The Quest for Communities' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in The Quest for Communities' LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, February 9th, 2005
    5:17 pm
    I'm searching for a Shiina Ringo and Tokyo Jihen community! Any ideas?


    Current Mood: hungry
    Current Music: Shiina Ringo - Torikoshi Kurou
    Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
    6:38 pm
    community to ask for a small non-material help (postcards)
    i wonder if there is a community (-ies?) with people i can ask for a little help
    i need some material for my homepage
    it could be a postcard sent from any point ot the world by ordinary mail (the post stamp is most important)

    thanks in advance for any information (it's in Russian only)
    Monday, February 7th, 2005
    10:54 pm
    I looking for a community about music I found one that is called rockmusic what other ones r there.
    12:22 pm
    Witch Crafts
    Is there a slightly active community dealing with both paganism and crafts? Out of pure curiosity, I threw [info]witchcrafts into the username search and it is what I am looking for...just dead.

    I was thinking maybe the name wasn't as obvious.

    LJ should really have a multiple-interest search...but, I think it would be a hassle.
    1:58 pm
    I need to belong
    Alright, I'm a guitar playing headbanger singer poet chik looking for a community. Music is my life and I'm a huge fan of Christian hardcore and metal. I like Zao, Extol, Seventh Seal, As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Haste the Day, Demon Hunter, Dead Poetic, Skillet, Showbread, Project 86, Blindside, Emery, East West, Spoken, the now broken-up E-SO, anything that rox pplz faces off. If anybody knows of or has a community with people that like those bands, or just fellow headbanger guitar chiks, let me know.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: "Skin Like Winter" by Zao
    Sunday, February 6th, 2005
    12:18 pm
    I've seen a lot of users with these icons with white backgrounds and a cartoonish face which I guess is meant to look like them. Does anyone know the ones I mean? If so, I was wondering if there was a community that made these, or if not where people got them from? Just curiosity, really, but if anyone could help that would be great. :) Thanks!

    Current Mood: curious
    1:33 pm
    im looking for many communities. i LOVE being apart of realyl good communities that give good information and are always active .

    looking for (exactly) :

    1. ashlee simpson
    2. cheerleading
    3. books/movies
    4. one tree hill
    5. fashion : new trends , cheap stores all that stuff

    thats all . thanks for any help
    2:54 am
    Any communities for:

    1)People who love and/or are obsessed with Grease the movie

    2)John Travolta fans


    4)people interested in the field of journalism/telecommunications
    Saturday, February 5th, 2005
    7:43 pm
    I was wondering if anyone knew a place where I could find rename codes. Or anything to that effect.
    11:37 pm
    im looking for a community where i can get moving icons...i know theres tons of them, but maybe somebody knows one where you can get all kinds of icons!

    thaks in advance
    9:15 pm
    Does any one know of a community where thought provoking conversations are discussed? Philosophy possibly. Or Literature?

    3:06 pm
    I'm looking for a community where I can ask for someone to make me a layout.

    I know there are many out there but I am having a little bit of difficulty because I know nothing what-so-ever about layouts and a lot of communities require that you fill out some questions about what you are looking for and post that but I don't even understand their questions due to my lack of knowledge on the subject.

    So I'm looking for a layout community that is userfriendly for people with little or no knowledge of layouts.
    Friday, February 4th, 2005
    5:27 pm
    does anyone know of any communities for poetry writers? please let me know.
    Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005
    11:55 am
    Anyone know of an existing community that deals with adverse reactions to Quinolone antibiotics such as cipro or levaquin?
    5:45 pm
    Ищутся люди!
    новое сообщество nuclear_future, специализирующееся на ядерной энергетике, ищет единомышленников!
    8:49 pm
    I was wondering if anybody knows any communities for the movie:
    The Notebook
    - Icons, Discussions, Pictures, -annnnnything-
    much love and appreciation in advance =) xxx
    Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
    2:25 pm
    Masanobu Ando community?
    Anyone there who knows if there is a community about the great japanese actor Masanobu Ando? (played in Battle Royale)

    Any help is appreciated!

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Hitomi - By Myself
    7:27 pm
    GLBT community?
    Hey there.

    I am searching for a Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender community for people from New Zealand. There are tons of GLBT communities, but practically all the members are from America or beyond. I want to find a place where I can talk to fellow Queers from my country, a place to hang and meet up.

    If there is no such community, anybody interested in making one with me?
    Monday, January 31st, 2005
    2:14 pm
    Ok, here's a toughie, I wonder if someone knows of such a group that might have this description...

    We're just out of college, and some of us are in grad school. We're not big party-types and we're pretty conservative (socially, not NECESSARILY politically). Our ideal Saturday night is just getting together with a few friends for dinner and a movie, no big whoop. Now if that's not available, we could spend the evening alone with a good book. That's not a big deal either. But generally we're pretty quiet, conservative people and reject the idea that a good time requires 50 people, lots of girls, loud music and 2 kegs of beer.
    Sunday, January 30th, 2005
    11:21 pm
    Where iiiis it.
    Communities for Camera phone pictures and such?
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