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my name is brad

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[05 Feb 2005|08:49pm]
i puked more times today than i think i have in my entire life.
i can't even focus enough to play everquest, wtf?
tomorrow i'm planning on getting better though.
1 corpse|jump into traffic

[19 Jan 2005|04:08pm]
so this is kinda weird. i'm at work and its snowing a ton outside so because of that i have nothing to do. now last i checked they had some sort of a network block on any webpage that wasn't company related. obviously something changed at some point because i can do this now. its kinda weird cause this thing has, like the beta version of netscape .015 installed on it and its horribly slow. i don't know, i tried to go to my webmail and i can check it, but netscape has somehow managed to make the compose link vanish. so someone write something entertaining for me to read or email me or something. i'm bored, but at least i can crawl around online now. haha i hope this dosen't get me in trouble somehow
jump into traffic

[13 Jan 2005|11:17pm]
i haven't been downloading much music for a while now, but the last two days i've been diggin' soulseek a lot once again. it's fun. anyone have any good suggestions that don't suck? yea i didn't think so. heh
4 corpses|jump into traffic

[13 Dec 2004|05:56pm]
japanese people love nintendo.

crazy japanese symphony on new dual screen nintendos

crazy japanese band made out of nintendo sounds

and of course...crazy japanese guy beats super mario three in eleven minutes

good grief, winter is boring - but everquest entertains my late nights.
2 corpses|jump into traffic

where i'll be staying this winter. [28 Nov 2004|12:17pm]
this is my new house.
just got built last night.
its warm inside and smells good.

zzz )
19 corpses|jump into traffic

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