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hello Dana.
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Since everyone is headed out next week to gorge themselves on a turkey feast at home I thought I'd send an invite out to everyone for this weekend. We're having a potluck over here this Saturday night (11/20) and the only requirement is that you bring something to eat or drink. We'll provide the basics (i.e., the turkey, mashed potatoes ;) ) but everything else is free game. The more people the more food so invite friends. We'll get started over here around 7pm, get our dinner on and we won't even ruin your big Saturday night of drinking!

Hope to see you there!
reply for directions
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I say goddamn!
no where really to start... very excited and proud of myself to actually get the wireless up and working at a hotel finally. We are now in Chicago, day 15 and 5000 miles after the last post I made. Too many stories to tell, I might update with a few when I get back, promise I'll put up some pictures. The trip has been amazing in so many ways I can't even begin to describe. In addition to life changing, bla blah blah! I don't think we've gone a night without drinking in those last 15 days, heehee!! so anyways, off to the bars!
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I never post, I promise to post more often, I hope you all missed me, blah blah blah

summer starts tomorrow! oh wait, you say that it's almost over? that I missed the memo? oh damn. Spent most of the summer working at the club and taking an Architecture studio class. Yes, I did graduate, and no not in arch. I'm going to apply to the master's program for next year so I took the class as a non-matriculated student, not a bad deal. Class took about 40hrs per week (low-ball estimate) and then work was another 25, yehaw! The class was great, masochistic but great.

my roommates and I moved a couple months ago into a place near greenlake... great place, good location, still love my roommates (which I've found is rare after a year or so).

in other news, I'm leaving for a cross country roadtrip tomorrow with my girl whitney! 2.5 weeks of driving that will take us as far as the big easy and the windy city. (bringing an ipod full of music, harry potter unabridged audiobook and italian for travelers CDs,,, oh and a couple coloring books). Sooooooo stoked I can't even stand it. We're driving through the night tomorrow night, so I should be sleeping right now, but can I? no. and hey, with the 7,000+ miles of road time I'm about to put down if you'd like a postcard email me with your address.

be back in a few weeks, I may post again, muaha ha ha. probably not. ;)
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I rock
ok, so I'd like to say today was productive but I'm not really sure. Went to work, grabbed lunch, took a nap. I guess the excitement didn't start until about 20 mintues ago.

so I came to campus to do some research, and found out the libraries close at 5pm during the summer, lame. So I came to studio. I don't have a password for our computer but there were people in the lab nextdoor so I asked to use theirs. I studied for an hour or two and I headed back to my studio to grab my stuff. hmm, light is on, no body is home and hey! the door locked behind me. Awesome, car is on campus, keys are in studio along with my phone. Had to message chuck to get don to have him come get me. Maybe he can be usefull and pick the lock. So now I get to wait until someone comes with a key tomorrow. Damn I'm cool.

gonna go see if he's here.
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lame lame lame
lost my phone this weekend, and whether or not it was taken, it is now being used (or was at least). soooo, yea, I get to find out how dependant I am on my phone. do I know any numbers? oh no. Do I have my numbers written down? nope. woo! Sooooo, if I had your number or you want me to call you sometime email me with your number and I'll start to re-build a phone book.

thanks guys!
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fizzled for schizzle.... I'm tired. more than drunk, I'm tired. Yesterday I was at work for 14 hours which was tough, then went out for brittney's b-day... fun, awesome to see everyone and get caught up on the gossip that we all seem to create, but didn't get home until late... woke up too early this morning to go to work and drive 3 hours straight home afterward with a phone call to mom forwarning bad weather ahead. Predictions right, mom in odd-confrontational-ready-to-snap mode all day finally blew sail at 10pm (her usual eta. bed time being 8:30) blows up about not finishing the movie we're watching because I had planned to go out with whitney... so with whitney at my house, I get into a battle royal with mommie and then head to a club... few shots of patron and a few dances later with a birthday girl (friend of Whit's) we head home for my maternally appointed curfew. Sorta drained by the day of following behind my mom and dad shopping not wanting to ruffle any feathers and just waiting for the ball to drop. Whitney agreed that there was no way I was getting out of it. bleah.

