Monday, June 25th, 2001
4:00 pm - Anyone else but you...by The Moldy Peaches
You're a part time lover and a full time friend The monkey on your back is the latest trend I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you I'll kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train I'll kiss you all starry eyed my body swingin from side to side I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you Here is the church and here is the steeple We sure are cute for two ugly people I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you The pebbles forgive me the trees forgive me So why can't you forgive me I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you I will find my niche in your car With my mp3, dvd, rumble pack guitar I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you You are always tryin to keep it real I'm in love with how you feel I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you
current mood: amused
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12:45 pm - just when i was about to give up hope...
maybe there is someone out there who does understand me and get my little quirks.
current mood: surprised
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| Friday, June 15th, 2001
12:42 pm
this pit in my stomach where butterflies once lived filled with tears and what should have been love
many years i should have listened thoughts filled with fears i was stubborn
all that is left is emotional scars surfacing now
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| Wednesday, June 6th, 2001
2:46 pm
i updated the site design!
not much else going on, things are kinda slow right now. which i am not used to so i am sitting here thinking of things to keep me busy.
i should find out in the next 2 weeks if i got the loft. wish me luck.
my 25th birthday is coming up...June 24th!
i am looking for another job. maybe in my same field, maybe something new. so far i have a few really good leads.
i am coming out of a big depression, thank god for the sun and summer and change.
i colored my hair red. i cant tell if its fading or if im just getting used to it.
so far its a go for burning man...
ham the fish cam dies today...he lived for well over a year on my desk. i will miss him chasing my finger.
im looking for a new kitty.
this weeks project is painting light bulbs for 2 new lamps i got garage sale'in for a buck!
what is the best thing you have found for a dollar or less?
current mood: optimistic current music: everything but the girl - before today
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| Wednesday, May 16th, 2001
12:14 pm - its been a while...
a lot has happened in the past month. one roomie moved out, but his stuff is still here. it was our very own jerry springer episode...my mom had gallbladder surgury and is recovering nicely. my niece had her 1st birthday party. i went to see my favorite writer, don miguel ruiz. i might be taking a trip to hawaii, africa and europe next year. im going to florida in november. the members site is up and running with success. i just added a bunch of new stuff. work is extra super busy, but im not complaining, lots of money is good! its in the upper nineties this whole week, summer is here! my uncle opened his pool up today. im saving up to build my own house since what i want i cant find. i already have the land and its out in the middle of no where. my hair is growing back out. i have the sleep cam back up and running, sometimes. it crashes a lot. im finally starting to catch up on things and get back to normal after the big crash. im single now but still getting a peice. i did some henna designs again on my hands and legs. its starting to wear off. i bought a new phone with caller id and a headset, how did i live without it! i heard the nasty DW name this week. im thinking of getting a new kitty, but i kind of like not having a litter box and hair all over. so i might get a min pin, the cutest dog in the whole damn world!!! i got a new fern, but i think its dying. it doesnt like it here. help! a loft has opened up again and i move in JULY!!! my very own space with my very own hefty rent and utility payments. im going to get a digital camera this week, hopefully. im planning a garage sale for next month. i have way too much shit! my back is fucked. i can barely walk. im waiting for health insurance. i learned not to eat too many grapes at a time. wooah! i used dreamweaver for the first time, damn does that program KICK ASS! i am addicted...im going to pick up some canvas and learn to paint. its cheaper than buying prints to hang up on the walls and more fun. the sun is shining and im out of caffeine.
current mood: happy
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| Friday, April 6th, 2001
9:19 am - fuckinaaa!
yesterday the worst possible thing that can happen to you at work did. my computers hard drive went corrupt and i lost everything in the blink of an eye.
all of my important files i cant live without, all of my email addys, all 500+ bookmarks, all of my accounting stuff, my whole website.
now your probably saying good thing you backed everything up, right? ummm yeah, but that would be to easy. im looking into tape back up systems for in the futue.
i lost 8 hot jobs that i was working on this week and only had 2 of them backed up. so i had to redo them all from scratch. luckily my clients were very easy going about this. i sure as hell wasnt!
i am wondering if there is any way to recover corrupt files. i have tried nortons, disk worrier, and disk first aid. or can anyone recommend a company that can fix corrupt files?
current mood: stressed
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| Monday, April 2nd, 2001
11:31 am
i used my hatachi magic wand this week end,
you have to get one right now...
and i highly recommend the g spot attachment, woooo!
current mood: relaxed
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| Tuesday, March 20th, 2001
7:42 am
happy first day of spring!!!
