity of story.

12. Protest loudly about decorating the house for Christmas since, “I’m only gonna be here for a few more weeks…what’s the point?”
13. Go through “history” on house computer; learn that little brother is interested in marine animals, rap music and Swedish girl-on-girl.

14. Convince parents that more money is needed to purchase textbooks for next semester; offer to “mail you the receipt if you don’t believe me.” NOTE: Do not mail receipt.

15. Make fun of “townie” friends that didn’t attend college; overlook the fact that they make much more money than I do.16. Reminisce about High School at bar with old friend; use phrases such as, “Jeeeeeezus, did we really do that?,” “Man, I can’t believe how old we are,” and “Oh God, Shirley Hanson…Soooooo hot back then…I hear she had a kid.”

17. Drive past High School numerous times; wish I could go back and do it again. NOTE: Never admit to wishing to go back to High School.

18. Get extremely excited to see family dog; realize after ten minutes that he farts and drools all the time; put dog outside for rest of break.

19. Call college friends immediately after Christmas to brag about presents; pretend iPod is 40 Gig version when it is really 20 Gig version.

20. Wish break would end so I can get back to school and party; immediately after returning to school complain about workload and shitty class schedule; wish it was break again.
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go to hell. [04 Dec 2004|02:15pm]
[ mood | hang overs are a bitch ]
[ music | "Sister Christian"- Night Ranger ]

Circle I Limbo

Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

DMV Employees
Circle IV Rolling Weights

General asshats
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Osama bin Laden
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Circle VII Burning Sands

George Bush
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

NAMBLA Members
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

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You might be a college student if... [08 Nov 2004|06:21pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Incubus and my roomates stuff ]

I thought this was too great not to add to my journal. I laughed so hard I cried:
You have ever price shopped for Top Ramen, you might be a college student.

You live in a house with three couches, none of which match.

You consider Mac and Cheese a balanced meal.

You have ever written a check for 45 cents.

You have a fine collection of domestic beer bottles.

You have ever seen two consectutive sunrises without sleeping.

Your glass set is composed of McDonald's Extra Value Meal Plastic Cups.

Your underwear supply dictates the time between laundry loads.

You cannot remember when you last washed your car.

You can pack your worldly possesions into the back of a pick-up (one trip).

You have ever had to justify yourself for buying Natural Light.

The first thing you do in the morning is roll over and introduce yourself.

You average less than 3 hours of sleep a night.

Your trash is overflowing and your bank account isn't

You go to Wal-Mart more than 3 times a week

You eat at the cafeteria because it's"free", even though it sucks

You are personally keeping the local pizza place from bankruptcy

You wake up 10 minutes before class

You wear the same jeans 13 days in a row --without washing them

Your breakfast consists of a coke on the way to class

Your social life consists of a date with the library

Your idea of "doing your hair" is putting on a baseball cap

It takes a shovel to find the floor of your room

You carry less than a dollar on you at all times because that's all you have

You haven't done laundry in so long you are wearing your swim suit to class

Your midnight snack is microwave popcorn

You celebrate when you find a quarter

Your room is so cold that your toilet freezes over

Your walls are plastered with posters of half naked men or women

You have built up a tolerence for certain beverages (he he he)

You wear a sweat suit for so long that it stands up by itself

Your backpack is giving you Scoliosis

You get more sleep in class than in your room

Your idea of feeding the poor is buying yourself some Ramen Noodles

You can sleep through your roommate's blaring stereo

You live in an area that is smaller than most mobile homes

You get more e-mail than mail......

If you've ever missed class to play Diablo/War Craft.

If you've ever stayed up all night so you wouldn't sleep through your morning class.

If you refer to your meal card as "plastic."

You consider pizza one of the four major food groups-the other three being beer, candy and McDonald's.

It feels weird to take a shower without beach sandals on.

More than twenty percent of your furnishings are made of milk crates.

You know not to enter your room when a certain object is hanging from the door knob.

you can tell the time of day by the noise level in the hall outside your door.

the "home fries" you were served at breakfast look suspiciously like the french fries you were served at dinner the night before.

empty cans or cigarette boxes make good room decorations.

you set your alarm clock for 8:50am to make a 9:00am class.

you have rediscovered afternoon naps.

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[10 Oct 2004|04:06pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | "Hotel California" Eagles ]

1. Nervous Habits? Fiddling with hair, talking too much, I tend to blush really badly.
2. Are you double jointed? In my thumbs
3. Can you roll
your tongue? Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yes
5 Can you blow spit bubble? No
6. Can you cross your eyes? Yes
7. Tattoos? None for now.
8. Piercings and where? Tongue, three in ears
9. Do you make your bed daily? No way.

10. Which shoe goes on first? Doesn't matter.
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Yes
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? I'm in college. How much do you think?
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? My ahnk.
14. Favorite piece of clothing? Probably my black silk dress. I love that thing.
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? Yes, but I don't eat meat these days.
17. Favorite ice cream. Probably pistachio
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? No cabinets. I live in a dorm.
19. What's your favorite beverage? Diet Coke or Jagermeister
20. What's your favorite restaurant? Probably Bombay Sitar. I really like Indian food.
21. Do you cook? I can, but that doesn't mean I do it often.
22. How often do you brush your teeth? About twice a day.
23. Hair drying method? Drip dry
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Often.

25. Do you swear? I cuss like a sailor.
26. Do you ever spit? No. It's really nasty and unfeminine..even if I'm not the epitome of all that is girly.

27. Animal? Cat
28. Food? ice cream
29. Month? October
30. Day? Friday
31. Favorite Cartoon Character? Beetlejuice(from the animated one)
32. Shoe Brand? New Rocks or Doc Martens(even though they all suck these good boots)
33. Subject in school? English or Literature
34. Color? Silver
35. Sport? Video Games :D
36. TV show? History's Mysteries..I don't watch much TV
41. The CD player? Maybe Sisters of Mercy, Requiem for a Dream soundtrack, probably some New Order or Joy Division
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? I hate talking on the this is not applicable. My phone calls are usually only long enough to find out where I'm meeting someone or some other pertinent information.
43. Ever taken a cab? No,
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Yes. And I usually groan with sadness.
45. What color is your bedroom? Ugly off white(dorm)
46. Do you use an alarm clock? No.
47. Window seat or aisle? Window.