here is my thing.. I was explaining this earlier to whitney.. My parents and I play a little game. I figure as an adolescent you have a couple choices.. if your parents are lenient that is one thing... if they're anything like mine, you have two choices. choice 1) rebel, rebel hard. choice 2) live with it and move out. Option two (my choice) has advantages and disadvantages... advantage-my parents still help me out with stuff and buy me things once in a while... bonus of being an only child and daddies little girl. But the down side sucks. I am 23 and have a curfew. my mom gets pissed of EVERY time I try to go out in portland and my parents are control freaks that have an idea of what 'they' want to do with the day that cannot be deviated from. Even if they both have different ideas of the day. So I get to be stuck in the middle, in todays case of following quietly behind, not saying much. I just wish we could talk it all out, be straight forward. I honestly don't know how people can go through their lives so high strung and inflexible. Don't get me wrong, my parents are great people and they mean really well and do soo much for me, but man, it is a double edge sword, (one that I happened to be on the sharp end of today). time for bed. tired. trying to console myself with the fact that there was no way to avoid the messy fight that was tonight and I'm not the selfish uncaring daughter my mom seems to think I am. bleah.

at least the music wasn't bad tonight ;)
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I think that out of my last 20 posts, probably have start with 'so, I haven't posted in a while...' eeh, whatcha gonna do, I'm a busy girl. Mostly been working, couple highlights of late include a rockin weekend in Vegas followed by a rough stint of sobriety, some trips to the mountain, getting my braces off in 3 days (not that I'm counting), new roommate at the house that I haven't met (even though he's been there for 6 days)... pretty usual stuff. Yesterday I talked to a man about an architectureal internship and he asked me if I had AutoCAD experience, I figured it was as good of time as any and signed up for a class at BCC that started about 2 hours after I signed up. Finally got my diploma in the mail last week, so yes, now I'm back taking a class.

Headed home for the weekend after work tomorrow... gonna hang out at home, maybe work on my portfolio and party with my girl Whit. Oh, not that she reads this but Happy Birthday to my lou-er (and note to self to call her!). If you know Brittney, she's having getting a croud together at the Shark Club in Kirkland tonight if you want to stop by. Time for me to get back to work.

later~ knowing me, much much later ;)
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back at work
back online. pool is empty, annie said she's about to chew her left arm off, but I'm still going to go to lunch at 12:30... damn, I'm a bitch. Wes and I have spent the morning drawing cartoons-- the men of I shall try to post them later. some real weeners.

going boarding for sure on Thursday ::cross fingers for good weather:: soooo crazy to see Jono at the mountain this weekend (you weren't taller than me last time I saw you, damn!). hoopefully miss Dana will decide to come up this sunday, as long as she is not busy with inner-tube basketball, hee hee. ahh, too bad there are no more ningas.

oohh, I need to call brittney... she and Don's roommate Chuck are going to throw down some seafood at the Crabpot... should be frightening, I think I'm going to have to sit at another table, lest I get hit with a mallet.

anyways, back to the pool... I need to post more often so I don't ramble as much.
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back w/o popular demand ;)
ohh, I'm bad... naughty even. I'm posting from work. checking email/internet at the risk of my job. Alright so, they haven't fired the people that come in late every day, miss lessons and don't take hours, so I'm not too worried. Couple hours of lessons to go and I'm off anyways ;) whee!

life is good. went boarding this weekend, coached waterpolo, kicked it at Don's. I think I'm going to head down to Tacoma and carve with Bruce tomorrow and then hopefully go boarding again thursday. ooh, I should go talk to katie about that.

blah blah, I'm being boring. Maybe I'll think of something more interesting later to post.
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(tried to post this last night)
haven't posted in a long time... things have been crazy in the last week to say the least. Including but not limited to the fact that I've been sick for about the last 6 weeks. I can't understand why I'm not getting any better... oh wait, it could be because I'm in and out of the water and in 85 degree humid weather all day... that I work until 8:30 some days and then start again at 6:30 the next morning, bleah. My boss came in and told me today to go home, not breathe on anyone and not come back tomorrow. So I'm taking his advice. I really want to hit one of the mountains this weekend if they open but I think I need to commit myself to staying low and maybe even working on my portfolio. nah ;)

