Ah! You're vile; you're foul; you're flawed!
Miss Bella
Sunday, February 6th, 2005 07:32 am
Okay so I didn't hate Star Wars ...

But this is damn funny!

Star Wars convention goers ...

Geez, at least those among us who attended the eXpos dressed with some sense of style!

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Miss Bella
Saturday, February 5th, 2005 07:05 pm
Twenty Questions game

My mom sent me this, it's really pretty cool:


Current Music: "Frostmourne hungers ..." "Ah, at last" "This is more like it" etc. :)

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Miss Bella
Friday, February 4th, 2005 09:01 pm
In other BOILING RAGE news ...

[info]gordynate posted this article. Apparently some woman sued two high school seniors for baking her cookies and leaving them on her porch.

What is this world coming to?? I wonder what my Dan would have to say about this.

Current Music: WB Friday sitcoms

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Miss Bella
Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 06:46 pm
Sitting up, that's new

Ugh. I just want to feel better. I cannot cannot cannot miss anymore work. I can't decide if I'm better or worse. Some of the symptoms are gone, true, but they've been replaced with other ones, like a headache and nausea. I'm hoping that's just cause I haven't eaten much today. I was too busy sleeping. I had oatmeal around 11-ish, but that's been it. Good thing I get to have Wendy's soon!

Current Mood: hungry
Current Music: my dan abrams

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005 10:29 pm
Sicky sick sick

So I've got the plague. 'Bout damn time, eh? Well, 'bout damn time would've been never, but now I don't have to wait and worry that it's coming. Yesterday I left work at 1 and came home and slept, today I left at 3:30. I've been trying to take my tylenol like a good girl and i think it's helping. i just don't want to call in sick to work. i feel like i'm always sick, perhaps it's always been that way, i've just never really had to feel accountable for it. So instead of relaxing and getting better, I'm worrying about work.

I think my capacity for quality Sitting Up Time has been exhausted, so I'm going back to bed.

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: muffled computer game noises from the bedroom

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, February 1st, 2005 10:16 pm
BB Spot, where the countdowns go to 11

Which website am I?
Nate will like this one ... )

Now I have to get back in bed before he gets home, uhoh!

Current Music: The Astronaut - Something Corporate

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Miss Bella
Sunday, January 30th, 2005 07:58 pm
Oh baby yeah

Current Mood: naughty

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Miss Bella
Sunday, January 30th, 2005 07:00 pm
I get demanding when I'm sick

Ask me questions! Five! And I will ask you! Five!

Tomorrow! At work! Hopefully! I will have time!

You! Cannot resist! The power of The Animated Stitch!

Current Mood: nauseated

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, January 26th, 2005 12:49 am
cause i got high

i love everyone right now. i was in so miuch pain, now i have drugs in me and i'm happy and i watched lots of murphy brown until my hamster got tired. he said i had to go sleepytime. so he's washing his face and then he's gonna tell me a story!!!!

the end.

Current Mood: giggly

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, January 25th, 2005 07:04 pm
I WIN!111!!!!1111!!!eleventyoneoneone!!!

You Have A Type A- Personality


You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

I thought I'd be type A for sure, but this is actually a good result. :)

Current Music: Milkshake - Kelis

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, January 25th, 2005 12:30 am
"If you weren't here, I'd be hugging the TV!"

Yeah, been watching the Murphy Brown marathon. I'm almost weeping with happiness! I feel like my family is home!

Yes, I got that attached to the show. I've missed it so much.

It's funny how many of the details that I didn't notice before really resonate now. Like the situation with Murphy's parents.

In other news, I think I'm allergic to raw carrots. We were snacking on some and now my chest feels funny and I'm all oogy in the tummy. Ugh.

Current Music: Milkshake - Kelis

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Miss Bella
Monday, January 17th, 2005 07:07 pm


So I'm drying off before heading out to get some groceries and go to uha and I'm thinking of all the times I moved back to school after winter break. Of all the people who are happily reuniting with beloved roommates and SO's. And I realized how lucky I was to get to see my love at least once a week this break, usually more. How lucky I was to get to spend both Christmas and New Years with him. And how lucky I am to be planning our wonderful trip with him.

Sometimes when things get rough, it's easy to forget those things. It's so important to keep focused on them, though. No matter how many sodas I spill all over my hat, or how much work piles up and drives me nuts, or how many cars I crash (hopefully just the one! thanks god! that's enough!) I'll still have him, and my family, and all of you ...

Money is just money. It's important, and yes, in a sense, it CAN buy happiness (happiness for me is living comfortably and not panicking about bills/rent/food) ... but it's easily recovered. It can be controlled, for the most part. It comes and goes. This, though. Life, love, family, health ... there's no price on that.