What's your sleeping position? On my side..I flip back and forth
49. Even in hot weather do
you use a blanket? No. I use a sheet if it is hot.
50. Do you snore? I've never heard that I do..except when I'm sick.
51. Do you sleepwalk? Sure do.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? My mom says I did when I was little.
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No
54. How about with the light on? No. As close to pitch black as I can come.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? No. Fan.

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[28 Sep 2004|08:26pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | "Assimilate" Skinny Puppy ]

"Sometimes I feel I've got to get away, I've got to run away from the pain you drive into the heart of me. The love we shared seems to go nowhere and I've lost my mind cause I toss and turn; I can't sleep at night." "Tainted Love" Soft Cell
The past couple days haven't really been too much fun because I'm really worried about my grades, even though they aren't at all bad. It's just this whole scholarship thing and being faced with the prospect of losing everything I've worked so hard for if I don't maintain a 3.0. And, the thing is, a 3.0 never used to be that high of a GPA for me, but suddenly it is. I'm just hoping the paper I finished about the film in German will help bring me up to the B I'm already so close to. It's not that I don't do my work or that I get bad grades-it's the confusing on-line workbook which I managed to fuck up the first few assignments in. Thank God for do-overs.
I guess I don't really have that much to write about. I have a speech tournament coming up and I'm not sure whether to be excited or terrified. I'm not in the play anymore, if you've read my other entries, you'll know what I'm talking about. And Amanda is coming to see me in two weeks and I'm very, very excited.
I have to say that I'm somewhat disappointed in most of my friends back home who have made very little effort to see or call me. Not that I can really complain that much because I haven't exactly had the time to call them myself. And I'm not really sure if I'll get another chance to come home before fall break, which is in late October.
Even though I'm around people more and more often, and spend less and less time online, I feel lonelier all the time. It's nothing like I thought it would be really and it isn't as if I can't handle it. High school was worse. But I'd really like to feel a connection with someone and it seems like friendship here is so stale and surface level. I guess maybe that will change as the year goes on and maybe I'll learn to open up more and be more accepting of people. I think I have a bad habit of making myself seem unapproachable and also being too judgemental. This campus is also the most boring place in the world during the week-but I guess that's good because it means I have nothing better to do than study.

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Drama and dumb shit [26 Sep 2004|05:02pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | "Head Like a Hole" NIN ]

"But I kept going, that whole summer, until the very last day..I thought I'd feel good, getting through the whole summer, but I didn't. I felt like I'd just gotten out of prison, having paid for a crime I didn't commit. I couldn't tell anyone about this feeling-I knew what they'd say. What? You think you're too good to work? Well, yes. I did." Afterlife, Rhian Ellis

So, I think I'm sick. Either that or two days of successive hung-overness have taken their toll. I've decided to be entirely honest and straightforward in this journal no matter what anyone might have to say about it. It's my life and I'll live it-or fuck it up- as I see fit. I've been trying to finish reading a book I have to write a prose piece on for speech club and it's pretty good. It's the one I got the quote from. I feel fairly prepared for my history exam tomorrow.
I watched a movie called "In July" for German-it's a German film, obviously- and it's actually one of the best movies I've ever seen. Granted, it was a romance and I usually hate those kinds of films, but this one was excellent. I guess that should make the paper I have to write over it go more quickly. I can tell my German teacher is a workaholic by how much homework he gives us and how irritated he is that most of the class doesn't really want to learn German. I actually really do. I think it gives a person character to be able to speak multiple languages-aside from just being a useful skill to have. Hopefully, I'll get to travel someday soon and make use of it. I'd love to see Berlin just because I've heard so much about it from students who have studied abroad. They said it was amazing. I want to see amazing things, do amazing things.
I think up to this point I have been allowing myself to judge people too easily. It isn't an easy thing to decide who someone is so automatically because you never know what's under the skin, how deep they really are. I want to make people feel like they can always be themselves around me, that I will understand them for who they are. I never want people to try to hide themselves like I used to, for a really long time in high school. I actually really like people these days, I seek out company in ways I never used to, try to be part of the fun instead of just standing back to observe it.
In other good news, Amanda is considering going to Muskingum! That would make me so happy to see her come here because I really think it would be good for her. The atmosphere is so relaxed, the campus is beautiful and the classes are challenging. I think this place is really going to help me learn about myself and I hope it would do the same for her. Plus, I'd love to have her as a roomie. We could have a lot of fun and really get to know each other.
I'm worried about one of the girls who lives on my floor;actually, a couple of them. People accuse me of making some stupid decisions, and I do. But nothing compared to the shit some of these girls do. One of my friends went to a house party with me and met some guys there. They were all pretty nice because they're friends of a guy who lives upstairs from us. Well, she slept with one of them and does not know his name. Lots of crap is stirred up of course because there are always those judgemental people that think they have the right to harass her over it. The only thing that worries me is these people go out with me, expect me to keep them from doing anything stupid, and when I try to get them to leave/not do something, they won't listen. So, there's really nothing I can do. I just hope they won't resent me for it-I can only get them not to do dumb shit if they listen. And I don't think I make the world's greatest party babysitter anyway. Not by a long shot. If they were smart, they'd bring someone who didn't drink. Sober sister they call it, I believe. Good principle for them.
I'm going to go study my history now. I can see the Mongol hoardes in my head already. :/

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Shit. [09 Sep 2004|08:11pm]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | Whirrrr of all these recording machines ]

