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haha, remember that one time? [10 Aug 2004|03:11pm]
yeah, those were good times.

hope dangles on a string. . . )
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I've always been a guy with a sweet tooth, and that girl is just like a king sized candy bar. . . [07 Aug 2004|03:54pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

Once again, I almost /completely/ forgot about my meteor shower!

It always peaks on my birthday so obviously it is meant to be. And it's supposed to be excellent this year!! I think last year I only saw 3-4, but I can't remember.

So, museuming today, la te da. I haven't been able to really relax because of the prospect of going to Brigitta's house tonight and having to make conversation and possibly put on a bathingsuit (uck!!!), instead of just going home to nap and take a nice walk. You come to grow very jealous of your free summer time.

But in all likelihood it will be nice. Brigitta is sort of a small, crazy Austrian woman with a fabulous accent (She learned english in the UK, so she has an accent /on/ her accent. . .) and she's married to a really interesting guy who is one of those guys who seems to know everything about anything and is really funny and amusing. So I'm hoping it will be fun.

Napoleon Dynamite is playing at Regal cinemas at home! NOT FAIR. I just know that by the time I get home it will be gone. . .unless Butler is surprising and actually goes to see it enough for them to keep it. There /are/ only two bigger movies that seem to be coming out next week, so maybe there is hope. I will cross my fingers, for that and for Garden State to come somewhere within a 20 mile radius of me.

There are truly no more movies coming out this summer I want to see, I'll just be doing catchup when I get home. . .

soo bored ^_^ someone help!

So, anyway, if someone wants to call me sometime tonight or tomorrow that would be cool. . .you never know when I may need a distraction or to get out of a situation ^_~

okay, I'm off. Maybe I can motivate myself to write a little bit before closing.

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oh man oh man [06 Aug 2004|02:19pm]
HA! I have a great story to tell. But now I am feeling bad so I will not revel in the telling as much. But y'know, all for the sake of art. . .

So, so. I ate my lunch in the park today and then I was making my way across the street to come here, to the library. This guy was standing on the sidewalk and he stopped to watch me as I crossed the road. I'm thinking "Oh great. . .I hope he doesn't talk to me." I think these things often and don't actually think they will come true. Imagine my surprise. . .

This guy was a little taller than me and probably around my age, /maybe/ younger but I'm not sure. He wasn't good looking but he was normal, with longish black hair under a backwards hat, a t-shirt and some sort of jean jacket on, baggy black jeans and headphones around his neck. He catches me as I'm walking by, and says "excuse me. . .could I talk to you for a minute?"

I'm thinking "Oh, great. What is going on?" and he obviously saw this look because he said "Don't worry, I'm not like a drug dealer or anything." He introduced himself (Brian, I think) and was sort of nervous and said I was really pretty, and he hoped he wasn't too forward in saying that. (haha!) Then he was sort of at a loss so I was like "Umm. . .do you live around here?" and he lives on Hammond Street. Then he asked if he could give me a call sometime. This is when I am mean. . .because I told him I was leaving in a few days and wouldnt' be around. He got the downtrodden puppy dog look, and said "But couldn't we just have one date before you leave?" I said I was busy the whole time staying with coworkers and such (which is true! mostly!!). Oh, he looked so sad!! I said it was nice to have met him and left.

I hate having to do that. I mean, I guess I could be adventerous or whatever and give out my number, but I don't want stalkers and I don't like random people having my number, and what kind of person just asks random people out they don't know??? I always feel so bad. . .I had to do that only once before, when someone came up to me at the movie theater (but that was kind of creepy in hindsight. . .he was older, and working at a security guard at my high school, where he probably saw me first) and it always tears me up. I mean, on the one hand, you could be like "who asks random people out? weirdo!!" but it takes so much courage to just walk up to someone and do that!! I could never ever do it unless I was crazy in love (even though I don't think you can really be in love with someone without talking to them and knowing who they are. . .but yeah). So, to guys everywhere: SORRY! You are courageous for asking but generally it is not safe or right to randomly give out your phone number and address to strangers ^_^

sigh. now I'm going to be all sad today. :p

But on a side note:
Buzzy: Just take this time to be happy and revel in the fact that you are HOT and guys EVERYWHERE want you so bad.
Me: Yeah, random guys with oily hair EVERYWHERE WANT ME


