Inity. Amant de l'absinthe ([info]inity) wrote,
@ 2004-02-14 04:33:00
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Current mood: determined
Current music:Наши юные смешные голоса - клип

If you are logged into LJ and all you see is this post and just *few* earlier posts below it (before february 2003), but no recent posts, that means you are not in my friends list.

This journal is being filled in friends-ONLY mode.

If you are not my friend yet, but want to be; contact me, by leaving a comment in this thread, emailing me or finding me in other way, if you want me to decide faster. You may try adding me into friends list and see if I add you back relatively soon. I usually will check your journal and see, if I'd want to add you in friends list or not. You may ask me. Usually my respond is positive. If we have real common interests, and share some points of view, if we can share interesting thoughts, or if you are my old friend in another web community or in real life, of if you are an agent of the Matrix... you will be probably added. :)

My journal was converted to friend-only mode. I've left just *few* entries that I wanted to be public. Everything else, from now and in the future, goes to friends-only mode. This diary contains dozens of quite interesting messages, but they are all hidden if you're not in my friends list. It's my policy. Even simple song, even simple link won't go here in public mode, thanks to my enemies. I close the doors of private friendly house. I did this. Sorry. If you want to be in my friends list, you can always ask though.

But if I don't add someone and clearly state that I will not add him back, this person will have no sence in having me in friends list. He will see no posts here. Those *naive and childlish* enemies of mine who keep me in friend lists will see nothing and just will look stupid. Ah yes, those even more naive guys who add me as a friend perfectly kniowing that I won't add them... they define their reality through misery and suffering... Period.

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