Monday, March 11th, 2002
7:43 am - Natalia is here.
| Friday, January 4th, 2002
9:10 pm - New Journal entries
| Friday, December 14th, 2001
9:45 pm - I know I don't use this but..
I don't use this livejournal stuff anymore as I have my own database on my webpage which is a lot more stable (bwbohh.net).. but I just uploaded a new userpic, just for the hell of it.
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| Saturday, December 8th, 2001
1:37 am - XHTML & CSS compliance!
My website is now XHTML 1.0 transitional compliant.. took a little while but its finally a fully functional and legit XML/XHTML document :)
As far as the CSS goes, that wasn't much.. since I'm not using much, just enough to remove the underlines from links and underline on mouse-over.. nothing big or even necessary :)
The other journal
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| Friday, December 7th, 2001
4:34 pm - Journal updates
| Thursday, December 6th, 2001
12:25 am - New journal
| Friday, November 30th, 2001
11:56 pm - Updates? I don't think so.
I haven't updated in a while, yet a have a lot to say. But i'm drinking a beer so I forget now :) Ok, I remember again.
Haven't spoken to Natalia in days, Mtnsms.com has been having problems, but hopefully I will get to talk to her in a few hours! Her internet connection still sucks and it will take her 6 months to get ISDN, and at that point.. why bother getting it? With any luck she will be here by then. Speaking of the INS, they cashed my check!
My cable modem is though adelphia so I won't have to worry about losing connectivity :)
Someone replied to my last journal because they are using ljread. I think I may make some modifications to it and accept some patches from him. If I do make some modifications, the first thing to do is syncronize it with a mysql database.. it is too slow to download all that data from livejournal every time.
I'm getting that developer bug again. I've been dominant for a while, but my itch has been returning more and more. I love to code, but unless I can start doingit.. I won't bother. Luckily though my employment I've been writing a lot of scripts, just to get stuff done. This has been enough of a boast to give me the motivation to do some more open-source coding. I'm such a terminal-jockey. I wrote some perl today and I was having some problems, stupid perl. I've been writing too much TCL and PHP ;)
Got an oil change for my car today, which is good.. but they didn't check the belts like I asked them to. Stupid walmart employees.
Work is actually going well, for a change. I got my paycheck today instead of on monday, which is a surprise. I have gotten too used to getting them late. I think it is the fact that I ignore the clients more now and just concentrate on writing scripts to do all the work for me. I like to write software more then dealing with clients. People suck. I'm just learning how to ignore them better, yet solve their problems more efficiently.
Anyway, time to head home so I can catch some DBZ or (hopefully) Cowboy Bebop. Then, of course, I will get to speak to my dearest love :)
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| Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
12:45 am
Got the Notice of Action from the INS today, and I sent them back the check.. this time I made sure to sign it :) .. Hey, it was the first check I ever wrote.. I just forgot the first time.
I really need to do something with my old laptop and get a new motherboard for my 550mhz athlon.. the athlon isn't so important as I still don't have a webpage host on it yet. It is so depressing to have such powerful hardware lying around doing nothing.
current mood: discontent
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| Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
2:02 am - INS Woes
Btw. I got a package from the INS including everything I sent them in my package.. including the check I forgot to sign. D'oh!
I will send it via overnight mail tomorrow, would've done it today but the whole Veterns day thing put a hamper on those plans.
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2:01 am - I got tongue in New York City
Sunday I went to the big apple for the first time.. Well, I had been at JFK airport at 10pm once.. but with jet lag and all, I wasn't quite up for touring.
I went with my dad and sisters.. I drove from Scranton to Philly on Saturday and then up to NYC on Sunday. It was easy getting in, as long as you were white at least; Arabians were getting racially profiled, of course. When we first got uptown, we realized there was a parade about to pass by. We headed towards our destination, the empire state building and waited a few minutes, saw the Mayor and then proceeded into and to the top of the building. Nice view, a little higher then the really tall building in Warsaw.. although it wasn't much more impressive.
