James' Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in James' LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, December 29th, 2029
    3:30 am
    A shameless self promotion

    Click on any of those images to see more of my drawings.. all done in charcoal, all at 18" x 24" in size.
    Wednesday, February 9th, 2005
    3:48 am

    In my never-ending quest to create more culture (intellectual and artistic activity) in my life, I would like to watch one movie per week for a year.

    Which movie would you suggest I watch one week out of this year?

    I am mostly into short films, but would love to watch a long film based on a short film criteria.

    P.S. I'll watch your movie suggestions, then comment upon each movie in this entry, eventually.
    Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
    6:27 am
    A general statement
    Sometimes I post things in this journal that might affect you. Sometimes I'll post something that might cause an effect. But whatever I post here is always open to scrutiny, and I welcome your comments, even if they are out of place.

    Certain people are watching this journal in hopes to catch me when I make a mistake, and I think that's good.

    Certain people are watching this journal in expectation that I will be making comments in direct relation to them, this is not so good.

    If things I say here bother you, please.. simply un-friend me. I'm not forcing you to read this.

    I'm open to the world, I witness situations and I make comments about what I witness. Please don't be so shallow to assume that everything I post here is about you. Some of what I post here will be about you, but it won't be obvious to anybody else.. so there is no need to direct the spotlight upon yourself by getting openly pissed off in a reply to anything I post here.

    My comments are usually more broad than to be directed to one individual, so try to rise above what you think is going on here and just accept that I am commenting on the general population more often than not.

    Current Music: The Postal Service - Recycled Air
    Friday, February 4th, 2005
    6:16 am
    Life is but a..
    It sometimes scares me how bizarre my life corresponds with twists and fate.

    I can't count how many times i've come across a situation that would only fit well within a novel of strange happenings.

    From the million-to-one chance of crossing paths with people I might have otherwise wished to never have crossed paths with, I cross paths with yet again.

    Something strange is always happening in my life, and I would never dare suggest it is any less than the fact that my life is a dream, and nothing I experience is ever really .. real.

    Current Music: Rufus Wainwright - Greek Song
    Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
    4:12 am
    I had posted this link weeks ago, and for some reason, I deleted it. I don't know why I deleted it. Anyway, here it is again:

    Mmm hmm, click on that animation.
    Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
    11:13 pm
    After all these years, I still don't understand...

    I've never been very good at summing up other people's character. Maybe that's because I've been misjudged and falsely accused at various times in my life. I believe this has caused me to repress any negative judgments I might have of others I meet in life, or online, because I know how easy it is to be wrong about others even when we think we know them, or about them.

    I never know if someone might be interested in me, romantically, if they don't tell me up front. I am continually amazed at how easily some of the women that I approach to be drawn will disrobe in my apartment without ever having met me before I had asked them. Even when I am interested in any of my subjects, I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable by doing anything that might be considered inappropriate.. like kissing them in the middle of a photoshoot. But I've heard stories of other artists that do just that, with positive outcome. Still, how often do women consent to disrobing before a stranger? It happens for me, but how do I know this isn't normal for everybody? I mean.. I've had one of my models sleep with me the same night after a photoshoot, how do I know I couldn't have slept with most of them? I've had crushes on women with whom I'd found out later had a crush on me, but since I never made that move, nothing came of it. Even after the 30 + relationships I've been in, even when something comes of making that move, something always happens to convince me that it wasn't right to begin with, and I end up breaking it off.

    I fell in love with someone who didn't love me, just a few months ago, because of the beauty I saw in her face.. but even if she had fallen for me, I am certain something would have happened in the relationship that I would have deemed atrocious enough to warrant a breakup.

    Maybe it's simply that nobody can ever really "know women" because nobody is the same. What attracts one woman turns another woman off, regardless of everything.

    I'm also becoming very suspicious of the idea of "beauty." It is very easy for me to fall for someone with an attractive face, only to find out they don't have a very attractive personality. I tend to believe that people are all alike, but I am constantly shown that most people are less than they can be. Every time I watch a series on the Nazi Jewish concentration camps of World War 2, I am reminded of how inhumane people can be. It was only 65 years ago that some of the worst atrocities on earth took place.

    If humans *are* evolving, we are evolving the wrong way.

    Still, I will maintain hope that most of the world's social problems are due to stupidity, and not created by intelligent caring beings. It's just too bad that the stupid seem to keep breeding.
    Sunday, January 16th, 2005
    2:04 pm
    How come nobody has told me about

    Rufus Wainwright?

    Amazingly beautiful music.

    He sounds a lot like Dan Bern, only much better. I've never come across someone's music that actually makes me feel happy, and puts me into such a powerful mood as his does.

    If you have iTunes, you should sample some of his music if you haven't heard it yet.

    Current Music: Rufus Wainwright - Beautiful Child
    Thursday, January 13th, 2005
    4:15 am
    Your selfishness justifies your being.

    Some will revere you for doing whatever you want to be doing, no matter who else it hurts.

    Others will curse you for your lack of understanding, for your lack of compassion.

    But both of us will always know you are less than you can be.

    Riding your wave of self will drown you, eventually.

    Current Music: Modest Mouse - Gravity Rides Everything
    Sunday, January 2nd, 2005
    4:09 am
    The harsh reality
    Some people simply aren't worth remembering.
    Sunday, December 19th, 2004
    11:44 pm
    Some days I feel exactly like this:

    Click on that for an animation.
    Friday, December 17th, 2004
    1:58 am
    Took a walk
    Went on a walk at 1:00 in the morning and took these pictures of the streets by my home:



    That couple was randomly sitting on their porch and allowed me to take their picture.

