The EVEN FURTHER Adventures of the Time Being [entries|friends|calendar]
Puru Purusha Puranas Puruzin

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Oh yeah, I am addicted alright. [21 Feb 2005|06:55am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Yasunori Mitsuda - One Who Bares Fangs at God ]

Going to log on to WoW and run my highest level character out to some place to farm linen for bags. Before Work. 10 minutes before I have to leave for work.


And yet I still manage to have a social life outside of the game (woo! Insomnia sometime this week, the Church later on, visiting people again!). . .how DO I do it?

I think a low fibre, high fat and sugar diet helps.

. . .ok, maybe not.

P.S. And as much as I like Bear Form in the game. . .I really do not like having to see Bear Butt every time I transform. Maybe I can macro it to switch when I transform and switch back when I revert to elf form again.

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Yeah. [21 Feb 2005|05:40am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Power Station - Some Like It Hot (Extended) ]

One of the few places I have any memories of is back in town. No, not Chumley's you fruits. I speak of a lovely little place called INSOMNIA. If half of what I have heard about that place (and subsequently things I have done there or around the place) are true, then we are in for some interesting posts.

Anyway, if you live in Dallas and you remember the place, are looking for a new and different coffeehouse or just bored, go there. And if it seems boring your first time, KEEP GOING, something odd is always bound to happen there, trust me.

Anyway, that is that. . .I have pies to make before going to work. Better get started on them.

P.S. To whom it may concern, email about those jobs have been sent off. Should hear something today and will forward the info onward. Here is to everything working out. . .even though ". . .we understand, there is no plan."

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Phone Post: [21 Feb 2005|02:07am]
107K 0:31
“This is Voodoolimbo with a test recording. Yeah, this is a test. This is only a test. If it had not been a test, it would be followed by, uh, well, err, something that would resemble a post, but its not going to, not this late. Its 2:10. I am about to go to bed. But this is the last ting I'm doing before I wake up again in, oh, four hours. Talk to everybody later. Goodnight everybody.”

Transcribed by: [info]midnightfae
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I neglected to mention. . . [20 Feb 2005|05:29pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Something on QQ radio. Cannot hear it in the back. How odd ]

I bought new shoes today and yes I am quite pleased about this event to be honest. I am such a clothes horse, honestly.

See, I am probably the only male (over the age of 12) that most of you know that would walk into a store, look at and try on a pair of shoes, say "Mine!" and promptly wear them around for the rest of the day. . .but that is just normal for me.

Now if only the owner would get back so I can give him back his laptop. I have been looking into the jeeeeargs since I got here, but I have yet to even start the freaking laundry, bah. At least I found 4 jearghs that I am uniquely qualified for and they are hoping to fill in the next 2 months.

I guess I will just wait around and see, not like this is all that bad. Now where are those PCs with WoW or CoH on them here? Hmmm.

P.S. Is it me or is it a slow day here in LJ? And I am not referring to the server speed. . .

P.P.S. I got my brother addicted to dotHack. I will not see him for months.

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Hm. [20 Feb 2005|03:57pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | still nothing. ]

So someone tell me, is it really worth it for me to be able to do phone posts from work? Would anyone want to hear me talk about my day or whatever pops into my mind?

And if so, is there anyone out there that would want to transcribe it for me, (aside from me that is)?

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One last thing. . . [18 Feb 2005|06:01am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Yoichiro Yoshikawa - Yearning Goal ]

Going to have to do something especially nice for [info]nightwisp in the next few weeks. Anyone have any ideas on what I could do? Bear in mind money may be a issue if it is this or next week.

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Oooh! [15 Feb 2005|06:53pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Swing Out Sister - Breakout (Nad Mix) ]

My friend list is full of scamps and rapscallions! Grr. I oughtta. . .

. . .and nothing I can say that I would do would be seen as a threat. Not because I will not carry it out, but because I WOULD. Bah. BAH I say!

