Hey Wat Up In Da Trunk??? hey all!! yeah ok i know my subject is stupid but i couldnt think of anything else. sorry. this is my first lil entry and im proud of myself for finally writing sumthing in here!! yay for me! blah im kinda bored right now. me and kel both. im staying at kel's overnite. we're havin a fun lil party....on the internet at 12 30 at nite when we should be like good lil kiddies and be in bed fast asleep...... anyways...you people better write some gosh darn comments! man i was reading kel's lil journal and some people wrote some real nasty comments... so if youre gonna write nasty and mean stuff that'll hurt my feelings then F*&% off!! lol!! i crack myself up...sorry it's late and im tired so im laughing at everything! me and kel were reading sumthing on here and we started laughing and she knocked her head off the computer...man it was crazy!!
ok i need to vent on a few things...first on what some people wrote on kel's page: the only thing i have to say to you is youre crazy and no one (specially kel) gives a shit of your opinion about what she says..... i also think its nasty that people practically have sex on the dance floor at our dances too...and if youre really into that kinky shit then all i can say is "whatever floats your boat"!!!! why is there so much hatred in this world?? lol!!
second, i do really enjoy being called a conceided bitch(sarcastic if ya couldnt tell)...so to the one person(you know who you are) that called me that..well yeah whatever! you have problems, not me!! deal with it! agg!!! i believe im one of the nicer people in our school(not THE nicest, just thought id clear that up so i didnt get called concieded again), and i am blessed with many friends(that dont talk about me behind my back). So thanks for starting all that shit with me and making my good day into a really umm..shitty one!! but then my good friend kel(who doesnt talk about me and does agree that im one of the nicest people) invited me to come stay at her house so im here!! and im having fun! and we're being two really nice people by not talking about conceided bitches at our school!! lol!! hatred???
well im done venting!! im listening to "smells like teen spirit" by nirvana...but i believe the tori amos version is just a lil better! hehe im in a rather giggly mood.... i was having a bad nite but its good now cause im having fun! kel just made some good bagel bites pizza...yummy!! well im gonna jet so i can eat my lil bagel bites..... now it looks like im gonna be a FAT CONCEIDED BITCH! i luv ya all!!! :) by the way, kel's a pecker!!
Current Mood: gigglyCurrent Music: smells like teen spirit-nirvana