Ardbeg78's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Ardbeg78's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, July 29th, 2004
    4:24 pm
    Nothing much fdoing. Went to court this morning, and as expected, got reamed. Not really my fault, but go try to explain that to the client. Anyway, we have much more discovery shit to do. Finished the brief last night. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself, which I will because no one else will here. Anyway, that is all.

    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, July 28th, 2004
    11:03 am
    Feeling much better, although my cold has decidedly not gone away. Yesterday went smoothly. No messages and no one wanted me at home. Got up late and drove to Queens without incident. Shmuel was fine for most of the way through, although he gave me a few of the long ones to say at the beginning, took over again, and then gave me the last approximately 1/3 to say. That was fine. Hung around for about another hour (I left my watch there, but my parents retrieved it for me later in the afternoon), and then drove home using the free bridge. It started to rain midway, but that was fine. Napped pretty much all afternoon, and woke up at about 8. Laura suggested we have dinner at Matt's, so I picked up some Mike Piazza and walked over getting absolutely drenched along the way. They were watching the Democratic convention, so I listened a bit and made some fun, and then we went home and straight to sleep. Today, I got up early and came to the office. Finished my complaint and did a little follow-up research on that matter. Also prepping some more documents to go out. In the bad news department, I still think that I am going to get reamed tomorrow. The documents are what they are, but the other side is, of course, not happy and the judge won't be either. I left the ball in their court on Monday, but they haven't gotten back to me, which is probably a bad sign. They'll take it up with the judge, and we will see what she says. I am just nervous that I am being put in an uncomfortable bad spot. That is all.

    Current Mood: uncomfortable
    Monday, July 26th, 2004
    8:10 am
    Against all odds, I had a good and productive weekend. Friday was really horrible. Didn't do anything real, and got hit with a brief to write for a case that isn't mine and I have no interest in. Then we got word from the court that the forum non motion was granted and the case was dismissed. We now have to decide whether to appeal or to file in California. Neither of those are good options. On top of that, it poured all day and I had parked a good distance from the train and had a lot of work to carry home with me. Feeling physically and emotionally drained, I dumped my softball gear out of my bad and stuffed it to the gills with work, took my umbrella and left the office. Walked through the rain to get to the truck and opted for the Grand Central because I really didn't want to drive around Long Island City for 20 minutes. Turned out to be a good choice, because, miracle of miracles, there was no traffic. Must have been that all the Hamptons traffic was scared off because of the rain. Anyway, got to my parents'. Laura was already there. Washed up a bit and rested. The turnout Friday night was weak. Weaker than I can remember in years. Oh well. At least the Rebbe Reb Shmuel is feeling well, which takes me off the hook for tomorrow. Anyway, dinner was tasty and uneventful. The next day we both overslept and arrived at the PesachDicker's late, but not too late because he was still waiting for others to come in after us. The food, as usual, was out of this world. Five main courses: chicken, London broil, breaded turkey cutlets, corned beef, and chulent. All delicious. Side dishes too. The dessert left a lot to be deisired, but what the hey, we were all too full for dessert anyway. Conversation was good too. Anyway, we napped that sucker off and woke up late in the evening, for, if you can believe it, pizza before going home. Cleaned up a bit on Saturday night and went to sleep. Sunday, I was really productive. Got up early in the morning. Learned the sedra and listened to my favorite Sunday morning preahers while having breakfast and cleaning the kitchen. Wrote out acknowledgements for the gifts we got over the weekend. Changed the light bulbs in the bathroom, scrubbed the bathroom and living room floors, and vacuumed the carpets. Then cleaned out the A/C filters. Read the file for one case, did my timesheets for the week, and read two deposition transcipts that had been sitting on my desk for a while. Had lunch with Laura (pizza again) and then Carrie called. We agreed to have dinner together in honor of Yael's birthday. Read some cases and the briefs for the motion I was given on Friday. Then went down to dinner. The place was empty and we still got lousy service. Anyway, after that fiasco, I went up to watch the game, during which I reviewed the papers below, and outlined our reply brief. Did some more time, got depressed over the Yankees loss, showered and went to sleep. Was up early this morning. Shaved and dressed, and packed all my shit back into two bags this time. Left the house at 6:45 and got here at 7:15. Already printed out my weekend work and am now finally ready to respond to the discovery letter I didn't want to address last week. Hope to have a productive day because I am not coming in tomorrow.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Friday, July 23rd, 2004
    10:47 am
    Okay. Got a lot done this morning, but not enough. Drove to Queens to park. Saw my foot doctor, probably for the second to last time. Drafted the complaint. Now I have to deal with this unpleasant discovery matter. That is all. No hockey makes for a boring Thursday night. Learned the sedra and packed. Also acknowledged a few gifts we received. That's about it. Tonight dinner at my parents'. Tomorrow lunch at the Pesach Dicker's. Also find out about my status for Tuesday.
    Thursday, July 22nd, 2004
    2:29 pm
    Still sick today. Picked up the truck in the morning, and am sitting here reading deposition transcripts. Only because I don't want to do any real work. I've got a motion to write, a complaint to draft, and a discovery letter to respond to, and each task is more unpleasant than the last. On top of that, I am still not feeling very well here. So here I am, miserable, not accomplishing much, as tasks and tasks and tasks continue to pile up on my desk. Depressing, eh?

