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Anybody ever notice how much braille letters and binary, uh, stuff have in common? Just change the 1's and 0's into bumps and lacks of bumps.
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Just redid my OS from scratch.

MUCH better.

It's screaming fast right now. Of course I'm still lacking a bunch of the software I'm used to having. But it's worth the wait.

I compiled everything from scratch (thank you, Gentoo), and am continuing to compile everything from scratch (with the exception of Firefox... I don't have the patience for THAT).

Unfortunantly, I forgot to backup my gaim settings :(

Email me your IM contact info for MSN, Yahoo!, AIM and Jabber, please.
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Ugh, I don't know if this is gonna work out.

I work in a grocery store.

I'm trying to get into corporate.

I just got transferred to another department and I don't know if I'll get Thanksgiving off.

Leelee put alot of effort into getting it off, but everything's all weird on my side because of the transfer.

Gah. Do I want to get into corporate so bad that I don't get to go down and see my family?
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Halo 2
Renting Halo 2.

Must buy, must buy, must buy!

This game rocks!

If anyone who still reads my journal plays this game on xbox live, send me a message. I'm Imagemage on live, if you see my corpse flying by.
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So freaking tired.
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3rd month-a-versary!
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The "ck" linux kernel ROCKS.
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Ugh. I feel like I'm gonna puke.

It's so hot in here.

To bad the bathroom is upstairs.
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Software developers vs US Gov't in class-action suit to stop overseas outsourcing of skilled jobs.

Any lawyers interested?
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Official announcement
I'll be in Pensacola this weekend. Leaving sometime within the hour.
User: [info]blades
Name: Christian
Back November 2004