does anyone know of a wireless interent service that is faster than a cell modem???
and has anyone used broadband satellite internet before?
current mood: rejuvenated
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| Monday, March 12th, 2001
9:17 am
i had a pretty good week end. friday night i went out with some friends to see the mexican, it was a pretty good movie, way better than i was expecting, and it has allot of funny little quirks. i liked that.
then on sat i hung out with my dad and we went to get hay and i was playing with a baby cow until he almost pooped on me, then i was snuggling barn kitties that were all pregnant. i want another kitty so bad!!! then we planned out the future of our business and did some advertising.
sun i made a yummy breakfast for everyone. 2 of my brothers friends came over and one was very pretty!!! seems like men are so much prettier to me now that i am single? i played with suzi, and hung out with the family. i hung out with mary and we went to target, that place is evil, i can find at least 10 things that i have to have...so then i end up weeding out before i get to the checkout! this time i got a new pair of pants, a new pair of shoes, i love shoes, and some zit creme stuff, my face has been breaking out terrible and i dont know why? stress maybe??? then the 2 friends were going to come back for dinner, but i went over to my grams house and helped then with there email and had dinner and hung out with them. i love hanging out with them...
current mood: working
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| Monday, March 5th, 2001
10:59 am
the week end was way too short. friday night i stayed over at my moms, and didnt get any sleep because i was up all night talking with mary, my brothers fiance. then at 4 am i had to take my mom to the airport and see her off. she is in cali right now. then i got lost in the airport, my biggest fear and walked and walked and could not get out because all of the exits were blocked off for some reason so i sneaked thru the security gate the wrong way and then couldnt get back to where i parked. so after about a half hour i found it. i hate the new big airport! arg!
then on saturday i went over to visit my cousins at 7 am and then we went to the zoo with mary and my niece suzi. it was a blast. i even pet some kind of lizard. heh. then on saturday night i went over to help my gramps with his computer, he is just learning how to do email and the internet. he is picking it up pretty fast, but then if he doesnt use it for a few days, he forgets. so i go over there and walk him thru it again. he wants my grams to learn how to do it, but so far she has no interest in it. then we watched return to me, which was a really good movie and i ended up staying the night. there is something so comforting about there house.
sunday was a slacker day, or so i wanted it to be. but on my way home i got stuck in the alley and then another guy got stuck behind me and it turned into this big ordeal. i told them i didnt want them to tow me because it could damage my car, and the older man got all pist at me, whatever! its my car and i am responsible for it. im not going to let you rip off the bumper or wreck my radiator! so i was glad they could push me out or i would still be there. then i went back out to my parents house and me and my dad cooked salmon and watched the x files while i did my laundry. i didnt get home till after midnight or i would have turned the sleep cam on.
current mood: blue
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| Tuesday, February 27th, 2001
9:48 am
my life is at a crossroad, and there are too many turns to know where i am going.
so much stuff is going on in my life right now and i cant even write about it in here because it is no longer a safe way to express myself. so i will now be starting another journal in the members side.
you can still get general updates, probably once a week in here tho.
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| Monday, February 19th, 2001
8:52 pm
i had the best week end ever. i decided to go on a mini getaway to st cloud. were we had the best time. i also went to casettas, an italian market in st paul, i went to the asian markets over in mpls, and then to my first meat market. it was really interesting. i got a bunch of little things like italian chocolate biscotties and a strawberry crush in a bottle and homemade chicken chiev. it was all extremely yummy. we also did the paraphin wax treatment twice, my hands are so soft. and i drank mucho champaign and cheap wine and inhaled lots of second hand smoke and solved world issues and philosified until are lips were blue and stayed up the whole night.
today i found out i got my loft and have to drop off the deposit and take a look at the place, hopefully its not too small. and the rent is a hundrerd bucks cheaper than i thought so i am really excited. now i have to find some boxes and make some calls to set up dsl. i am excited and scared both at the same time. i will be living alone for the first time, have no offstreet parking and a place all of my own!
i got my first member today, early i know. and im working on the members site all week so it will be ready in time. i didnt realize march was so soon!
the bbs was down today, they were changing servers. i want to put a new bbs up so you can post pictures.
im listening to selmasongs, aaa i love song number 3...i have seen the light in one little spark, i have seen it all and there is no more to see....i have seen water and its water thats all...la la la laaaa.
now its back to work...
current mood: working current music: jenacam radio
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| Wednesday, February 14th, 2001
9:49 am
| Tuesday, February 13th, 2001
1:45 pm
yesterday i was super busy working and didnt get a chance to get the valentines out in the mail, so now they are going to be late. but better late than never i guess.
