I feel like a little kid |
[25 Jul 2004|03:26pm] |
there are no chairs in this e-mail lounge at the university, except for little short ones that don't quite reach. So I am sitting on my knees on one of those.
This morning I had dreams, lots of dreams. I don't think I dream during the night, only during the early morning when I sleep in. I can't remember having a dream in a while. This makes me sad. . .will I stop dreaming when I get a real job and stop sleeping in later, taking naps? That's so depressing. I will be a writer and make my own schedule. I will I will.
Anyway, the coolest part of the dream was as follows:
Inner monologue narration started. A man was building a giant house-mansion, and he wanted this huge glass dome roof. "The architects tell you it can't be done, so you start tinkering and try to do it on your own. You, in essence, are trying to blindly invent their pi, their equation for mass, their holy grail. Then you find yourself giving the roof a band-aid."
He and his family and a bunch of others were on top of this giant glass roof made up of big rectangles of glass framed in steel. There was a sunken part and they were covering it with tape and other things trying to mend it. The camera (or, my brain) swept past this one section of the roof were two panes of glass rose up to form an upsidown "v", while another portion of the roof ran through it like a canyon, in essence making an open triangle with a long, straight expanse of glass and metal running out of it. At first this was a movie I was watching, adn I shouted out "A flux capacitor!!!!!!". It unintentionally was some sort of lightning conductor.
At that moment, evil bad guys came to take over. The sky outside was gray and the weather was hazy, soon to turn into storms. The bad guys were on the roof and some of the henchmen were in the darkened building underneath. And then our hero arrived: The Bride.
Oh, it was totally Beatrix Kiddo. I was kind of her at parts. She had a long sweeping sword at her side. She was in the building, surrounded by her once-mentor who was an older woman, as well as several other female assassins she had worked with. They fought, her mentor all the time guiding her proteges, until at last Beatrix was fighting her arch nemesis. The fight went on and on, until finally the mentor said "You wouldn't be so assured if she used her new technique." And Beatrix, excited at a challenge and learning something new, said "What is it? Use it! Give it to me!" The mentor just smiled. "What's the easiest way to distract a hero from her main goal? Lure her away with battles. . ." at that point I (Beatrix) knew that something important was going on above us on the roof, and I had been missing it while fighting my enemies. I used my supercoolpowers (because I was realizing in the dream that I maybe wasn't entirely human, that I maybe had some interesting powers) to jump through the unfinished roof and onto the top panes of the glass.
Henchmen were all around, and I saw a small, young woman who was possibly asian walking out onto the long expanse of the conductor. I knew at once that she had powers too, she could control or summon the lightning. And when she did, some sort of portal or explosion would be caused by the arrangement of the glass and the panels. She was walking out to the very edge, and I yelled at her "Don't do it! We can live in this world!" she said "No, we are different, we will never be accepted." There was nothing I could do, we were all stuck. The bad guys moved in to get me. At that moment I knew I was immortal, but I also was unsure if I could actually cause my own death by certain means. I was about to fight, when I stopped, and looking at the others, I let myself plummet from the clear glass rooftop into the darkness of the building below. and. . .there the dream ends. I have the impression that my distraction helped somehow, and that later on I was half awake and trying to figure out what had happened. But I dreamed this dream twice so it got a bit mixed up.
My other dream was very weird but interesting. . .a whole bunch of us were at this other college with small, high-school like classrooms and a tall ugly building. Amy Mathur had apparently transferred there for some reason, and me, Caitlan, and Brittany had all gone too. Mike Motily was there as well as someone who might've been my brother, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, this was a really ugly building and we weren't entirely happy there. We would go to Amy's class, which I think was newspaper, adn it would be great but I think everyone else there was really clueless so it was hard to get anything going. And then there was another prof, I forget what his name was but he was black and young and a lot of fun and cool, and he taught some sort of communication/writing/advertising classes. He was friends with Amy. I wanted to take the class but my schedule conflicted, but he kept coming up to me and joking with me and telling me I had to write the script for a commercial for him because that's what his class was working on, and he was giving me permission to sort of take the class without being there. It was weird, because while none of us really liked the school we all were sort of the new stars because we were just /so/ smart and talented and everything. ^_~ weird
There were a few other dreams but nothing really complete. I miss dreaming.
I am feeling the Fight Club itch. I don't know what it is about this movie. . .I've seen it a million times, have it practically memorized, but I /have/ to watch it like once every 3-4 weeks or else I get obsessed and can't think of anything else. It happened when I didn't own it -- I would /need/ to see it every month. And then for a while it was good because I had it on DVD. I've been thinking about it a little all summer, but now it's been the entire past week and I've been saying things like "Do you like this dress? I got it at a thrift store for $1. It's a bridesmaid's dress. Someone loved it, intensely, for one day, and then threw it out. . ." and "until recently the full extent of our relationship wasn't entirely clear to me. . ." aaaaaagghhh *movie craving*
Speaking of movies, my brother is currently looking at colleges now, and he is apparently entirely absorbed in the idea of film studies. Of course my dad will /flip out/, but I think it might be great. I mean, besides being entirely jealous, I know that movies are one thing that Jess is passionate about like me, and I know that he has a lot of creative and artistic influences going on in his head. I'm writing him an e-mail now warning him that if he does do any sort of film studies major, he'll be in trouble because he'll be teaching me EVERYTHING HE KNOWS.
And then he'll go on to make awesome movies, and I'll write books, and we will be a brother-sister creative family! And then maybe I will write scripts for him, and help him direct a bit, and he'll give me interesting hip stories, and we'll make movies together like the Coen brothers! IT WILL BE SO COOL.
I'm telling him ahead of time that he can use the assistance of Leona Films (as I have aptly named it. . .we can fight about that later ^_~) if he ever needs it. Is that okay with you, Cari and A? :D
Oh man, let's make a movie. Let's do it right now. I'm going to dig out my parent's camera that they never use. YES.
OH! Before I forget, Holly's Super Awesome Birthday List of Happiness!!!!: *HP "Seeker" shirt from hot topic *Sleater-kinney CDs or tshirts *Death cab for cutie CDs or tshirts *Any scarygoround tshirt, but especially the "I am your secret scary friend!" shirt *Mix CDs *Absolutely anything on my amazon.com wishlist
(all shirts must be youth large or regular small. . .or else!)
Okay, I think that is it. Going to do some online window shipping :)