Right now I'm at work. It's the first day of my on campus job and, already, I've managed to fuck things up nicely. I forgot to pick up my keys and, therefore, had to dig up someone to save my ass because I'm working last shift and cannot lock the lab without them. If I don't lock the lab, I'll lose my job. I lose my job, I lose my work study grant-which is something over a thousand dollars of my tuition.
Thankfully, I managed to get ahold of one of the other lab techs who is going to save my ass. On top of that, I had rehearsal today and had to leave a half hour into it so that I could go to work. This made the director rather preturbed. I could tell by the icy glare he shot at me.
I've come to the conclusion that I hate online work books! They don't grade like people, so you have to have the exact right answer for it to apply. And that really sucks, especially for things like language because you can say the same thing a variety of ways. This is how I managed to fuck up my German workbook assignment. Add that to the fact that I worked ahead because I thought all five sections were due within the hour and not the first three. So I screwed that up nicely and am quite grateful that it's only homework and not online tests as well!
Things are going well otherwise. My history test went very well and was simple. Speech is pretty much the easiest class you can take, so no worries there. I have to read a speech tonight and write a rhetorical analysis-which needs to be all of one page long. And I have a speech to present on Thursday that is to be 'self-introductory." The only thing that seems to be stressful is being involved in a lot of things that seem to conflict with one another.
I like the RCA in our building. I'm not sure if I've written about this in here yet, but he's awesome. He fixed my computer and he is just marvelous to be around. We've been hanging out a lot because I keep him company while he's at work. He's also a musician and interested in most of the same things as me. I don't really see him in a dating way just yet, but it's really nice to have someone I can relate to on campus. The student body is really not very diverse and, for the most part, you have jocks and stoners. Perhaps a few academic people.
But, I have to start closing down the lab right now, so this will have to be continued later.

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[04 Sep 2004|02:09am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | I was listening to Sister's of Mercy before I got kicked out ]

This past week has been a bit taxing, but overall has gone really well. I got a role in "Midsummer Night's Dream." It isn't the role I wanted,but it is a speaking role, which is better than what most of the freshmen got. My choir audition went well also and I'm fairly sure that I will make concert choir. I'm also working on adapting part of the script from "Requiem for a Dream" so that I can do a dramatic interpretation of it for speech club.
I dropped chemistry because the class is ridiculously hard and the professor is extremely unhelpful. I decided that if I can't figure out the first f*cking homework assignment, then the class is probably not for me. I'm changing my major as well because I refuse to put myself through eight years of classes that I can't stand for some childhood dream that was never very realistic. I've always been more of a language person and it makes no sense to try to force myself into something I'm not meant for. I have no idea what I'll major in now.
I got a job in the language lab,so at least I know I can keep my work study grant now. It's only two hours a week, which sucks, but hopefully it will be enough to pay for next semester's books if I save all of it. That's the other problem with taking classes I'm not sure I can do well in-I could lose my scholarship. And then I won't be able to afford to go here at all.
I've been tossing around the idea of quitting smoking, just because it's so fucking expensive. However, I'm so stressed out that it's really the only thing that makes me feel better. The RA's on my floor also keep locking us out if it's late at night and we are smoking. It's very irritating. And they are all huge, preachy bitches, basically. I don't like either of them. Probably because they see me sitting right there and just close the door, knowing their locking me out. Fucking rude.
Speaking of rude, my roomate has her boyfriend over right now. Need I say more. I just got my own fucking computer back and I'm having to do this in the computer lab just so I can get out of there. I'm a little steamed right now because I don't see why they couldn't just get that taken care of while they were at the damned frat house. They have places for that-and they are *not* my dorm when I'm wanting to go to bed. So I'm a little steamed right now and plan on letting her hear about it tomorrow.
Misha visited me yesterday. He had an attitude going and was trying to impress all the freshmen little boys. Thus, ignoring me. So, he doesn't need to bother to come visit anymore because I'm not interested in dating him anyway. He can stay on his own campus and try to impress the freshmen there.
I actually have gone to a couple parties while I was here, but haven't really gotten drunk at any of them. There are girls on my floor who have been dead drunk every night this week and I have no Earthly idea how they think they are going to manage to pass any of their classes. It's none of my concern though. There was also a girl on my floor who drank so much she had to get her stomach pumped..I have yet to figure out how one can do that on free, Natural Ice beer you get at the frat parties. Beats me how she could possibly have kept that much of it down. It really is sort of fruitless to go to any of them because the cops always manage to show up before long. It's best to just say hi, drink your beer and evacuate before you manage to get fined.
Other than a lack of privacy and wishing to hell I had a room to myself, I'm doing fine. Hopefully, she will have finished by now and will kick him out so I can go to bed. I'm tired and starting to get cranky.

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Dorm life [30 Aug 2004|08:40am]
The first few days on campus have been really, really busy and I'm tired all the time. I got to go see endangered animals at the largest wildlife conservation center in America and I'm actually getting along with everyone really well. For the first time in my life, essentially, I feel welcomed and wanted. Some people say they hate dorm life, but I actually have to say I'm liking it a good deal better than living at home.
This isn't hurt by the fact that my room mate is one of the nicest people I have ever met and all the girls on my floor are very friendly and open minded. Unfortunately, I'm using a lab computer right now because student services messed mine up and now I have to get it fixed. :/ That's the one problem I have-some of these programs are really, really inefficient.
I'm probably going to get involved with the theater and music programs while I'm here, as well as looking into the girls' biology/honors sorority.
I think Dane and Brandee(or at least Dane) are still mad at me. I'm not really sure what's going on, but I guess I'll leave it up to them to let me know. Hopefully, if they can manage to forgive certain other parties, they can forgive me. This isn't meant to be rude to those other said people, but I'm just making a point. I guess if they are willing to stop talking to me over something so trivial(in my opinion), then my friendship isn't worth as much to them as it was to me. And I'm not saying it was trivial because I don't think I did something that wasn't right, but because all people are prone to mistakes and life is hard enough without having to be perfect all the time. I think one thing that I need to work on is my indecisiveness. I need to find what is important to me and prioritize instead of trying to make everyone happy all the time-because I know very well that that never makes me happy at all.
In any case, I have to go buy these chemistry books, which are apparently very large and very expensive. And then I have to try to eat some dining hall food, which is not at all appealing. I am already looking forward to the weekend, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to finding new things that interest me.
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new fiction [27 Aug 2004|03:33am]
This one I just started about an hour ago and it is actually based on a legend in the music world. About a musician so talented, people believed he sold his soul to the devil to get that way. If you read it, thanks for your time and I'll be updating this one frequently.