Other than that not much is going on. LAST DAY OF ART CAMP THIS WEEK. SO HAPPY. That was just a troubled class, and my head is killing me from the yelling and the questions and the ANNOYANCE. Next week we only have six kids, but two of /them/ have behavioral problems. . .rah! I just want to be done. Only four more days left. . .four more days. . .I think I can get through at least two of them on sheer joy of leaving alone.

Next week at this time I will be in Maryland with Brittanica!!!!

Okay, I should go catch my bus. I hope I don't run into asking out guy. . .it would just figure that he rides the bus and that's where he saw me, adn now I will see him 300962093 times before I leave. O_o sigh. tschuss all

PS: Even though I said The Village was mediocre, I've still been pondering it all day and all last night. . .it is a thoughtful movie. *think*
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but they have the MAGIC rocks. . . [05 Aug 2004|06:06pm]
Hahahahahahahahaha. Okay, it's time for The Village!

(I told my mom I was going to go see it today, and she's like "What village? where is it?")

Anyway, for those of you who don't want spoilers:

The Village is a decent movie that is worth seeing. But, I wouldn't say you have to run out and buy advance tickets for it or anything. It has a rambly, disjointed feel and is missing some sort of spark to bring it all together. Not the best of the Shyamalan films, but somewhat interesting and just a step or two below Signs (I wasn't a huge fan of Signs). Some people complain about Shyamalan and his "surprise" endings, and this one had a "surprise" in it but I think he tried to negate that to mix it up a bit, so it just turned out to be anticlimactic because you guessed it on your way in to the theater. So it's sort of *shrug*. However, Bryce Dallas Howard is really awesome and Joaquin Phoenix, of course, although he's in it for about five minutes. So. . .go see it, but expect something different. (on a side note: I think if they had changed just a bit of the movie and marketed it as a sort of freaky documentary instead of an intense horror film the expectations might have met better. So, go into it with that)

For those of you who have already seen it or don't mind spoilers...

Man, why is my favoritest color of all time the BAD COLOR??? I wouldn't survive for ten minutes. )
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I don't mind the weather. . . [05 Aug 2004|01:23pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Okay, I have to run to the post office and go cash a check in the next 35 minutes, so this is the short short version:

Yesterday I got to not go to work and go to Acadia National Park with Heather, Kathryn's daughter who is around my age. Things:
*Cadillac Mountain is okay. Sure you can see the coast from it and everything, but it's this little squat thing with lots of tourists. Seeing the sunrise from a Denver mountain totally eclipses it :D
*Bar Harbor is a nice little town, but it isn't meant for 3 bazillion people. The streets were claustrophobic.
*Sandy beach = awesome. We ate vegetables and hummus while digging our feet in the sand
*I love the forest and always will prefer disappearing into one instead of exploring rocks and mountains. After the beach we found a path that looped around the cliffs, going through freaky beech tree forests (SO COOL) and mingling the smell of the forest and the ocean, which was a very surprising thing. It was the best part of the day.

Conclusion: I need to go hiking more often. I hereby make my resolution to be an outdoorsy person! yes it will happen, I decree it so

I know this is a regular thing, but I also have my renewed desire to learn to play the guitar. It's just one of those things that I'll always want to do. . .because I love music, and if I can't participate in something I love I become miserable. If you said I was going to die in one year and what would I want to absolutely do in that last year, I would say 1.) write a book 2.) paint and 3.) learn how to play the guitar and sing. Dunno if I will start trying to learn again when I get back, but we'll see.

