Tree Lore's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Tree Lore's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, December 3rd, 2004
    1:30 am
    Tree Lore: Pine Trees?

    I would like some information from you, if you would help me. I figure that this would be the best place to ask my question since my question involves trees and this place is indeed called [info]treelore.

    Ever since I could remember I think I've had a strong connection with pine trees and pine forests.

    I remember the first time that the connection *REALLY* hit me was a few years ago in a massive pine tree forest in Virginia. My family was taking a walk and I remember seeing all the evergreen trees around me and I was amazed that I couldn't see where the forest edge ended! Pine and pine needles were all that was visible for as far as the eye could see. I almost felt the magic in there, I swear it.

    I feel the most connected to nature/energy when I'm in a forest of tall pines like slash pines, loblolly pines or longleaf pines. In such a place I feel an irrational exuberance and I want to do childish things like hug trees or dance around or maybe even explore until I get utterly lost. No other type of tree works as well as these tall pines do, not even Christmas trees or other types of squat evergreens.

    (I suppose a possible explanation for the connection would be my Zodiac elemental alignment: I'm a Virgo and our element is Earth; in Chinese astrology I am a Rat and my element is Wood.)

    What I'm asking for is your thoughts on my connection, plus any sort of significance/symbolisms about pine trees. (Perhaps even in what kind of spells/rituals pines are usually used in.)

    Thank you for your time,

    Current Music: "Over Drive" by Move
    Saturday, October 23rd, 2004
    3:13 pm
    Don't Forget!!!! Come to the Tree Leaves 1st Annual Witches Faerie Ball!!!

    1st Annual Witches Faerie Ball

    Merchant's Cafe, Pioneer Square, in Downtown Seattle, WA

    9:00 PM - 2:00 AM

    FEATURING: The Xploding Boys (Cure Tribute), DJ's [info]catherinna & [info]perpetual_gb!

    Costume Contest, Card readings by [info]darkleaves, [info]maryviolet, [info]rockettqween, & Raven ...

    See For more details or view the Poster below for specifics!

    Current Mood: excited
    Saturday, October 9th, 2004
    6:37 pm
    10/23 Seattle, WA - Tree Leaves 1st Annual Witches Faerie Ball
    The Tree Leaves Oracle
    Will be Resurrected the Evening of October 23rd, 2004

    First Annual Witches Faerie Ball
    Saturday, October 23rd, 2004: 9 pm - 2 am
    Merchant's Cafe at Pioneeer Square
    109 Yesler Way, Seattle, Washington 98104
    Read more... )

    Current Mood: excited
    Friday, October 8th, 2004
    4:48 pm
    A beautiful gallery of sacred trees ...

    Current Mood: mesmerized
    Friday, September 24th, 2004
    3:15 am
    Mark your Calendar - Come out and Support Tree Leaves ...
    Bands are Tentative until confirmed

    Coming Soon, Website, Hotline, and Paypal Pre-Pay for tickets!

    Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
    7:57 pm
    Fire Magic - To Cure

    Fire Magic - To Cure

    ~ Light a fire of oak wood.
    When fire reduced to charcoal, take a piece of the charcoaled wood with tongs and toss into cold water. As it sizzles and pops - visualize the disease leaving the body of the afflicted person. Repeat 3 times.

    Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004
    12:58 am
    Black Drink .... Ilex Vomitoria

    Black Drink

    (Cassina Tea)

    Ilex Vomitoria

    Fond memories of Florida, I remember vividly these shrubs growing in my backyard ... from the classes in Anthropology and Ethno-botany, and the study of the Apalachee Indians ... I found their true mystery ... their true magic ... "Black Drink".

    "Black Drink", derived from translations of the native Apalachee names for the drink, the early Spaniards called the black beverage "Cassina" while the Brits called it "south seas Tea". This beverage is made from the roasted leaves of "Ilex vomitoria", a native holly to North Florida and southern Georgia known as "yaupon". Also the only native plant in the southeastern United States known to contain "caffeine".

    The Native Americans of the Southeast, including the Apalachee, consumed the hot black liquid for ritual purification and as a daily beverage, much as we do with coffee or chai tea today. Once the Europeans observed the natives drinking this beverage, they exported the yaupon leaves back to their homelands. During the Civil War, the soldiers drank it as a coffee substitute. But as coffee, Oriental teas, and chocolate found their way in availability in North America, Black Drink was quickly replaced, even though it was logged to still being served in North Carolinas as late as 1972.