Prologue: Personal Jesus
"Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bone, by the telephone. Lift up the reciever, I'll make you a believer. I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver. Reach out and touch faith."

What is desperation? There was a woman named Janis Joplin and she said freedom was just another word for nothin' left to lose, but I don't know if I agree with that. Six months ago, I was another hopeless teenager in a city that felt as big as the world. When you are living-well, I won't call it living, existing in a place like New York, you can't see anything. Smog, sex and more city. More people with vacant eyes and problems, more beauty being ravaged by disease, more innocence being squashed by ambition. Sometimes, it's your very own misguided ambition and what was once your dream ravages you. Not because it changed, but because you did. No one ever stays the same for more than a day really, the people around you come and go, the scenery changes and so do you. So did I.
I was just another drunk groupie puking in the gutter, making t-shirts, and picking grubby fives out of a lock box to buy fast food. My hair was wonderful, my skin had a youthful resilience in spite of a piss poor diet and gallons of cheap booze. But inside, I was burning to be something more. Not to be rich, not to escape but to prove to everyone who wanted to watch me fail that I could do it . And, in my soul, I wanted it more than anything. To be able to tell the world in more than just words how much it had hurt me, how much it hurt to be kicked again and again. I wanted to melt faces, I wanted to fuck everyone over just like they had me. And I wanted the world to watch while I did it. Every day, with each passing show I grew sicker and sicker of being pretty and silent. Of letting my eyes smolder while my lips grew shut as I bit my tongue, of listening to guitar riffs half as good as mine get applause because fear made my fingers shake and contentment poisoned my mind. I was strangely content to be at the bottom because at least I knew I could get used to this and it could never get any worse. If you can accept the worst and grow to even like it, a certain trepidation is found of what the fall will feel like from any other height. Of how bright the sun will be when you've been staring down a drain your whole life.
Chpt. 1: Mercy Seat

Failing isn't the worst feeling in the world. It's when you could have done better and everyone knows it, including you, that it stings the worst. The self-admonishment, the knowledge that nothing will ever change because you are too worthless to make it change. That night, fate tossed me the ball and I fumbled. Just like I'd been doing the whole way through high school and now on into my 'adult' life. Sometimes, when you get told you're a fuck up often enough, you start to believe it. You fulfill the destiny they see creating for yourself.
In one night, I could have gone from groupie to lead guitar by sheer chance and talent alone. But, I was too high, too tired and too afraid to seize the opportunity. I got on that stage to fill in, but I could have stolen the show because I knew I had more talent than the shoes meant to be filled. But I made a joke of myself and I watched everyone there simply shrug, dismiss me as another face behind Deyrin's searing vocal chords. And everyday since then, I've grown more and more resentful of those in the band and those around me. The night my mother died, I was out doing the one thing she hated more than anything- and I didn't even do it well. I got the notes, I looked the part, but I didn't feel anything like I had expected to all my life. All through high school, watching the rock gods I loved, I thought I would feel something click inside on that stage, like the world would suddenly realize I was meant for this. But they didn't and I felt nothing but hot, the sweat trickling down my back under the stage lights in my uncomfortable dress. I looked like a mannequin, an actor pretending to be a musician. And that was when I realized it wasn't in my soul, in my bones like I always told myself it was. All this time, I'd been forcing myself to believe that all the failure, the misery, the hurt I caused was for something-that someday, it would all pay off and they would be sorry. It all came crashing down with the force of a religious epiphany-I was not meant to be in a rock band. But I realized too late.
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strangeness [24 Aug 2004|07:43pm]
These past few days I've felt really alone. I went out with Dane and Brandee on Friday and we went shopping. I got hair dye and a Labrynth poster for my dorm. Other than that, I got to say good bye to my 'viking waitress' at Denny's and smoke a large amount of cloves. My hair is fairly close to purple now. They also got me three packs of cloves and a pink Hello Kitty back pack that is wearing a tutu. I know it doesn't seem like that would suit me that well, but it really does suit me perfectly. Anyone who knows me inside and out would know that.
Saturday, Candi called me at seven in the morning to see if I wanted to go to Colombus with her that night. I said yeah and we got up at about noon to go do some shopping. I got the make up and the rest of the toiletries I needed for college. And I got the split ends trimmed off my hair, which pracitically put me into shock even thought it was only about an inch off the bottom. The lady trimming it was a little bit nervous-she said my hair was the longest she had ever worked with and she'd been cutting hair for about a decade. Candi also got her nose pierced after I suggested that I should go to get my labret done. I ran out of money. :( Her nose looks really good though and after that, we went to see a friend of her's, named Danny. Unfortunately, her ex Josh, whom she had called the police on that morning because he wouldn't leave her alone, was there and that was interesting. This is the same Josh that pulled a knife on me at her birthday party, so needless to say , I was very thrilled to see him.
The club was about two and a half hours drive from where I live and we met some friend of Candi's out there. He was about thirty something and acted so flamboyantly gay it was absurd. It was a very fun time though and I met a very entertaining guy from Ukraine named Misha. He speaks fluent Russian and English- not to mention him being absolutely gorgeous. He was also a complete gentleman the whole evening, which has been a definite rarity in my life for the past few months. We danced a lot, in spite of his possessing no rhythym whatsoever, and exchanged numbers. Hopefully I will see him next weekend.
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shopping [17 Aug 2004|11:46pm]
You can never be too rich or too thin.

