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in your eyes - i lost my place. could stay awhile... [27 Jan 2005|11:40am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | The Used - I Caught Fire (In Your Eyes) ]

wow, i'm really behind, aren't i?
i think it's time to catch up on some photography from '04. so play along with me...

flashback: december 11th, 2004
picture post!!

my birthday was on december 7th, and was relatively quiet - we saw a movie the night before, and just enjoyed a nice night with cupcakes and cuddles.
of course, my birthday PARTY was a whole 'nother story.

we had about 13 people over for jello shots and cocktails beforehand. you should have seen everyone lining the couches in the living room!
around 11:30PM, we went to a club for the actual celebration. guest count of around/over 30-something.
[those of you who were out of town or couldn't make it - we missed you!]
we had an awesome table and free bottle service all night - it helps to be connected. ;)
we laughed, we danced, we drank [a LOT]... we shut the place down.
surrounded by all my friends, old and new, i couldn't have imagined a better night.
...especially since it didn't end!

I've met some people along the way,
Some of them split, some of them stay,
Some of them walk, some walk on by,
I've got a few friends I'll love till I die.

From all of these people I try to learn,
Some of them shine, some of them burn,
Some of them rise, some of them fall,
For good or bad I've known them all... )
104 comments|post comment

gotta love those random phone calls... [20 Dec 2004|04:10pm]
i just scored passes to the premiere of meet the fockers tomorrow.
maybe i should watch the first one tonight. ;)
25 comments|post comment

[10 Dec 2004|01:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]


when are they bringing this to the states sprint?!

[edit courtesy of [info]dulcinea]

33 comments|post comment

[08 Dec 2004|09:35am]
happy birthday to my favorite [info]danielspice!

you're the sexiest, SMART-est man both here and across the pond.
i can't wait to see you at the end of the month and have even more crazy times.
i heart you long time!
16 comments|post comment

...say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes... [07 Dec 2004|08:34am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Taking Back Sunday - Set Phasers to Stun ]

happy birthday to me...
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

edit #1 - i love singing voicemails!

edit #2 - for those of you who still need gift ideas:

edit #3 - emails/comments/calls from people i haven't heard from in awhile... heart heart heart.

edit #4 - free lunch, always a great thing. free swankified lunch with senior management - even better.

edit #5 - yankee-related gifts from NON-yankee fans are awesome!!

edit #6 - could a couple more people come out of the woodwork?!

edit #7 - i have the greatest roommate and bestest friend ever. paula, you have no idea how incredible you are. me love you long time (ling ling!)
140 comments|post comment

pimpin' for my crew [22 Nov 2004|10:49am]
[ mood | giggly ]

everyone has to watch FEAR FACTOR tonight!
not only is it a special 90 minute thanksgiving episode...
...but my boy jayson is on it!!!

he won't tell us who won, but he said the episode is hysterical and he does pretty well.
i mean, he's in all the commercials and all over NBC.com!

i love this kid, he's a blast to party with, and a sweetheart to boot.
so watch the show and tell me what you think. :)
tonight, NBC - 8PM for the east coasters, not so sure about anywhere else.

okay, i love you, bye-bye!
[/end pimping]

31 comments|post comment

well, if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say... [02 Nov 2004|02:56pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise) ]

friday: the usual, busy sort of work day. but i got to leave a bit early to get to my stylist and get my hair cut! always a good time - especially when they ply you with wine and you get tipsy in your padded leather chair. went home, napped until chris woke me up to have thai food with him & paula & saved! they went to bed early, but i talked to heather and we decided to go out. threw on my brown croc miniskirt and headed out to meet her & doc & his boys.

we hit up this bar that our friend owns, so we cut the line like the VIPs we are. the music was good, the crowd was good, but they didn't have my stoli peach. grr. doc got bombed and was babbling about the election and getting da booty, because those go together! we all hadn't hung out in forever, it was great catching up. owner-friend had gone to a nearby divey-kinda bar, so heather and i decided to meet up with him. after charming our way inside (what's a cover charge?), we realized that we'd wandered into an afterparty for cypress hill - they'd played a show at roseland earlier. and that placed smelled SO strongly of weed that we were completely contact-high. :) we met the band, hung out, danced to rock music (kinda surreal after the hip-hop we'd been grooving to) and left just before the bar last-called.