    How to Prepare:

    Bring four cups of water to a boil, add an ounce of leaves, and continue to boil for 10 minutes. Once the water becomes yellowish and frothy, strain the leaves and serve the beverage hot or cold, sweetened or unsweetened, with or without milk/cream/ or soy.

    Current Mood: drained

    Saturday, May 8th, 2004
    5:03 pm
    Hello I would like to invite you to join [info]dharma_gaia to help support Mother earth.
    Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
    10:52 am
    Rowan Info
    Crossposting this from my journal at the request of Darkleaves:

    Rowan info [Nov. 24th, 2003|03:49 pm]

    Much interesting information about Rowan trees, including some mythological references across several cultures - Greek, Icelandic, Scandenavian, Scottish.

    Apparently like Birch, it is among the first trees to grow - but it likes open air and light, and so when the other trees grow up around it, sheltered by it, they end up smothering it. Here are a few excerpts from the link above:

    "...In ancient times, the rowan was referred to as the Tree of Life. Greek legend tells us that the birth of the rowan was precipitated by Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera, a youth Goddess who had the power to make the old young again. Hebe was cup bearer to the Gods, and lost Zeus's cup to a demon. The Gods sent an eagle to recover the cup, and in the ensuing battle, wherever a drop of blood or an eagle feather fell to earth, there grew a rowan tree. This is believed to be why the rowan has feathery leaves and berries like drops of blood.

    In Scandinavian legend, the first woman was born from a rowan tree, and the first man from an ash tree. A rowan tree is believed to have saved the life of Thor, by bending over a river in which he was being swept to his death, and helping him back onto land.

    In Icelandic myth, the rowan is particularly strong at the Winter Solstice. When it is bare of foliage and covered in frost, it appears to be covered in stars, expressing the outpouring of the spirit in the darkest part of the year. The myth of the star-dressed rowan possibly evolved from an ancient tradition of erecting moon-trees, covered with fruit and lights, and crowned with a crescent moon. A special star is said to glow atop these moon-trees, heralding the rebirth of light; this star was incorporated into Christian lore, and the star-clad rowan is thought to be a forerunner of the Christmas tree.

    The red berries of the rowan tree have ensured that it is held in high esteem by many pagan traditions, for red food has been traditionally seen as food of the Gods. Many legends attribute magical properties to rowan berries - the Irish 'Quicken tree of Dubhous' was said to bear berries which could transform a man of 100 to 30 years of age, if three were eaten, and another Irish legend tells of a rowan whose berries could sustain one with the strength of nine meals. This tree was said to be guarded by a dragon. In yet another Irish tradition, corpses were staked with a rowan branch bearing red berries, in order to keep the ghost from wandering, and ensure that it passes comfortably to its new abode. "

    Note - although this says that eating 3 berries makes a 100-year-old look like a 30-year-old, that may very well be through reincarnation. The berries (the seeds) are poisonous. (don't try this at home!).

    Comments from various people:

    2003-11-24 13:05 (link)
    I particularly like the part where the frost covered Rowan appears to be covered in stars. The Myth of the star-dressed rowan. I love that. Wow. The real live star tree!!

    2003-11-24 13:26 (link)
    hey, could you post this on the treelore community?

    2003-11-24 14:43 (link)
    I keep finding conflicting information as to whether the berries are actually poisonous or not. I thought they were for a long time, and some of the sources I've come across recently suggest that as long as you don't give it to children and mix it with other fruit, rowan berries are edible. I went trolling herb shops locally on Sunday looking for some, but didn't find any. Online I've found a few places to get rowanberry incense, but nothing for the actual berries. I know some CR folk who have actually eaten them with no ill effects, but I'd still try a small dose and proceed with caution.
    Wednesday, August 6th, 2003
    3:58 am
    Please re-join
    Greetings all -

    Our Microsoft Outlook failed and lost all the data held within. There is no way to restore it. Everyone's membership to Tree Leaves, the Faeid Fellowship, and Tree Lore have been corrupted and lost.

    We ask that everyone re-submit their applications when convenient.



    Tree Leaves' Membership: FREE
    (About the Folk Fellowship:

    The Faeid Fellowship: FREE
    (About the Faeid Fellowship:

    Tree Lore:

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Friday, August 1st, 2003
    11:39 am
    Aromatherapy: Sandalwood Essential Oil

    About Sandalwood:
    Santalum album.