    Current Mood: sick
    Wednesday, July 21st, 2004
    12:25 pm
    Lots of stuff going on. None good. My hands are getting a little better, but not great. I am still in a great deal of pain when I try to grip something, but at least typing is not such a painful exercize. My cold is also somewhat better, although not perfect. I was far less congested when I woke up this morning than even last night, but as the day progresses I still am hacking up a lot of phlem and have nasal drip. So I would say that I am not better by any stretch of the imagination. Then I took the truck in for servicing today. In addition to the service, I need to flush out my a/c and replace the freeon (about $150) and replace the front brakes and rotors (about $250). So this has been a very expensive day. Then the shit starts to hit my desk. I need to respond to a huge letter about discovery, I need to write a damages brief and I need to catch up on my other work. All this while attending a Syn Com meeting tonight. I am chock full of work to my gills, I am uncomfortable and in pain, I am constantly sleep-deprived, and I don't know what to do.

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Tuesday, July 20th, 2004
    12:18 pm
    Hurt myself badly last night. My skates were too loose all during warmup and I had to tighten them on the bench (losing 3 shifts along the way),. Also, I managed to rub holes in my fingers, making typing painful. Also making gripping just about anything painful, as well as making washing in warm water painful. So I am in pain. A lot of it. Does nothing for my mood. I am irritated and in pain and extremely congested due to my cold. Which is not getting any better. Sucks to be me.

    Current Mood: in pain
    Monday, July 19th, 2004
    10:40 am
    I had a great weekend. Took home a lot of work, but really didn't look at it at all. Anyway, on Thursday night my skates fell apart again. Appropriate for the last game of the season. Anyway, a Sunday project was to get them resharpened. We went out to the beach on Friday afternoon. Lauren & Mikey came over. I really do like them, I've decided. Anyway, dinner was pleasant, the walk in the morning was not, but what the hey, I won't be doing it again for quite a while. Then I pretty much napped all afternoon followed by another meal and a sunset walk on the boardwalk, so that was very nice. And the weather cooled down quite a bit. Anyway, didn't do much at night. Yesterday, Laura slept in and I went out for breakfast and then ran a few errands, including getting new skates. The shop I went to didn't have the model I wanted, so I ended up getting Bauer 2000s for a very reasonable price of $160 plus tax, so it was a good deal. I wore them for about half an hour in the shop to try to break them in for the skate tonight, but we shall see if they are ready. Dinner last night was at the hoagiarium, and then we drove back and cleaned up and then drove home. Slept little last night. Am now writing the reply brief. It will be easier than I expected.