One week from TODAY. My birthday and also my fabulous last day. Did I mention AUGUST 12TH IS MY BIRTHDAY. Just, y'know, in case I forgot. ^_~

I'm really sick of not being myself. I have regressed back to my high school state where I'm scared and jumpy around people and interacting is a painful, stressful thing. I think that is what happens to me when I don't have friends around me to reload my confidence and help me relax. It always sort of scares me that I rely on people I love so much. . .but I think most people do, whether they want to admit it or not. I am not independent and confident enough to be myself by myself. That can make me nervous or mad but it is something I have to live with. Anyway, being here makes me feel like I'm forgetting how to be myself.

I'm going to see The Village today, just because! An update on that later.

art camp burnout. ugh. it is a terrible thing. BUT ONE MORE WEEK.


PS: My brain was very tired whilst writing this entry

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AHHHH! [03 Aug 2004|03:13pm]
[ mood | silly ]

holy crap kill bill 2 comes out on DVD two days before my birthday I think we all know what this means!!!!!!!!!!



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kaw [31 Jul 2004|02:36pm]
Oooh, I completely forgot to mention the boy who works at the Pharmacy and movie rental place downtown! *le sigh*

So, I "met" this kid the second week I was here. I was coming back from church and I was wearing my new orange vintage dress and heels and I looked pretty good, if I may say so myself. So anwyay I think it was the 4th of July and I was looking for something to do later today, so I went into this store to see what the hours were. This kid was there -- looking dorky, but cute, with a mop of brown hair, darkish skin and glasses. I asked him the hours for the day and he was quiet, and cleared his throat a few times, and gave me too much stuttered information, so I thought, maybe he thinks I look good too, which would be awesome.

Since then I have meant to go back and see him, but everytime I was going to my hair was awful or I was wearing something stupid or whatever so I never stopped. But last night I was walking and needed to get postcards, so I went in.

When I walked in his back was turned to me and he was watching Pirates of the Caribbean so I just moved past and got my postcards. When I went to pay I finally got a good, close up look at him. . .

*thud* He's completely gorgeous. He has a high, defined forehead and nose that are classic looking. He has dark eyes and slightly dark, Grecian-ish skin. He has wavy black hair that is getting to be a little long and glasses. It's sort of like these normal things, like slightly wavy hair and the glasses are hiding his very defined features. He has a soft, deep voice and almost whispers, Edward Scissorhands-like -- I had to ask him to repeat everything. And it was my turn to swallow and clear my throat and be a bit nervous. I thought -- "Pirates of the Caribbean, how fitting, he's just like a young Johnny Depp."

One thing is for certain. I will be needing a lot more postcards.

So, Brigitta just called here and invited me to her house on the lake next Saturday and Sunday. It sounds pretty awesome, although I have fully retreated into my unsociable, lonely ways and just feel like curling up in my bed and reading my books with tea. But the journey is almost over and I should not be rude and pass up a weekend on the lake with interesting people.

I was searching on the Juniata webpage for my website, and the title at the top amused me:

Search results for '(holly or hollies) and (brown or browned or browning or brownings or brownness or browner or browns or brownest or brownly)'

She brownly made her way through the thicket! HEHEHE

Well, okay. Off again for the last hour. tschuss
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doot doot doo [31 Jul 2004|10:43am]
[ mood | relaxed ]

I am being a good little aware person and doing a bit of candidate research! Haha such begins my trek into actually knowing what's going on in the world. Any link suggestions or good things to use for beginners research would be awesome.

It's so frustrating ^_^ I guess it just takes discernment, but that comes with time and now all I have is a general mistrust of everything. I mean, everybody says one thing and then the opposing party says another and they quote these facts and half the time I don't even know what they mean. And I don't know if any of the media that they quote is reliable. Right now I'm sticking to BBC news and the Associated Press. So. . .yeah. How do you know what to trust, and how can you tell what's being skewed?? Is it possible at all?

And on the main it just seems that everybody is a liar anyway and they have grand speeches and then they get into office and just do whatever they want. *frump*

But that still doesn't excuse me for being un-world aware, so yeah. Working on it.