Today I went clothes shopping with my grandma. It's a tradition, she always takes me shopping one time before school starts and it's like a bonding thing. Even though she and I do not, by any means, get along I always go and try to make fun of it. It usually is pretty fun, but anyone who knows me, knows I loathe clothes shopping. To top that off, she had to ask if I'd 'gained weight' since the last time she saw me. To answer that, no, I haven't. Apparently, I look like I have and I am *not* happy.
Anyone who knows me also knows that I used to be quite heavy and I now have this really intense fear of ever getting that way again. So this just rubs salt in a lot of open wounds and I would dearly love to know why she said that. My mother is underweight, I am neurotic about food-she knows these things, so why say stuff like that? I guess I can ramble about my food issues in here, since this will be a friend's only entry. It still feels strange to do so, but I can't help it. So, now I can be paranoid about that in additon to all my other worries about starting off as a freshmen at a brand new place.
On a brighter note, I have most of my 'dorm' shopping done and I have my very own laundry soap! It is the mark of being on your own, to me. My very own laundry soap. :) And I get to see Dane and Brandee on Friday to go shopping and smoke cloves in Denny's for old times' sake. Which makes me fairly happy. I miss them lots. And I really, really want to see that new Exorcist movie so very badly.
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That universal question [06 Aug 2004|06:21pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "Boys Don't Cry" The Cure ]

"When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat...Only when we eat up this planet will God give us another. We'll be remembered more for what we destroy than what we create." Chuck Palahniuk, "Invisible Monsters"

Overall, seeing The Cure went really well. All of the other bands that were playing pretty well sucked, but we showed up late and missed them anyway-as planned. We went to get Chinese food at this local place first and it was pretty good. However, there were some obnoxious people beside us complaining about how bad the food was. Nevermind the fact that I saw the guy eat at least four plates full. People are disgusting and that's just the bottom line. Most people do not care who they hurt, what they destroy-as long as it gets them where they think they need to be.
That was the worst part about the concert;all the people surrounding me down in that pit. Standing room, of course, but we were as close to Robert Smith as humanly possible. What kills me is that even the security guard couldn't find it in himself to say excuse me and just stomped all over my feet. The woman behind me sat her beer on the ground and it ended up being spilled all over everyone's shoes. I got molested by about a dozen different drunks who were trying to 'dance.'
Nevertheless, Robert Smith put on a terrific show and he genuinely sounded excellent live. Some musicians don't put on good live shows, but he certainly isn't one of them. It was really surprising how much energy he put into it, considering his age and the shape he must be in. It's always nice to see someone with passion for their music and some real stage presence perform. Most modern musicians, from what I've seen, just don't have that ability to hold an entire crowd enthralled. He does. Even though I hate people and was quite uncomfortable, I stood through the whole thing. The performance was just that good. Good enough to be worth the ridiculous price I paid for the ticket.
I've been off work for what feels like too long. I'm bored to death, to be entirely honest. I've been playing video games and sleeping all day. Attempting to work on my writing during the later hours, but I'm completely lost as to where to go with the plot on most of them. So it results in me staying up too late listening to music for no good reason. I get to wake up at six in the morning tomorrow because I work opening shift. At least I'll have something to do, someone to see. I really hope I'm not this lonely and bored at college.
I'm finally starting to realize that all the things I told myself would happen 'someday' are just around the corner. There is no more 'when I grow up' because it's too late and it's already here. In some ways, it thrills me because this is the culmination of all my hard work. On the other hand, what if I manage to fuck it all up? What if it isn't what I thought it would be? What if I do everything perfectly, just as I always planned, and it's ten times more misery than high school or my shitty dead end job? I doubt it will be, but there's always that what-if factor. I don't ever want to be one of those lonely, bitter career women who built their own hell. A wealthy, upper class drug addict;contributing plenty to society, but nothing to their own enlightenment. Ivy league educated, yet completely ignorant to humanity. That is not who I am meant to be.
Now the question remains-who am I supposed to be?

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Random survey [05 Aug 2004|02:52am]
Thirteen random things you like:
1. chocolate
2. Dark haired, tall men
3. old school goth music
4. velvet
5. antiques
6. The Sims
7. getting dressed up
8. writing fiction
9. poetry
10. going to concerts
11. clove cigarettes
12. intelligent conversation
13. orchids
Twelve movies:

1. Devil's Advocate
2. Soylent Green
3. Nosferatu
4. Little Women(Katherine Hepburn)
5. How to Marry a Millionaire(Marilyn Monroe)
6. The Stand
7. Fight Club
8. Stepford Wives
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Omen
11. The Exorcist
12. American History X
Eleven good bands or singers/musicians:
1. Legendary Pink Dots
2. The Cure
3. Bauhaus
4. David Bowie
5. Stevie Nicks
6. Queen
7. Christian Death
8. Laibach
9. Atrocity
10. Joy Division
11. Sisters of Mercy

Ten things about you, physically:
1. Very long hair
2. Light skin
3. Hazel eyes
4. Small nose
5. Rosy cheeks(this is annoying)
7. Curvy build, so I'll never be what one might call 'dainty'
8. Hair is naturally auburn
9. Tongue is pierced
10. Long eye lashes

Nine things about you, mentally/emotionally:

1. I'm hyper sensitive
2. I tend to be needy as far as attention goes.
3. I have a hard time trusting people.
4. I have an above average IQ
5. I have an anxiety diorder and panic attacks.
6. I chase after male approval, but I'm working on it.
7. I hate being alone.
8. I don't trust people who are too nice to me.
9. I don't get along well with women.

Eight favorite drinks:
1. coffee of a good brand, black
2. diet coke
3. hot herbal tea, preferably mint flavor
4. code red mountain dew(but this is rare, far too sugary)
5. iced tea with lemon
6. Jagermeister
7. Apple pucker
8. frozen mountain dew

Seven things you wear daily:

1. Victoria's secret bra of some kind
2. my silver ahnk pendant
3. silver rings
4. some sort of denim pants
5. jasmine perfume
6. vanilla lipgloss
7. my astringent

Six things that annoy you:
1. George W. Bush and his policies
2. people who hate something, yet know nothing about it
3. people who are content to be stupid
4. women who act just like the media wants them to
5. religious people who know nothing about their own religion
6. people with bad hygiene

Five favorite foods:

1. Curry
2. ice cream
3. pretty near anything containing sea food
4. home made bread
5. chocolate chip cookies, home made

Four shows channels you watch:
1. Discovery Channel
2. National Geographic Channel
3. Sci fi channel
4. History Channel

Three celebrities you have had a crush on:

1. Betty Page
2. David Bowie
3. James Dean(dead, but I still think it counts)
Two things you come in contact with everyday:
1. My cat, Chewy.
2. Usually some form of my writing.
One song you like right now:
1. I hate modern music, but I'm currently listening to a lot of hair metal. And "Sister Christian" has been in my head for about a week, if that counts.
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A Long Trip in New York(fiction by me) [30 Jul 2004|02:02am]
This is an as yet untitled, unfinished fiction work by me. Enjoy or ignore. Whichever.

