The Wayback Machine -
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "gays".
418 matches:
1n_or_0ut - to be or not to be
________xxx - 8 X's
_____sexxi_only - For Teens Who Are Sexxi To The Core
__cut - GETTiNG SCARS.
__fku__ - Fat Kids Unite
__hidden_image - rawr... i'm different
__le_hurr - __le_hurr
__roboticvanity - Robot lovin, ugly-people hating, vanity community.
_above_all_ - we're above all
_adventures_ - _adventures_
_after_the_rain - after the rain
_anti_gay_ - _anti_gay_
_bold_as_love_ - Gay people with disabilities
_carsonkressley - Carson Kressley Fans
_f_f_y_r - Fight For Your Rights
_fagxcore_ - Being A Fag Doesn't Make You A Pussy!
_fcukenbitches - We can be bitches if we wanna be bitches
_glbt_n_br - Gays in Baton Rouge
_glittersorez - glittersorez
_jerkcity - Unofficial Jerkcity Community
_knowyoulive - Self Injury Community
_le_tigre - Le Tigre
_mystruggle - _mystruggle
_nuns_on_acid_ - The Pope Is Gay
_pussywhipped - .<3 le tigre//bikini kill <3. love
_radlikewhoa_ - _radlikewhoa_
_trigger_happy_ - Self Injury Community
_xunwantedx_ - We are the unwanted
_your_so_vain - x you're so vain x
adamsexual - adamsexuality
addme_glbt - Addme GLBT
adriansgaybar - adriansgaybar
adulternatives - Adulternatives
aids - hiv positive
alabamagaybois - Alabama Gay Boys
alexwaltonisgay - The Official "Alex Walton Is Gay" Community
alt_expressions - Alternative Expressions
alterna_fags - alterna_fags
altnu - Alternative Non - Uglies
altpersonals - Alternative Personals
amifat - AM I FAT?
anti_homophobia - Embrace the rainbow
any_bodied_men - A Community For Men Of All Bodies
askjenny - Need Advice? Ask Jenny!
assholetothemax - assholetothemax
aural_whorl - aural whorl
average_homos - The Average Homosexuals
ayebiguys - Jac and Keira and their favorite guys
azpoly_rainbow - AZ Poly Community
babylon_jets - the "Queer as Folk" gang
bad_sex - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
bay_area_gguys - Gay guys in the bay area
bc_queers - bc_queers
bears_and_cubs - Bears and Cubs Community =^o^=
beautiful_n_bi - beautiful bisexuals
between3worlds - Hyphenated Subcultures
bi_australia - Bi_Australia
bi_les_texas - Bisexual & Lesbian Texans
bi_maine - bi_maine
bi_people - bisexual
bicuriousgirls - bicurious girls
bifriends - Bisexual Friends
big_brother_uk - * Big brother UK 5 is here!! *
biosexual - biosexual
bisexual - LiveJournal Bisexual
bisexual_world - Bisexual World
bitchesna - Bitches Non-Anonymous
boring_homos - boring_homos
bothroads - bisexual teens
boytoys - Boytoys
breaking_ties - break
brenthood - *The Crew*
bxsci_freaks - Bronx Science Freaks
cabaretmidnight - cabaretmidnight
canttakemehome - Missundaztood Pink Fans
central_il_glbt - GLBT and allies in central IL
chicago_girls - Women of Chicago
chosenfamily - Families We Choose
christianfreaks - jesus was a rebel
christiangay - Gay Christians
cincinnati_goth - Cincinnati Goth
civilunionplans - Civil Union Planning
claim_a_fag - Claim A Fag!
claimyourgayboy - Claim Your Gayboy
comingout - Coming Out Support
cone_and_deryck - Cone/Deryck
converse_flag - Converse College F.L.A.G. Community
cool_n_alt - For the cool alternative kids
copacetic_sexes - The Copacetic Sex's
cosprings_glbt - Colorado Springs GLBT
crazycuteboys - crasycuteboys
cunthouse - Cunthouse
cyber__sex - Um, your mom.
davieboys - Bi and Gay Males of South Florida
daytonqueers - daytonqueers
deadfairy - We'll all fly away
dontcallmequeer - DONT CALL ME QUEER
dontxjudgexme - I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK
downelink - downelink
drag_kings - Drag Kings
dream_dates - Claim a Date
drivedrivedrive - The Bonnaroo Road Trip Journal!