saturday: woke up way too early to a ringing phone, missed the call and was sad, so i went back to sleep. woke up around 2PM and cleaned the apartment until lisa came home. we talked for awhile and watched part of a movie. paula came home, more roommate bondage, and then we all got ready for our respective parties. lisa hit the east side while paula & i met up with jana & bio, and went to a loft party thrown by one of the AD's of law & order. conveniently, it was only a few blocks from our place - sweet. we grabbed drinks and immediately hit the dance floor. we stayed there most of the night.

the venue was unreal - huge and airy but with minimal ventilation. the hell? if they'd had an air conditioner or a fan, you would've had to pry me out of there with a texas chainsaw. luckily, there was a fire escape that people would congregate on, to talk or chill or smoke or whatever. literally, whatever - you wouldn't believe some of the stuff we saw! there was a core group of like six guys who would trail us, duckling style, as we went outside to enjoy the gorgeously clear night. they turned out to be cool (thankfully) and we had some hysterical conversations on that fire escape. paula was what really made the party - we were such the team. i heart her so very much.

on our way home, we stopped and got pizza, ate with lisa and watched freddy vs. jason. or, at least, we tried to - i woke up on paula's leg halfway through the movie. :P that just means i have to make the roomies watch it another time. we'll do fvj AND dawn of the dead, bitches!

sunday: how the hell did we wake up on time?? we dressed all prettylike and went to brunch. it was a leisurely affair with way too much food and many inside jokes. and a bitchy waitress. after a sephora stop, paula went to meet some friends and i went home to play with our (broken) router. and watch the giants whoop ass. i got it working long enough to start photo uploading - finally! - as you'll see below.

when paula came back, i was feeling kinda down because of some stupid people. i hate people who don't have the balls to say what they think in person, but love being kitty-meow-meow behind your back. i'm so over being 12. we'd originally planned on seeing a movie, but she decided instead to surprise me - we grabbed jodie and went cosmic bowling! i'd never been and i heart bowling. we had cocktails and screamed obscenities and shimmied all over our lane. how could i NOT be in the giddiest of moods afterwards?

this week: is already looking pretty great, since we went to SAW last night with robert (pretty good!), the jets won, and we have big plans for the rest of the time - cookies, partying, rock shows (TSL!), and hopefully getting to see certain people. ;)

in summation: we get into cool parties, i'm blessed to have someone like paula in my life, i can't wait for next weekend, and we take some pretty hot pictures...


happy halloween y'all - and these tricks were treats... )
67 comments|post comment

i never thought i'd walk away from you - i did. [28 Oct 2004|06:58pm]
[ mood | peacefully content ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - Pain ]

my 24th birthday party is tentatively scheduled for saturday, december 11th.
new york city.
specific venue details to come.
pre-party at the apartment.

it's always a good time - and hopefully this year there won't be a snowstorm!
pictures from 2003 here.
and i already have some hotties confirmed for this year's event. ;)

if i know you and love you, this is your semi-formal save-the-date notice.
if you're not sure if you fall into the above category - questions/comments can be posted below or emailed.
i haven't talk to some lots of you in awhile. i've been so crazy-busy.
maybe i want to. maybe i don't. there's only one way to find out.

RSVP, babies.

86 comments|post comment

but are you that clever that you smile forever? [27 Sep 2004|02:34pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Lostprophets - Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja ]

I found this in the New York Daily News and edited it into this pseudo-meme for your amusement. Enjoy! :)

In this study, 567 volunteers around age 25, were given the psychological test battery and questioned about their preference among six flavors of Stolichnaya Vodka. The resulting types were then hypothetically correlated to celebrities.

