I should probably go into more detail about Ireland now, huh?
gordynate the spectacular arrived about 11:30 last night. We got in bed not long after that and just laid there talking. We got onto the topic of his spring break, cause I had said I was going to take that week off so we could do something. We decided that maybe we'd go up to NH, or even down to Cape May, to a B&B.; Just to get away for a bit. We could both use some time away.
I went to work this morning and emailed him to suggest that he find some places and prices so we could plan something. He emailed back and asked how I'd feel about Ireland. I thought he was kidding and emailed that I'd be there if he'd point me in the direction of an unsecured bank vault to jack. He emailed back to say he was serious and laid it out in such a way that, well, it just might work! We hashed it out and we're gonna do it! We'd be going March 19-24 and staying in Galway.
I feel like crying, I'm so happy. This has been a lifelong dream of mine, and I'm thrilled that I'll be able to see it with the love of my life. :)
Today was also the big six months. :) Obviously I worked all day, as well as obsessively combing travel sites. Then I came home and we headed out for dinner. I had wanted Wood-n-Tap but those bastards were having their holiday party so they had closed at 5! We had even commented that the lot was empty, which is unheard of, if you know the place. :) We then headed for West Hartford Center. We got stuck in nasty traffic on North/South (I can never remember which is which) Main, where there had been an accident at (I think) the intersection of Main and Memorial. It was pretty nasty looking, maybe even worse than mine. The impact was in a different spot, but definitely with more power and intensity. We got around it and got a spot on Farmington, then went to Elbow Room. I'd never been there, and had been wanting to try it. It really wasn't all that spectacular. Not bad, at least not mine, but nothing really special.
We came back here after, intending to find a movie, but decided to stay in instead. Then around 9:30, nate decided to leave in case the weather got worse, cause he had to work in the morning. It was the best decision, but I'm still all mopey now. I'll be going out to RI on Saturday night, then we're both coming back to Hartford for good on Sunday. So the long, hard road is over and he's here to stay! Whee!
Current Mood: ecstatic