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Two things. . . [12 Feb 2005|09:19am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Pop Poppins - I Need It ]

One, I have amazing and caring friends. They do things for me at the oddest times and I cannot thank them enough. This time the thank you goes to [info]calicoelfie. You know what you did and when you did it, even thought you tricked me into it. Yet and still, thank you very, very much.

Also, happy birthday to you [info]petfish, but you will never catch up to me. Heh, you know this right?

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Well this certainly is good news. (To me at least) [11 Feb 2005|11:15am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Daft Punk - Revolution 909 ]


Daft Punk have confirmed details of their third studio album ’Human After All’.

The album, their first new studio record in four years will be released on March 21 and is the follow-up to 2001’s ’Discovery’.

The duo Thomas Bangalter and Guy Manuel de Homem Christo say they recorded the ten tracks of the new album in six weeks between September and November this (2004) year in their home studio in Paris.

The tracklisting runs:

‘ Human After All’
‘ The Prime Time Of Your Life’
‘ Robot Rock’
‘ Steam Machine’
‘ Make Love’
‘ The Brainwasher’
‘ On / Off’
‘ Television Rules The Nation’
‘ Technologic’
‘ Emotion’

The first single, Robot Rock, will be released on March 14, and will be on air in France on January 24...

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Damn. [11 Feb 2005|10:02am]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | The Cure - Bloodflowers (Live) ]

And I thought people here on livejournal were good at trolling, flamebaiting and generally asshatery. But the people on beats anyone here, hands down.

What am I rambling about? Just this link here, with the headline: "Union demands Toyota grant workers menstrual leave, on demand and without apology. Period".

I request reclassification to alien. . .as in from another planet, effective immediately. Sort of like these guys from the Daft Punk videos for theiir album "Discovery" AKA The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (yes, those are fives and the actual title of the storyline in the videos). . .

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Once more unto the breech. . . [10 Feb 2005|09:46pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | The Cure - Charlotte Sometimes ]

. . .changing clothes, heading out to the Church. Dancing is always fun for me.

Ok, going to go get ready to get my *snap* groove on.

And once again. . .here I go!

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Happiness (at least for a few minutes out of the day) is. . . [07 Feb 2005|01:44pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Motoi Sakuraba - To An Anxious Earth ]

Two turkey bologna sandwiches with 2 slices of a random cheese (swiss, american, pepperjack, cheddar) on toasted wheat and then nuked until the cheese melts with mustard; and hot apple/lemonade cider to drink.

Grabbing contentment wherever I can find it in a day.

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In need of a laugh? [05 Feb 2005|07:44am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Faint - total jorb, er total job. . .yeah, job. ]

Or do you just WANT a laugh. Ok, here you go. I came, I saw, I giggled madly for a few minutes.

I am off to start the day after getting out of bed an hour ago. Not much to do, will either read or game. . .since no one I know is awake at this hour and posting in random journals tend to weird their owners out and make them think I am a net stalker. . .is that not right [info]asukamisu? No I am never letting you off the hook for that one, seeing as how I am now one of your closest friends. . .bwaha!

P.S. Also, I am wondering what the Half Life arcade game will look like, how it will run, what the specs are. . .etc.

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dear [info]kimbo_demonica [05 Feb 2005|12:17am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Kijima Sario - Key: The Metal Idol - Opening Theme: In the Night ]

Why for have you not mentioned anything about Zoids Infinity yet?

And if you did, how did I miss it?

P.S.. Loved the Giant Bee. . .

P. P. S. I have a light bulb to change. . .better go do that.

P. P. P. S. Those pesky african Ninja rebels are at it again! I hope they don't totally flip out...or wear shirts on their heads...they may become nigh-invincible...

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That new old meme going around? [04 Feb 2005|11:56pm]
[ mood | random ]
[ music | Björk - Venus As A Boy ]

The one about the stripping and the bed post and the s3XX0r and the doing it all over? I am not doing it or reposting it.

And those of you that are naming names or threating to, shame on you. . .you naughty monkeys.

