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User:electronicmusic (144266)  
Location:United States
About:If you've made it, or just listen and appreciate it, post it.

Interests:83: ambient, bass, beat, beats, blockster, break-beat, breakdancing, breaks, bt, cakewalk, clubbing, clubs, cubase, dave ralph, digweed, dj, drum and bass, drum loops, drum n bass, drums, effects, electronic, electronic music, electronik, escaping, ethereal, fruity loops, goa, hard house, hard trance, house, keyboard, keyboards, kimbal collins, korg, lfo, listening, looping, loops, lsd, mastering, matt darey, melodic, mixing, monitoring, moog, music, music software, musik, muzik, oakenfold, oberheim, oscillators, paul van dyk, piano, playing, producing, pvd, recording, roland, rolling, rythm, samples, sampling, sasha, sequencers, software, sonic, sound, studios, synth, synthesizers, synths, techno, tiesto, trance, trip-hop, trippin, tripping, vdf, vfo, x, yamaha. [Modify yours]
Members:488: 0tolerance, 2kindone, 641th_goldfish, _____wolf_____, __e_c_h_o__, _aeion, _cryingstar, _cure, _digitaldreams, _edison_, _fiend_, _hank, _m2_, _michael_, _potty_mouth, _quarantine, _techgirl, _twink_, a2z, a_s_t_h, adrukor, aesthetikk, afreet, airic, akioto, alberth, alexandrwolf, alexmizell, alfred_b, alpha_dox, altashheth, alternoize, alyc69, americanmutt, anima_i, ann_mashnik, applejuicekssn, asp84, asparagus, asylum_kitty, asyntactic, atariska11, ateolf, atomickittyboy, atriphex, audioalchemist, autotelic, auxsend, awakeinthedark, awdisrupt, azoic, backrow, baikonur, battie, beatbyter, beautybeatz, belcantogirl, ben_sama, berserkir, betzle, billyjoeray, bluesparklezzz, bluetrafficcone, bmw459, bo_the_bloody, bobydigital, brady82, breezeflakes, brisknfade, briterainbows, brokenjaw, butterflyrobert, calien, cameosis, camparisoda, candilolo, capnboom, carbon_kink, carrion_chorale, cblifeform, chaizzilla, charlenegod, charlief, cheebah, cheerselfears, chemical, churchofengland, circebe, civdef, clayismyhero, cletusmoof, cobaltbluetony, cocoon, codemunky, cognoscenti, coleeee, comzerokomplex, connexion, controller, corporalchiron, cortezthekiller, coruscate, cowsoncrack, cracksmurf, crazychick2455, crazylogic, creatrixx, crwnryl, cyanogen_seas, cyber_dj, cyrano, d9, dancetheirdance, dandycat, datawar, daveespionage, daygloangel, dbananza, deafeuphoria, deathbyromance, deeelite, delyth, destructorbot, dff, dfi_media, dictatorrabbit, digitalflow, digitalgoodtime, digitalgurl, dignam, dirtyecstasy, dissolving_star, dizeexillusionz, dj_pork_e, dj_sinthetic, djdavejumpers, djdigit, djgeko, djproject, djresistor, djshiva, dmd, dmgrant777, dom999, dreamfairy, dreauboy, dredarling, dubaboutme, dynamok12, eelektronnik, egoremover, eisforian, elasticity, electr0nicaslut, electricit, electronicdead, electroniktrip, elekent, elstuviouso, emiwee, emodarlin, emptyshadow83, entropic_artist, envykitty021, ericsatan, eutopiatetheory, evendeeper, evilbecca, evilcyberdoll, evilernie, extuhsie, fdiesel, feckar, fermi, fiberoptic, filarion, fire_bird, fireismyrave, firthy, flamerbeastie, fluidmirror, flunitrazepam, foonteeck, fortesque, foxxfires1, freelove, fumanchaw, fundabonka, garretjax, gatecrashergrl, geezah, geojones, ghett0fabulous, ghost_people, girl_w_glasses, glitterblue, glownmetalraver, go_ninja_go, gohei, goodmusic, gr8noise, greasymexican, greatoro, greendragonhawk, grendelsden, gunc0r3, headphonez, hindupez, holycow24, hplpb, hype, hypercrawford, i0nkitty, icehowl, idfi, ikonoklast, in_motive, industrialrednk, infinitejest, infinitycluster, insidersav, insomnia, intersection, intothedusk, introndepot, intuitivemotion, itastica, ivey, jayslippy, jcorreag, jean_kristophe, jiffiner, jive_magazine, jklre, joelandrewtyson, joyfulvibes, jtanoyo1, junglekitty, junglist_e, junomat, kandeeglowgrl, kaoss, kaottic97, karina, kava, khromegnome, kilowatts, kiragan, kishez, kittychilled, kittykisser, knautomata, konflict, krow, kuphoria, laitha, laments, ld50_inc, lemoncrush, lfaren, lil_goth_girl, liltrouble222, liquidpop, liz_lowlife, lolis_lil_grrl, loomziesoul, lost_desires, lostinthefall, lovefield, lucianblake, lucky13, luckytourist, lunagrrrrrl, lunalil, lxlcindylxl, lyneday, lynxi, lyqwid, m3ch, ma1ice, maduro, magnet2metal, maikothepooh, malicious_light, manhattanmuse, manoflamacho, maryjane2723, marynificent, mathyou, mattgillies, medication, mediocratez, menthol_delight, methobelyve, mexddr, miloff, mind_relapse, mirandaw420, missa909, miztinsel, moloko_plus, moog_core, mork, moz57, mr_sloane, mtmtmt, musicaficionado, muzac, my_downfall, mythix, mzgenius1, nachtwolf, natashairaketa, necro_0ptic, neoxenos, neporussky, nera, neraka, newbieblair, nichiyume, nicktornetta, nicodemous, nightafternight, nightengale, nils_holgersson, ninkitten, novelchick, o__0, onthefloor, opak29, openupyourskull, ouchmyelbow, ouisi, paganpunque, palashka, palemoonrec, parasomnic, parma, pasteymofo, petzold113, phases, phunk83, phuturephunk, pianowhore, pillpoper, pimpdaddygee, pitokbuux, pixie_trix, plasticrapping, plixx2, plus20200, poohbear4jj, poppyhead, porksound, powermuffgirl, prey, psychee, ptk, quotetheraven, r0zi, raximus, redfishie87, reflectivelife, richardh, rowr2tame, runagate_echo, ryryforsale, sablefox, saphire_codeine, saskatoom, schnoogansdude, scratchedout, seagroovedj, seanmcguire, secondderogate, serendipite, serial_thrilla, sethers, sexyporky, shepchap, sherbertjello, silversnowfall, sinsation666, sirwilhelm1, skapllnker, skywalker404, slovakianhell, smoofy, smurfee, snake_eyez, snorri_braut, solipticon, sommeilika, soulspiritmind, spiraldownfall, spiralstairwell, spiraluprising, splixster, spyla, starkravingfag, staticlife, stereo99, stormmm, summersolstice, summonillusion, supersony, surrealitykid, sweetheartashie, synthetikitten, synthettica, synthplastik, t_man42, tainted__blood, talldean, tankeo, teebee, teknosavvyalfie, telling, tenjikitokuchi, terribleperfect, tetragonos, the_fallen_halo, the_outsider, theblahgirl, thebobgreene, thecolorblue, theflir, thehaloproject, thelonewolf, theproteus, therestlessdawn, thesunsetsdown, thewordisbird, thiefboi, timekiller, todeskampf, tokyoclusterfuk, torque, totalbitch, touch_the_starz, tracylab, tragemorph, traitorous, trance_emotions, trancefever, trancelife, tranceravergirl, trancevisionz, tranq_tryptizol, transential, transmothra, trickbaby, trioxin, tripnotemple, tsunamikitsune, tylox, underyourfate, userfriendly13, uworld003, vampiresnight, vengecore, vinny222, violent_saint, vo1d, volumeii, vorcos, walepath, waxtrax, we_r_troubled, wearyed, weebitcrabby, weedabix, wellsjc, winterknight, wormcult, wrenbird, xnoisexxstreamx, xseveredxwenchx, xsiberian_wolfx, xsivebpm, xt_strange, xxmisshellxx, yayo, youcantfindme, z100radioonline, zalty, zarnitsa, zombiesmustdie
Watched by:268: 2kindone, 3rdforce, _____wolf_____, _cryingstar, _cure, _fiend_, _hank, _m2_, _michael_, _techgirl, a2z, aeonbliss, afreet, airic, alexmizell, alpha_dox, alyc69, anima_i, atariska11, audioalchemist, autotelic, auxsend, awakeinthedark, azoic, baikonur, battie, beautybeatz, belcantogirl, ben_sama, bmw459, brandonw, briterainbows, camparisoda, cayela, charlief, cheebah, chemical, churchofengland, circebe, clayismyhero, cocoon, coleeee, comzerokomplex, connexion, corporalchiron, coruscate, cowsoncrack, crazychick2455, crazylogic, cyber_dj, cyberreik, d9, dandycat, datawar, dbananza, deadheaven, deafeuphoria, dff, dictatorrabbit, different_ir, dj_pork_e, djdavejumpers, djdigit, djgeko, djproject, djresistor, djshiva, dmd, dom999, dreauboy, dubaboutme, electr0nicaslut, electricit, electroniktrip, elekent, elstuviouso, emptyshadow83, evilcyberdoll, expect_delays, fermi, fiberoptic, firthy, flunitrazepam, fortesque, g3k, garretjax, gbeoireubgloirs, geezah, geojones, ghett0fabulous, ghost_people, girl_w_glasses, gojiraeight, goodmusic, gr8noise, greatoro, greendragonhawk, grendelsden, gunc0r3, headphonez, hindupez, hypetoo, icehowl, idfi, ikonoklast, infinitejest, infinitycluster, intuitivemotion, jayslippy, jazzresin, jcorreag, jesterly, jiffiner, jive_magazine, jklre, joelandrewtyson, joyfulvibes, jtanoyo1, junglekitty, junomat, kaottic97, karina, karlthepagan, kava, khromegnome, kiragan, kittykisser, knautomata, konflict, krow, kuphoria, laitha, laments, lfaren, lil_goth_girl, lost_desires, lovefield, lucianblake, lunagrrrrrl, lxlcindylxl, lyneday, lynxi, lyqwid, m3ch, malicious_light, manhattanmuse, marynificent, mcatheter, mediocratez, methobelyve, ...
Member of:5: madhattan_trig, musicads, phases, sfraves, synthpop_music
Account type:Free Account

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