i also ordered 3 more cams for the members section. the 3 i got off of ebay wouldnt work, so that sucks. im also going to make audio video journals again, but i think im going to move those to the members section.
wen. i am doing a special valentines show. and on thurs i am doing an interactive bath! and friday i may do a foot camera all day, for some reason i get alot of foot fetish requests?
current mood: happy
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12:50 pm - week end update...
i had thee strangest week end ever.
friday night i went out to see hanibal, ew. i closed my eyes for most of it. way too graphic for me.
then on sat i went to archivers, this huge place were you can find things to do picture art, the newest craze for woman. then i went to national camera exchange. walked in and asked them to see the olympus 211z but they didnt carry it. so i asked her to show me the ones they did have, but she pretty much just dropped them on the table and walked away. so i got pissed and left. then i went to compusa and this total hard core mac guy was helping me and i looked at the 211z, and it is HUGE! way too big to fit in my purse. so i decided to look at the 490. and i was getting ready to buy it when i noticed it did not come with any usb cables. so i decided to wait and look around some more. i think i am destined to never get a digital camera :(
then on sunday i went to see crouching tiger again with my family, but we got to the theater right as it was starting so it was pitch black and we couldnt see anything. my mom ended up going up a few steps and then waiting for us, then she started feeling her way around and the guy next to her goes "mam, i dont think im who you think i am" so she waited for him to go buy and then was sure it was my dad so she latched on to him and then the guys friend goes "mam, im still not who you think i am" so my mom said, so does that mean your not going to share your popcorn and the guy took off. then i came up the steps and we had lost my dad. so we ended up sitting a few flights up without him.
then we went out to dinner and we were getting ready to leave the parking lot and were parked when a 70 year old lady backed into us. so i got out and looked at the car, as she continued to do her thing. then we waited for her to get out and she came over to the car and said, well you saw me backing up! i lost all respect for old people after that. there wasnt any damage to the car so we just left.
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12:46 pm
i just got flowers!!!!
thank you P!
current mood: happy current music: selmasongs
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| Thursday, February 8th, 2001
10:44 am - An email i got today...
A philosophy professor stood before his class, and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar, and proceeded to fill it with rocks, rocks about 2" in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles, and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. The students laughed. The professor picked up a box of sand, and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
Now," said the professor, "I want you to recognize that this is your life. The rocks are the important things --- your marriage, your health, and your children --- anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things that matter, like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff."
"If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your loved one out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, and wax the car, and give a dinner party, and fix the disposal."
"Take care of the rocks first-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
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| Tuesday, February 6th, 2001
9:45 am
this week end went so fast. friday i went to see the wedding planner and kicked jays but at the arcade.
then on saturday i went to my first thai cooking class. so i can now make fresh spring rolls and a garlic chicken basil dish with jasmine rice. i cant wait to take the second one. then afterwards i went to look at another house. this one sucked. it had really bad energy, which surprised me since it was in the same neighborhood as the house i put an offer on. the search continues.
then me and my mom decided to test our new thai recipes out and almost killed the family! she had grabbed some peppers out of the freezer, thinking they were normal jalapenos but they were some peppers my dads friend grew, and oh my god were they hot!!!! i think i burned half of my taste buds off. now i like spicey food, but these peppers made me cry!
then on sunday jay and i went out to shopping. and then out to my parents house were i cooked for him the same thai recipe, this time we thought we were going to be smart and only put in 1 pepper instead of 5-6 that we did the night before but no luck. it was still really spicy. then me and my mom philosophized while the boys played hunting games on the computer for money.
monday was pretty low key. the cams are not working well with the new version of oculus. im also looking for 2 new quickcams. they are the only cams i can really get to work and look somewhat decent. the 3 cams i got off ebay all suck and you have to have super bright light or nothing shows up at all.
and i am still deciding which digital camera to get. the nikon 990 or the olympus 211z that prints out polaroids!
oh and i almost forgot- this morning i got my first penis picture! hah, it was a pretty one at least!
current mood: working current music: moby - play
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| Tuesday, January 30th, 2001
3:43 pm
just when i thought this day could not get any better...
they not only have wireless service available for my pb, but DSL wireless is now available for only ten bucks more a month!!!
current mood: ecstatic current music: moby - play
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12:39 pm
its a good day....
found wireless service for the powerbook, found discount tickets to europe, got 5 new cds in the mail, got lots of money in the mail, found 3 more houses to look at and i just realized i can use the surround sound to jam out thru the dvd player!!!
current mood: happy
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