I'm thinking now of applying to architecture grad schools this year as a sort of 'water test'... see how I fair and then take one more year off to work on my portfolio and get a better idea of what I want to do, whether it is architecture or some other type of design. I was thinking of maybe teaching spanish next year in south america... t here is a 4 week ESL certification class that I could do this spring which would set me up for that. GREs are done, so right now I just need to get moving on the portfolio and work on my boarding skilz.

life is good. crazy, sort of world shaking good... but I'm learning a lot about myself and other people. Where I fit in and what I see happening in the next couple years. Lots of options, many paths, so many choices... I love it. So as always, I'm lifeguarding, projecting, trying to get better, and hanging out with some damn cool people.

Current Mood: sick

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Thanksgiving, college style!
Alright, so I know that Thanksgiving isn't for a couple weeks... but Apple cup is next weekend so really all that needs to be consumed there is in liquid form. But THIS WEEKEND, my house is going to have a Thanksgiving potluck. We'll provide the turkey and mashed potatoes (probably some other random stuff)... just bring a dish (desert, salad, rolls, drinks etc) and show up this saturday at 5pm. We're still in the u-district North of U. Village and the address on the corner of 27th and 60th (house address is 2707). Last year's dinner at the montlake house was awesome, so lets do it again! :)
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last night rocked! thanks to Ian, Andrew and Troy... you guys throw a mean party. I have to say the stripper pole was a big hit and was well used all night long :) I came as myself, extra hot sporting my classes and flashing a metal smile. Ton of people came, chatted for a while, danced for a while, then got to go to work this morning. Here are my additions to the picture list (all taken about 5 minutes after dana's photo spree)
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work work work,,, party party party
ahhh, finally get to sleep in tomorrow morning... been working a ton but I keep getting pursuaded to go out as well, hehe :) Studied with Aileen a couple nights this week,,, went to Zoka's with a few people thursday and then to a bar called the Luau. Last night I went to Ian's softball game in Montlake Terrace only to find out when we got there that it was cancled... ended up going to the Red Door in Fremont with some of my girls, and Andrew and Troy then to a random house party in Ballard. Tonight a big group of us went to Bob's corn maze in Duval, good times, got plently lost :) hehe

definatly time for bed, got a couple chores done today as well... finally got to REI and exchanged my snowboarding boots and picked up some Garage Sale tickets (re-assured myself why I never should go to Vegas) and then picked up some woodcarving knives. Started working on my pannel this afternoon, very addicting, haven't cut myself yet ::cross fingers::

night night

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Plumb - Here With Me.mp3

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blargh... damn the GRE's and damn studying! did some practice problems and then sucked it up on a diagnostic test... missed a whole graph section because I didn't realize there was a scroll bar (I was taking it from a CD). time for bed.

neeed to study more
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why am I awake? bedtime!

Current Mood: beyond tired
Current Music: Plumb - Real

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"The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'."
- unknown
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just typed the last word of a post and my computer crashed so here is the short version:

just got back from next door... they had a desert party, I made an awesome cake from a recipe I stole from my mom... now I A)don't need anymore sugar and B) need to go for a run.... but I'm going to bed instead. Ryan and Luke are in town for the weekend and i got caught up on all the insestuous gossip between these two houses... scandelous in a very PG sort of way.

going to start carving again this week since my GRE class is done... worked an insane amount this week while sick which sucked.. working 1/2 hour tomorrow then going to bremerton to visit taylor... time for bed :)
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crashing after the weekend
haven't posted since my b-day... but thankyou to everyone that came out to Earls (whee!) All I have to say to that is that it isn't too often that you get flowers with a Happy Birthday/'Get Well Soon card the day after... (from your two favorite people no less)

played the rest of the weekend... caught School of Rock, and then went out Saturday night. Not too surprised that I woke up sick Monday morning.

I have a meeting this afternoon with an architecture advisor.. I need to get on applications and buckle down and start studying for GREs. wahoo! the party never ends!

time to go guard
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Back November 2004