Chapter One- A long trip in New York City
It was cold inside the tiny, cramped apartment, especially in its mildew covered, dirty bathroom . The tiny baby sat inside the chipped, gray tub surrounded by filmy,filthy water and its mother was shooting up on the toilet. Her leopard print belt was wrapped tight around her twig of an arm as she shoved the ancient looking syringe into her thin,emaciated skin. A light trickle of blood sprayed from the deep black hole that had clearly been used one too many times as she withdrew the needle. Her bones protruded from her grey flesh in a manner that looked almost as if they were cutting her and her eyes looked broken, at least as broken as someone's eyes can. She looked vacant and there was fear in the infant's eyes. Perhaps terror of what its mother was becoming or even something that she was trying to avoid. She was a special baby, born in the least sacred, most unceremonious of fashions, to the lowest class of people. She was a blessing given to those who could not accept kindness, a pearl thrown before swine. And at that very moment, she was the center of a cyclone her tiny mind, no matter how superb, could scarcely grasp.
But her mother seemingly knew nothing, cared for nothing- except the drugs, which slowly dripped through her body. It looked as though a rain had begun to fall behind her black eyes as the drugs took effect, they became glazed pools of ebony ice. She was empty now, finding herself in the way every drug addict thinks they're finding themselves in their high. When in reality they are paying with a part of themselves for a bus ride on a long trip. A trip away from sanity, from grief. The only kind of vacation a part time stripper could afford. She heated the vicious mixture in a bent and heat marred spoon over a lumpy and nearly used up candle on the back of the toilet as her child watched her, taking in her mother's pathetic attempts at happiness with a nearly sympathetic sideward glance. The mother puts her head down in between her hands, elbows on her knees and starts to sob drunkenly, words so badly slurred they are barely discernable over her flapping, numbed lips and worn out teeth,
"It can't be time yet, not now. It's not Decemeber yet, only November and I haven't got nothing at all for it. Why can't she just stay here for awhile with her..Ma.."her words slowly slurred out of existance as her face fell into her lap, her body folding in half and looking most unnatural. Her bones stuck out like pins in an unfinished dress as she slumped there, the infant ceasing to be amused and beginning to splash about in the murky looking puddle of a bath. A figure slides against the crumbling wall of the apartment, an apparition that would have appeared to have been nothing more, save for the fact that the towel hung against a rusted pipe slid off with the presence's motion.
The weather was stormy that day, a mixture of rain and snow that looked like mud as the wind slung it against cars and houses, rich with the filth of the city air. It was winter in New York City, the Big Apple in which they were part of the big worm eating a hole through the center of it. You could see your breath in that bathroom, that's how cold it was. The pipes rattled as the decrepit hole tried to warm itself , making the sloppily put together bathroom quiver at the walls, knocking half open tooth paste and cosmetic bottles to the ground. The woman had fallen asleep, but this woke her and she reached into her pocket , grabbing a cigarette from the crinkled pack. She put the thin white twig to her mouth, snapping her "Florida" lighter far too near her Aquanet covered hair. Slowly, tiny strands of it begin to glow fiery red as the shiny , plastic like beads of hairspray pop in the heat, turning amber and melting into a gooey caramel consistency. She doesn't notice until the ash reached her scalp, scalding her forehead. She blinked her eyes quickly, awakening and dropping her cigarette with a start. She puts a hand to her forehead, feeling the warm ashes with horror. She lowers her heel to the floor to stomp out the cigarette, which has begun to smolder against the worn shag carpet. Then, she begins to leap around almost comically, howling in pain.
The baby cooed and giggled at Mommy's humorous final dance, still in the tub. It seemed as though there were something or someone unseen in that room and the child knew it. She could see it and her chubby face lost its expression of glee as her mother's body went rigid and was snapped and whipped about furiously by this force. The child let out a blood curdling shriek as its mother's neck was twisted and her lifeless body was tossed to the ground like so much garbage. The child's terrified cries filled the room as a thick, red stream of blood flowed from the woman's mouth and nose. Colored with fury, the infant's face turned crimson and it's cries became a silent pant of terror as her mother's thin blood spread, seeping under the worn, thin linoleum of the bathroom and soaking the numerous bits of rubbish on the floor, creating a stew of gore. Meanwhile, fingerprints of the rich mixture found themselves on the doorknob and drizzled down the hall way...
Chapter 2-Lost and Found
"Absolutely, Mr.Henderson. Today would be fine and please do bring your wife. I believe the arrangements should take no time at all;just paper work, an interview, legal nonsense and the like,"the nun explained, hiding her anxiety well as she eyed the somberly dressed stranger in the corner of her warm, yet sparcely furnished office. It was really a simple broom closet renovated to occupy another young secretary in the already over flowing and underfunded state children's institution. She fidgeted, tapping her feet against the rungs of the folding chair the served as an office seat. The stranger eyed her seriously, raising his eyebrows and indicating a stack of papers on her desk,
"Oh yes! Don't forget, Mr.Henderson, we have just the perfect child selected for you and Mrs.Henderson. Don't even think twice about it,"she gushed, almost too enthusiastically, making the stranger turn and cough lightly. She hung up the phone,looking at the man dressed in the clothing of a man of the cloth, nearly in tears.
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I feel this big -> () [28 Jul 2004|01:10am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | My dad complaining in the living room :/ ]

