LiveJournal in the Press ([info]press) wrote,
@ 2003-07-07 09:14:00
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Blogs in the Workplace
Written by: William O'Shea
Published by: The New York Times

At Community Connect, Mr. Tang's engineers use a service called LiveJournal to post updates about tasks like fixing server computers or configuring software. Hitting the upload button sends the text to a private site, viewable by the authors and their managers, including the date and time of the postings and, often, links to relevant Web pages.

"When I want to know something I check the Web log," Mr. Tang said. "It saves me the trouble of e-mailing people or yelling across the room to get a status update."

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2003-10-26 00:08 (link)
Showing LJ's constructive side--that's the stuff. I'm in a club at WKU that uses LJ for club business, also.

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