Rachel was in heaven shopping in all of the nicest stores.. Lauren seemed happy, but nowhere near as ecstatic as the other.
We then ate lunch at a Korean restaurant.. It was a BBQ-style place.. where they put the raw meat in the center of the table and cook it. First we ordered.. one sister chicken, the other noodles, my dad beef, and myself.. Cow Tongue. We also ordered two appitizers.
First the applitizers came out, we ate them. .although I ended up having to eat the most of the Kimshi since I was the only one who seemed to like it. Of course, since I've had it before.. it was my suggestion. Then they started placing little bowls of assorted foods on the table. It ranged from squid, miniature freeze-dried anchovies, to different vegetables in strange sauces. Everything had a unique and different taste. The others thought everything had a fishy taste, but I liked it. Of course, I was the only one eating the anchovies :)
After we were finished with the assortment of food dishes it was time for the entrees.
We initially assumed as stupid westerners that we would each get our own plate to enjoy privately. Of course, our nativity was broken when they brought out 3 dishes of raw meat. They took away the protective plate in the center of the table to reveal a grill. We realized at this point that we would have to share the food, and took note of the huge chuck of red meat on the tray which was last on the list, this was a assumed to be the tongue.. Nobody but myself was willing to try tongue.
Our waiter placed the first of the meats onto the grill, beef. Assured that the tongue was on the tray, everyone chowed down. Later it was to be revealed that this was the tongue. It was sort of like roast beef.
Then the chicken and noodles. It wasn't until the huge chunk of meat came out that we realized that it was not the tongue. If it was tongue, it was really really big.. and tongues don't have bones. While this woman was preparing this huge cut of beef, my sister was freaking out... she couldn't stand the idea of it being tongue. We inquired upon the korean woman who didn't know english and finally realized that we already had eaten the tongue. Funny enough, my sister knowing she already ate the tongue was no longer afraid and was finally able to enjoy the rest of her dinner.
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| Thursday, November 8th, 2001
11:36 pm - Screenshot
Screenshot of my dual-head linux box running a modified version of Blackbox which I hacked today.
Changes: - Modification to titlebar buttons. (rearrangement, maximize removed) - Single-click on workspace name on the toolbar will bring up the workspace menu.. a nice addition to the prev/next buttons. - Mouse wheel (buttons 4/5) in the root-window now cycles workspaces.
Blackbox now fulfills most of the things I wish from a windowmanager. I still need to hack Xinerama support into it, which will be a bit more difficult ;) Also, it would be nice if new windows appeared closer to the mouse.. it sucks having 4 montors and spawning a new window which is 3 monitors away from the mouse!
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| Sunday, November 4th, 2001
11:34 pm - Drag Queens Welcome At Holiday INN
I was just hanging on IRC when a commercial that grabbed my attention came on. I missed the beginning of the commercial, but from what I saw of the end.. it was these two gays who appeared to be in drag, and they said that they stay at the holiday inn.. then the one made a licking motion with his mouth.
I found it to be at the least.. a bad marketing move for the Holiday INN.. Actually, I think having a similiar commercial with a heterosexual couple suggesting their sexual practices.. would be bad too. Not morally, but just bad marketing. Who really wants to know that the people before them was having sex in that bed?
Well, that was my interesting tid-bit for the day.
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2:47 pm - The Happenstancial Freudian Apple.
First of all, this week has been interesting. I found out that someone I've been speaking to for at least a year on IRC is now one of my clients. The funny thing is that we did not know. We have spoken on the phone on several occasions without knowing that we were talking on irc at the same time. I was working on his site the night before the day.. he mentioned his url on irc. I immediately realized who it was and asked him a question regarding his site that he didn't even know about yet, see.. I moved his site to a new server, I asked him how the new server was.. he didn't yet realize it was moved.
In short, really strange.. but I don't believe in coincidences.. just really strange shit :)
First of all: Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
In regard to Obsessive-Compulsive I thought would be higher.. except as I discovered by reading the page this represents obsessive-compulsive personality, not obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder which is different. I expected to have "very high" for Schizotypal, however.. I guess that is sort of a good thing.