So, I'm museuming. I also agreed to work next Saturday, which at first was kind of "aww man" but now it's not so big. I was just going to hangout at the mall or something like I can do during the week anyway, and this way I get internet and money. Which I need, 'cause I just went shopping at the Grasshopper Shop. Oh man, this shop is going to make me go broke. I love every single thing in it. It's like Pier 1 only multiplied by 400% awesomeness. They have these beautiful oriental teapots that make me drool. . .I must keep reminding myself that I already bought a teapot, and that shipping them on planes is difficult. Must. not. buy. second. teapot!!!

So, the word on the street is that The Village sucks MIGHTILY. I have heard this from movie guru and trusted critic Carolyn as well as the worshipful Spinooti (I swear, this girl turns me into a giddy 12 year old. I want to be just like her!!). SIGH. Well, I guess that just means that I can work on my own 19-20th century backwoods new englandish village sort of story on my own, without any competition! HA!

. . .and for whatever reason it furthers my very strong desire to go to Salem for Halloween (sometime, obviously not this year. Maybe we can find a crazy English town to go to!). There's something very titillating about the idea of a small, Puritan-ish, repressed community surrounded by wilderness and with people who still believed in demons and monsters and sometimes snapped and actually made them reality. Actually, I think Shyamalan said the exact same thing in one of his interviews, about a community where people still believed in fairytale creatures. I'm getting to the point where I'm taking in all this information from various sources and I think of a quote or something, and I can't remember if it was something I read in a journal or on a news report or one of my friend's told me or what. And I've been doing it /all summer/. It's crazy man.

Since the front desk computer at the museum has /finally/ gotten back on the internet (after being hacked a little bit before I got here) I was able to post some photos. I just did an album of the wannabe-artistic ones I've taken so far. Ones of me working with the kids are stuck on the digital disposable TEV gave me, and the rest are mainly just kids working on art projects and such. But maybe I will post some of those in another album later. anyway:

That's all I can think of right now, although I'm sure that I'll be posting at least one more time today ^_^

give me comments or IM me. . .I'll be online until about 4:30 or so probably.

(12 1/2 more days. . .until my birthday and my last day here!!)

PS: Desperate for new icons, but stuck here with Paint. Anybody have any cool ones?

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PPS: [28 Jul 2004|06:37pm]
I am now the proud owner of a Sleater-Kinney t-shirt! It is a screen of Carrie's face on a blue tee. Yah for ebay!!!
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PS: [28 Jul 2004|06:27pm]
Spinooti knows how it is:

A)  Kvetch about how many people know lil' Parker's identity, Anne.  It's so cute.


I've never known a superhero to take off his mask SO MANY TIMES. . .JEEZ PETER WHAT IS UP WITH THAT??
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"This is really heavy." [28 Jul 2004|06:14pm]
[ mood | emotional ]

As your friendly neighborhood movie critic, it is my job to tell you that if you have not seen Spiderman 2 you have not experienced life.

Haha, maybe not that much. But man, that takes the cake for summer movies, and maybe for lots of movies within the past few years. I almost want to say crazy things like it is right up there with LotR. It was really, really, really good.

Review review review )

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and if you're tired of the big so so, oh woah woah, oh woah woah [27 Jul 2004|03:32pm]
[ mood | weird ]

for everyone's listening enjoyment, some sleater-kinney mp3s online! at least until I can burn some CDs:

Oh! is my favorite but I also love All Hands on the Bad One.

If you get a chance ya'll should write Brittany an e-mail. . .she has had a rough week and I think she could use some posse awesomeness.

I'm also having a. . .weird time. With weird mood swings. Right now I'm really afraid of getting depressed, because I have infinite troubles waking up and I never want to stay to do work afterwards. But it's not only that, it's the feeling of wanting to just run away from people and go to sleep, and not even say things like "I think I'm going to go now" or "I'll work on this later" but to just sneak out and not have to talk to anybody. I'm worried :(

But at the same time I seem to have really happy, fun times that are great. Like last night, walking home from the University in the dark, it was awesome. It was all quiet and peaceful and fresh summer smelling and nice. And I'm also reading Dharma Bums and it's really surprisingly beautiful and great.