* * * *random thought processes go here* * * *

And as for my misheard quote for the evening, well it comes from the_pacothe_paco's journal:

I read: "Well, there went my pants for the night. Alas." And this is quite common here at Casa del Voodoo.
But what he said was: "Well, there went my plans for the night. Alas." Which is. . .also quite common here at Casa del Voodoo.

* * * *random thought processes go here* * * *

There are (at least) three people I would like to thank (and I have not gotten around to doing so) and I will do so when I can get in touch with them. But I am oh so grateful to have them in my life for being here when I need them and for always being here. . .whether or not I really need or want them around.

* * * *random thought processes go here* * * *

I got sick tonight again. Food was good but had garlic in it. You do the math. No I did not check it like I normally do, I was famished. . .starved even.

* * * *random thought processes go here* * * *

That ends my post for the day. Come back in about 10 er, 5, 5 minutes (Mwah! Ah! aH! ah! *sounds of thunder in the background* points if you get the reference. ) when I start posting for tomorrow.

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So yeah. . . [04 Feb 2005|03:44pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Jeremy Soule - The Secret of Evermore ]

. . .doing a bit better today even though nothing has really improved in my life. Thank you for all the well wishes and the offers to help. Will keep people informed of various situations as they develop.
* * * * *

In other news, I was browsing my friends list today and came across a post from [info]rainaraina (whom I never get a chance to see when I take my little jaunts south. Phooey.) about a certain [info]princessbunny that has some good reasons for you to vote for her on the following links.

What are those links for you may ask before you vote? Why I am more than happy to answer. This is a contest to have a photo of your choosing end up on the label of Jones Soda and the FAQ can be found here.

The links in question are:;=10
(This one is my favorite of the two.);=4
(She is SO happy there. . .heh.)

The question in question is:
Me: A vote for princessbunny is a vote for. . .?
Her: Happiness. Sparkly things. Fizzy drinks. Cute fluffy bunnies. ♥ And of peace! Better living through soda.

And there you have it.

* * * * *
Me? I am going back to hiding for a bit longer. Too many things to think and sort through in my heart and head.

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And after today. . .I can use the laugh. [01 Feb 2005|01:28am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Motoi Sakuraba - Resolution ~ Pure a stream ]

Alien Loves Predator.
Sort of a Pinky and the Brain relationship. . .

Thank [info]kimbo_demonica for this dementia.

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For all the geeks in the viewing audience. . . . [31 Jan 2005|11:49am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Shamen - Hyperreal Orbit ]

Best.Sci-fi comic.Ever.

I am going to be giggling all day now.

In other news: The Daleks are set to take over toy shop shelves after the BBC signed a merchandising deal for the new Doctor Who series. . .or as put it "Exterminate your chances of getting laid by buying your own Daleks".

P.S. Tom Baker is the only true Doctor Who as far as I am concerned. Your opinions may vary.

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A new quest for me. . . [31 Jan 2005|12:33am]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | Swing Out Sister - Twilight World ]

I found out that Swing Out Sister put out a VHS/VCD set called ". . .And why not?"
It contains both versions of one of my favorite songs of all time (and also my current music)
Now I MUST find this thing. . .

So far I have the following info:
# Video Format: VHS / 10" Laserdisc / VCD/ NTSC
# Distributor: Polygram Music Video
# Videos: Breakout / Surrender / Twilight World / Fooled By A Smile
# Serial Number: 080 197-3 (VHS)

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And on a less serious note. [30 Jan 2005|11:27am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Steve Kilbey - The Neverness Hoax ]

Go here, see the wonders of modern marketing. As they say, "I'm lovin' it!" Thank you, [info]kudzita, for the linkage.

In other words, still playing Adventure Quest in my spare time. Looks like I have a lot of spare time, eh?. Why yes, I am a bit VampDragon happy, why do you ask?

And in other news: prayer beads, they are not just for buddhists and catholics any more.

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