erotic_dezirez - erotic_dezirez
etheridge_angel - Melissa Etheridge owns you all
everythingsexy -'s everywhere
eyecandies - Eyecandies - The "fair" rating community
fabhomos - Fab Homos and their Fab Faghags (rating community)
faceblind - Face-Blindness (Prosopagnosia)
faghags - the original fag hags community
faghagz - We Love Gay Men
fagsandfaghags - fagsandfaghags;
fagsrus - Fags R Us
fagxcrew - for fags only
fan_vids - fan_vids
fashionablefag - Fashionable Fag
fat_chick_lovin - We are/love fat chicks
fchs_gsa - fchs_gsa
femalearchetype - The Female Archetype
femboysfrmvenus - Fem Boys From Venus
femmelesbians - Girlie Girls and The Girls Who Love Them
femnistcatholic - feminist catholics and other rebels
findpenpals - Gay and Lesbian Pen Pals Community
fl_bi_girls - Bisexuals and Lesbians of Florida
flamedames - Flame Dames-For Girls Who Love Boys who Love Boys
forgottenbytime - Forgotten by Time
fortheloveofsex - For the Love of Sex
forthenotnormal - for the not normal
forumzers - @Forumzers
freaking_losers - *~*~* LOSER! *~*~*
freaks_inc - Freaks and Geeks and Inbetween
fruitflies - Friends of the Friends of Dorothy
fruitfliescomic - Fruit Flies
fuck_tanis - fuck_tanis
fuckhomophobia - Fuck Homophobia
gay_boys - Gay Boys
gay_icons - Icons On the Other Side of the Rainbow
gay_is_ok - gay_is_ok
gay_marriage - Gay_Marriage
gay_me_up - Gay Kids and Their Buffy-Lovin'
gay_men - Gay_Men
gay_minneapolis - Gay Minneapolis / St. Paul
gay_musicians - Gay Musicians
gay_new_england - Gay New England
gay_promo - gay_promo
gayacceptance - Gay Acceptance
gayaustin - Queer Austin
gaybaltimore - Gays in the Baltimore area
gayboi - GayBoi's
gaycafe - The Gay Café
gaydom - gaydom
gaygeeks_pa - gaygeeks_pa
gayhansonfans - Gay and Lesbian Hanson Fans
gayicons - Gay Icons
gaykidsunited - Gay Kids United
gaykidz_usa - The Diary of Ronny (v1.5 beta)
gaylasvegas - Gay Las Vegas
gaymarriagedbt - Gay Marriage Debate
gaymotorcyclist - Gay Motorcyclists
gayrotica - gayrotica
gays - Gay Boys
gays_on_toast - That's so straight!
gayslaves - Gay Slaves
gaysofourlives - Gays Of Our Lives
gaytennessee - Gay Tennessee
gaytv - gayTV
gayusa - Gay USA
geoqueers - geoqueers
gh_forensics - Granada Hills Forensics
gimp_crew - Gimp Crew
girl_and_girl - girl_and_girl
girl_wants_girl - Girls can love girls, too.
girlfags - GirlFags
girlzine - GIRLZINE
glbs_in_socal - glbs_in_socal
glbt_books - GLBT-Books
glbt_in_nwohio - GLBT in Northwest Ohio
glbt_rate - We're beautiful too.
glitter_fairiez - Dig me now, Fuck me later, sing it to the tune of
glitterrimjob - GLITTER RIMBJOB!
graphicwhore - graphicwhore
gsa - Gay-Straight Alliance
gsa_lj - Gay/Straight Alliance on Live Journal
gsa_network - gsa_network
gurlirawk - The Devils Little Messangers
hail_victory - White Nationalist Community
have_your_say - Speak Out
hawt_shyt - I'm hawt, you're nawt!
heeroyuy01 - Gay Atlanta
hippiecommune - hippiecommune
homo_core - homo_core
homofobia_sucks - Embrace the rainbow
homomississippi - HomoMississippi
homophobes_suck - homophobes_suck
horny_pride - The Horny Pride Movement
hot2thexcore - ***Think Your Hot? Prove it!***
hotqueersunite - Fagtabulous
hottiemcnaughty - Hottie McNaughties Unite!
hotties_only - â¢â¢â¢are you hot?
houstonsex - houstonsex
hygh_lyghter - The Hygh Lyghts of Clarion
i_am_pansexual - Pansexual and Proud of it
icon_thieves - Icon Thieves
imacommentwhore - â?
comment whore
imnotwrong - i know it
incestmania - Incest Mania
ineedtogetlaid - ineedtogetlaid
innerbeautyslum - Innerbeauty Slumz
islynngay - Is Lynn Gay?
israeli_glbt - israeli queers unite!