Speaking of Dharma Bums. . .the first time I opened it up I noticed a really strong scent, but as soon as it was open it seemed to dilute so I didn't worry about it. But since then I've noticed it every time since without really investigating it. Then last night I really sniffed it and tried to place it. . .and I /swear/ it is weed. I think that is just the funniest thing, someone's reading Jack Kerouac (and a /library/ book no less), smoking weed. Mwhahahahahaha.

Oh man, the funniest thing happened last night. I went to bed around 10:00 or so and I must've fallen asleep pretty quickly. Before I knew what was happening, the phone was ringing. . .first of all, I thought I had muted the ringer, so I couldn't figure it out. I was so confused. I glanced at the clock and thought it said 6:00, so I'm like "who is calling me at six in the morning?" Conversation as follows:

Cait: Holly Brown!
Me: Hey!
C: Did I wake you?
Me: *confused, thinking, pondering* I. . .don't remember.
C: What?
Me: I can't remember if I was just awake or not.
C: It sounds like I woke you!
Me: Well, my alarm is about to ring if that makes you feel any better.
C: What? Why is your alarm set?
Me: *blinking, confused* Umm. . .what time is it?
C: I think I definitely woke you. Sorry. I just got your message so I was calling you back. But I can let you go back to your hobbitness. . .
Me: But I am le tired!
C: Yes, exactly. Want me to call you back tomorrow?
Me: *finally starting to realize what is going on* Umm. . .ummm. . .yes. I think so. Yes.
C: *laughing* Okay. See ya later.

haha. . .I was so confused. it was crazy.

I'm bidding on a sleater-kinney shirt on ebay!!! Which is so bad, I need to stop spending money. I just ordered my tres expensive (well. . .$56. that's not too bad) shoes last night, so my paycheck is on its way to being completely gone. I think being in Maine has the feeling of being suspended in reality so money is much different here ^_^ At least I will have enough to go around. . .mwhahaha.

So yeah, I'm gonna be off to my bus and go home to have tea! Mmm, tea. And maybe make chicken nuggets too! Wootness! Tschuss ya'll :)

PS: Is it good or bad that on the almost-eve of my 20th birthday, 11 year olds consistently tell me that I look like I'm 13 years of age?

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but I am le tired! [26 Jul 2004|05:07pm]
well, have a nap. AND THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!

Since you guys are ALL SO CLUELESS (^_~) here is the link to the end of the world. Marcia: warning, there is language and some f-bombs so don't let dusty watch. But definitely make Martin watch because I know he will love it:

and I was going to post the race car too, but I can't seem to find it. When I get home and get to my links I will post all of the crazy college student wasting time links for you all to enjoy.

ACK! I went to hot topic today and they DO NOT HAVE THE POKEY LITTLE PUPPY SHIRTS!! *dies* they were there two weeks ago, I swear!!! If anyone goes to hot topic soon, and if you see a blue baby doll shirt with the pokey little puppy on it (in medium -- check the clearance section) buy it for me and I will pay you back!! I am going to check online too. . .unfortunately I just spend a ton of $$ on clothes so maybe I shouldn't get it. But I want it! *want*

And as for my birthday wish list. . .I really don't think anyone takes that seriously besides my mom and /maybe/ Marcia. I just posted it for posterity. ^_~ But if you DO want to get me something and DON'T want to spend lots of $$ on a shirt or whatever, I would love to have any cool vintage/retro scarfs you find at goodwill and/or any cool belts with giant belt buckles! and other such thrift finds that I would love.

I am totally getting Kill Bill-esque shoes. Not in the same color. . .but same brand and style with awesome colors, because I rock so hard. :D

I am really going to be walking back in the dark. . .it's almost 8:30 and I haven't even written the mail to my mom that I was planning on. Ah well. I hope the frats don't swallow me up. . .