    Gender: Feminine. Planet: Moon. Element: Water. Deities: unstated. Folk Names: Sandal, Santal, White Sandalwood, White Saunders, Yellow Sandalwood. Magical/Mythical Properties: Protection, Wishes, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality. Magical / Folklore:

    Sandalwood powder is burned during protection, healing and exorcism spells. When mixed with lavender it makes an incense designed to conjure spirits.
    More about Sandalwood and how to obtain )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Thursday, July 31st, 2003
    11:11 pm
    Aromatherapy: Sweet Orange Essential Oil

    About Sweet Orange:
    Citrus aurantium.

    Gender: Masculine. Planet: Sun. Element: Fire. Deities: unstated. Folk Names: Love Juice, Love Fruit. Magical/Mythical Properties: Love, Divination, Luck, Money. Magical / Folklore:

    The dried peel and seeds are added to love sachets, and the flowers to those sachets designed to lead to wedded bliss. The fresh or dried blossoms added to the bath make the bather more attractive. When you eat an orange, think of a question you want answered; it must be a yes/no question. Count the seeds in the orange: if they are of an even number, the answer is no. If odd, yes. Orange peel is added to prosperity powders, incenses and mixtures, and the Chinese have long considered oranges symbols of luck and good fortune. Orange juice is drunk in rituals in place of wine. An infusion of orange peels, drunk, will guard against later drunkeness, while the water distilled from orange flowers is added to love and lust potions and baths.
    (Scott Cunningham - 1985)
    more info and uses and how to obtain )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    10:55 pm
    Aromatherapy: Nutmeg Essential Oil

    About Nutmeg:
    Myristica fragrans.

    Gender: Masculine. Planet: Jupiter. Element: Fire. Deities: unstated. Folk Names: - no folk names stated -. Magical/Mythical Properties: Luck, Money, Health, Fidelity. Magical / Folklore:

    Nutmegs have long been carried as good luck charms, and are strug with star anise and tonka beans for a potent herbal necklace. Specifically, nutmegs are carried to ward off rheumatism, cold sores, neuraligis, boils, and sties. A nutmeg hung from a string around a baby's neck will aid in its teething. Nutmeg is included in many money/prosperity mixtures, and (ground) is sprinkled onto green candles for this purpose as well. To ensure your lover's fidelity, cut a nutmeg into exactly four pieces. Bury one part in the Earth; throw one off a cliff into the air; burn the third part, and boil the last in water. Drink a sip of the water and take this last piece of nutmeg with you everywhere; sleep with it under your pillow at night. No one will tempt your mate.
    (Scott Cunningham - 1985)more aromatherapy and uses and how to obtain )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    10:38 pm
    Aromatherapy: Myrrh Essential Oil

    About Myrrh:
    Commiphora myrrha.

    Gender: Feminine. Planet: Moon. Element: Water. Deities: Isis, Adonis, Ra, Marian. Folk Names: Gum Myrrh Tree, Karan, Mirra Balsom Odendron. Magical/Mythical Properties: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality. Magical / Folklore:

    Ritual Uses: Myrrh was burned to Ra at noon in ancient Egypt, and was also fumed in the temple of Isis. Magical uses: Burned as an incense myrrh purifies the area, lifts the vibrations and creates peace. However, it is rarely burned alone; usually in conjunction with frankincense or other resins. Myrrh increases the power of any incense to which it is added. Myrrh is also included in healing incenses and sachets, and its smoke is used to consecrate, purify, and bless objects such as amulets, talismans, charms, and magical tools. Myrhh also aids meditation and contemplation. It is often added to sachets, usually with frankincense.
    (Scott Cunningham - 1985)more aromatherapy and uses and how to obtain )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    10:17 pm
    Aromatherapy: Lemon Essential Oil

    About Lemon:
    Citrus Limonum.

    Gender: Feminine. Planet: Moon. Element: Water. Deities: unstated. Folk Names: Lemon, Limon, Leemon. Magical/Mythical Properties: Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship. Magical / Folklore:

    Lemon Juice is mixed with water and the resultant mixture is used to wash amulets, jewelry and other magical objects which have been obtained second-hand. This wash ensures that all negative vibrations are cleansed from the object in question. The juice is also added to bath water at the time of the full Moon for its purificatory powers.

    The dried flowers and peel are added to love sachets and mixtures, and the leaves are used in lust teas. A lemon tree grown from a seed which was taken from a lemon that you have consumed is a highly appropriate gift to a loved one, although admittedly this is a long process. Lemon pie, served to a spouse, will help strengthen fidelity, and a
    more lore and uses, how to obtain )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Monday, July 28th, 2003
    10:32 pm
    Aromatherapy: Juniper Berry Essential Oil

    1/2 fl. oz of 100% Pure Juniper Berry Essential Oil

    About Juniper Berry:
    Juniperus Communis.

    Gender: Masculine. Planet: Sun. Element: Fire. Deities: unstated. Folk Names: Enebro, Gemeiner Wachholder (German), Geneva, Gin Berry, Gin, Ginepro, Gin Plant. Magical/Mythical Properties: Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health. Magical / Folklore:

    Used throughout Europe as a protective herb, Juniper also guards against theft. It was probably one of the earliest incenses used by Mediterranean Witches. Juniper hung at the door protects against evil forces and persons, and it is burned in exorcism rites. A sprig of the plant protects its wearer against accidents and attacks by wild animals. It also guards against ghosts and sickness. Juniper is added to love
    more about Juniper Berry and how to obtain )

    9:13 pm
    Aromatherapy: Frankincense Essential Oil

    1/2 fl. oz of 100% Pure Frankincense Essential Oil

    About Frankincense:
    Buswellia thurifera.

    Gender: Masculine. Planet: Sun. Element: Fire. Deities: Ra, Baal. Folk Names: Incense, Olibans, Olibanum, Olibanus. Magical/Mythical Properties: Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality. Magical / Folklore:

    Frankincense, when burned, releases powerful vibrations that uplift those of the area, and drives out all evil and negativity in process. Therefore its
    more about Frankincense and how to obtain )

    8:38 pm
    Aromatherapy: Eucalyptus Essential Oil

    1/2 fl. oz of 100% Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil

    About Eucalyptus:
    Eucalyptus globulus.

    Gender: Feminine. Planet: Moon. Element: Water. Deities: unknown. Folk Names: Blue Gum Tree, Stringy Bark Tree.
    Magical/Mythical Properties: Healing, Protection. Magical / Folklore: The leaves are used to stuff healing poppets and are carried to maintain good health.
    more lore and how to obtain )

    Thursday, June 5th, 2003
    1:37 pm
    Herbs, Incenses ...

    Click image for information on obtaining, medicinal properties, and lore. For: Cinnamon (infection prevention, pain relief, etc.), Catnip (cat intoxicant, tranquilizer, asthma relief, etc), Dragon's Blood (protection, love, empowerment), House Protection Incense, Love Incense, Bay Leaves (cockroach repellent, menstruation promoter, arthritis, etc.), Basil (kills intestinal parasites, clears acne, immune stimulant, etc.), Mistletoe (love attraction, fertility enhancement, cancer treatment, AIDS treatment, protection, etc.), Buckthorne Bark (laxative, purgative, cancer treatment, etc.), and Cardamom Seed Powder (love attraction, culinary, relieves flatulence, and indigestion, etc.) ... that's all for now ... Check them out!

    Cinnamon Chips

    Catnip - you know your cat wants some if you don't!

    more herbs upgraded at )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Tuesday, April 29th, 2003
    10:35 pm
    May Day

    Beltane/May Day (May 1st)

    may day   

    About Beltane

    "May Day Traditions"

    "Beltane" is a celebrated sabbat and holiday of Indo-European
    Paganism that was later adapted by Christianity, and then
    "holiday culture." In terms of "holiday
    culture", is meant the current trend within our culture to
    take really traditional practices & rites and commercialize
    them or turn them into a non-religious "fun" holiday
    game or party favor. (Cypress Knee) As there is nothing wrong with this
    evolution or abstraction of tradition in itself, its very
    important to understand the tradition and to respect its origins.

    "May Day",
    "Walpurgisnacht", or "Beltane", which
    traditionally falls on April 30th or May 1st. Originally known as
    "Beltane or Bealtaine" , which in Irish Gaelic means
    "Fires of Bel" or "Bright Fires" it is the
    celebration of Summer’s first fires beginning to stir.

    may day with Black Dirt    May Day is traditionally celebrated by a band of
    tribespeople (men & women) going out into the woods,
    gathering the May pole, vines, flowers, wreaths, and
    greens - breaking in-between to celebrate Summers warmth
    in the guise of body heat frolicking in the leaves. The holiday is usually celebrated by a ritual involving dancing around the May pole that is ritually constructed with the focus of reproduction, rebirth, birth, and fertility.

    For more information about Beltane, Read some Articles on Beltane by Member Red Selchie.

    Cypress Knee's article on How to Make a May Pole

    Tom's article on How to Make a May Pole out of a Live Tree

    Oisin-Yew's article on How to Make a Fire May Pole

    Pictures from May Day Celebrations - year 2000

    Picture from Tree Leaves' May Fest 2001


    Current Mood: cheerful
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