Current Mood: loved

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Miss Bella
Monday, January 17th, 2005 04:24 pm
On a more amusing note ...

The Great LiveJournal
Outage of 2005

During the outage I debated whether i should write letters to my lj friends just to see what they had for dinner.

What did you do?

Brought to you by geek-foo

In actuality I slept most of the day, then drove to Providence, spent the night, then at some point [info]gordynate opened the LJ of someone spending time in Galway so we could see if there were any pics or anything. I said "Hey! LJ is back up?" and he was like "Uhhh ... oh! I guess so!"

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Miss Bella
Thursday, January 13th, 2005 05:56 pm
A victory for the damn liberals: Judge nixes evolution textbook stickers

The Associated Press
Updated: 1:12 p.m. ET Jan. 13, 2005

ATLANTA - A federal judge on Thursday ordered the removal of stickers placed in high school biology textbooks that call evolution “a theory, not a fact,” saying they were an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.

The disclaimers were put in the books by school officials in suburban Cobb County in 2002. ...


Current Mood: impressed

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Miss Bella
Thursday, January 13th, 2005 10:09 am
Who knows what a win-win situation is?

Cause this, my friends, is a win-win situation!

An ING Direct Orange Savings Account

Basically, it's a high-interest savings account without a brick-and-mortar bank. It's all insured and legit and stuff.

Here's the ING schpiel explaining it )

And if anyone signs up, I get $10! Yay!

So if you're looking for a little rainy day fund, this is a good way to do it. You can set up automatic transfers from your existing checking account, or even do direct deposit from your paycheck. I have it set for $5/week, right now.

If anyone's interested, comment here with an email address and I'll send along a referral :)

Current Mood: poor, but rich in spirit?

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 09:00 pm
My friends say I should act my age ...

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 05:25 pm
As requested by miss [info]sydelbow ...

My mom was once driving one of my aunt's malteses somewhere and the dog liked to be in her lap. It was all fine until the damn dog put her head through the steering wheel and got stuck! Mom had to pull over, on the highway no less, without breaking the dog's neck. So, she turned the steering wheel with one hand and held the dog's body with the other, moving her as the wheel turned.

You should also check out her post with pictures of her puppies.

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Miss Bella
Monday, January 10th, 2005 11:26 pm
I should probably go into more detail about Ireland now, huh?

So [info]gordynate the spectacular arrived about 11:30 last night. We got in bed not long after that and just laid there talking. We got onto the topic of his spring break, cause I had said I was going to take that week off so we could do something. We decided that maybe we'd go up to NH, or even down to Cape May, to a B&B.; Just to get away for a bit. We could both use some time away.

I went to work this morning and emailed him to suggest that he find some places and prices so we could plan something. He emailed back and asked how I'd feel about Ireland. I thought he was kidding and emailed that I'd be there if he'd point me in the direction of an unsecured bank vault to jack. He emailed back to say he was serious and laid it out in such a way that, well, it just might work! We hashed it out and we're gonna do it! We'd be going March 19-24 and staying in Galway.

I feel like crying, I'm so happy. This has been a lifelong dream of mine, and I'm thrilled that I'll be able to see it with the love of my life. :)

Today was also the big six months. :) Obviously I worked all day, as well as obsessively combing travel sites. Then I came home and we headed out for dinner. I had wanted Wood-n-Tap but those bastards were having their holiday party so they had closed at 5! We had even commented that the lot was empty, which is unheard of, if you know the place. :) We then headed for West Hartford Center. We got stuck in nasty traffic on North/South (I can never remember which is which) Main, where there had been an accident at (I think) the intersection of Main and Memorial. It was pretty nasty looking, maybe even worse than mine. The impact was in a different spot, but definitely with more power and intensity. We got around it and got a spot on Farmington, then went to Elbow Room. I'd never been there, and had been wanting to try it. It really wasn't all that spectacular. Not bad, at least not mine, but nothing really special.

We came back here after, intending to find a movie, but decided to stay in instead. Then around 9:30, nate decided to leave in case the weather got worse, cause he had to work in the morning. It was the best decision, but I'm still all mopey now. I'll be going out to RI on Saturday night, then we're both coming back to Hartford for good on Sunday. So the long, hard road is over and he's here to stay! Whee!


Current Mood: ecstatic

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Miss Bella
Monday, January 10th, 2005 04:29 pm
oh danny boyyyy ...

So, looks like we're going to Ireland ...

Current Mood: eeeeee! so excited!

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Miss Bella
Sunday, January 9th, 2005 09:54 pm
girly giggliness

So. Six months ago on the evening of July 9 I was sitting in my apartment, wondering what the next day would hold, as [info]gordynate was coming over in the morning and we were setting off for New Hampshire ...

Six months later I'm still waiting to wake up from this crazy wonderful incredible dream. :)

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: blue crush

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