This hasn't been one of my better weeks, but it has gone by fairly quickly. I guess it only feels like a week to me because of my work schedule.
Dane and I are on speaking terms, for the time. It doesn't seem like things are the way they used to be, but I guess things change and so do people. As long as we can always be friends, I will be happy.
I haven't talked to Jim. He called today and I blew him off just because I don't feel like dealing with this whole nasty situation. And I know that he will just want to act like everything is just fine and dandy, when it isn't. He lies about his problems, he runs from them instead of fixing them. And I have no urge to listen to him run on about how he loves his fiance and how he always wants to be friends with me when we all know better. I don't want to hear his excuses and I don't want to tell him mine. I just want to focus on not making stupid mistakes like this anymore.
I went to Candi's birthday party on Saturday. I had a pretty good time, despite not knowing very many people there. I didn't get completely plastered and mostly just talked to everyone. Danny was there and he wanted to date me before I dated David, but I think I made my disinterest rather clear. Candi found out her former fiance cheated on her and they fought half the night. It was just bundles of joy. I feel worse for her though, since I had an okay time.
Other than that, I worked night shift Sunday and Monday, so I was pretty drained. I'm looking forward to going to see The Cure on the fourth. And potentially going to Pittsburgh to see a friend the week after that. :)
I should be signing my loans for college any day now. I don't like the idea of signing my life away to these people, but I don't have any other choice. At least someday I will be doing what I truly want with my life and also making lots of money-I hope. I just hope college is worlds better than high school, or I should be positively miserable. I know I liked post-secondary, but I was still living at home then. Now, I have a room mate to deal with and potentially a lot of lonely hours to fill. I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm away from all the people I love. I'm really going to miss my cat.

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A little reminder [01 Jul 2004|01:56am]
"This is an impressive crowd-the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base." George W. Bush

This is just a little reminder to everyone that is 18 and up to please get out there and vote. I'm not exactly Kerry's biggest fan, but I really think anyone would be better than Bush. I saw Farenheit 9/11 today and was sickened by it. Now, I am even more disgraced by our government and more fed up with the current administration. I was never fond of Bush and I do think the film was a bit over the top, but there are facts that cannot be denied any longer.
The one thing I would say to anyone who defends Bush is to ask how they can justify lying to the American public. We are in Iraq for no good reason-and certainly not for the reason initially stated by the Bush administration. If you want to see weapons of mass destruction, I suggest you look right here in the United States. All of the other things he's done-including raising the salary of Congress by some $11,000 per person per year and cutting the pay of our soldiers, the Patriot Act, abstinence only education-cannot compare to that.
In closing, I have sections of an article from the L.A. Weekly to add:
New guidelines gut HIV prevention--and endanger young people's lives

by Doug Ireland

Lethal new regulations from President Bush's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, quietly issued with no fanfare last week, complete the right-wing Republicans' goal of gutting HIV-prevention education in the United States. In place of effective, disease-preventing safe-sex education, little will soon remain except failed programs that denounce condom use, while teaching abstinence as the only way to prevent the spread of AIDS. And those abstinence-only programs, researchers say, actually increase the risk of contracting AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs).

These new regs require the censoring of any "content" -- including "pamphlets, brochures, fliers, curricula," "audiovisual materials" and "pictorials (for example, posters and similar educational materials using photographs, slides, drawings or paintings," as well as "advertising" and Web-based info. They require all such "content" to eliminate anything even vaguely "sexually suggestive" or "obscene" -- like teaching how to use a condom correctly by putting it on a dildo, or even a cucumber. And they demand that all such materials include information on the "lack of effectiveness of condom use" in preventing the spread of HIV and other STDs -- in other words, the Bush administration wants AIDS fighters to tell people: Condoms don't work. This demented exigency flies in the face of every competent medical body's judgment that, in the absence of an HIV-preventing vaccine, the condom is the single most effective tool available to protect someone from getting or spreading the AIDS virus.


Why, the abstinence-only ed programs dear to Bush's heart and to the Christian right. A third of all federal HIV-education money -- some $270 million more in Bush's latest budget -- now goes to abstnence-only programs, almost universally to Christian groups as part of Bush's "faith-based initiatives" (no Jewish or Muslim groups receive any funds). This is a brilliant maneuver -- Bush has turned money earmarked for fighting AIDS into political pork for his Christer base. Much of this money goes to anti-abortion groups masquerading as "women's health" or "crisis-pregnancy" centers. Others receiving such funds engage in religious propaganda -- a federal judge found that Louisiana's federally-funded Governor's Program on Abstinence illegally handed out Bibles, staged anti-abortion prayer rallies outside women's clinics, and had students perform Bible-based skits.

Teaching about condoms doesn't increase sexual activity and certainly doesn't increase unprotected sex, but abstinence-only ed does both. For example, a Minnesota Department of Health study of the state's five-year, abstience-only program found last year that sexual activity by students taking the program actually doubled, from 5.8 percent to 12.4 percent.

There's only one tiny window of opportunity to try to get the new CDC censorship rules changed before they go into effect (the deadline for public comments is August 16 -- they may be e-mailed to or faxed to 404-639-3125.) But when the regs begin to be felt, just watch already-rising AIDS infection rates really soar.