    Current Mood: okay
    Friday, July 16th, 2004
    10:54 am
    In pain. Just got back from the foot doctor. The good news is that I don't have to use duct tape for a week. The bad news is that there is still a whole lot of shit on the bottoms of my feet that need removing. I need to go back next week for yet another followup. Last night, we closed out the hockey season for good for good, but it was a lousy game. Only 10 showed up, so we played 5-on-5 for 7 minutes and rested for 3. At about 11:15, two other guys showed up so we had a minimal bench and played running time. Needless to say, the game was slow and sloppy, but I actually played well and scored for Yellow, which won the game. But exhausted I am. I skated (after the 11:15 realinment) one 15 minute shift and one 20 minute shift. Tiring. Also, I felt the skate loose, but couldn't figure out what, when I came to take it off, I realized that the blade had separated from the boot in the back, so I need to buy new skates on Sunday. Hey, at least it's something to do while Laura is sunning herself on the beach! That's about all I know. Leaving the office early today (why not, I've had a very good week) and driving out with traffic to Long Beah. Fun, fun, fun until daddy takes the T-Bird away.

    Current Mood: goofy
    Thursday, July 15th, 2004
    12:53 pm
    Having a great day, and a great week. THe only thing I have been too lazy to do is learn the sedra, which I will catchup on over the weekend. Other than that, things are proceeding swimmingly. Despite all odds, this is my fourth productive day in a row at the office, and I am not even staying late to get these results. Yesterday, I arrived early still euphoric from watching the AL beat the NL, but more importantly, seeking Clemens get rocked. Do you think that Piazza was giving the batters the signals, or what? Ha! Great! And the Yankees and former Yankees (read Soriano) did well too, so that's great. Anyway, got in, did my research at the Bar Association library, did a memo, got discovery out, read the briefs I need to respond to, and just had a great day generally. Was supposeed to play softball for my old office yesterday, but decided to tank it in the last minute. Good decision, as it turns out. At exactly 5:30, game time, it began to pour, so the game was cancelled and rescheduled, but those who showed up were stranded in the middle of the park geting soaked. Zeke called last night. He was stuck in Chatanooga on account of the weather, so he missed his connecting flight home. So he will be in the City for a few days, and we can get together. Sucks for him, great for me. Anyway, came back to the office today full of vim and vigor and am working well for like the fourth day straight. So I will get my shit done today and go to Queens to shop for groceries. Then to hockey for the last Thursday night game of the season (actually, the season ended three weeks ago, we are in bonus). So that's about it. No sleep tonight, which is bad because I am fighting off a cold that is starting to build up, but we shall see.

    Current Mood: good
    Tuesday, July 13th, 2004
    2:42 pm
    The mold is broke. Had a great day at the office yesterday, and I am having another one today!!! This is great!!! I am really being very productive. Here's to tomorrow!

    Current Mood: upbeat
    Monday, July 12th, 2004
    10:06 pm
    Let the record relect that it is 10:10 and I am just getting ready to leave the office now. Anyway, here I go. The weekend was nice. Made it out on the 5:55 train. On the way to Penn Station, I bumped into a former colleauge of mine. I hadn't seen him in about 6 years. It was nice to run into him. The train moved slowly, but I didn't have much to do because Laura already prepared everything, so I just showered and changed and walked on the boardwalk. I met Sinclair on the way, and he was all excited to see me. Also saw some other old friends from the City. It was nice. In the morning, I walked on the streets and bumped into the same colleauge again. It turns out that he was also headed to Penn Station because he rents out a house there for the summer as well. Anyway, after sweating buckets, we ate and napped the rest of the day. Late Saturday night we came home to get up early Sunday for kayacking. As soon as we got to Port Jervis, I saaw that the river was hardly moving and I knew we would be in for a very long day. We took a different route this year, Narrowsburg to Minisink. A few more "rapids" but that didn't matter because the water was not moving. So seven hours and a bunch of waterfights later, we did 15 miles down the river. Anyway, I tipped over but nothing too serious. It was good times. On the way home, I stopped for cheap Jersey gas. $1.84!!!! Also, surprisingly, there was no traffic, and we made great time to Lodi where we broke off to go to dinner. Still in all, we made it home at a very reasonable 10:30. That is all. Today was very busy and very productive. I am just leaving now, but I hope that it is not a repeat of previous patterns and that I have a productive day tomorrow as well. That is all.

    Current Mood: good
    Thursday, July 8th, 2004
    2:13 pm
    Not much going on. Had two terrible days at the office yesterday and Tuesday, but back on track now. Returning phone calls, doing other shit. Still need to get some discovery and discovery responses out, but we shall see. Anyway, not much else going on here. Hockey tonight and then we go out to Long Beach. Maybe kayacking on Sunday, we shall see. That is all.