    Click any of those for a larger image.

    Current Music: Nick Drake - Pink Moon
    12:15 am
    Passion left holding a dream.
    Thank you for making it easier to fade away.

    Our worlds are so different, our shores so distant, the space between so opened to empty scenes.

    Vacant horizons greeting the cold winter breeze.

    Loneliness is such a beautiful thing.

    Current Music: Alexi Murdoch - Orange Sky
    Sunday, December 12th, 2004
    8:45 pm
    If you are interested in making a real change..
    If anybody is going to actually make a difference in how major corporations act, the coprorations are going to have to be hit where it hurts them the most, in the pocket book.

    There is an organization that is targeting companies like Coca Cola, McDonalds, Exxon Mobile, and more than a dozen more which can be found here (along with the reasons behind the boycotts):

    It is targeting the listed companies on their page that are socially irresponsible, and in some cases are responsible for loss of human life through misdeeds and profiting all the while. The group gathers information about specific atrocities made by each company and provides the press with these facts. KarmabanQue (Karma Bank) is buying put options, or "shorting a stock," on a given company in hopes that the stock shares will fall due to the publicity of their actions.. in effect punishing the companies for their harm by making a profit off the boycott that is put in place.

    A portion of profits will go toward “mending the social wounds inflicted by target companies.” KarmabanQue donates money earned in the stock market to the people the companies have harmed through this process of "hedging" which is commonly used on Wall Street.
    Sunday, December 5th, 2004
    5:06 am
    There is just too much I'll never understand about certain people.

    And I've wasted too much of my time trying.
    Saturday, November 20th, 2004
    10:21 pm
    Mmmmm existing.
    I believe that we exist at a point in existence that only exists for the instant it exists, and there is nothing before or after.

    No past, no future.. only now.

    Current Music: Porcupine Tree - Point 3
    Friday, November 19th, 2004
    12:02 am
    In good time.
    127 years from now, those humans still living will look back upon USA 2004 and laugh. Then they will cry. Then they will finish eating their conservative human leftovers with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

    Or is this only me being optimistic?

    Thank you Harry Anslinger for the magnification of human filth at its worst. You were highly instrumental in creating the drug war, as we know it today, which is guilty of harming more people than it could have ever helped.

    Thank you Henry Kissinger for being one of the most eligible recipients of war crime convictions for the second half of the last century.

    Thank you President Bush for ramming the Patriot Act right up our collective american ass, as well as flip flopping at least as much as, if not more than, Kerry.

    I could go on and on and on.. but I'm tired of typing.

    If you are at all interested in an accurate point of view regarding the latest news, please visit Common Dreams regularly.

    You're welcome.

    Current Music: Omar Faruk Tekbilik - Manhem
    Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
    4:00 am
    A general theme
    I've noticed a trend..

    As I study cellular biology, the very base of every living thing today.. I notice the mechanism that drives everything. That mechanism is the mechanism of conquering.

    It seems every living thing is set to evolve by overpowering.

    Eating, digesting, enveloping, fucking, or even trying to advance ourselves as human beings by saving the buffalo.

    To fight innate desires is to go against nature.

    Your drive is to overcome. Your drive is to overcome anything that might stand in your way. We are just giant copies of our base DNA.

    From the very beginning of time, things have set out to overcome other things. Isn't this revealing? Can't you see the natural progression of nature? Will you argue against me and suggest I am wrong?

    I want SO BADLY to be wrong, but I don't think I am wrong regarding these things. We are destined to fight to be on top of the food chain.

    Mutations like me fight to not be overwhelmed by the flow of natural things. Mutations like me look at those of you who give into "just being" as evil things. Fight the current flow of things. Fight normal desires and look beyond your weak misgivings.


    Current Music: Tom McRae - Walking to Hawaii
    Sunday, November 7th, 2004
    1:05 am
    Tired of living.
    Tired of feeling. Tired of giving. Tired of wasting life for nothing. Tired of fighting. Tired of hoping. Tired of getting nothing back.
    Friday, November 5th, 2004
    3:34 am
    Impossible dream
    Here is my dream girl:

    Someone I've met at school, or a coffee shop, or randomly walking down the street contemplating eternity. She is continually wondering. She is continually questioning. She is continually dreaming of something more than what exists currently.

    She is loving, and faithful. She is extremely affectionate and geared to be happy unless the one she loves is not so happy.. then she tries to figure out what she can do to make the one she loves happy. She is seeking to be by the side of the one she loves, always. She is understanding and not always trying to be right. She has a mind of her own and respects herself enough to disagree with others, occasionally.

    She is beautiful because she is above hating. She is concerned with how her actions might negatively affect someone who loves her deeply. She cares for others more than she cares for herself, as long as those others care for her more than they care about themselves, too.

    She tries to remain healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally while realizing there is more to life than just living.

    She is more turned on by someone's intellect than how they sing, or how charming they pretend to be.

    It seems I want someone who is just like me.

    Current Music: Daniel Lanois - San Juan
    Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
    5:59 pm
    I just remembered this today, or I would have posted it yesterday, but a couple of years ago I heard a story about a democrat who was running for office (I can't remember who or what office) and was at some sort of rally. After his speech, someone in the audience shouted out:

    "You have all the intellectuals in this country backing you!"
    And his reply was:
    "That's great, but I need a majority to win."

    That pretty much sums up yesterday's election, to me.
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