Well, I will go do other productive things. gimme a call peoples. . .I could use some phone messages!
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PS: [25 Jul 2004|04:16pm]
everyone here on campus has been listening to the "end of the world" thing everytime I check my mail. Lots of people are JUST NOW introducing their friends to this. . .how old is this? We watched it in like, January or something. Yeesh. ^_~

"but I'm le tired. . ."
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oh man, I can't even tell you [25 Jul 2004|04:08pm]
Okay, let me describe this situation to you. Our family has had these two cars for ever. . .the minivan and the neon that is getting to be a clunker. Except for going to college we really don't use the van, and the neon has been threatening to break down and stay that way for a year now. So we're always bugging my dad to get a new car, something fun to drive. Jess is really set on having a car and has been saving his money. But all this would just make my dad so so so angry, because of course we don't understand the costs of having a car, getting a new or used one, paying for the insurance, checkups, etc etc. I remember him towering into a day-long rage about it just in May. It seemed that until the neon died completely, we were out of luck as far as cars went. And when it did go, we would certainly be buying a slightly used, very economical car to replace it.


I get a call from mom today when I'm standing here online. "I have to tell you what your father just did," she tells me, in a somber voice. I'm thinking, oh no. He bought some new fangled contraption, or signed us up for sailing lessons, or something totally random and ridiculous that he's fond of doing. "Well, today he was driving to the baseball game. . ." (did he wreck? oh man he wrecked the car, it's totally dead I know it) "and he stopped by this place and saw a used black BMW two-seater convertable, and he bought it."


Holy crap.

This is too funny, this is too much. I am cracking up over here. I can't get over it!! He's going through his midlife crisis, /finally/. haha! What a cool midlife crisis!!!

I can't even believe this. . .just a few weeks ago he was depressed over the cost of taking himself, mom and Jess to London on vacation. I will never understand this man.

So yeah, now my family owns a snazzy car! This is probably the first snazzy car we have ever owned, ever, even before I was born. I remember long stories about my family's old Rabbits and then the old school Beetles that had ice inside in the winter, and the little dodges that we had for a while, and then getting the red neon and the van and I wrote a story about that in elementary school. HEHEHEHE

Unfortunately it's a stick, so I'm going to have to learn how to drive one. . .obviously /not/ in that car. But dad has actually talked to jess about driving it, so I guess we will be permitted to drive it. Toooooooo coool.

I'm going to go walk home and laugh to myself the entire way. Teeheeeheeee!!!
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I feel like a little kid [25 Jul 2004|03:26pm]
there are no chairs in this e-mail lounge at the university, except for little short ones that don't quite reach. So I am sitting on my knees on one of those.

This morning I had dreams, lots of dreams. I don't think I dream during the night, only during the early morning when I sleep in. I can't remember having a dream in a while. This makes me sad. . .will I stop dreaming when I get a real job and stop sleeping in later, taking naps? That's so depressing. I will be a writer and make my own schedule. I will I will.

Anyway, the coolest part of the dream was as follows:

Inner monologue narration started. A man was building a giant house-mansion, and he wanted this huge glass dome roof. "The architects tell you it can't be done, so you start tinkering and try to do it on your own. You, in essence, are trying to blindly invent their pi, their equation for mass, their holy grail. Then you find yourself giving the roof a band-aid."

He and his family and a bunch of others were on top of this giant glass roof made up of big rectangles of glass framed in steel. There was a sunken part and they were covering it with tape and other things trying to mend it. The camera (or, my brain) swept past this one section of the roof were two panes of glass rose up to form an upsidown "v", while another portion of the roof ran through it like a canyon, in essence making an open triangle with a long, straight expanse of glass and metal running out of it. At first this was a movie I was watching, adn I shouted out "A flux capacitor!!!!!!". It unintentionally was some sort of lightning conductor.

At that moment, evil bad guys came to take over. The sky outside was gray and the weather was hazy, soon to turn into storms. The bad guys were on the roof and some of the henchmen were in the darkened building underneath. And then our hero arrived: The Bride.

