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User:cuntdeath (794347) cuntdeath
Website:i read this a lot.


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Interests:58: 80s night, abandonded buildings, baking, bernie mac, bet comic view, black comedians, bmx boys, charles bukowski, chisled jawlines, comedy central, conan o'brien, dane cook, diners, discovery channel, dodgeball, dracula, educational programming, family guy, forensic files, grind, h&m;, hello kitty, hipbones, hot tea, jeff corwin experience, jim norton, kittens, mug rootbeer, naps, neck tats, offensive humor, oral sex, pancakes, photography, promises, reading, reeces peanut butter cups, sad eyes, sea otters, shirley temples, simpsons, skinny dipping, sleep, sociology, spooning, spraypaint art, stencils, stories, straightedge, surprise visits, tattoos, text messages, the big lebowski, the history channel, thrift stores, underwear, veiny arms, writing notes. [Modify yours]
People133:666erik666, ____shake, _ninetyseven, ajdelaware, alphacentauri, amanda_renae, andwecanrock, angelliscious, annawins, aperfectmess, awhisperedlie, babybabay, bent_to_hell, booch, borntoexpire, burningarmymen, bygracealone, byrdlegs, chrisday666, comaeternal, crucialxedge, custom_concern, damnred, daveheck, deafeuphoria, dearxyou, deathandthecity, deathbydance, deathiscertain, dr_dood, easyonfirstdate, eddieawesome, emogeddon, fakingartsy, farfromyou, forbesy, fuckwhatchaherd, fuckyouforreal, glisteningkarma, gotsta_poop, heartsinguns, hellomiss, hereboy, hollisucks, humanure, iamusul, internjen, inthistown, janisaurusrex, jennynumberone, jerseypride, joeysouthside, johnska7, katierockout, kickout, killing_a_sound, ladyxdi, lateintheday, letsgethimdrunk, letsgotohell, lilevan, limbsforcash, love_x_hate, mantis_romantic, mattxxx, metalken, midgetcore, misterarse, mmmayhem, nile, noralosessleep, nynoise, ohhhgirl, oriongo, orsnsndrs, painkillerxlara, pedophile29, perksof, pewpewpew, photojenny13, reedkillsyou, respectthex, risky, rivercity, rocklikespock, roger_lodge, ryedood, sadpassingshame, safeinacrowd, scottxmetal, scratchthescars, seeroq, sefb13, shockmedead, shopliftviolent, sixtysix_crush, skaterat, skyboy, stabmyface, stabuinthehead, starryskys, sushichick, systemsoverload, tenbodygun, tensoverkings, thekissofdeath, thepunkkitty, thexhiredxgun, tokeone, tommynorcal, tonightlovedies, tonybaloni, tormentedstar, unaxvida, unfuckwithable, unsarah, vanityxkills, weexplode, wickedlittleme, withkmbrabazon, xamirdiesx, xbobafettx, xchelseax, xlenwillkillux, xliedmyfaceoffx, xpaulastarx, xsicboyx, xstrikebeastx, xtoadornbeautyx, xxxhatecrewxxx, yurifish, zenbot, zombie_eater
Friend of:173: 1linebetweenus, 1stsavedmessage, 666erik666, ____shake, _jhazmyne_, _ninetyseven, ajdelaware, alphacentauri, amanda_renae, andwecanrock, angelliscious, annawins, antlives, aperfectmess, awhisperedlie, babybabay, bent_to_hell, booch, bootydancexcore, borntoexpire, burningarmymen, busterpak91, bygracealone, byrdlegs, chrisday666, comaeternal, courtneycore, crucialxedge, crypticdeity, custom_concern, damnred, deafeuphoria, dearxyou, deathandthecity, deathb4dishoner, deathiscertain, dr_dood, easyonfirstdate, eddieawesome, emogeddon, faking_fashion, fakingartsy, farfromyou, forbesy, fuckyouforreal, glisteningkarma, gotsta_poop, head0ncollision, heartsinguns, hellomiss, hellorobots, hereboy, hersickheart, hideurheart, hollisucks, humanure, iamusul, immaynardubeada, imnoweirdo, internjen, inthistown, janisaurusrex, jennynumberone, jerseypride, joedotcom, joeysouthside, johnska7, justelyssa, karmavictim, katierockout, kickout, killing_a_sound, killlikerobots, kimsbetterthanu, kind_of_blue, ladyxdi, lateintheday, letsgethimdrunk, letsgotohell, lilevan, limbsforcash, love_x_hate, lowandslow, mantis_romantic, matthew_eric, mattxxx, me_minus_you, metalken, midgetcore, misterarse, mmmayhem, motelroom, muppetfromspace, nile, noralosessleep, northweststray, nynoise, ohhhgirl, oriongo, painkillerxlara, pauciloquent, pedophile29, perksof, pewpewpew, photojenny13, professoryarm, projectnikon, raftxcore, razor_wristed, rebelhell, reedkillsyou, respectthex, rivercity, rocklikespock, roger_lodge, ryedood, sadpassingshame, safeinacrowd, scratchthescars, see_love_kill, seeroq, sefb13, shockmedead, shopliftviolent, sixtysix_crush, skaterat, stabmyface, stabuinthehead, sushichick, sweetnesinstars, systemsoverload, tenbodygun, tensoverkings, thekissofdeath, thepunkkitty, theshadowedlost, thexhiredxgun, tokeone, tommynorcal, tonightlovedies, tonybaloni, tormentedstar, unaxvida, unfuckwithable, unsarah, uthoughtuknewme, vanityxkills, weexplode, wickedlittleme, withkmbrabazon, ...
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