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note lols [02 Feb 2005|09:07pm]
[ mood | alfred molina ]

O helo note to self:

Before and After - Sun Feb 6 02:30A on TNT

Chocolat - Sun Feb 6 08:30P on A&E;

The Perez Family - Wed Feb 23 12:00P on Oxygen Channel

Scorpion Spring - Fri Feb 4 04:00A on TNT

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[02 Feb 2005|02:46pm]
i just friended like an ass-ton of people today and if you didn't want to be friended just lemme know and i'll remove you.

unless you're like alex or squee or someone being a dick like "HURRR I WNAT 2 B REMUVED" at which point i'll use my mspaint skills to draw you getting fucked by a bear/hornet.

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[01 Feb 2005|09:47pm]
Augh what the hell sometimes when I listen to music at the exact same point in specific songs I can hear, clear as a bell, the phone ringing or someone calling my name.

What in the hell. Honestly.
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MMI [31 Jan 2005|01:13am]
[ mood | musical ]
[ music | Ellis Paul - The World Ain't Slowin' Down ]

You know what? Me, Myself, and Irene has a really good soundtrack. I don't even really like Hootie and the Blowfish, but their track is good. Ben Folds Five was good too. I rediscovered the Ellis Paul song from it which still is fantastic. It's just a really good soundtrack, and the person who put it together did a great job.

Imagine that? Making soundtracks for a living. That's like getting paid to make mixtapes. I wonder if there are secret, world-wide competitions, and the best mixtapers in the world are sent off to Hollywood to make soundtracks. It's a job I'd want but, well, making a good mixtape isn't always easy.

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John Goodman: The Follow Up Post [29 Jan 2005|02:34am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Petty Booka - Ukulele Lady ]

Haha, well, holy shit. Almost 10 full days after [info]rq_version3 killed John Goodman, here is what's going on:

This is the post I made, clearing things up for my friends list. In the comments is a brief rundown of what happened.

The Defamer clears shit up later that night, after [info]ohnotheydidnt spread the word around from a fake news site that RQ people put up.

Then, The Defamer factually reported that his show has been cancelled. Uh, sorry, John. It didn't really have anything to do with the 'Net-murder we committed, but still, it was kind of funny to imagine that people at CBS would assume he was dead and cancel the show on account of RUMORS ON THE INTERNETS.

Then [info]ohnotheydidnt reports that the rumor made it all the way to The New York Post's Page Six. I am informed that this is a Big Deal, by [info]aprilbegins, Knower of Things. Frankly, I think the blurb there is kind of a dick move. Yeah, he's fat, but c'mon. The man died, came back to life, and got his show cancelled in less than two weeks. No need to insinuate that he waddles.

This Defamer report of people seeing John Goodman at Sundance has been formally cracking my shit up since I read it.

If you've got any links or screen caps of anything related, from RQ, ONTD, anywhere, comment and I'll throw it up there. Or even if you heard it being discussed by non-RQ or Internet people, tell me, cos LOL, ROFL, etc. If I made any mistakes, comment and show me the light man.

Uh, in advance, yeah, I know I'm a dick for getting involved with this. But maybe the lesson we'll learn from this is that we should only start death rumors about people we hate. How 'bout Paris Hilton: Pronounced dead, official cause unknown, speculation points to exploded stomach filled with jizz?

As a special request, if any of you go on to become writers or filmmakers, and you write/shoot a zombie story, do you mind terribly making a John Goodman zombie? Ultimate in-joke.

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I Killed John Goodman [20 Jan 2005|08:47pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Today I killed John Goodman. It took about 6 hours and I did it with the fine people at [info]rq_version3.

That's a pretty good rundown of the main bits. The part you can't see is the incredible 5-page freakout at [info]ohnotheydidnt, the ensuing flamewar, the one girl who came to RQ to bitch, and the countless people who posted the story in their LJs, put up away messages, and called people to spread the news.

I bet you anything that by tomorrow evening, The Good Man's people will have to put out an official statement declaring his health. It's crazy how fast this can spread, isn't it?

I hope John is cool with this. :D

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[20 Jan 2005|04:02pm]
John Goodman

You will be missed.
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SEXYY DOG [06 Dec 2004|09:03am]
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Best Band Ever [10 Oct 2004|02:37am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Petty Booka - Perfect ]

So me and Alex came up with pretty much the best band ever, but we need like 3 more people to be in it.

Alex is on sitar
I am on ukulele

We need someone for mandolin, santoor, and banjo (note: banjo MUST be played in this exact manner).

The general idea of the best band ever is that it will feature (only) rare string instruments that are STRING and RARE. No guitars. Banjos are the most mainstream acceptable. We're open to suggestions, if the mandolin, santoor, or banjo don't suit your fancy.

The band is called Mansitjo'oorlele, based on the Hawaiian word for "best band ever."

Who is in?

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Friends only. [05 Sep 2000|12:22am]
friends only, guys!
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