Oh, it was totally Beatrix Kiddo. I was kind of her at parts. She had a long sweeping sword at her side. She was in the building, surrounded by her once-mentor who was an older woman, as well as several other female assassins she had worked with. They fought, her mentor all the time guiding her proteges, until at last Beatrix was fighting her arch nemesis. The fight went on and on, until finally the mentor said "You wouldn't be so assured if she used her new technique." And Beatrix, excited at a challenge and learning something new, said "What is it? Use it! Give it to me!" The mentor just smiled. "What's the easiest way to distract a hero from her main goal? Lure her away with battles. . ." at that point I (Beatrix) knew that something important was going on above us on the roof, and I had been missing it while fighting my enemies. I used my supercoolpowers (because I was realizing in the dream that I maybe wasn't entirely human, that I maybe had some interesting powers) to jump through the unfinished roof and onto the top panes of the glass.

Henchmen were all around, and I saw a small, young woman who was possibly asian walking out onto the long expanse of the conductor. I knew at once that she had powers too, she could control or summon the lightning. And when she did, some sort of portal or explosion would be caused by the arrangement of the glass and the panels. She was walking out to the very edge, and I yelled at her "Don't do it! We can live in this world!" she said "No, we are different, we will never be accepted." There was nothing I could do, we were all stuck. The bad guys moved in to get me. At that moment I knew I was immortal, but I also was unsure if I could actually cause my own death by certain means. I was about to fight, when I stopped, and looking at the others, I let myself plummet from the clear glass rooftop into the darkness of the building below. and. . .there the dream ends. I have the impression that my distraction helped somehow, and that later on I was half awake and trying to figure out what had happened. But I dreamed this dream twice so it got a bit mixed up.

My other dream was very weird but interesting. . .a whole bunch of us were at this other college with small, high-school like classrooms and a tall ugly building. Amy Mathur had apparently transferred there for some reason, and me, Caitlan, and Brittany had all gone too. Mike Motily was there as well as someone who might've been my brother, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, this was a really ugly building and we weren't entirely happy there. We would go to Amy's class, which I think was newspaper, adn it would be great but I think everyone else there was really clueless so it was hard to get anything going. And then there was another prof, I forget what his name was but he was black and young and a lot of fun and cool, and he taught some sort of communication/writing/advertising classes. He was friends with Amy. I wanted to take the class but my schedule conflicted, but he kept coming up to me and joking with me and telling me I had to write the script for a commercial for him because that's what his class was working on, and he was giving me permission to sort of take the class without being there. It was weird, because while none of us really liked the school we all were sort of the new stars because we were just /so/ smart and talented and everything. ^_~ weird

There were a few other dreams but nothing really complete. I miss dreaming.

I am feeling the Fight Club itch. I don't know what it is about this movie. . .I've seen it a million times, have it practically memorized, but I /have/ to watch it like once every 3-4 weeks or else I get obsessed and can't think of anything else. It happened when I didn't own it -- I would /need/ to see it every month. And then for a while it was good because I had it on DVD. I've been thinking about it a little all summer, but now it's been the entire past week and I've been saying things like "Do you like this dress? I got it at a thrift store for $1. It's a bridesmaid's dress. Someone loved it, intensely, for one day, and then threw it out. . ." and "until recently the full extent of our relationship wasn't entirely clear to me. . ." aaaaaagghhh *movie craving*

Speaking of movies, my brother is currently looking at colleges now, and he is apparently entirely absorbed in the idea of film studies. Of course my dad will /flip out/, but I think it might be great. I mean, besides being entirely jealous, I know that movies are one thing that Jess is passionate about like me, and I know that he has a lot of creative and artistic influences going on in his head. I'm writing him an e-mail now warning him that if he does do any sort of film studies major, he'll be in trouble because he'll be teaching me EVERYTHING HE KNOWS.

And then he'll go on to make awesome movies, and I'll write books, and we will be a brother-sister creative family! And then maybe I will write scripts for him, and help him direct a bit, and he'll give me interesting hip stories, and we'll make movies together like the Coen brothers! IT WILL BE SO COOL.

I'm telling him ahead of time that he can use the assistance of Leona Films (as I have aptly named it. . .we can fight about that later ^_~) if he ever needs it. Is that okay with you, Cari and A? :D

Oh man, let's make a movie. Let's do it right now. I'm going to dig out my parent's camera that they never use. YES.