Which flavor Stoli are you? )

62 comments|post comment

this is the first song for your mixtape - and it's short just like your temper. [24 Sep 2004|04:38pm]
[ mood | ecstatic & glowing ]
[ music | Brand New - Mixtape ]

okay, yesterday was just AWESOME.
i want to write pages and pages, but i'm not gonna...
...because you need pictures.
the very very short version:

  • best yankee tickets EVER. four rows from the dugout - when the yankees ran off the field, they looked like they were charging RIGHT AT YOU.
  • got to see tino martinez play first base right by me. aw, memories.
  • ruben sierra threw a baseball to ME. directly. one that was in play. for me. to keep.
  • ...RUBEN FUCKING SIERRA!! i almost died on the spot.
  • ...and yes, the baseball is here with me today. hee.
  • on top of all that, the yankees won! 7-3. :)
  • i got to have dinner with my paula which is always so nice. she put up with my babbling and extra bubbliness throughout the meal. i don't know how she does it!
  • several fantastic conversations with several fantastic people.
  • last night out with julia. dancing and drinking with all the hot girls.
  • ...and i didn't cry! i'm proud of myself. but i'm more proud of her and i can't wait until she's a big hollywood starlet...

so much to say... it'll just have to wait.
46 comments|post comment

best friends means i pulled the trigger - best friends means you get what you deserve. [23 Sep 2004|12:06pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Taking Back Sunday - There's No "I" In Team ]

seriously - this baby girl cannot get any busier.
i had and have plans for pretty much every single night of the week for quite sometime...
...and with people i love, who love me.
i'm in a constant state of happiness. yay!

friday was night out with allison (and blue!).
saturday was liz's champagne birthday party.
sunday was the yankee/red sox game, then an oh-so-late-night apartment party with paula, julia, robyn, michelle, alyssa, THE shay, whitney and milla's poon.
monday was time with the brotherchild.
tuesday was the premiere of the forgotten with jodiebeth.
wednesday was the happy hour i planned for my co-workers - of course, brian & anita & i stayed late and shut down the place. huge success.

today, i'm working for another couple hours, then off to see the bronx bombers with rachael. she got AMAZING seats... i'm so psyched. and it's our second game in five days since we were at yankee/red sox on sunday with my brother. i'm sure there will be less alcohol at today's game, especially since afterwards i'm going out to all-i-can-drink celebrate julia's next-to-last night in NYC. i can't wait to party with some fine-ass hotties - but i do NOT want julia to leave. I'M SO COMING TO VISIT!

pictures to come, when i get my internet at home back. i have a whole mess of cute ones. but i'm in no rush... :)

okay, i lied, JUST ONE... stolen from michelle )

39 comments|post comment

losing half a year, waiting for you here... i'd be your anything. [15 Sep 2004|05:25pm]
[ mood | tipsy-ful ]
[ music | Sugarcult - Memory ]

today has been a pretty good day, despite being up excessively late last night. projects are going well, and i finally firmed up plans for the corporate happy hour event. brian & i went out to lunch and had a couple drinks which makes everything more interesting. the yankees won. my brother's coming to visit tomorrow, allison's coming over friday, and i have many many plans set up with my hot friends. <3

today is also my one year anniversary with my company. i still love my job and the people i work with. i've gotten a lot of projects and i love all the opportunities, friends, and experiences that living in new york city has afforded me. it's been a great year.

rather than bore you with more sappiness about year-in-review, i choose to entertain you with some photos from the past couple weeks. :)

it's about darn time i posted pictures... don't you think? )

72 comments|post comment

your eyes tell the stories of a day you wish you could. [10 Sep 2004|11:31am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Coheed and Cambria - A Favor House Atlantic ]

yesterday must have been, officially, "contact danielle" day. i heard from a ton of my nearest and dearest - along with a bunch of my boy crushes, including all of the top three. even brad got in on the action! :)

i have so many pictures to post. paula & i have had some crazy adventures lately (chairs, booze, and awful cinema), plus my snapshots of wisconsin (and the packers), and tons more. hopefully this weekend i'll get around to uploading them.

i've just been so busy... and there are no blank spots on my calendar for awhile. but if you know me, love me, and want to get together, you know i will always make time for you. <3

stolen from [info]iammaggiediane, [info]lauralatham, [info]mlvc69, and others...
Leave a comment with your name if you want to know what I really think of you, and I'll reply and tell you. No lies. And I'll respond to everyone. Afterwards, you can post it in your journal so I can see the reverse.

