friends only [19 Apr 2004|09:02pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Adios by KMFDM ]

friends only

After a while, I decided to lock this baby up. Comment to be added, but I reserve the right to not add if I find that ::

1) we have no interests and/or 2) something's not right - as in we've had words before or I just have a feeling.

I would say don't be offended if I don't add you back, but yeah I know :/ Most of the time, I do add people, but we've usually talked first and I mean more than once or twice before communication was cut off. I like meeting new people, but I've grown a bit weary of meeting people and finding out something isn't right.

Or they end up NEVER posting or something. You know, dead journals. Or half-dead, never lj-cut, people who type badly, having graphics in their posts that could be annoying((too flashy, hurts my eyes, etc)) or too large or just get my point.

And I don't generally add just anyone who adds me without a word, even if we've spoken. Again, I'm asking you not be offended, but there are things I say here that are slightly personal and such and I'm cautious. Unless I feel I have good reasons apologies.

If you're not worried by now, comment away. I'm a nice person - so I've been told - just a little wary these days of who is reading what of mine n_n If I refuse you....well, oh well. Delete you comment if you like.

This image comes from the X game wallpaper, though I'm well aware that the game has an image of it in its own gallery. Just so I don't get asked about that in case n_n;;

90 can never leave me |will you please complete me?

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Sumeragi Subaru from episode nine of the X anime series. I had to piece the image, but it worked :D

Sad, isn't he?

NIN song, Please. Brushes from Opacity.

And 800x600 is the best resolution. In my MOST humble opinion.