OH! Before I forget,
Holly's Super Awesome Birthday List of Happiness!!!!:
*HP "Seeker" shirt from hot topic
*Sleater-kinney CDs or tshirts
*Death cab for cutie CDs or tshirts
*Any scarygoround tshirt, but especially the "I am your secret scary friend!" shirt
*Mix CDs
*Absolutely anything on my wishlist

(all shirts must be youth large or regular small. . .or else!)

Okay, I think that is it. Going to do some online window shipping :)
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yeah, but I wish you were my shadow. . . [24 Jul 2004|08:21am]
Note: some of you may have noticed that I have taken you off my friends list. Don't get mad at me, this is just a temporary thing! I am finding that I have really limited internet time during the week and I can't keep up with checking my journal and my mail and everything else. If you don't get mad at me and unfriend me I will promise to friend you back when I get home in August. sorry again :(

So, yesterday was the last day of the 1st and 2nd graders and also working with Mike (aka Mr. M ^_~). I think I'm pretty relieved that I don't have to work with the younger kids anymore, even though they can be really sweet. I think I'd prefer the attitude of older kids to the disinterest of younger kids. But more on that later. . .

And now, for your pleasure, famous quotes from art camp. . .

Man, you guys would /never/ survive in a sweatshop. . . )
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oh, you know I rock [21 Jul 2004|01:27pm]
guess who just got a perfect, non-stop, round trip ticket to Birmingham for $375???

Yes. That would be me.

There is a party going on because I ROCK SO BAD AND SAVE MONEY.

Thank you Orbitz. You are my new special friend.

Now I am going to wal*mart! To celebrate maybe I will buy a pair of cool tennies, or some twizzlers! MY LIFE IS SO EXCITING.

:) tschuss
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PS: [20 Jul 2004|04:48pm]
Hey ya'll. . .I found out last night that even though my parents have verizon-to-verizon, I don't think it applies to me because I'm in a roaming zone. Soo that means I have used way more hours than I thought I had, so I probably should not use my phone in the next two weeks. ^_^ Which would suck, except for the fact that you're all going to make up for not calling me by WRITING ME MAILS AND E-MAILS!!!

Carolyn has been transferred to the good list. . .I think that only leaves MICHELLE on the very very bad friend list.


So yes, that is my message. If you want to call and leave a message that would still be cool, but if I get lots of e-mails and real mails that would be supercool also. :) thanks

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quick funny story [20 Jul 2004|02:55pm]
I have to leave for my bus in five minutes, but quick story:

Okay, so Mike that I work with is absolutely hilarious and like five years old. Most of the time we end up laughing in corners because of funny things we say or that the kids do. Anyway. . .we've been pretending that an "art thief" is hiding in the vents and the kids have to go around and make sure nothing is missing, and listen for him, things like that. It's a fun game and we can usually quiet the kids down that way. We spend a lot of our time finding "clues". . .just randomly picking up things from around the room and being like "ooh, this could be (insert clue explanation here)".

SO. This morning a mom came in with her kid and was exclaiming how there was an awful smell in the lobby. Mike and I couldn't smell anything so we just figured she was crazy. Later in the day we're working on watercolors and finding "clues". Mike says "Oh, hey, what's this? It could be a clue!" and he pulls down two cookie tins from above the shelf that we had used last week to make gelatin in for gelatin prints. He pulls them down for the kids to inspect. . .


Oh man, we had totally forgotten about these gelatin tins and they were rotting and stank. It was so freaking hilarious, they had sat up there all weekend. Mike's face was bright red as he cleaned them out and all the kids were like "what's the clue? what is it? what's that smell?" and I couldn't talk for five minutes. SO FUNNY.

Also, Mike was breakdancing today. I must say that my life is full of humor.

Well! I must run. This limited internet time is getting me down. . .if it stops raining I might go to the university and just spend a couple hours answering e-mail. Or maybe not. ^_~ Tomorrow is definite wal*mart shopping.

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