All in all, that test was very accurate. I now have proof that I am the raging lunatic I have always suspected.
I got my new Macintosh 7100/80av in the mail which I ordered from eBay. Actually, the label on the case says 'av'.. but the only difference between the AV and non-AV model is a professional video-editing card, which has been stripped from mine and replaced with the non-AV card. Doesn't bother me because the Auction didn't advertise it as the AV model anyway. This is a sweet box.
Specs: 80mhz PowerPC processor (80mhz PowerPC is probably around 150-200mhz pentium) 700meg Internal scsi harddrive 500meg External scsi-1 harddrive Cdrom drive, slow.. 1x or 2x probably Onboard ethernet. AAUI connector, will need to pickup an adapter to rj45. DualHead capable via the 2 video cards that come stock (one onboard). - 7100 video card with 2 megs of VDRAM (comes stock with 1meg), DB-15 connector - OnBoard video, AppleVision connector.. very old standard which adapters are sparse and expensive.
In addition to the computer and the external harddrive, I also recieved a Printer, Photo scanner, switch-box for printer/scanner, syquest ezdrive (135meg) with 3 disks, syquest 44meg drive with 2 disks, All the scsi cables I would need, 2 scsi-terminators (one required), scsi line-monitoring tool, one keyboard, 2 mice, and an external 56K modem (v.90)
Of course, it also came with a crapload of software. Including registered copies of Photoshop, MacOS 7.1 with 7.5 update, MacOS 8.0, Myst, and Riven. There are some other things which I'll likely never use, such as Microsoft Word and FileMaker (database).
For $90, it isn't bad at all.. not for what I got. Of course, shipping was $50.
Thats it for now.
current mood: refreshed current music: Pink Floyd - Eclipse
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| Sunday, September 16th, 2001
1:30 pm - The Phantom Menace
First of all, I feel sympathy for those who have passed this past week.. However, I have no problem with websites posting photographs of people jumping from the building, it was something that happened and I am glad that it was documented on film.
If rotten.com has removed these photos, or does in the future: http://halturnershow.com/ has them currently. Btw, if you bitch to Hal to have them removed.. he will just make them more prominently featured on his site :)
Today is my day off so I went to walmart for an oil change, having not had one for 4,000 miles on my 1988 Dodge Aries (K-car). Walking around walmart I realized all the things I must do to "upgrade" my car. I will be removing the back seat, and re-attach it with hinges (preferably electronically controllable ones). I will remove the flat part under the rear window and build a replacement piece attached to the rear seat, this replacement panel will feature speakers.. this way I can open the hinged back seat exposing some sweet ass speakers. I considered getting a DC->AC converter, they are like $50 for a 400W one but since I will be using a laptop for my mp3/cd player.. I will first investigate using direct DC current which will be a hack but "correct", rather then doing the easier, more expensive, and less efficient DC->AC->DC conversion. I will be doing this all in the least amount of cash possible, if I had cash the first thing I'd do is paint the thing.. besides, what is wrong with primer anyway?
I bought a new computer monitor yesterday, it was $200 but with a $30 mail-in rebate. I probably shouldn't have done this.. I really don't have that kind of money, but considering I had one blow up recently.. I justify it :) 17" KDS Avitron using a sony aperture-grill tube (Trinitron TM). I hate sony, and wish to boycott them.. but their tubes are just amazing. And at least buying from KDS gets me the tube from sony whiteboxed so it is less money in their pocket at least.
Not only did a computer monitor fry, but my trackball died too. Well, it didn't exactly 'die' it just lost a bearing.. which can't be replaced. Since at work we had these really shitty mice, I just had bought a mouse too for $20.. pretty decent optical one. I carted this mouse back and forth to work for about a week and decided to pickup an identical one. What was sweet was that these mice are now $15 at a BestBuy, so I have another optical mosue now.. and boy has my quake-skillz improved since I moved from a trackball to optical mouse :)
I'm worried about natalia and myself with this war thing, calling the INS tomorrow to see what we can do, and what the government will with us. We should've sent out our petition to marry a month ago, but we had some holdups with the postal office.. and yet again, we have another postal holdup... we realized that her previous letter didn't have all the info I needed, so she sent another one.. but there is no international mail right now because of this whole war thing. Fucking A.
