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we are living in a material world
and i am a material girl
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copy/paste to the second degree.
pennyellope: lux is yelling at me now because everytime i shave my junk, i complain to her about it.
pennyellope: secretlux: i'm going to make you a sign
secretlux: to hang in your bathroom
secretlux: "dear jen, don't shave your pussy. you hate it."
glennelectric: not a bad idea

glenn and i get to go to a wedding together today. soooo cute!

Current Mood: awake

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handsomest boyfriend EVER.
exhibit A:

PANTYRAID IS TONIGHT!! glenn and i are playing love songs for valentine's day. yes.

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: metric - on a slow night

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Come meet your Valentine's Day date! You know you want to see them in their underwear before you make any kind of commitment. It's like test driving a new car...

PantyRaid! happens the first Friday of every month at the Upstage [the old Club Laga on Forbes Ave in Oakland].

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: the alps - the other one

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glennelectric: i love you.
pennyellope: love you tooo
glennelectric: who does?
pennyellope: hahahaa
pennyellope: my mom
pennyellope: and me too, sometimes.
glennelectric: tell your mom to call me then.

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: metric - fanfare/parkdale

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i just found a pile of crazy old poetry i wrote when i was 16.

it so happens i am sick of being a little girl
as i walk through candy shops and rose gardens,
pink and fragile, like the porcelain dolls in the expensive stores
that my mother does not want me to touch.

the smell of kindergarten cray-pas fills me with a sick longing
what i want is to hide all my secrets in a large brown briefcase
i want to be able to look people in the eyes without standing on chairs

i am sick of my buttons and bows
my two long pigtails and prepubescence
sick of my large innocent eyes and always being answered with "because"
i am sick of being small

i am so sick of it that i can only
throw myself down and beat the ground with my little fists,
tear my pale taffeta dress, tangle my perfect hair,
and smear my tear-streaked face with mud

but here i am
not bigger or older, just dirtier
and i sob quietly as i wait for my mother to clean me up again

and then one i wrote for my high school girlfriend who i was sick in love with...

when i lean my head on your shoulder
i am careful to support the majority of its weight myself
as the full weight of my adoration may become too heavy
and throw you off balance
and make you come to resent its presence
humbly i touch you -
as a child would touch a beautiful and foreign thing -
with barely the tips of my fingers
and i find myself admiring each small hair on your arm -
one by one -
remembering nights i thought i prayed to god
but it was really you
i think i am caught in your net of tulle and lace
which you unthinkingly set for me
i wish i could be your night sky with stars and sweet music
but i am content to softly rest my warm cheek
against the small heart-shaped birthmark on your shoulder
and secretly love you.

sooooo super funny.

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: metric - london halflife

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so i was thinking about getting a tattoo...

it's the cover of the mix paige made for glenn and i, so it's kinda like a best friend triumvirate thing, which is what i wanted. i think i'd make the plane look less blunt-nosed. paige is making an appointment for me to do it when i visit her with glenn in february. i'm suuuuper nervous. glenn says i shouldn't do it if i'm nervous about it. yarr. i don't know what to do. so i'm going to ASK THE INTERNET.

Poll #411005 math tattoo?!
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

about that math tattoo, jen...

View Answers

not having any tattoos or piercings is too cool a thing to give up.
8 (32.0%) 8 (32.0%)

are you fucking nuts? what an ugly tattoo.
1 (4.0%) 1 (4.0%)

if you're having any doubts, you shouldn't do it.
9 (36.0%) 9 (36.0%)

it's a really cool idea...
5 (20.0%) 5 (20.0%)

oh my god, you don't have any tattoos yet? get on that!
2 (8.0%) 2 (8.0%)

also, i have no idea where to get it. i wanted to get it on my arm, but i'm a skinny little thing and it's a lot wider than it is tall, and i don't want it to wrap around a whole bunch, so i don't know what to do. HELP ME.

i need ideas, people.

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: i can't stop listening to this tv on the radio song.

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this is tonight. it's also paige's going away party.

it's not a panty party, but, you know, feel free to take your pants off. i know i do.

Current Mood: horny
Current Music: tv on the radio - staring at the sun [sexiest song EVER]

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i can't remember who wrote this...
What are you worried about---
the past? The past cheats.
In the days when friendships
were formed because you
didn't know how to part,
to live alone, alive in
a world which seemed
alright but dead, because
that is what you worried about,
death, a world without
a picture, a wind
which formed only behind you,
a rainfall which eliminated
the need for anyone lasting
because the rain lasted
so long, into the night
and the next day.

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: the killers - all these things that i've done

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borrowed from [info]badluckcity

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

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wooo. i used to play d&d; all the time. )

i have bronchitis and my antibiotics are making me nauseous. blarg. i can't drink for 5 days, which is very sad-making.

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: the LEGEND soundtrack

Name: 1.of.50.internet.identities
Back February 2005