    Current Mood: okay
    Tuesday, July 6th, 2004
    10:33 am
    Had a great weekend. Friday night dinner was very nice, except for some of the invited guests who really got on my nerves. But the food was great. Anyway, Saturday I went to a celebration in honor of someone's newborn daughter. As it turned out, it was the son (and granddaughter) of one of my bosses, so it was happy (and drunk) all around. Saturday night we preped for Sunday, and delivered the gift to my cousins (finally). Sunday we started out shopping early and although we had a guest list of 50 adults and 20 children, it cost me nowhere near the amount I expected to pay. Anyway, we had a ton of food. Literally. It was all good. We had actual attendance of about 35 adults and 15 children, and the steaks and chicken all went. We have 16 dogs and 32 burgers left over, but I already have some takers. (We put the rest in my parents' freezer). The beer went too for a change. Anyway, props to Max who singlehandedly manned the grill all day long. He did a great job very unselfishly. We also smoked some of the cured and matured Partagas Series D, which was very nice. Cleanup was easier than expected. We did it in like an hour and a half, and then did some laundry, so all in all a successful day. Yesterday much less so. Slept in and had breakfast at the new breakfast place in Queens. Then saw Spiderman 2. I don't know what everyone was so excited about. It was fair, not even good. But what do I know. Anyway, then we went to this party for two of Laura's friends, and then a quick dinner and home. Nothing much to write home about. The Yankees are back to their winning ways after they got blown out by the Mets this weekend, so that's some consolation. Anyway, today is Laura's birthday, Aaron & Shuly's anniversary, and the anniversary of when I proposed. So I brought Laura her birthday present in bed this morning (an animation cel from the Animaniac's that shows the character with a devilish smile, similar to Laura's) and we are having dinner out tonight. That is all.

    Current Mood: good
    Friday, July 2nd, 2004
    12:33 pm
    Had an absolutely great game last night! One goal, one assist, and two near misses in a tight 8-7 victory for Yellow. It was so hot and humid that we were exhausted, andwe had the ice for an additional 15 minutes, which prolonged the agony. Anyway, regardless of the score or personal stats, I played very, very well, which gives me no end of joy. It was all worthwhile. We got out in time for me to hear the last 2 extra innings in the Yankees dramatic dramatic win to sweep Boston. I have only one thing to say: Los Yankees Descien Descinedo en el Kiepo Mas Grande Siempres!!!! It was great. This weekend it's road games at Shea. Anyway, there is no one at the office today. I am just finishing up a few things and then I am going to go home. I have had enough. Not an altogether bad week, but not great. We have oral argument on Tuesday, but Ezio wants to handle it, so more power to him. And as for me, I am okay. Behind, but not impossibly so. I should be able to catch up on Tuesday and Wednesday. There is no softball next week. That is all I have from here. Looking forward to the big BBQ I am throwing at my parents'. And to Laura's birthday and the anniversary of our engagement.

    Current Mood: happy
    Wednesday, June 30th, 2004
    12:21 pm
    Not much doing here. Got reamed in court this morning as expected. Now I have to scramble again. Oh well. This summer is shaping up as busy for me and not so much fun. In the good news department, the Yankees trounced the Red Sox last night. We look forward to more trouncing tonight.

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Tuesday, June 29th, 2004
    2:42 pm
    Shit. Got nothing done yesterday, so I am behind in my discovery work. On the good news side of things, hockey was great last night. We had 10 on 10 and were very disciplined about changes. It was a great workout and I got a lift home with David. Unfortunately, we had to make a few stops along the way, and it took forever. Which is bad because I had to get to a party for one of Laura's friends who just got into law school off the waiting list. Sucks for him! But hey, he wants to do it, and I warned him, so he is going in with full disclosure. Anyway, I got home late and missed the party, so I showered and slept in the chair waiting for Laura to get home. Up early this morning. Went to the deposition. The witness held up very well, and we shall see what the other side comes back with. I have a hearing tonight and one tomorrow concerning the same subject. We shall see.

