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Friday, June 11th, 2004

Time: 5:53 pm.
Only I could lose my house keys the day before I have to give them back to the landlord :(
take a toke.

Wednesday, June 9th, 2004

Time: 3:45 pm.
Yay, there is someone nice that works for the Inland Revenue! Just spoke to this northern bloke that said they've lost my P45 but they've managed to print off my rebate of 498 quid that should get sent home in a few days :)

Problem is, I could do with the 498 quid now, seeing as I spent the last of my overdraft yesterday :\

Another phone call now.. this time to the bank to finance my evening tonight;)
take a toke.

Tuesday, June 8th, 2004

Time: 1:24 pm.
Music:Ash - Vampire Love.
The past five days I've been drunk... apart from that I've done nothing worth mentioning ;)
take a toke.

Sunday, June 6th, 2004

Time: 4:32 am.
ended up in the NHS walk in centre tonight ;)
take a toke.

Friday, June 4th, 2004

Time: 2:28 am.
Music:Presidents Of The USA - Toob Amplifier.
Had a great afternoon/evening tonight.. despite being burnt twice by cigarettes on the same arm.

Spent most of the day drinking, went to curry club at Wetherspoons, sat in the Orange Tree for a couple of hours then went to dirty Pulse (nightclub).

Funniest thing was, as I was walking back at 1:55am, my housemate was running up the street, I stopped him and said "what the fuck are you doing?", his reply was, "I passed out at about 6pm and I've just woken up, so I'm going out to make up lost time!"... like... WTF?
take a toke.

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004

Subject:Early mornings
Time: 8:10 am.
Music:Goo Goo Dolls - Naked.
It took a lot of convincing to get myself out of bed this morning. I even went to the extreme last night of setting my clock forward by half an hour so that when the alarm went off, I'd think it was seven instead of half six.

Eventually rolled out of bed (slightly hungover) at quarter to seven and had a shower. Just finished my usual morning cup o' tea and getting stuck into Legal & Professional Issues in Computing revision.

Exam is in five hours, plenty of time to get all this firmly wedged into my brain.

I estimate that in eight hours time, I'll be drunk.
take a toke.

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004

Time: 6:44 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Everclear - Wonderful.
E-Commerce Secuirty exam this morning went really well, managed to get all the right answers to the maths questions and wrote enough to secure a decent mark on the wordy questions. Definitely my best exam yet.

Went to the library this afternoon, glad I did as managed to collate a good set of notes off different people with case studies & all. Gonna spend a bit of this evening & tomorrow learning them ready for my LAST EVER EXAM at 1pm ;)

Going out for a few bevvies tonight at JCs, just a few like, to help me sleep. Up at nine tomorrow to do some final revision. Then after that I think the plan is to party all afternoon somewhere, then dunno where we'll end up in the evening, hopefully somewhere nice if the weather's good.
take a toke.

Tuesday, June 1st, 2004

Time: 9:47 pm.
Four Bosnian convicts cut bars with a smuggled hacksaw and slid down knotted bedsheets to escape on Sunday night.
take a toke.

Time: 11:01 am.
Music:Piet Blank - Live on Einslive Partyservice-15-05-2004.
Found a folded up fiver outside my house this morning.

I'm always weary of picking up money off the street, specially notes, as you never know who's watching or whether it's dodgy. But that's maybe just my general sense of paranoia :)
take a toke.

Monday, May 31st, 2004

Time: 11:20 pm.
Played poker all evening tonight with my mates, managed to triple my stake.. ok so the stake was only 50p and I came back with £1.58p, but still, the percentage winnings is good ;)

I was crap at five-card draw, but I cleared up on Texas hold 'em.
take a toke.


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