Had a good time at church today, and I have a sponsor. I got to learn about purgatory, interesting stuff. I'm really looking forward to my baptism on Holy Saturday (day before easter)
I'm starting to write a monopoly clone with C and the SDL graphics library, it will be sweet. Currently the other free monopoly games are just a bunch of colors and text.. so I decided this will be a good opportunity to write my first game of commercial quality. Rather then building my own monopoly board from scratch, I did some searching online for some high resolution scans of existing boards.. It didn't take me long before I found a fan-made monopoly board for a Transformers version. Btw, the game will be called "Moneybags".. almost called it Pennybags, as the name of that character has NOT been trademarked... but I don't wanna piss anyone off ;) Also, the game will be themable, so you will not be stuck with just Transformers.. likely the 2nd theme will be for BeastWars and submissions are welcome.
Anyway, if anyone wants to draw up some high resolution monopoly tokens or create a new theme for such a game.. remember the tokens have to have transparent backgrounds.. so a png image would be best (gif is limited in color, where png is not) and the board should be of high resolution.. at least twice the size of the intended resolution (640x480 gameplay should have a 1024x768 board).
Well, thats it for now.. I'll give some updates tomorrow ;)
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8:08 am - The return of the jedi
It has been a long time since I've updated, this is mostly due to problems with livejournal, also the fact that I've been so busy lately.
I'm worried about Natalia and myself with this whole war thing, I'm afraid they may not let either of us leave our respective countries.. and while on that subject, we gotta kick the shit of out of those rag-heads :)
Anyway, this has been very short.. and will stay that way, otherwise I'd be late for church :) Expect more frequent updates. Bye!
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| Sunday, August 12th, 2001
2:26 am - My webpage.
I really want to design this page, I've had the idea for a while.. but I just don't have the talent to do the art for it! I could just setup a lame page, but I really think it would be keen if I could get the title image(s) done as soon as possible ;)
I plan to have a site with multiple sections. As the site will be called "GrokThis" (the term Grok means "to know"), I would like to have the main page have an image of a caveman.. preferably doing something which describes knowledge. This could be something as funny as doing calculus or simple as building a fire.. or building the word(s) "GrokThis" from stone. I guess I have to get a scanner, I could probably try to do it.. but I suck at doing art on the computer.. at least these days :) Maybe I'll install the Blender and see what I can come up with.. I know my freehand in the gimp sucks, at least until I finish writing the driver for my pen tablet (which I just started doing today). I am considering having separate title images for sub-categories on the site.
The plan is that the site will be the ultimate source of information on any and all subjects. I guess this is what Everything2 does, except this will host articles, howtos, faqs, images, text files..
Think of slashdot + everything2 + attrition.org + gutenburg :) The question is probably how I can afford to host that much content! I'll put up as much content as I can, and see if I'm getting traffic.. I do plan to have a single (non-intrusive) advertisement on the page.. if I am generating enough revenue, I'll just build a larger server and pay for more bandwidth.
For anyone trying to locate http://bwbohh.homeip.net/, you won't find it. Verizon is being a bunch of bitches, they are blocking incoming traffic on port 80. This pisses me off for multiple reasons, 1st) according to the terms of service I am allowed to run whatever server(s) I wish. 2nd) I am being blocked because verizon decided that instead of hunting out the people stupid enough to run IIS, they blocked EVERYONE's webserver.. not my (or apache's) fault that IIS sucks and spreads internet worms... so I don't see why I (or apache) should be blocked when only IIS has issues. There is an analogy for this, you don't set your house on fire because a closet is dark. I'm going to move bwbohh.homeip.net back to bwbohh.net within the month.. around the same time that I'll begin setting up and promoting GrokThis.
