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Below is user information for Elvis C Hoyle. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:deadman (42253) Paid User deadman
Name:Elvis C Hoyle
Website:missing label
Location:New York, New York, United States
Bio:there is no salvation for the cubist burro.
Interests:150: 12 monkeys, ac/dc, adam and the ants, adam west, afghan whigs, akira kurosawa, al green, alf, alfred hitchcock, allegory, anagrams, andrew w.k., angelina jolie, animal rights, aretha franklin, art, batman (1966), bill hicks, billie holiday, bret easton ellis, bright eyes, cheap trick, chuck palahniuk, cinematic love, city of lost children, coen brothers, coffee, comedy, crispin hellion glover, d.h. lawrence, d.r.i., dave mckean, david bowie, david fincher, david lynch, dead man, dogs, donnie darko, dr. katz, eddie izzard, elliot smith, ennio morricone, errol flynn, fight club, film, film noir, fiona apple, franciose hardy, franz kafka, freaks and geeks, fydor dostoyevsky, george carlin, get a life, girls, girls without boyfriends, hanoi rocks, heathers, henry miller, hunter s. thompson, iggy pop, iron maiden, isadora edison, j. krishnamurti, jack black, james dean, jeff buckley, jim jaramusch, jim morrison, john coltrane, john lee hooker, johnny cash, johnny depp, johnny rotten, joy division, jsbx, jude christodal, kevin corrigan, land of the lost, leonard cohen, lewis carroll, lost and delirious, marcel duchamp, marilyn manson, marvin gaye, miles davis, misfits, monkeys, monty python, morphine, motown, mr. show, myst, mystery science theater 3000, nancy pimental, natalie portman, new york city, nick cave, nietzsche, northern exposure, ornette coleman, orson welles, photography, pin-stripe suits, postmodernism, pulp, quentin tarantino, radiohead, richard pryor, robby muller, rolling stones, roxy music, sarah silverman, screenwriting, se7en, serge gainsbourg, sergio leone, sex pistols, sid and marty krofft, simpsons, slayer, sly stone, space ghost, spinal tap, stanley kubrick, stevie wonder, stooges, terry gilliam, the birthday party, the cure, the daily show, the spitters, the the, tim burton, tindersticks, tom and jerry, tom jones, tom waits, tragedy, transcendence, vaganza, vegetarianism, vincent gallo, ween, wes anderson, william s. burroughs, william shakespeare, wings of desire, writing, x-files, young ones. [Modify yours]
People174:1015satnight, 1960, __lavantgarde, _fancypony, _play, agathagrimm, alishas, almostgold, apartment18, artemis, asterisk8, audreyyy, badbargain, bardot, beckylee, beeooll, belacqua, betanoir, bjorkdoll, boycreamgirl, candystripedleg, carrion_chorale, celestial_chaos, chaoseyes, chickthepox, chlorophylle, cholesterine, christabel, cigregrets, clarabella, collette, contrary, convolute, courtneychaos, cynthesizer, dangerkittie, darianknight, dawn_michele, deadman, deadmissbates, delilahdewylde, digital_sushi, domiane, dr2002, drugaddict, drwu, elektrasai, elliptic, emerginggoddess, enn, eulaliacarp, eurydice1, eviltwin, exraver, extemporaneous, faeryhead, fasterpussycat, featherlicious, florance_veil, foldedpagesfade, gaslamptramp, gingele, girlandagun, girlblah, godard, gracelizard, hereticalpigeon, hueca, incomple, ivoryocean, jesrabbit, jessicka, jonnyx, jsibelle, kerry_ridgley, kers3480, killthepixies, kittymalicious, koyoteblu, kristinhaze, kyla_elise, la_vanessa, lallorona, larrondo, leisure, lenoraclaire, lizzady, lovestruckromeo, lullaby, macdonnachaidh, makenosense, malestrina, mirabel, missinglabel, misspissypants, mommyanddaddy, monkey1976, moonpix7, motheaten, mquigley, mr_magica, mriotnrrd, mrsloane, mrwormies, musicforboys, nipplehead, noir_secrets, number12, nuyoricanwiz, obliquity, oksurprise, ouchouch, ouestucati, outlaw_jesus, paintwaste, paperthinwalls, paularubia, pixiechic, pollynichols, polyethylene, popkultur, quada, racyretro, refined, rise_and_fall, rlj, rocket_kitten, saintartaud, saintoblivion, salivating_bear, saving_a_day, seasleep, sheisobella, somavenus, son_of_nihilism, sonipak, sparklettogi, spoonfeeding, sssocialservice, starfuck, stephenl, stick_figure, suffocation, sulkygirl, supertangerine, suzycreamcheese, sweeteuphoria, tara_ashley, tawdryjones, tenebre_tenebre, terminalirony, the_ocean, theparadox, theredbean, thesam, tink, underyourfate, uninvited, venavix, venusaversa, verloren, vincentgallo, viscera, vrille, winterstheworst, wirestars, woundedmarigold, xanthi, xaotica, xaotica_fotos, xcellentq, xpolystyrenex, xtoohatex, zools
Communities11:batfans, bill_hicks, darkpinupgirls, fotolove, lightworks, photographie, photography, pictography, pinupgirls, self_portrait, swans
Friend of:170: 1015satnight, _fancypony, adamantine, agathagrimm, almostgold, artemis, artemistar, arthurfranz, asterisk8, audreyyy, back2mine, badbargain, bardot, beckylee, beeooll, betanoir, bjorkdoll, boltnuttz, boycreamgirl, build, bullfuckingshit, candystripedleg, celestial_chaos, ch, chaoseyes, christabel, cigregrets, colleeng, contrary, convolute, courtneychaos, cromoforo, dangerkittie, darianknight, darkmoonhart, dawn_michele, deadman, deadman13, deadmissbates, delilahdewylde, diapertrash, dolari, dosteric, drugaddict, drwu, elektrasai, elliptic, emerginggoddess, eulaliacarp, eurydice1, evil_budgie, eviltwin, exraver, extemporaneous, feelium007, florance_veil, foldedpagesfade, foxysteph, gaslamptramp, gingele, girlandagun, girlblah, godard, hakuai, hexadecimal, indiestructible, innerstate, insomneach, intotheroses, isadora_is_evil, ivoryocean, jesrabbit, jessicka, jewelsvs, jonnyx, jsibelle, kers3480, kimballcakes, kissmeimsick, kittymalicious, koyoteblu, kristinhaze, l8july, lallorona, larnaye, lenoraclaire, lizzady, lovestruckromeo, lullaby, macdonnachaidh, makenosense, malestrina, mirabel, mommyanddaddy, moonpix7, motheaten, mquigley, mriotnrrd, mrsloane, mya_detroit, nipplehead, noir_secrets, number12, nuyoricanwiz, oomi, ouchouch, ouestucati, paintwaste, palegreenmoons, paperthinwalls, paularubia, pettybeige, pixiechic, polyethylene, puerilitygeek, punkrockhottie, punkybrewster, quada, riney, rise_and_fall, rocket_kitten, roofie, saintoblivion, saving_a_day, secret_promise, sheisobella, shureshot, simply_pagan, slag, sneakysneak, son_of_nihilism, sonipak, sparklettogi, spoonfeeding, sssocialservice, starfuck, stationgoodbye, stephenl, stick_figure, suffocation, sugar_soul_doll, sulkygirl, supertangerine, suzycreamcheese, sweeteuphoria, tara_ashley, tawdryjones, tenebre_tenebre, tenkiya, terminalirony, ...
Member of:10: _haiku_, batfans, bill_hicks, johnny_depp, paidmembers, photographie, photography, self_portrait, sensuousart, teenagecrush
Account type:Paid Account

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