-- L.A. Weekly, June 25- July 1, 2004
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This is a rant. [29 Jun 2004|12:52am]
"Crying is right at hand in the smothering dark, closed inside someone else, when you see how everything you can ever accomplish will end up as trash. Anything you're ever proud of will be thrown away...It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die." Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk

I'm just feeling a lot like complaining about my life right now. I'm always at work, yet I never have any money. I serve people all day long and I get treated like a second class citizen-even though I work just as hard as most people who make more money than me, I just get underpaid for my work.
I don't understand why so many Americans continue to feed this lie that 'anyone can be president' or that a poor kid from a blue collar family can really do anything they put their mind to. The fact is, no, you really can't. I know this because I spent my whole life believing that if I got excellent grades and joined all the extra curriculars and out did everyone in my class, I would get somewhere for it. The fact is, I didn't. And, I'm pissed off about it.
Additionally, I hate children more than ever. Not because of the kids themselves, but because of their ignorant fucking parents. I hate seeing goo-encrusted, disgusting diaper rodents screaming in a back seat while the mother smokes name brand cigarettes she probably bought with my tax dollars. Yet she can't even pay for the Pill? Or perhaps clean off her brats? If people insist on making more little people, could they at least raise them to be *better* than they are? I thought that was supposed to be a parents job-to make their kids better people than they are. Makes me so irate. This country is going right down the toilet thanks to overpopulation and bad parenting. Gee, thank you Dubya for making emergency contraception so hard to get ahold of. And thank-you Wal-Mart for refusing to carry it when it could prevent 300 million unwanted pregnancies per year. Save the world, use protection.
I guess I have nothing really useful to say except that I had to work today and I'm in a bad mood. I'm sick of working for nothing. I'm sick of the lack of respect. And I really hope this weekend is a good one, because I need it(even though it's four days away).
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Blood and water [24 Jun 2004|06:09pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | "Love Song" The Cure ]

"Creative people probably do run a greater risk of alcoholism and addiction than those in some other jobs, but so what? We all look pretty much the same when we're puking in the gutter." Stephen King
I've spent most of the last week at work, which is probably not surprising to those readers who know me. I am more certain than ever that God is a figment of someone's imagination. Or everyone's imagination. Take your pick.
Our basement is leaking and my Dad thinks we have a broken water pipe. So, he's driving the entire household crazy with his dramatics. Like the rest of us aren't aware we can't afford this or that our vacation is pretty much screwed. And then he gets angry when I add that I didn't want to go in the first place. Why would I want to go somewhere with these people when all they do is drive me crazy?
My tongue started spurting blood-I got it pierced last Thursday and it started doing this on Tuesday. It bled for a good four hours until I went to the hospital. Apparently, there is nothing wrong with it. I love how doctors have the only profession in the world where they can do absolutely nothing to fix the problem and still get paid for it. In any other line of work, if you do not fix what is broken, the customer does not pay. Must be nice. He poked around at it and said,"isn't infected. Nothing I can do." Gee, thanks, I'll remember next time not to bother to seek 'medical' help. That is what I've learned from that experience.
On the bright side, things are going very well with Paul. Usually, after I like someone for awhile, I decide after a few dates they weren't as great as I originally thought or my fascination with them dwindles, but this is not so with Paul. I'm not sure why, but he always manages to have something interesting to say. And he isn't afraid to say things that he knows will irritate me. I appreciate that in a man-that is, I like a guy who isn't too afraid of pissing me off to tell me the truth. Honesty is valuable, no matter what it costs. I also like a man who isn't too perfect. I'm not saying Paul isn't attractive, because he is, but he isn't perfect. There are flaws about him, things that make him seem natural and not like this lump of plastic. I have never understood why some women want these Hollywood types, these people who look more like display mannequins. It does not appeal to me. There is nothing interesting about that.
I went to see "Saved" with Amanda and Audra yesterday. Overall, the movie wasn't bad. It had its moments of lame overacting and, needless to say, I'm certain I could have written better. I thought that the best part of it was the way it highlighted how people, especially religious ones, like to either fix or put away "broken" people. Anything that does not fit their image of what is "right" has to either be broken, insane, or evil-because no one who is sane or a 'good' person would dare to disagree. I think it could have been improved with a few casting changes and by being made a bit more realistic. It was too clean to be real. Plus, it deals with teen pregnancy and it didn't do a great job of portraying that. I would think the main character, who became pregnant, would have been a bit more upset than she was, being that she was surrounded by religious right-wingers.
I am much more excited about seeing "Stepford Wives" with Dane, Paul, and Brandee tomorrow, though. I am certain it will be better written, since it's based on a book by Ira Levin, and I do love science fiction. My favorite genre by far, with horror being a close second.

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Graduation party..and other things [15 Jun 2004|03:43am]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | "Perfect Kiss" by New Order ]

"Rarely is the question asked:Is our children learning?"George W. Bush, Jan. 11, 2000
So, that quote has nothing to due with anything, but I hate George Bush and his administration, so it's very fitting. I had my graduation party on Sunday, which went really well even though Dane and Brandee couldn't come. Paul showed up and Cassie was there, along with most of my Dad's side and a few members of my Mom's side of the family. I got plenty of money to help pay for my books and a really nice photo album from my Aunt Marylou, whom I look just like. I also got to see all the kids on that side, who are growing up so fast. Yesterday, it seems, they were barely talking and I was playing Candyland with them. Now, they're in middle school and going to dances, becoming beautiful young ladies and gentlemen.
After that, Paul and I had a date. We went to see "The Day After Tomorrow" at this local drive-in and it was really nice. We got to talk about a lot of things and I think he got to know me better as a person. Specifically, about my goals for my career and what a huge science nerd I am. We also talked about family and things that are important to us, thus I know we have a lot of the same feelings. I know I want to make sure my family is better than the one I come from. And I never want poverty to be an issue or have to let my kids raise themselves while I'm at work. I think that Paul is a real gentleman and very intelligent, hardworking and caring when he wants to be. I trust him because he doesn't try to be 'suave' and doesn't force anything. I can never trust a guy who lays it on thick the very first date. Paul also doesn't date around much, and this is another way Paul and I are similar. We've both only had one, or in my case two, serious relationships. And Paul kissed me. :) He didn't grope me or try to do a throat culture with his tongue. It was just a nice, very sweet, coincidental kiss that seemed to fit just perfectly when and where it happened. So I'm happy.
Brandee and I had a bit of a disagreement. I had planned on her going with Paul and I. There was a bit of a misunderstanding, but it's all ironed out now. I almost think it's good that we had an argument, because this shows me that she really is interested in being my friend and one problem won't change that. And she can tell that I really want to be her friend because I was upset and genuinely cared that she was angry.
I've spent the rest of the time at work. Nothing exciting ever happens there-except the power goes out occasionally. Boring.

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