Now I just gotta wait till the money rolls in from my new job so I can afford this.. and after I pay back the money I owe my mother :).. It shouldn't cost much to get started though, who knows.. this may actually work :)
current music: Bob Dylan - Desolation Row
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| Saturday, August 11th, 2001
4:16 pm - The good, the bad, and the... wtf is that?
The good:
This thing is sweet, I could stick at least 8 computer monitors on that baby.. And there are vertical poles though the desk which are to be used for rackmounting! Not only does it fit the monitors, but if there is any free space.. i can throw computer equipment in too!
The bad: it costs around $1000, I guess I won't be getting it after all :(
The... wtf? Click here.
This desk is repulsive, the monitor is secured under the desk.. and you look down though the surface of the desk. I found a variant of this desk which had a translucent blue top, even the part over the monitor was a deep blue!
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| Thursday, August 9th, 2001
7:50 pm - Help! I need someone..
to turn the damn'ed heat down!
It is way too freaking hot! My 650mhz athlon is running at the brink of meltdown, the glue holding my body together is losing its grip, and all those wax figures I made have melted into psycodelic puddles of wax.. Of course, I've never made wax figures.... i just made that up.
It is hot though, one ceiling fan and a fan in my window are NOT enough. When I move on wednesday, I will seriously look into investing in an air conditioner.
I miss Natalia incredibly so, she is Austria right now.. and she is on her way to Croatia. It seems we wont' talk much till the end of her vacaction.... and even then, she won't have internet. It seems I will have to begin calling her often, which of course won't be cheap.. but I'm sure I can budget $5-10 a week for it.
I'm gonna be so lonely, maybe I'll buy an Aibo or something since I am not allowed pets.
SHIT! I just noticed some artifacts on my laptop screen! This isn't good, my warrenty runs out this month. I'm gonna call Apple and see what they can do for me.
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| Wednesday, August 8th, 2001
7:35 pm - He's a real UNIX Man
He's a real UNIX Man Sitting in his UNIX LAN Making all his UNIX .plans For nobody
I'm a real unix man, leaving home.. Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begings Silently closing my bedroom door, I'm gone, gone, gone.
But, I've got a ticket to ride, Before I get to saying goodbye I ought to think twice, Well that'll be the day when you say goodbye. Yeah that'll be the day.
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they're here to stay, Now I need a place to hide away,
Daylight is good at arriving at the right time. It's not always going to be this grey.
Wonder how I manage to make ends meet? You're correct, there's nobody there. And I told you there's no one there.
I'm a real Nowhere Man. Sitting in his Nowhere Land. Nowhere Man, the world is at your command.
current mood: tired current music: The Beatles - Day tripper
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| Monday, August 6th, 2001
5:52 pm - PowerPC Linux - dead or alive.
That record spun me round' round' round' round, like a record baby. round round round round.
I decided to upgrade the kernel on my Pismo Powerbook (running linux of course). Of course, as a cutting edge project.. the port of Linux to this machine is changing constantly.. and the only (recent) versions available for download are actual snapshots of the current code as it is at that moment. Which means that the latest bug fix (or bug introduction) may have only been established a few moments ago.
Anyhow, I was trying the "official" tree, and I tried it for about 3 days.. none of them worked :( I spent a lot of time trying to hack it to work too :( I later decided to use another, less official (yet more cutting edge) version.. and it worked fine! Infact, it not only works fine.. but unlike the other one I now have powermanagement and support for the VGA/NTSC-out !!!
So my laptop is up and better than ever, now that Linux has better support for the hardware than MacOS does !
I like bloomsburg, well.. at least the job. I'll be moving to scranton which may be more my pace, bloomsburg is a definate hick-town. Average salary is $12,000/yr, 99% white population (there are only 4 black property holders). Good thing is the total lack of crime, the bad thing is the "town perk" a christian coffee house.
And thats the weekend update, I'm norm mcdonald.. good night.
(oh, remember to spade or nuter your dog or cat)
current mood: thirsty current music: Audio CD - Beatles Abby Road
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