    Current Mood: okay
    Monday, June 28th, 2004
    9:22 am
    The BBQ yesterday was actually quite good. We had a really nice time despite who we had to give a lift back to, and otherwise had a good day. The food was mediocre, but plentiful. Also smoked a wonderful cigar. The bootleg Partagas Series D was wonderful and rich. Got home late, though. And have a shitload of work to do today. But other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, . . . Anyway, off to the foot doc's now to see if she will remov the duct tape.

    Current Mood: busy
    Sunday, June 27th, 2004
    9:09 am
    I'm having a pretty shitty weekend so far. And as June bleeds into July, I realize I have wasted a month -- a third of the summer -- without really accomplishing much at the office or socially. On the work front, there are briefs that need ot be written, discovery that I am already late on, and depositions to be taken. On the social front, we have yet to make it to Laura's parent's beach house (I am okay with that, but she is really pissed), or to any of the outdoor movies and concerts available. Also, I am at the office on a Sunday morning trying to make up time, so yeah, I am pretty miserable. Friday sucked. I tried to get through to my client to persuade her to send me the documents I need, to no avail. She is not taking my calls. Next, I did a little more written work, but still do not have my motion out. So that's a bust. So that's basically it. Came home frustrated at about 6. Laura was running late and we went out to dinner in the rain. The meal sucked. It was thrown by some graduate student. I understand living on a budget, but if you can't afford to entertain, just don't entertain. Don't serve one chicken for 6 people and some inedible side dishes. I am glad that I had backup food at home. Anyway, we got home late, drunk on wine. Napped in the chair and then got to bed after 2. Woke up yesterday hung over and pissed. At least the weather was nicer. Did my triple duty, came home to eat chulent with Laura and then off to a nap. Which was the highlight of the weekend. I slept more yesterday afternoon than the two nights combined. Anyway, then I went to the Coup Committee meeting, which was actually a lot of fun. Then back home, and I get a call from Max that he is not going to be staying in Brooklyn, so he is coming over to smoke. Which was okay, except that the service and food both sucked. First I ask for a glass of lemonade. A typical summer drink, right? I get informed that lemonade is not on the menu tonight, so I say what's the big deal, you've got lemons, you've got sugar, make lemonade. So I get a glass of sugar water with 4 lemon wedges tossed in at the bottom. After ceremoneously pouring it out onto the sidewalk, I politely suggest to the waitress that it may do to squeeze the lemons next time. I ordered the butcher's cut, medium. Max ordered a hamburger, medium. We were told that there were no buns, so he changed his order to a chicken cutlet. The food comes out about half an hour later, and he gets a burger on a small bun -- well done. The waitress says sorry, I forgot about the chicken cutlet. My steak is in fact medium on the inside, but charred on the outside. It is about the toughest most tastless piece of meat I have had there in a very long time. I ask for bernaise sauce, and am informed that there is none, so I get pepper sauce instead. And then the waitress comes out and says (as she is probably trained to do) in the sweetest voice, "Is everything alright?" At that point I lose it. I say no everything is not alright, just about everything is wrong, and you know it! You can't make a simple glass of lemonade, you fuck up my friend's order, you char the outside of my steak beyond recognition, and you ask if everything is okay. I will talk to the owner next time I see him, which should be this week. Oh yeah, and the cigar was bad too. A Romeo y Julieta pyramid. So mild and bland, I would have preferred an Ashton VSG. Anyway, here I am at the office on a Sunday doing work so I am not hopelessly behind tomorrow. We need to leave the City at 2:30 for the Bar B Q, which I am hoping against hope will be nice. And I have to make sure that Laura is ready on time when I pick her up, and today is the Gay parade so I have to somehow try to get around Fifth Avnenue on the way home. That is all.

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Thursday, June 24th, 2004
    10:46 am
    Had a productive afternoon at hte office yesterday. Did my business, but still way, way behind on discovery. I am plugging away at it today. We shall see if I make any progress. That's about all. Oh yes, and the Yankees were trounced last night. Not good. Not good at all. IN the good news department, I finished learning the sedra last night. That leaves tonight free. Hockey, shopping, and maybe, just maybe, sleep at a decent hour!

    Current Mood: okay
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