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User:iko (791136) Paid User iko
The Stars in Their Courses
The Objects of Her Desires
Website:Eileene Dot Net
Location:Montclair, New Jersey, United States
Memories:20 entries
Interests:145: a cappella, absolutely fabulous, adrian mole, alton brown, androgyny, animatrix, anime, anne perry, band of brothers, bend it like beckham, botany, brazil, buffy, caitlin kiernan, call of cthulhu, cbldf, charles vess, chuck palahniuk, circulars, civil war, comic books, computers, css, d'ni, damian lewis, daria, dave mckean, ddial, death cab for cutie, dork tower, double pointeds, douglas adams, dune, dvds, dystopia, eddie izzard, entrelac, fiber, fiddler's green, fiddler's green con, fight club, films, firefly, flatland, font, fonts, frank herbert, friends, frogs, garden state, geeks, gettysburg, ghost world, good eats, graphic novels, harp, harry potter, hayao miyazaki, heavenly creatures, helen mirren, hinterlands, house, house m.d., house of leaves, html, i claudius, in nomine, intarsia, interweave knits, j.r.r. tolkien, jill thompson, joss whedon, knit, knitting, larp, legos, leonard cohen, lizzie west, london, lord of the rings, lost in translation, lucifer, manga, mike carey, monty python, movies, myst, natalie portman, neil gaiman, nerds, new york, nyc, over the edge, penguins, peter sarsgaard, philippines, photography, pinoys, programming, puzzle pirates, pvp, radiohead, reading, roleplaying, ron weasley, rpg, rupert grint, sandman, science fiction, silk, sleeping in, snow, star wars, star wars galaxies, stephen ambrose, stephen king, stephen soderbergh, the avengers, the hobbit, the matrix, the matrix reloaded, the norm, the princess bride, the royal tenenbaums, the sandman, the secret history, the wasp factory, there, todd klein, typography, uiuc, uru, utopia, velvet goldmine, vertigo comics, vocal percussion, vogue knitting, watching movies, web design, web development, william gibson, wool, writing, yarn, zach braff. [Modify yours]
People33:3x5sunrise, _hdcomic, addictedkitten, akebono, alidavis, ambug666, anarchistinde, atara, cassini_saturn, clanmalfoy, digitalmaven, entelein, eruantale, esk, greenflamingo, heyokish, himynameisjamie, jonsinger, kickercamp, lorinda, mistressmousey, moderngypsy, nexus23, psycindom, ryanozawa, saveyoursanity, skijess, sleepsinoctober, spicy_remix, tskirvin, tumulus, ursamajr, vlamidala
Communities94:100x100_brushes, 1944, _css, a_book_a_month, aberrantfilms, acapella_lovers, advanced_knit, altcomix, art_grrls_sew, artfilm101, awfulcufflinks, bandofbrothers, brush_fanatic, brushaddicts, cap_it, cheap_dvds, cinephilia, coldwinterair, comicfangirls, davemckean, doors_of_huxley, dvd_review, dyeingfiber, ff_icons, fgcon, filmstalkers, fontaddicts, fourth_world, ftm_ny, gaimantattoos, garden_state, gardenstate, gardenstategfx, gardenstateicon, ghibli, graphicdesign, guessthatmug, harp, house_md, hp_costuming, hp_knitting, hp_newyork, hpcostumemeetup, i_chorus, iconsensual, innomine, interconlarp, ironcheffan, kidbooks4adults, knit_along, knit_patterns, knitswap, knitting, knittingpretty, libros, linotteliterary, ljmovies, lotr_knits, loveofthegirl, m15m, montclair_state, moviebuffs, moviegeeks, moviesonthemind, mutant_allies, myst_library, neil_gaiman, nerd_haven, noirfilms, nyc_filmmakers, nycgeek, nyscreenings, onlinecomic, passalongscarf, plants, poa_nyc, pstennis, punk_knitters, puzzle_pirates, pvponline, queer_nyc, rapidreaders, scene_stealers, themoviequizii, therecentral, toxicaudio, triofqf, unplottables, uru_community, used_books, we_love_alton, weasleysweaters, yarnspinners, zach_braff_fans
Feeds17:alistapart, alton_brown, apod, chicknits, defamer, dorktowerfeed, foxtrot_feed, gardenstateblog, healthytension, jefferypatch, morcatknits, nielsenhaydent, officialgaiman, pvp_comic, scriptygoddess, sinfestfeed, wilwheaton
Friend of:30: addictedkitten, amaranth, anarchistinde, antiopa, atara, casey98, clanmalfoy, digitalmaven, dreamalynn, entelein, esk, greenflamingo, himynameisjamie, jmdodd, jonsinger, kickercamp, maribou, mel_tus, moderngypsy, nexus23, nightsbeautiful, ryanozawa, saveyoursanity, skijess, sleepsinoctober, spicy_remix, thezda, tskirvin, ursamajr, vlamidala
Member of:95: 100x100_brushes, 1944, _css, a_book_a_month, aberrantfilms, acapella_lovers, advanced_knit, altcomix, art_grrls_sew, artbytheinch, artfilm101, awfulcufflinks, bandofbrothers, brush_fanatic, brushaddicts, cap_it, cinephilia, coldwinterair, comicfangirls, davemckean, dvd_review, dyeingfiber, ff_icons, fgcon, filmstalkers, fontaddicts, fourth_world, ftm_ny, gardenstate, gardenstategfx, gardenstateicon, ghibli, graphicdesign, guessthatmug, harp, house_md, hp_costuming, hp_knitting, hp_newyork, hpcostumemeetup, icemanroguepyro, iconsensual, innomine, interconlarp, ironcheffan, kidbooks4adults, knit_along, knit_patterns, knitswap, knitting, knittingpretty, libros, ljmovies, lotr_knits, loveofthegirl, m15m, matrix100, montclair_state, moviebuffs, moviegeeks, moviesonthemind, mutant_allies, myst_library, neil_gaiman, nerd_haven, noirfilms, nyc_filmmakers, nyscreenings, onlinecomic, paidmembers, passalongscarf, plants, poa_nyc, pstennis, punk_knitters, puzzle_pirates, pvponline, queer_nyc, rapidreaders, spoonisntreal, swgalaxies, the_matrix, therecentral, toxicaudio, triofqf, unplottables, uru_community, used_books, we_love_alton, weasleysweaters, x2icons, x_slash, xrps, yarnspinners, zach_braff_fans
Account type:Paid Account

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