82 comments|post comment

"who cares? all that matters is i found my underwear!" [18 Aug 2004|01:12am]
[ mood | thankful ]

So... where have I been lately? Hard to say. But here are some highlights from the past few weeks:

1. Dreams do come true... )

2. ...But seeing someone *else* realize their dream can make you just as thrilled. )

3. The best trouble comes in pairs. )

4. I'm unforgettable! )

5. And now... a random assortment of photographs! Like chocolate, only without the calories. )

65 comments|post comment

[17 Aug 2004|09:36am]
i love horror movies as much as the next girl... but this is getting ridiculous.
freddy vs. jason vs. ASH??

more on my whereabouts and storytelling later.
44 comments|post comment

*heart* my boys soooo much. [23 Jul 2004|09:48pm]
[at work, mid-afternoon, having our usual twice-a-day "what would you do if there was a zombie attack" conversation.]

brian: so wait, if zombies were invading the building, where would you go?
jed: well, if they're coming through the front door, we're just gonna get stuck here and starve to death.
brian: [thoughtfully] you know, i'd eat you first, danielle.
danielle: HEY!!
brian: that's just how it is! i mean, could you fight off zombies like jed & i?
danielle: i could try.. i mean, they always need a girl for some point or another in the movie... even if its just to get us into another stupid situation.
brian: jed, what do you think? i mean, it would either be you and me, kicking ass, or her...
jed: but what if we needed to repopulate the earth??

[all three of us die laughing]

danielle: i'm officially useful! who knew?
brian: it's okay. we'll just eat rich... [peers over cube at rich, busily typing away]
rich: [oblivious]
jed: although he might not be good to eat.
brian: that's true. he takes too good care of himself. he's too thin.
danielle: we need to befriend a fat guy!!
69 comments|post comment

[30 Jun 2004|03:00am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

spiderman 2 - EFFING AWESOME.
totally worth the price of my admission, my brother's, and then some.


(tomorrow would be a sucky tired day...
'cept i got yankee-red sox tickets and kickass boys to go with.) ;)

56 comments|post comment

just when you think your sibling can't get any cooler... [09 Jun 2004|08:07am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]


he just called into the howard stern show and won me DFP8 tickets!!!
he knew i was dying to go but tickets were ridiculously expensive...
i mean, fucking brand new is there and midtown and story of the year and all these other bands...

i wish i'd heard him on-air but i was in the shower at the time. :(
but who cares - i'm so proud and so loved and so HAPPY!
(can someone on the west coast capture an audio file or help me track it? he was on around 7:45AM.)

you're da bestest!!
:) :) :) :) :) :)

now... who wants to go with me? ;)

107 comments|post comment

may days [31 May 2004|11:59pm]
wow. i haven't written in awhile.
you'd think i'd have more to say.

i started may off sick, since i returned from my INSANE arizona adventure (!) with a wicked sinus infection.
after i got better - i got back to being me:
working crazy hours, hanging out with my friends, cute boys, random trips (miami, philly, rooftop lounges), and tons of partying.

i haven't even been taking pictures much.
guess i've been too busy just enjoying myself. :)

to play catch up, you can fill out this super-cool poll, and i promise to answer EVERY question honestly.
or hell, just let me know what you're thinking!

Poll #301671 Catching up on a very busy month.
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

So... what's on your mind? Questions, comments, whatever.

happy memorial day, y'all.

you see, my dear, I have had enough of keeping quiet about all this stuff. [21 Apr 2004|07:50am]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Basement Jaxx - Romeo ]

to really give you a snapshot of what i've been up to, we have to go back in time a couple weeks...
let's get started. there are 11 days in here! )
skip the text, check out the pictures. )

114 comments|post comment

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