itscalledpride - Its Called Pride
ixrockxnxuxdont - girls kiss girls
jcalendar - smile.empty.bottle
jermishlim - Jermishlim.....The other German Jews
jmuqueers - JMU Queers
kill_hypocrites - Thinking in depth
kinknews - Kink in the News
kucinich - Kucinich for President 2004
la_oc_cali_gays - For The Priviliged LA and OC Vatos
lambda_lefties - Lavender Wobbly-Trots
le_beauty - ::â¥~â¥::Le_Beauty::â¥~â¥::
les_n_bi_girls - lesbian and bi girls
lesbian_hotties - The Lesbian Community
lesbian_icons - lesbian icons
lesbiancafe - Cyber Dykes Inc.
lesbiansingles - Lesbian Singles
lesbiansover30 - Lesbians Over 30
lesbianswithiq - Females with intelligence.
lesbigay_mwest - Les/Bi/Gay Midwest Community
lgbt - Open-minded LGBT Community
lgbt_nl - LGBT Newfoundland and Labrador
lgbtq_sexcapade - lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer sexcapades!
lgbtqa_michigan - Safe Space
lgbtqaissues - lgbtqa issues
liberal_kids - It's All About the Human Rights, People.
liberal_minds - Liberal_minds
ljgayicons - ljgayicons
lonergroup - The Loner Group
love_and_peace - The Crazy Hippie Club
love_this_homo - Living in the closet.
lovely_freaks - Delicious Freaks
lovesneverwrong - Love is Never Wrong
lustful_queer - Lustful Queer
mancglbt - Manchester GLBT Youth - Open to ALL
marriage_debate - The Gay Marriage Debate
marriageisluv - It is about love...
masters_paws - masters_paws
mbcsouls - SOULS at Mary Baldwin
md_lezzies - Lesbians from Maryland
mens_studies - Men's Studies
minkland - Minkland
minnesota_queer - Minnesota GLBT
minority_threat - fresh off the boat!
mirrorwhores - mirrorwhores
miserablefucks - we are miserable fucks
missiondistrict - missiondistrict
mitm_comic - Morgan in the Morning!
mm_man_nipples - I like Man Nipples
morweneledwen - Models of the Noir
mya_lj - mya_lj
mystikspyralz - Mystical Spyralz Of Love
ne_queers - ne_queers
nerve_wrecking - Serious wetness may occur
never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
newbienudes -
nn4an - United States GLBT Association
nnjmetrogaybi - NNJMetroGayBi
nonuglieselite - NonUgliesElite
nonuglygaynlez - The Non-ugliest gays and lesbians
nonuglyradqueer - rad queers that are non ugly
not_so_cool - The unique ones
nrr_revisited - The Non-Rodent Related board revisited
nujls - NUJLS
nw_bi_grrls - Bisexual Women in the Northwest, Bay-bee!
ny_gayboys - ny_gayboys
nycgayguys - ~Gay Guys In The NYC Area~
nycgayteens - Gay Bois
nystategays - NYSGays
ohio_teenz_n_up - ohio_teenz_n_up
ohiomale4male - ohiomale4male
openboston - open minded boston
operationorange - Operation Orange - Self Injury Support
orange_monterey - The Monterey Chapter of Operation Orange
oregon_bisexual - Oregon Bisexuals
pandemoniumcafe - Pandemonium Cafe
pansexual_news - Pansexual News
pansexualpeople - open to possibilities
patparker - we are the fans of Patrica Parker.
pflag - Parents, Familes and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
plasticloveco - The Plastic Love Company
poetic_bglt - BGLT Poetry
polyamory_uk - Polyamory UK
polypersonals - Polyamory Personals
polytriaduk - Poly Triad UK
pornoslut711 - Porn, Perverts, Sex...Oh My!
postit420 - This, that and the other
power_2_rainbow - *~*~PoWeR tO tHe RaInBoW~*~*
pretty_lesbians - Lesbians... who are pretty... on the inside!
prettyboyskiss - Boys kissing, yo!
prettypieces - Pretty Pieces
project_mikomi - ~* A Support Community For All *~
psychotic_art - Psychotic Art
purdy_lesbians - Lesbians
qafmuisteloita - qafmuisteloita
qlimpingangelsq - qlimpingangelsq
queer - queer
queer_asfolk - Queer As Folk
queer_pinups - queer_pinups
queer_wiccans - queer_wiccans
queeractivism - queer activism
queeramerica - Queer America
queeraustralia - Queer Australia
queerbc - Queer British Columbia
queerbiloxi - For all Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered
queerchoice - The Queer by Choice Community
queerlyfit - Thee Queer-ious Fitnut
queermelbourne - Queer Melbourne
queerneworleans - Queer New Orleans
queernyc - queer in nyc
queerottawa - queerottawa
queerpoets - Queer Poets
queerspots - Queer Hot Spots
queertas - Queer Tasmanians
random_guys - Hotness is Random
ratingprep - Ratingprep - Practice for rating communities
razor_dreams - Razor Dreams
reggiegurl - reggiegurl
rejects_galore - Get Rejected? Join Here
rock_da_cack - *!*~The Stars~*!*
rps0f3vryc0lor - RPS of Every Color
runningnaked - Running Naked
rvr - Aussie
ryanslocker - Ryan's Locker
sacredyew - The Sacred Yew
satellite_gsa - Gay-Straight Alliance
sbnn - Straight But Not Narrow
seanhayesplace - !~Just Sean~!
seannmeganfe - Scene Stealers! The Best Couple there Never was!
seattlehomos - Seattle Homos
semi_closetedbi - The Semi-Closeted Bisexuals
sex_deprived - sex_deprived
sex_ducks_blood - sex_ducks_blood
sex_pics - sex_pics
sexexpert - Sex Expert
sexplorers - SEXPLORING 4 LYFE
sexualitybc - sexualitybc
sexxxygaypeople - [Feelin' Homosexual Lately..]
sf_expats_in_la - San Francisco Expatriates Living In Los Angeles
sfpoly - San Francisco Bay Area Poly* Folk
shakti_sexpert - shakti_sexpert
shirtless_bears - SHIRTLESS BEARS
shirtless_fags - shirtless_fags
silencexisxloud - silencexisxloud
simplybroken - Yeah Yeah Yeah
slash_fringe - Slash Fringe
so___sexxi - For The Sexy
socal_trans - Southern California Transpeople
socalfatqueers - Southern California Fat Queers!
societystandard - Fuck Society Standards
sometimeyousuck - Sometimes You Suck
southernlesbian - Girls Loving Girls in the South
spunkrp - Spunk - Queer As Folk RP
spunschoolclub - south puget sound unschool club
stefab - since I was born I wanted to be gay
straightsvsgays - Straights Versus Gays
strgaybearchubs - Straight/Gay Bears and Chubs
studsnchicks - Hottie
swingcreative - GLBT Art
take_back_media - Take Back The Media!!!
team_femme - team_femme
teamgay - teamgay
tearsofpain - Squeeksandfriends!
teh_hawt_crue - WE ARE HAWT KTHXBI.
texas_lesbians - Texas Lesbians
tgpersonals - Transgender Personals
the_gayest - the_gayest
the_rainbowroom - the_rainbowroom
the_silent_type - falling_up_86
theicarusline - The Icarus Line Community
theopenmic - TheOpenMic
thesex_ontoast - Butter?
thinkkink - Think Kink
those_darn_kids - those darn kids
three_some - Threesomes
tommaso - a community for the discussion of queer literature
top_debater - Debate
total_equality - total_equality
transtexas - Genderqueer
tristan_eves - Tristan Eves ~ The Grooming Guru
trojanwhoresdc - The Trojan Whores
uber_yaoi - uber_yaoi
under__pressure - Gay Rights Promoters/Activists
unsharedsecrets - Unshared Secrets
ur_personality_ - ur_personality_
utahgays - Utah Gay Pride
vcl_kink - The Weird, Wild, & Wonderful of VCL
webcamboys - Where The Young, and Hung Can Cum and Play
webcamboyselite - Elite Wh0res
wecipa_kids - wecipa_kids
wehatematt - Anti-Matt Pearson
wehoboys - LJ Community For West Hollywood Gays & Friends
welovegayboys - Gays
whole_enchilada - [[ the whole enchilada ]]
wickedfeelings - Wicked Feelings Original RPG
wife_killer - God Wants A Piece Of My Ass
willngracewjnk - ....the best show on television!.....
windsor_gay - Windsor Gay
winnipeg_dorks - A place where weirdos unite!
wv_teen - wv_gayteens
x_tru_goddess_x - lil_sarry_babi
xqueeredgex - xqueeredgex
xxthe_endxx - xXxDiamond ScarsxXx
yaoi_art - -Yaoi Art-
yehudi_muzar - Yehudi Muzar
you_are_pretty - Everyone Is Beautiful
you_better_work - Only The Best
youbored - youbored
young_gays - the young ones
Interested users
The following users are interested in gays. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
421 matches: